Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Belated Saturday Success: it didn't happen to me but I was a witness-although my men's college basketball team got whipped minutes later, our ladies earned a resounding victory in a double-header that was literally televised all over the country! As a student of this amazing university, I still feel like I can claim the success too, amIright? GO CHAPS!

    As for Sunday Sharing, nothing much to say except that I still feel like a bus or train has recently run over my head. OWWW!
  • tjohnson2020
    tjohnson2020 Posts: 4 Member
    Options is Sunday, 1/18/2016...I have really struggled this week
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Have you guys seen the SCiO? Anyone tried it?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... There was a memorial lunch at church today for a parishioner's mother who passed away several years ago this week. I have no way of knowing exactly how many calories I consumed but did try to find approximations in the database. Even though I was careful with what I took and made certain there was a lot of space between the foods on my plate, I did feel very comfortably full after the meal. (Definitely this was a carb heavy meal but it was delicicious.) I went grocery shopping on my way home and, thanks to that meal, I was not tempted to put even 1 extra item into my cart! I picked up a piece of fresh salmon for tonights dinner and plan to put it on top of salad greens and mandarin segments to round out today's food.

    Tomorrow is my check-in day and, the way I feel right this minute, I'd say that I have stayed the same or am up a pound. We'll see what we shall see on the morrow.
    Foolow-through on Consistent Focus
  • MyTimeNishka
    MyTimeNishka Posts: 23 Member
    Hi.. ..
    I'm starting a 30 day soup challenge... healthy carbs... you know sweet potato basically....
    This is like going into withdrawal
    But my life & future require I stay focused. ⏳
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    For no reason I can think of, yesterday I was depressed and binged out all day. Today is a new day and I'm forcing myself back on track. I fear I did a lot of damage yesterday but I have to just let that go. I don't have a scale or else I'd stand on it.
  • bukokat
    bukokat Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am joining this ongoing thread! I am in the process of trying to lose over 100lbs, and need friends and encouragement. I had a good first week, but it's just one week.

    Since it's Share Sunday, I'll share a little about myself! I'm 33, I teach Middle School and LOVE IT, I live in Minnesota, and I love to bike and do yoga. My big issue is stress eating, but now that I'm working in a district I love, I haven't been doing that as much lately. Go figure. I just got my graduate degree in teaching, and working full time and going to school lead to a lot of stress eating in the past two years. I'm looking to... get rid of that defect, and the effects it has had on my health.

    OK! Nice to meet everyone!
  • LC_libra
    LC_libra Posts: 12 Member
    Today was tiring. I have a sick toddler and I've stepped up my exercise by walking. Walking was a mixed bag of feeling good and muscle soreness. I just started a fit bit walking challenge and my 10,000 steps a day is a hard goal for me now! I look forward to it getting easier. I'd love more friends on here to walk this road with. Please feel free to add me to your friends list. ☺️. If you have a Fitbit and want to join me let me know.
  • LC_libra
    LC_libra Posts: 12 Member
    For no reason I can think of, yesterday I was depressed and binged out all day. Today is a new day and I'm forcing myself back on track. I fear I did a lot of damage yesterday but I have to just let that go. I don't have a scale or else I'd stand on it.

    Your doing great today! Picking ourselves back up is the key to winning at any of life's challenges. Stop beating yourself up and be proud of being an inspiration. We all have emotional days. Try this recipe site:
    I always find a healthy recipe that nips my cravings. My favorite is the fudgy firework cupcakes.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Monday Morning Everyone ... and I hope those who get Martin Luther King Day off from work are enjoying it!

    Welcome to new posters, keep posting so we get to know you. You don't have to post everyday, but I'll tell you something that worked for me ... and that WAS posting every day during the the first month ... it helped me to keep track of myself and got me into the habit of using MFP. When I joined this thread, we had a group challenge going of reporting how many days in a the month we were within 100 calories of our MFP calorie goal. That helped a lot.

    Someone said they were trying to walk 10,000 steps a day ... MFP has a walking challenge like that that builds you up to the 10,000 steps in 30 days. It's found under Blogs and was posted by Leslie Sansone back on April 1, 2015 but recently was shared by MFP on Facebbook. That's too many steps for me as of now, but I am using it's format to increase my walking every day ... I started with 500 steps before my back, hips, and knees gave out ... well, actually I only walked 250 steps before that happened, and then hobbled my way back home to complete those steps that day. Now I am up to walking 1,000 steps a day, but I'm not getting out there every day like I promised!

    The other day, I was reading some other weight-loss and fittness articles and it seemed like they all said the same thing ... start SLOW because if you bite off more than you can actually do consistently it will backfire on you.
    One small change at a time and make it permanent.
    Nothing that you cannot stick to for ever
    Write it down ... journalizing and looking back over your records helps you see what works, what needs tweeking.
    Do not eliminate your favorite foods because you will not be able to stick to never having them again ... work them into your food plan and only have them infrequently, but have them.
    Build yourself up ... mentally, and physically.
    You didn't get out of shape and overweight from one meal or or one day or even one year ... and you won't lose it and get back into shape that quickly either. Accept that it is not a fast cure all to become fit.

    Someone one here, a regular poster, said that when she first started out, she made a list of the few things she would do and those she would not do as well.

    Well, Monday is my Check-in Day ... so I'd better report as I missed last week.

    As of January 17, my last completed day ...
    Calories with 100 of MFP goal were 11 days. The other 6 days were either over or under, usually over making my average calories for the month to be just 100 below my estimated TDEE so I am extremely happy to report that this morning found me 3pounds 6 ounces lower than I was on January 1, with a loss during the previous 2 weeks of just under a pound.

    I still have 73 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight by my 72nd birthday, which is 14 months away.
    Follow Through with Consistent Focus
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Monday Check-In: after a major struggle last night, I'm feeling a bit better. I'm on hormone therapy and hadn't updated it on schedule, which left me exhausted, sad and craving salt and chocolate like nobody's business. One small (unlogged, oh well) indulgence and a caught-up dose of my medicine later, I hope never to make that mistake again. Yikes, that was brutal!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
    (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.)[1] is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King's birthday, January 15. The holiday is similar to holidays set under the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.
    King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a federal holiday in King's honor began soon after his assassination in 1968. President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed three years later. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.

    “He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” ~Chinese Proverb


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hey, there everyone! Haven't seen you in about 2 weeks and a few days and I do apologize for not sending word - but that I can blame on my sister. She was Supposed to have called Lori - CBlue - to tell y'all what's up.

    It was a recurring health issue. It hit me hard, so hard the doctor sent me right from his office. Additionally I had an unusual pulse, it was only 40, yet I had very high blood pressure. They figured out I needed potassium to get my pulse up. As far as the other issues, I'm on new meds and it helps a lot. I'm happy as far as all that goes. .

    Welcome all you dedicated newbies. I am impressed with those few of you who have returned to write more here. That is how you make friends. I spent more time here actually having a chat and discussing my 3 or 4 goals with several others at once much easier than chatting on your home page where you often just get a thumbs up or "atta girl".

    I do hang my head in shame as I am the one in charge of bringing the group here to attention early the month before to discuss a common goal for the next month. Then several ideas are tossed out. One is chosen by the group. Then I keep reminding the group with posts the week before the new month starts that we have a Challenge coming and what it is - of course anyone can opt out. But then on the first day of the month I would announce In a bold fance print that the challenge had started and then throughout the month I'd remind people to comment on how they were doing on said challenge. It was, along with this column and recording everything, becoming a full time job.

    My life is too full of doctors and now I've had to rescedule several into February due to having to cancel some while in the hospital. Ugh.

    Hey - Does any one want to volunteer to be the Monthy Challenge Coordinator? Fun job - no pay tho o:)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @TallGlassOfQuirky -CoryIda - wow - so great to see you - want to give you great hugs!!!! so happy to hear of your continued success -Changing your name is a great idea after you held that weight off as you ARE a new person and to see you maintain that weight by staying on MFP and using more appropriate SUPPORT discussions shows us that SUCCESS IS POSSIBLE and WEIGHT LOSS IS SUSTAINABLE and good golly this is true,
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin-- so glad to see you back and to hear the medical issues are under control. I was also excited to see coryida's post. It's a testament to the great community you built in this thread!

    @morgori-- thanks for the schooling on MLK day. I would have sworn up and down that it had been a holiday my whole life, but not so, not so. I really can't believe it wasn't until 2000 that all 50 states observed it.

    @zoe-- good job getting through the struggle with just a minor indulgence.

    @niki-- awesome loss! Thanks for all of the words of wisdom as well. Great advice for the newlings and a good reminder for us all.

    @libra-- you are welcome to add me as a friend on here, but I have to be honest that I rarely post anywhere but here.

    @bukokat-- welcome to another teacher! I teach HS, laurie k teaches MS and there are a few other current and retired teachers that come and go in this thread. Congrats on finishing your Masters, I know what a relief that is!

    @mel-- I know how it feels to have a bad day like that, but you have to put it in perspective. How many calories over maintenance could you really have eaten? 3000? That's not even 1 pound. 5000? That's a pound and a half. Plus, getting back on track so quickly will ensure the excess doesn't stick with you. You've got this.

    @toots-- great to see you back! I've never heard of SCiO.

    @sarah-- wow, I didn't realize people still had to take the GRE to go to grad school. I took it my senior year of college in case I wanted to go straight into a masters program, but then I didn't. Years later, when I decided to get my education masters, we just had to take something called the Miller's Analogy Test. Much easier than the GRE, for sure!

    @nishka & tjohnson-- welcome to the thread!

    Saturday Success:
    Not much to report. I was over calories for sure on Saturday due to my Milwaukee trip. However, Sunday I ate almost nothing due to not feeling so great (darn beer!). Today was back to normal with food, though I didn't make it to the gym as I'd planned.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm karen, a HS English Lit teacher for the newlings. Semester just ended so I have ZERO grading in my to do list. That will change quickly, but I'm enjoying the moment.

    Monday Check-in:
    Today was still bitterly cold, so no walk for gunner (my fur-kid, for the new folks). I also slept away the day yesterday, so I had to spend the morning finalizing grades and finishing up some stuff around the house. Then this afternoon, I went to my sister's to celebrate my niece's 4th b-day. Even with some ice cream cake, I should still be under goal for the day.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 2/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    15k done/ 985k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The weekend has been busy and I was finally able to relax a little tonight and finished taking down the Christmas decorations.

    Yesterday was a very busy day but fun. Today, I had a date and now I am trying to decide if I want to go out with him again. He wants to go out with me so that is a plus. Just not sure how compatible we are or if he is really nervous. He is an electrician and a poet. This should be fun to figure out. One thing I have noticed about guys is they are not big on complementing women or at least the ones I have been out with lately. Is this the new norm?

    Tomorrow is a day off so it should be nice. Will hit the gym early for a good workout. I did walk today and climbed on Friday. Yesterday was a bike ride since the weather was good.

    I must say I like being active and doing things.

    Well once again I started this post yesterday and never posted. So I will finish it tonight. Today was a good day but I am tired. Tripped over my own feet today during my workout with my trainer. I am use to bruises but these are really annoying and are wiser than wheat I get from climbing. Not looking forward to doing that particular exercise again. Needless to say, that bummed me out all day. I did enjoy lunch with a friend today and did not regret the French fries.

    Well, that about it. This week will be quiet at work since the kids have quarterly assessments all week. I get to grade them but they will be quiet. I teach 8th grade science.

    My friend Matt is doing better after his surgery. However, he thinks he sprained his ankle a couple of weeks ago. Now he needs to get both to heal.
  • reboot1818
    reboot1818 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! Meg from Oregon here. New to MFP.

    So, since my highest weight of 320, I am down about 70 pounds, and working on another 100. I got pretty serious about eating better and exercise in October and then had a set back on January 1 - I broke my leg and needed surgery a week later. So that means I am really focusing on eating well. In the past 2 weeks, I have been under my calorie goal every day but one. I did some upper body exercise today - first real exercise since surgery last Monday.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Thanks Libra and Skinny jeans for your emcouragement. I will be fine. Today was better. Thank you mfp. You're keeping me from eating g this early in the morning! I often lurk here, but don't post as much as I should.
    Robin, I'm glad to see you're back and getting a handle on your health. This forum isn't the same without you.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    great to see you back! I've never heard of SCiO.

    Years ago I told you husband that he and his engineer father should invent something that could scan food and literally tell you exactly what's in it. Supposedly, that's what SCiO does. I'm curious how effective it really is, though.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Tuesday Goal: keep the blues at bay! I've been so sad and lonely, just bored with it all in general.