Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • CanCowGirl
    CanCowGirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I'd love to join you! I'm fairly new to MFP and have been working hard to lose some weight, OK a lot of weight haha. I'm a single mom of an 8 year old boy. 37 years old and a beast cancer survivor. I live in Alberta, Canada.

    SW: 276.6 (Nov. 1/15)
    CW: 267.6
    GW: 170

    Current Goals:

    8k steps/day: 1/6
    8 water/day: 3/6
    Walk 1000 miles in 2016: 71/1000
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    CanCowGirl wrote: »
    Hi all! I'd love to join you! I'm fairly new to MFP and have been working hard to lose some weight, OK a lot of weight haha. I'm a single mom of an 8 year old boy. 37 years old and a beast cancer survivor. I live in Alberta, Canada.

    SW: 276.6 (Nov. 1/15)
    CW: 267.6
    GW: 170

    Current Goals:

    8k steps/day: 1/6
    8 water/day: 3/6
    Walk 1000 miles in 2016: 71/1000

    Welcome CanCowGirl ..keep posting and let us get to know you and you us. I like your Walking goals. Those are good activity goals you have set for yourself, but what about your calorie goals? Since you are new to MFP, you might still be trying to figure out what your maintenance calories are so you will know how much you need to cut to lose the weight you want to lose.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sunday Share ... I'm 70 years old, 71 in a about 5 weeks from now ... and I have been overweight for a majority of adult life ...Last year, I started reading a lot from a weight loss group called 'Eat More To Lose Weight' which advocates a modest cut in calories coupled with a huge effort in weight bearing exercise. Most of the people I read about lifted heavy weights. That's not something I want to attempt right now, but a lot of the diet advise they gave made a lot of sense and I've tried to adopt some of it. ... Like only dieting stringently for no more than 6 weeks at a time, and then using 2 - 4 weeks in between to practice maintenance. Another topic advocated is to do a 'reset' ... that's something you do when you have been cutting a lot of calories from your diet for a long time and have stagnated; plateaued. I thought this might be a good approach for me as I plateau quickly on a deficit. After you do your reset you go on a cut again, for that recommended 6 weeks timeframe ... and that's the state I'm in right now, however, my cut is larger than recommended by the group because I am not active. So far, since implementing the cut, and eating up to or below my calorie limit I have been trimming a few ounces every day. Which, naturally, makes me very happy.

    Protein Challenge 20% of calories 5 days out of 6 days ... I didn't have a 3rd meal yesterday, opting for 2 small snacks instead so missed my target by 4%

    My check-in is Monday, so I'll report the rest of my targets then.

    @RobinsEgg ... where are you girlfriend? Hope you are well.

    Follow through with Consistent Focus
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick check in:

    It's my mom's bday, so we all went to my sister's for Chinese take away and cake. Fortunately, I ran 5 miles so managed to stay under calorie goal. Needless to say, making my protein goal was no problem today. Now I'm catching up on the Superbowl since I missed part of it while driving home. Watching the second half and grading at the same time.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/41 BNW journals
    2. x/10 AP analysis activities

    Fitness Goals for the month of February:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 6/29

    You vs Year Challenge:
    52k done/ 948k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- rest day (donating blood) WALKED GUNNER
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone, I may MIA for a few days at a time again. Life has been crazy and now I am trying to get an order to my week.

    My dad is not doing good and is very week. We think he had a stroke that has affected his ability to speak, swallow and move his arms. He is doing more staring into space and not really seeing us. It is very hard to sit at the nursing home and look at him. I was there today and it broke my heart to see him that way. I am not sure how I am going to deal with this situation since it is really getting to me. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

    On a happier note- I was able to attend a sign language event on Saturday. It was very interesting and I was able to communicate with deaf and hearing people using sign language. I enjoyed the culture and learning more about sign while practicing my skills. Then I meet a friend for lunch and luckily she agreed to take a walk around the park with me. I enjoyed the 2.6 mile walk. I did have a date on Saturday night and it went well. This time the guy was not drunk and he was much more enjoyable to be around. That was the second date. I will see if we go out for a third time.

    My schedule for the week
    Sunday- gym ran 2 miles
    Monday- walk or rest day (class at night)
    Tuesday- gym run day/ cardio
    Wednesday- walk or rest day (meeting)
    Thursday- trainer workout I hope or workout
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- workout

    I hope everyone has a great week.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Belated Sunday Sharing: not about me, but my cousin has introduced me to love for the Broncos, who did fantastic last night despite what the QB has been dealing with as of late.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in
    That new calorie plan must be having it's early effect on me because I lost 3 pounds this week. So, I am very hopeful the loss trend continues in this new 'cut phase'. I would so love to break back into the next lower tens on the scale during the next few weeks, which would get me back to were I was on this week in 2015.

    Calorie challenge week 1 is days of 7
    Protein challenge week 1 is 5/7 on a daily basis, but 7/7 on the average because I had a surplus on a couple days
    Activity challenge week 1 is 962 calories burned out of 1370 goal ... need to work on that one in week 2 .. I need to do things that burns more calories as the acitivity minutes came in at goal.

    Goals for week 2
    Calorie challenge is 2 very low carb/cal days this week, and 5 days at calorie limit
    Protein challenge is 20% protein, add in protein powder to keep it that way every day
    Activity challenge is burtn 1370 calories doing ?
    Follow-Through with Consistent Focus

    Have a great week everyone.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Morning.

    Sorry I’ve been MIA as of late, work has been busy and not enough time in the evenings to stop by.

    @Laurie ~I’m so sorry to hear about your dad; I’ll continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    @Niki ~Hooray, great loss! :star: I’m glad the change in calories is working well so far.

    @Barb ~I hate it when recipes don’t turn out like you expect them to. :frowning:

    AFM ~I’m just trucking along, kind of feel like I’ll have maintenance down when I get there. :confounded: No gain, no loss through this entire Achilles reconstruction surgery/recovery--which is a good thing. I am starting to walk at home sans boot a bit more, so it’s getting stronger each day—hopefully my doc will be pleased with my progress when I see him again in a couple weeks.

    I did watch the Super Bowl yesterday—happy and sad at the same time. I’ve always liked Peyton Manning and wanted to see him go out on top (I’m sure that was his last game)—I’d kind of like to see him retire as a Colt though (aka the house that Manning built). At the same time I was sad for Cam Newton and the Panthers, they had an incredible season—I think they just weren’t prepared for a defense that included Von Miller and Demarcus Ware (former Cowboy) ! :smirk: Game was a little sloppy but I still enjoyed it. I was disappointed in the half-time show (couldn't even hear Coldplay and I thought Beyonce and Bruno Mars outshined them) and I don't think the ads lived up to the hype, although there were a few very funny ones. My only downfall yesterday was the sea salt & turbinado sugar dark chocolate almonds I picked up at Trader Joe’s on Saturday—so addicting and somehow every time I go to TJs they end up in my cart! :lol:

    Prior to the game, I made a turkey meatball veggie soup for lunches this week and roasted chickpeas for snacks, so it was a busy day.

    Have a great week!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Happy Chinese New Year 2016!
    Everything you need to know about the Year of the Monkey


    So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key. ~The Eagles, "Already Gone"


    cny.JPG 58.9K
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Tom and Happy Chinese New Year to you.
    @Niki Great Loss! I am happy for you friend!
    @Kah68 I think you have been doing well. The frustration of being "sidelined" could easily have caused all sorts of problems. Good job!
    AFM: I had my wellness check up today and the doc commented on the few pounds I have lost. Most other "numbers" made him happy, just need to watch potassium.... Hopefully, when I see him again in 6 months he can comment again about a bigger loss. Gene bought us a King Cake at the bakery today. It is yummy, but way, way too big for us. I don't know why he does these things....I sure hope it can be frozen decently.
    I hope you all have a great week.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Monday Check-In: I'm afraid that last night was the last time I'll be sitting down in this lifetime, because I did a lot of potentially irreparable damage to the skin around my current wound system, not to mention the torture that my spine endured. Not good at all!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barb-- congrats on the good health update!

    @tom-- I love that Eagles song. Thanks for the quote!

    @kelley-- I agree with barb that you are doing awesome! I was semi-sidelined with that respiratory thing last fall and gained 10 lbs. I can't imagine if I were in your shoes. Roasted chickpeas sound yummy. Do you just roast them in the oven? Do you put anything on them? Do you use the canned variety? So many questions! LOL

    @niki-- congrats on the loss! Happy the change is working for you. :smile:

    @laurie-- So sorry to hear about your dad. :( I'm glad you made it to the sign language event. When I worked in that environment, I found the social interactions fascinating. I remember walking into a room, that through the window looked as though it should be noisy, filled with people conversing in near silence. I also remember learning that "personal space" has a different definition for people who are deaf. Proximity for conversations is so different when you merely have to be in eyesight vs. earshot. Also, it took me some time to remember not to walk "through" other people's conversations.

    Monday Check-in:
    I awoke a bit sore from running my 8k yesterday, but loosened up as the day went on. Still not enough that I felt the urge to go do it again today, but at least gunner got a short walk. Exercise this week will be tough due to a busy schedule. I have a meeting tomorrow after school that will go until at least 5:30. Then, on Wed. I have to go back to school to teach a 7 pm ACT prep class, so I won't get back to the gym until Thursday. I don't like to run two days in a row due to concerns about injury to my knees and feet (doc and podiatrist both recommend I avoid an every day schedule), so I won't make my 3 runs this week.

    Protein was good again today and though I'm slightly over, I made the good choice of an orange when my sweet tooth hit this evening.

    Work is stressful due to some administrative directives stirring up dissent amongst the ranks, but the kids are good and I'm keeping the grading under control.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 20/41 BNW journals

    Fitness Goals for the month of February:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 7/29

    You vs Year Challenge:
    52k done/ 948k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    How does 1 day turn into 2 and 2 into 4 and 4 into 8? I just don't get it! I've been spending every other day down at ther Masonic Home south of here with my step-mother. She's recovering from pneumonia. 2 days in the hospital and now on antibiotics and thats it. She sure it tough My step-sister is with her the other day.

    I finally saw my orthpedic surgeon today to figure out whats causing my walking pain. I'm using my ankle brace, but the pain is excrutiating. Now, 2 of my PT's were betting I need a hip replacement (just picture shady guys in the alley throwing dice B) ) and Dr.Ortho took plain X-rays, nothing bone on bone yet. So I'm getting an MRI tomorrow. I'll get results on Friday.

    As far as my protein goes, I'm cringing as I say this, but haven't been writing anything down yet. Seems like I don't eat much. But, I feel like its been a good diet so far this month. Milk in my coffee in the am. A small sandwich by itself it I'm with my step mom. Otherwise I skip lunch. Dinner is almost totally protein and a veggie. Like tonight was 2 brats - no buns - and frozen broccoli. And then before bed, a few and - that means 3 - Dove chocolates. Not every nite either. It seems like if I lean more toward protein, the less I snack.

    Oh yes, and big change, since the hospitalization, they weaned me off the lozenges etc and gum, couldn't have any of that so I always had ice chips. I found out I could buy ice chips at any Sonic Drive In. 2.50 a big bag.

    Hate that this is all about me but had to catch you all up. Could no way read 80 responses and still get to bed on time.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Karen ~Great job with the 8k over the weekend, I'm sure even though you were semi-recovering from the run that gunner appreciated his walk. :wink: The first roasted chickpea recipe I found a few years ago is below. I follow the directions for actually roasting the chickpeas. I'm not a huge fan of cumin/curry in this recipe so right below that are the flavors I like--you can find a lot of ideas on Pinterest, too.

    Roasted Chickpea Snack
    Servings: 3 • Size: 1/3 cup •
    Calories: 144 • Fat: 1 g • Carb: 26 g • Fiber: 6 g • Protein: 8 g • Sugar: 1 g
    Sodium: 84 mg • Cholesterol: 0 mg


    • 15 oz can chickpeas, drained
    • olive oil spray
    • 1/8 tsp kosher salt
    • 1/4 tsp chili pepper powder
    • 1/4 tsp ground cumin
    • 1/4 tsp paprika
    • 1/4 tsp ground coriander
    • 1/4 tsp curry powder
    • 1/4 tsp garlic powder

    Preheat oven to 375°F. Drain and rinse chickpeas in a colander and let them dry completely. Pat dry with a paper towel if needed, I usually leave them on the counter an hour to make sure they are very dry.

    Arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast for about 35 to 45 minutes, shaking the pan every ten minutes. All ovens are different so make sure they don't burn. They will be golden brown and crunchy on the inside when done, not moist.

    As soon as they come out of the oven, spray or toss with a tiny bit of olive oil (so the herbs/spices will stick). Then toss with the flavors you choose, allow to cool and enjoy! :yum: Note that NI will vary for flavors below.

    Variations I make:

    1tsp garlic powder
    1/4tsp sea salt

    1/4tsp ground cinnamon
    1/2T sugar (I’ve used Truvia in place of sugar, comes out great—but I use less)

    1/8tsp black pepper
    1/2tsp cumin
    1/2tsp chili powder
    1/2tsp garlic powder
    1/2tsp onion powder
    1/2tsp salt
    1-1/2tsp brown sugar

    1/4tsp black pepper
    1/4tsp dried parsley
    1/4tsp sea salt
    1/4tsp garlic powder
    1/4tsp onion powder
    1/4stp dried dill weed

    I think people have a love/hate relationship with chickpeas, but roasted they are super crunchy and nutty--roasting them completely changes the texture. However, roasted they don’t have a long shelf-life; they start to get chewy after 2-3 days so I never double the recipe. I just make one can at a time—but it comes together pretty quick.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Chocolate Day 2016!

    Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor. ~Author Unknown


  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Tom OH no! Chocolate Day? I could celebrate that one for sure. Fortunately there is no chocolate in the house; I will wait until Friday when I am responsible for the chocolate dessert at a dinner we are attending.
    @Kelley Yum, roasted chickpeas are great! Again, hard not to eat too many.
    @Karen Nice job with the 8K. I am glad you are letting your body recover though. Listening to our bodies is truly important. Also love the story about walking into a silent sign language class; I never would have thought of waking between the conversation (though I like to think I wouldn't anyhow) but you made me realize that would be more important in that environment.
    @Ellen So glad you brought us up to date. I hope your step mother improves soon. Was sorry to hear about the pain you are having and the vague diagnoses you got. I hope that can soon be resolved.
    @Laurie Been thinking about you a lot lately. I wish you the best.
    @zoe Be well; get better.
    @Kai Your daily diligence is truly inspirational. Keep it up my friend!

    AFM: I am thrilled to report I was down 2.5 pounds this week. I think a bit of that goes to last week as last Monday I had gotten into too much salt, but I will take the loss however it comes. I need now to keep going. Gene bought a King Cake yesterday, so I am fighting to stay out of that as much as possible....I will be glad when it is really stale so not so inviting! Keeping on track is so much easier when temptation is not nearby.
    Thanks for being there.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Tuesday goal: rest my shoulder from the damage I think I did to it on Sunday. I'm pretty sure I somehow managed to pull a muscle, and know that's detrimental to reaching a healthy weight.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2016
    Read something today on a MFP blog ... it sums up exactly what I am striving for and thus is a good Tuesday Goal statement:

    "For me fitness is a healthy weight, aerobic capacity, strength, a nontoxic diet, good blood work and an emotional sense of wellbeing with every breath I take." ~ dsjohndrow
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- great goal!

    @zoe-- I thought I pulled a muscle in my shoulder a year and a half ago, and robin and others on here urged me to go have it checked out sooner rather than later. I stubbornly didn't listen hoping it would heal on it's own. Turned out to be a torn labrium, and after many, many hours of PT, I still don't have full strength or range of motion back and probably never will. Don't wait too long to have it checked out if the pain persists.

    @barb-- yes, I normally wouldn't walk between people having a conversation, but for people who are signing, they could be across the room from one another but still conversing. That's why you have to be more aware of not interrupting their line of sight, and thus their conversation.

    @kelley-- thanks for the chick pea recipes!! I will definitely be trying those.

    @robin-- good to see you check in. Sorry to hear you're in pain. Glad you step-mom is recovering from her pneumonia.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, I am over my calorie goal for today. Our union meeting ran very long and I was so hungry, I just kept snacking on the chips and such available. At least I will make my protein goal today. :neutral:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/41 BNW journals
    2. x/10 AP analysis activities
    3. 20/41 AP quizzes

    Fitness Goals for the month of February:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 8/29

    You vs Year Challenge:
    52k done/ 948k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hello everyone, my dad has been called home to heaven and is now pain free. He had been going downhill all week so this is a relief and a blessing that he went peacefully. We received the call this morning right before I walked out the door for work. Thank God, we had a 2 hour delay for school today otherwise I would have been at work. I will be off the rest of the week. I did go for a short walk today and will try to exercise the next couple of days but no guarantees. I am holding my own right now and doing okay. I am very thankful that he is now at peace and his ordeal is over. It is not easy but he is in a better place.

    The flowers are from my friend Eddy and the staff at Park Deli. It was a pleasant surprise when I arrived home today.


    Sorry no personal's tonight.