Senior Golden Sneakers..........June, 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeri, during a very dark period in my life, someone told me to stay in the moment and that has been one of the most useful pieces of spiritual advice I ever got. A few years ago, that same friend used "stay in the moment" to help her walk through the grief when her husband died. It served her well.

    :bigsmile: Jeanne, do you have caller ID? that way you don't have to answer the phone when your son calls, listen to the message, and decide when and if you are going to call him back.

    :flowerforyou: since we are going to a wedding and potluck barbecue reception tomorrow, I bought a roast chicken at the grocery store for Jake as a sort of Fathers Day special meal. He loved it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie, I looked at your food diary....what a simple healthy plan.:bigsmile: Glad you are back connected to Xyla, reporting your food every day. Are you two doing any other parts of the OA program or just the food plan?
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    i am in the good ole USA.:laugh: Arrived a short time ago in Washington Dullas ariport and took a taxi over here to the Marymount University where I will be staying for a week doing a workshop for school and then on to Idaho for a month with my parents and family that live in that area. It was a long flight and I am ready to bed down for the night. I think it is like 2:30 am for me but only 7:30 or so here in Virginia.

    Boy Taxi's sure do cost lots more here than in Egypt. I paid $ 51.00 to get from the air port to this dorm room where I am staying. In Egypt the same amount of miles would have been like $10.00 MAX! I am in for a culture shock again this summer. Oh well just enjoy it right? Sure is pretty and GREEN . I loved seeing all the green trees on the way that were along the freeway. Oh I miss those shades of green. so many different trees. ALL BEAUTIFUL. I forget how lovely it is when all I see if BROWN most of the time.

    I am going to sleep but wanted to check in and say HI to everyone. I did my best to eat healthy with those air plane meals. I passed up the kit kat for dessert and skipped the rice that came with my meal as well. Drank lots of water every time they asked me what I wanted to drink. and I don't have a piece of food at all in this dorm room so I won't be snacking tonight.
    Love ya all and hope that you have a Happy FATHERS day tomorrow. Love PHYLLIS:smile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. After all my whining I did manage to lose over a pound this week. I am crediting it to working in the yard. all that up and down must count for something!
    I wanted to come on in time to wish a Happy Father's Day to the Dads' that pop in here and to your husbands as well. My Dad died when I was 16 but I can still bring up an image of him so readily. He was such a fun Dad and so devoted to family. In her later years my Mom never mentioned his name without adding 'the love of my life'. We always thought that was so special.
    My oldest son is away on a course for work and the youngest is with his in-laws tomorrow so it will be a very quiet Father's Day for Dave. Neil is here and we were with family last night for another fund-raising steak dinner so quiet time is fine.

    Have a wonderful Sunday. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phyliss, So nice to see the USa from your eyes You make it sound so nice except for the Taxie fare. . WOW!
    one of our sneakers is from Idaho. Xyla is from there. I think Of idaho as a farming part of the country.Do your family farm? It is just way to hot to farm much here in Texas. Cotton grows good here. our little garden has about had it already. The birds are getting our tomatoes and they were so good. We say this every year. We wont plant anything next year. Just too hot and dry this time of the year.

    Gayla. I bet you will miss fixing neal. and probable with a nice c dinner for all of your guys. But knowing you you will have a nice dinner for Dave and a nice dessert for them. Congradlation on you weight lost. Keep going to them meetings.

    Well thats all on this page. and I forgot to go the last page. But I will and I wish you all a Happy Father Day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: Happy Father's Day to all the dads and to the women who took dads place. :heart: My dad died when he was 62, I was 30, I remember at the time thinking he was old; funny how getting older changes things. My dad didn't know how to show affection especially to his kids, he fought with my mom so much I used to ask her to leave him. She loved him and as I grew older I realized how much I did love him even if he wasn't perfect. When my dad died I was pregnant with my 3rd child, years later this song came out and every time I hear it even today it brings tears to my eyes. If you have a minute, listen to the lyrics and you will understand.

    Marie, sorry you had a problem with your insulin yesterday, I hope today is a better day. Maybe you should let your doctor know what food you are eating and he can help regulate your insulin. My dad was a diabetic and when he would have an insulin reaction it could be very scary, so please take good care of yourself. Love you kiddo. :heart:

    Gayla, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!!!!! That is just wonderful and it doesn't matter how it came off but gardening does burn a lot of calories. Enjoy your quiet day, we are going to Phil and Cheryl's and you know how much I love that. :laugh:

    Phyllis, I hope you are all rested now and on our time zone. It is amazing how much taxi's cost, when I was in DC for my granddaughter's graduation I spent more on taxi's then anything. I agree with Marie, thanks for reminding us how beautiful our country is. Good luck with the workshop and remember to try and check in with us.

    Barbie, have fun at the wedding, I don't worry about you or Jake overdoing, you are too disciplined. The roast chicken sounds delicious, but I am a big fan of chicken. :drinker:

    Jeri, keeping that positive attitude is going to take you a long way. Poor Lukas, I am glad the cookies warmed him up to you and he remembered how much fun grandma and grandpa are.

    Jeanne, I have been in your situation with my children and I don't have an only child. I too, wonder why kids of today don't have the respect we did with our parents. I could never talk back to my mother and if I did, I might get a slap in the face. I understand child abuse and I do agree it isn't necessary to hit kids to discipline them but it is frustrating when they talk to their parents like we are the kids and should be listening to them. So the best advice I have is to let it go, let him come to you and if you just let it go maybe he will apologize, if not, it is his lose. Stay with us and vent as often as you would like, but don't let him bring you back to bad food habits. Today is a new day.

    Spoil those dads today if your are lucky enough to still have your dad with you. :heart:

    P.S. I lost my last pound, I made my second goal!!! I am so excited, I finally match my drivers license weight!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A tribute to my Dad. He live to be 85 years old. A great Dad. to all of us kids. Love you Daddy.
    My mother live to be 92/. I thought they would be with me forever and heal all pains. But I was wrong. But they will always be with me in SpiritsThose Of you who still have parents enjoy all the time you have. Tho I know Most of us have lost our parents Cherished all of your memories. I do. Happy Father Day , Daddy.

    Happy Father day to Jake. And Happy father Day ti Jeffrey, Happy Father day . to all of Sneaker's husbands

    I had a sucessful eating day today. Alice andI went out to eat. and I had grilled fish and brocolli and ice tea. I took my fruit with me and ate it in the car. There made be hope for me yet.I got to keep a tight control to make And watch that Insulin.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI-HALLELUJAH...and yes, of course we are all with you and YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! :wink:
    SANDY---WOW! Ya done good, dear gal! Congratulations!
    OK, CONNIE.....Hi JANE from Nashville! Welcome to us Sneakers. I think the heat got to me, as I missed it, too, but I've not been posting much this past week! I hope you love it as much as we do!:flowerforyou:
    I missed MADDIE's post, too! I wonder if it's my new security "suite"; having too many problems, and had to install Firefox to BARBIE: you at least are so disciplined. I could say what the heck I've been doing, but seem to run out of time for everything! I love your advice to "stay in the moment"!
    JEANNE, accept that it's OK to swear at your kids when they act so badly! Maybe he needs to hear it occasionally! You are entitled to be angry!
    PHYLLIS, have a great visit stateside! Glad you're home!
    GAYLA, great for you, another pound. It's working:bigsmile:
    MARIE, make sure you have the right type of insulin at the proper time. We don't want you having any problems, dear friend! ANd I think you are eating well; and I agree the 1200 calories are not always necessary if we don't work them off as we get "better"! Loved your tribute to your Dad, and all the other fathers!
    SANDY, your advice to JEANNE is probably much wiser (and kinder) than mine! Afraid I was envisioning an earlier episode in my life concerning someone else's progeny!
    Oh, I forgot to mention my funky Greek restaurant added a couple of pounds of extra water today! I hope that's all it is:sad:
  • janenashville
    :flowerforyou: Hi, I have tried a lot of diets since I had twins on January 24, 1978 and while pregnant went from 135 lbs at 34 years old to 200 lbs when pregnant and down to 165 afterwards but raising two kids I ate all the time. Now at 68 years old I have 60 lbs to lose to get near a normal weight. Overeating is a hard problem for me!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is a hard poblems on all of us or we wouldn't be here. Jane What diet are you on now.?
    most all of us has gone from One diet to another. I know I have, You can do it. Just find you a good nutrician diet and stick with it. and never give up. I did have another low blood sugar today
    but ate a piece of fruit and force myself not to hit my husband cookie jar. for that. I am pretty proud of myself. It was a struggle but I made 20 minutes it was back up

    Its was another hot .summer day here. Over 100 degree. We stayed pretty well in the house with the A/C. My Pc says it is 99 and here it is 900Pm. time for it to cool down.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Welcome Jane! this is the place to be. Great bunch of ladies and so genuinely interested in each and every Golden sneaker! It is hard to cheat when you know you have to report to friend who care and want you to succeed.

    This morning I ventured out to enjoy some nature and take a walk since I could not sleep and found a beautiful walking trail near this university. I was right in a wooded area that had little squirrels running along and lots of birds chirping and crickets as well as other creatures and OH a nice little creek running along side the trail. It was heavenly. These trails are up and down little rolling hills and as I walked down the hills I realized to get back I would have to walk UP them too.:laugh: But I thought of Barbie walking those dogs and decided I could do it if she could.. I don't even had the dogs. so I jogged some and walked some and it was so nice to start out a Sunday morning with a walk/jog for an hour. Then a friend that used to live in Egypt came and picked me up and I spend the morning and some of the afternoon with her and her family. It was so fun. She cooked up waffles with fresh blueberries and strawberries and BACON. ( I never get pork in Egypt being married to a MOSLEM so she knew that I'd enjoy that treat. We walked down memory lane because while she was in Egypt I actually taught two of her children in Kindergarten. so that was 8 and 10 years ago! Those kids were all grown up and taller than me now. :happy:

    We all went to church and it was a lovely heavenly morning and afternoon. Got back to this university and had dinner and then our first meeting. Now I am in the dorm room and I have some homework I should get started on. UGGG IS this what summer is about for teachers??? Anyway I am excited to be in this area. They have some plans to take up to the tour of Washington DC as well as some other fun places and also some shopping at Potomic Mills. That will be a real fun treat for me. There are 30 different international school participating in this workshop that is sponsored by the State departments Overseas office of International Schools. Teachers from all the continents of the world are here ( except Antarctica.:laugh:

    Boy Sandy I am so pumped up thinking about your meeting your goal. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU are my new HERO.And GAYLA also You are just an inspiration to me.

    Marie, your dad sounds like an awesome man. I bet you sure do miss him. I can't wait to hug my daddy.

    Jeanne- Some times you just have to keep loving those stinkers we call our kids until they realize that no one loves them like their mom You just follow your heart and I know that things will work out. I'll sending a hug to you. Kids can hurt us so bad sometimes. My greatest joys and deepest heartaches have come from those kids of mine too.

    Irene and Jeri and everyone else- I am hoping that your day is superb! You are the greatest.
    Love ya Phyllis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Sandy, congratulations on reaching your goal.......I've known you a long time and I know how hard you've worked to reach this milestone.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Gayla, congratulations on discarding one more pesky pound.....I know how hard you've been working

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, did you come back to the states by yourself or did your husband come with you? After being a teacher for over thirty years I know how little "vacation" teachers have in the summer and how much work they continue to do even when school is not in session. Enjoy your brief respite. You've earned it a hundred times over.

    :bigsmile: the wedding today was lovely. I spent a little too much time thinking about the food at the reception. I made cole slaw at Jake's suggestion. I realized that since I don't eat hot dogs, beef, potato salad, pasta, beans made with pork, white bread, or cake, there might be very little that I could eat. As it turned out I had fresh fruit, sliced tomatoes, cole slaw, and an interesting broccoli salad with nuts and seeds. I have no idea how accurate my entries are in my food diary, but it turned out to be a good meal.

    :flowerforyou: the wedding was lovely. We got there much too there was a lot of time to talk to people. The bride and groom have a six month old daughter who wore a ruffly white dress and was held by the maid of honor during the ceremony. The two year old ring bearer practiced beautifully before the ceremony and then cried when he was walking up with the big crowd of people watching. The groom's family in Texas was able to watch the ceremony thanks to SKYPE. There were lots of families with children and all the children behaved well during the ceremony. After all the practicing by the ring bearer, they forgot to put the rings in the box for the ceremony so when it was time for the rings, there was a break in the action while the bride's mother went off to get the rings from their safe hiding place.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: today I found out that a good friend of mine is going to OA (Overeaters Anonymous) where they work the same steps as Alcoholics Anonymous for people who are powerless over food. She loves the program and is doing really well after a lifetime of compulsive overeating.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I learned a lot from my friends on MFP. I hope you have the same success. Take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I find that I don't post as much in the summer when I am getting outside more. In the winter when I spend more time in the house, I am on the computer more

    :flowerforyou: Marie, all that heat and having to stay indoors must be so frustrating.:sad:

    :bigsmile: Jake got calls from his kids today for Fathers Day and a cute picture of one of his grandsons on Facebook so he's pretty happy. The dogs and cats treat him like every day is Fathers Day :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: barbie...what a great idea to have the bride and groom's baby in on the ceremony. And, a wonderful job for the maid of honor. If she had been a little older she could have been the flower girl.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis...I can't even begin to guess how much teachers are paid or worth. I had a co-worker whose wife was a school teacher. He indicated that she wasn't paid near enough when you figure in the summer hours. I am hoping that you get some vacation.

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT...I am sorry to hear that it is so hot where you are. I would be miserable. Are you insulin dependant? I would imagine that with weight lose your sugar would stablize somewhat. The best diet I have ever used and the one that I lost the most weight with was a diabetic diet. I counted the units and did very well. At that time I was also involved with a group of women in my area and we kept each other accountable.

    Well, today is the beginning of another work week. Glad to be back where I am not faced with cake and preserves and whatever else is in my house.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning ladies, just a quickie. Taking a break from walking today, yesterday on the way home I thought I would not make it, my legs and feet were hurting bad. Took a good half hour for the throbbing in the feet to stop, once I got home and into my recliner. Heading down for my exercises now, so take care everyone and be true to yourself.:heart:

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Girls! Sorry I've been away so long, but part of the problem is that Senior Sneakers no longer shows up on the Fitness board.I don't know if it's a glitch or a UK thing, tho I can't imagine it is. I've searched back for pages and not found it. I nearly messaged Buzz to see if it had been moved and only found it again by looking in my topics. Most strange! I'll have a look at the thread in a minute.
    I went back to my slimming class last week, and my halo is choking me! I've given up the old alcofrolic beverage at the mo,( just into my second week) as I have no willpower when I've had a drink. For food that is!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be interesting to see how I've done when I go to weigh in on wednesday.
    I've been out in the garden since half past 10 this morning, on and off. Watering tomatoes and chillies, transplanting Swiss chard and lettuce and sowing more veg seed. It's a beautiful day, our first really warm one for a while, but the forecast isn't good for the rest of the week, but then it's Wimbledon so that's normal! It does however mean the veg , and the weeds are growing apace! We have rain forecast for tomorrow so I read up the posts and get back to you then, luv Judi xxx
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives:

    1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

    2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

    3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

    4. A dog's parents never visit.

    5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

    6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.

    7. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk..

    8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

    9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog?"

    10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.

    11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

    12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.

    13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

    And last, but not least:

    14. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

    To test this theory:
    Lock your wife and your dog in the garage for an hour. Then open it and see who's happy to see you.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :drinker: oldtyke...I have the same problem with alcohol. I lose control of what I eat plus the alcohol is empty calories and I don't need that. I always go to my topics to find a thread. Easiest way of doing it.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy...another funny. Thank you so much.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn...does massaging your legs and feet help with the pain and thrombing. I am sorry that this is happening to you. It would make being active a lot harder.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    It's a misty rainy day he re so I thought I'd try to read some posts. The incident with my son is still torturing my brain so I'm here to attempt to force it to the back.

    Phyllis--yes the rag quilts are the kind that are made up of flannel 'sandwiches' with batting for the filling and then have seam allowances snipped and washed and then almost look like chenille. That was one of my very first projects when i started quilting & it is so nice to snuggle up in :smile: I even take it when we go to the lake on vacation. I hope you've had a chance 'dive' into the lettuce & salad greens you were hoping for :wink: As far as exercise my trainer tells me to switch up things otherwise your muscles kind of get into the routine and then don't work as hard.

    Jeri--I'm glad your appointment went well, I'll keep you in my prayers.

    Barbie--Line dancing sounds like fun, I'm jealous because I'm one of those people with zero coordination:smile: I would always be 'zigging' when I should be 'zagging'. I could never get those choreographed aerobic or step routines either. :noway:

    Marie--I've never heard of a disappearing Nine Patch quilt block. I'll have to look that one up. Only disappearing ones I've done are those that 'disappear' in my disaster of a sewing room. I did pick up 2 from the machine quilter the other day and she showed me her "Crumb Quilt" a technique I think she said started in England? It's a way to use up the bits and pieces of leftover fabric. Looked intriguing.

    Connie--I always eat my 1200 calories and eat most, but not all of my exercise calories. I don't eat all of the exercise calories becauseI never know how accurate the counts are so I do strive to be under at the end of the day. My trainer really scolded me when she found out I was shooting for 1200 so I try to obey her, but she also tells me I'm exercising too much & that I choose to ignore :) but I always have a serving of almonds as soon as I get done, even before the shower and that makes her happier :laugh:

    Becky--I also wear a heart rate monitor, I really like it.

    Sandy--If I'd talked to my mother the way he has talked to me I can guarantee you the teeth in my mouth would not be my own! My husband tried to reason with him and the reply to him was that I needed to go to therapy to resolve the 'issues' or whatever in our relationship. Roughly translated that would be so he could blame me for absolutely everything. You are right, it is his loss. I feel bad that I left a 'crying' message on my dil's phone, but I just get so hurt..........honestly she's a saint to stick with him and I know that is a horrible thing to say. I will always love him, but not sure when I will like him again. I WILLL NOT let this drive me back to terrible eating because that will only make me feel worse. I've beaten myself up enough.

    Phyllis--Thank you for the hug, I needed it!

    I would love to be out in the garden! I have a couple of shrubs with powdery mildew, but it's been either too windy or too rainy to spray. Also need to spray again for whatever little critter are sucking the chlorophyll from the leaves of a variety of different plants. First we battle winter to even be able to see those plants again & then we have to battle something else, never gets boring that's for sure :happy:

    I worked on the sewing the binding down on my I Love Lucy quilt for awhile yesterday. I put the new bed quilt on my bed as soon as I brought it home from the quilter, I'll post a picture of it. No binding on it of course but I'm still going to use it anyway. Also got my patriotic quilt back, I'm going to try to get the binding on it this week, we leave on July 3rd for a week at the lake and I want to be able to stitch on it on the way and maybe a bit while there. I'm going to take a picture of that one too, I just home it will show the awesome quilting that she did on it. She was so excited because it was the first time she'd used this particular pattern.

    I made my 119 blood/platelet donation today, hence the pretzels for breakfast :laugh: I've been doing platelets only for quite a few years now because I can do that more frequently than whole blood. It's such an easy thing to do and they get enough platelets from me for two patients. I watched the movie "Secretariat" today, a wonderful 'feel good' movie.

    I have to get to work now! Have a least a half dozen of my husband's Hawaiian shirts to iron, different one every work day. They are rayon and just look better when ironed especially when I don't get them out of the dryer right away :frown: Made a batch of oatmeal in the crockpot yesterday so I need to measure out the portions and get it in the freezer. Have a great day everyone!

    PS...Just uploaded a pic of the quilt :smile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Gals:

    Its Monday again and back to work.

    The 40th birthday was good lots of food and cake and lots of kids running in and
    out of the pool.

    Sunday was Father's Day and my daughters came for a sail with Dad but the winds did
    not cooperate and it was too windy to get out so we just chatted and then went out for

    While I was a pound away from my last goal and now I up again because of the weekend.
    i decided I can't beat myself up over this, I just have to keep making good choices and forget
    about the rest. I keep struggling all week to get down and then BANG I am up.
    This summer will be like that and I just have to accept it. I am still exercising everyday and
    eating well all week. That's all I can hope for at this point.

    I just joined a walking challenge to keep me motivated.

    Hubby and I are looking for folding bikes to take with us on the cruises and when we go on our vacation
    sailing. Would like to stay active with all the eating and drinking that will be going on.

    Have a good Monday everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: during the last two years I worked full time I drove a route to work where I saw a lot of people walking with and without dogs. Every morning I would say "I wish I could walk in the mornings". Now my wish has come true. I get to walk every morning and often I see people in their cars driving off to work. I am so grateful that this wish has come true. It got me thinking about all the things I've wished for in my lifetime and how many of those wishes have come true. There is so much to be grateful for :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ifinally got to some of the posts at least 2 pages ago, and realized how much I've missed! I just can't seem to answer ot comment about every single post and still get to bed at a reasonable hour :yawn: so perhaps I'll just attempt tidbits, though I enjoy each and every post!
    I think I'll start to pay attention to Connie's remarks about being under 1200! I'm getting nowhere without doing it on purpose! But I will say my outing on Greek yummy foods was a disaster on retaining fluids! Thank goodness, the 2 pounds of liquid came off this morning!
    Sandy's brain tester struck me as hysterical (doesn't take much at this age!) so I sent it off in an email for others to enjoy!
    I'm happy to see Maddie back here, and all our friends from overseas and our newer members. And hope Marie has a deal with her beautiful angel to look over everyone here! And Marie, I wish my DH would stop using Oreo cookies for his low sugar and follow your example!
    I've been having horrible problems with the computer since installing my new security system, but I'm finally working them out by uninstalling certain segments they assure me are unecessary! And I've installed Firefox, just in case Internet Explorer 9 continues to crash every time my eyes cross! Can't live with my laptop, and can't live without it!
    I shall go force myself to have lunch now, though I'm not hungry, but I'm sure you are all correct about not going below my minimum! I hate to admit it, but I wonder if I'm fighting weight loss due to fear of my face sagging more than it has already! In that case, I must get hold of myself and recognize where my healthy future lies! :ohwell: .
    I certainly do not mean to leave out all our lovely posters...Irene, Jackie,, Jeri, Shirley, Jeanne, Becky, Judi, Barbie, Phyllis, Jane..Oh dear, I really must do this on a new window, as my memory ain't what it used to be! Love you all and you are so supportive and helpful as we lag in our goals! I hope I get back later.