
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Mindy~ wish I had the extra cash I would send you up some...
    I didnt get to sleep until close to 10 pm and was awake at 2 am,today is my day off of work.. and have things to do today...
    they took a picture last night at the end of the adventure room and sent it to all of us.. OMG I look like the stay puff marshmallow man in ghostbusters~ I am eating more veggies and fruits than I have in ions, but not gettig much exercise, yes I will get a move on..
    I might try and catch a little more sleep and then go see my DFIL and then up to my dad,
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Hi all!
    The sun is shining! Wow! :D
    Off to Southampton this afternoon to try to sort out a new phone, unlock my account and get my refund. Wish me luck! :ohwell:
    I will visit my favourite shop and I am so happy to be seeing my brother and his family - my lovely DSIL and the youngest nephew and niece, 14 and 16. I will be taking two trains and a bus to get to the shopping centre.

    DH will pick me up this evening from a more distant train station as the changes coming back don't work well.

    Now going to make myself "beautiful" for the trip. :laugh: That's a long job. ;)

    Mindy - best of luck for the interview! :flowerforyou: Money worries are the pits!

    Love Heather, who is still deaf, but not buzzing as much, in the south of the UK.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • Youruniverse1
    Youruniverse1 Posts: 6 Member
    Here's my baby. We adopted her when she was 6 and she is now 11, which is old for a bullmastiff.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gorgeous dog!

    Mindy, I love my CPAP. I feel so rested in the morning! I was chronically tired before I was diagnosed. It really makes a huge difference in the quality of my life. AND it can help with weight loss! I was eating to get energy and of course that didn't work. I dropped 40 pounds without even trying after getting it 20 years ago. Sleep is important.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Love the Bull Mastiff! So handsome.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning, my friends! Just a quick check in before heading for my weight training class. Official weigh-in is not until tomorrow, but I was down another 1.6 this morning. I should be down 5 lbs or more for the month. I am beyond excited. Went to the store yesterday and stocked up on all kinds of healthy things to eat.

    Mindy, I'm so sorry about your financial worries. I can't imagine the stress you are under. Hugs!

    More later. I just needed to check in and share my scale victory. Well, while I'm at it, I'll share my NSV, too. I had to pull my sports bra in to the next hook this week. Hopefully this new class is kicking my back and arm fat to the curb!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I eat a lot of the same meals over and over which makes it much easier to log food into my food diary. I have a small wardrobe of clothes that bring me great joy so choosing what to wear is easier. Even when I was working full time and wearing much larger sizes, I had clothes that brought me joy and I rotated the outfits.

    :) When we started our weight loss journey, one of the first things to go was lunch at Costco. Losing weight became more important than saving a few dollars or entertaining ourselves with "fun food"

    :) I am up too early this morning because Brandy woke me in desperation to go out. I dressed quickly and took both dogs out together which is a challenge but not impossible, but once I'd done that, going back to sleep was unlikely so I decided to use the time to do something useful.

    :) This morning I am teaching my friend's low intermediate line dance class so she can stay home with her houseguests who have come as part of a special celebration for her husband's 70th birthday. I've danced all the dances and am well prepared. I filled in for her one time last month and have done this before, but the dances are much more challenging than the ones I teach in my beginner class.

    :)Youruniverse, that is an awesome dog and how beautifully she poses for the camera.

    :) Heather, your day sounds like a great mixture of adventures....have fun.

    :)Lenora, congrats on finding your credit card. The last time I lost a credit card and went all the way to having to cancel it and get a new number, I found the card many weeks later in the pages of the catalog I'd ordered from last. I guess I finished placing the order and closed the book and forgot all about the card until I was in a restaurant and couldn't find it to pay my bill.

    :'(Mindy, money problems are the pits. Stay in the moment and focus on what you are doing now and that for today you have a roof over your head, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Let the next moment take care of itself when it gets here. Be present during your interview and show them the wonderful you that they'll want in the position. :)

    :)Karen, I don't care for social events....I rarely go and when I do, I don't eat the food and I concentrate on the people and listen to what they have to say, and go home as soon as I can.

    :)drkatie, congrats on your weight loss and NSV.....long before I lost enough weight for anyone to notice, I started getting excited when my underwear fit better.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif I've dawdled enough, now it's time to take the dogs out again. Thank you for having breakfast with me.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful rainy NW Washington......t111078.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • sammysumo
    sammysumo Posts: 2 Member
    Morning Everyone, I used myfitnesspal last year but then I moved from VA to PA. I did keep my weight down for the first 2 months of living in PA but where I work there is t-e-m-p-t-a-t-i-o-n!!! I am tired of how I feel and naturally how I look. My husband likes when I get serious about loosing weight b/c he looks to me to help him loose weight. I am extremely fortunate my husband is my best friend and support system. Everyone have a great day!!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Poor Woody is with our dear Yukon...he was almost 16 but fell down a flight of cellar stairs..just heartbroken :'(

    Oh so sad (((((( Hugs))))) Allison

    in West Central Saskatchewan
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Mindy ... To help relieve some stress ... Have you considered calling your lender? Sometimes a partial payment is accepted ... I know financial people say it's better to stay in communication. They would rather work out a plan then have you default. It's to their advantage in the long run.

  • Pattiann63
    Pattiann63 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm from Maryland, was born in central NY. I'm happy to have found you all. Patti :)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited January 2016
    welcome.gif Patti,and sammysumo I hope you'll keep coming back to this thread....this is a great group of women who will support and encourage you. A good place to start is to plan your meals for the day and log them in the food diary....then get out of your chair and walk or move around more

    :) I've just come back from walking my dogs....it's raining so they didn't want to walk as much as on other days.

    <3 Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,
    It has also been suggested that I get checked out for a c pap which sounds unbearable to me, but my traveling companion and BF insists I need one and six months of Fitbit HR sleep Evals shows that I average restlessness fifteen to fifty or more times a night. Does anyone else have this Fitbit and have you noticed a correlation be a certain level of restless periods and possible c pap use?

    Good night friends new and old,
    Mindy from Boston
    PS welcome all you new gals!

    I have been using a Fitbit Flex since December 2015 and am amazed at my restless numbers! Averaging more than a dozen per night period. I think I am in need of getting this checked out. I knew I wasn't getting a restful sleep and now have evidence so off to the doc I go.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    Now I'm here to gripe. For weeks or even months at a time nobody asks me to edit anything. No commissions, no pay. Then something happens - maybe the stars and planets line up in a certain order - and I've got clients creeping out of the woodwork! Twice today I've had to say no to perfectly good commissions because I have other work lined up.

    I'm hanging in there, eating properly and logging my food, but geez I'd like a break. Especially an exercise break... Haven't been to the gym for nearly two weeks! Still, my weight is hovering just above its minimum for the past few years. Thank goodness for that!

    Gripe over. Please get your broom out, whoever you are who keeps the margins white. Thanks in advance!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Just a quick fly-by today, and hopefully I will have a little more time to check in on everyone soon.

    Payne finished 16 pins behind the tournament winner, and 180 pins above the third place bowler, for second place, but they only awarded scholarship to the winner. Since he made friends with the winner, and I made friends with his Mom, we are hoping they will do some doubles tournaments together . I filled out the paperwork for the Top Gun tournament on Feb. 7, and still waiting to see who gets invited to H.S. State (last year was top 20 ,and Payne is currently #20, so fingers crossed for this Satruday).

    I worked hard on making healthy choices yesterday, and feel great about the results. I set my goals on my tracker pretty low, and got very excited when it started to vibrate before leaving work for the day, so I added 1000 steps to today's goal. The only possible problem is that it is so sensitive to charging that it may not last the entire day today. We'll see. Entire both hands and right are stiff and swollen today, so it will be the exercise bike and walking, the handbike will have to wait.

    Wise Choices for all. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Awewww to the Poocher dog.yiuvw84yiazh.jpeg
    My kids say hey there
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thank you Annr and Sylvia for your welcome and your advice. I also have a scale that is my friend. I am from Eastern Oregon. Our puppy is a Chihuahua named Bella, she is 18 months old. She is a rescue that has found a permanent home.

    Where in Eastern Oregon? I have family in Malheur County.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Awewww to the Poocher dog.yiuvw84yiazh.jpeg
    My kids say hey there

    Love this photo of the dogs. They look like three amigos. My cat Suki behaves as if she is a dog, she is soo loving.
