

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Do all dogs just sleep?
  • NancyWilper
    NancyWilper Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all, I am new here. I'm trying (again) to get some healthy habits back after really letting myself go. I've always struggled with staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. Now I'm at an all-time high and feeling depressed. I know what to do. I've been successful in the past, but not for a long time. Just finished day two of sticking to a healthy eating plan. Have not resumed exercising YET. I'm here looking for some encouragement and camaraderie, and will provide the same to others :)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sylvia - I don't know if I missed why your son had surgery. I know he was in the hospital for breathing problems. My heart goes out to you. As disappointed as I am in my son I would be heartbroken to see him go through a life threatening illness. I forget who was talking about his attitude change having to do with his feeling out of control of his life and body. My Dad was like that in his later years as his CHF became worse. I also know the difficulty of raising grandkids when their dad is around. Especially if you disagree on parenting. God bless you for stepping up for those kids. People always say to me "I don't know how you do it I never could" and I say you never really know what you'll do until faced with the decision before you. Don't know if I missed your answer about what kind of drafting you do. Still interested.

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Do all dogs just sleep?

    I think mine enjoys her little naps. Lol. Believe me when I would like to nap she t honks it is play time.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Yay - finally caught up - now to stay that way! Nite all! sleeping-cap-good-night-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hey all! Feeling a little overwhelmed the past couple days, so I have been reading, but not posting. Going to jump in, but will probably forget a couple people.

    Karen- LOVE the henna work! So pretty!

    Michele- I do stretch my feet during the day and in the mornings for the plantar fasciaitis. Things like making fists with my toes, pulling my toes back, arching the soles of my feet etc. When I get in the pool, I do "ballet feet". Toe pointing, en pointes, and I trace the alphabet with each foot. I also do laps and do a lot of flutter kicking. I think the water resistance and the zero impact of the deep water really work to stretch and strengthen my feet/ankles.

    Mia and Betty- I had to start with Tai Chi because of balance issues, then when I was comfortable with that I moved on to yoga. I haven't done either in a year/year and a half due to an ankle injury; but it is time to begin again.

    - I love hearing about your language adventures! Your sentences are great! I have to look into Duolingo. I still understand a lot of the French and Spanish, but retrieving the words out of my brain/memory is the tricky part. My daughter can talk to me in French and I will answer her in English. Whenever I would try to answer in French, it would come out as a mix of French and Spanish. I lived a year in Mexico when I was 20, so I think that is the more dominate of the two languages.

    Anne- Enjoy your cruise! Just keep the thought that "this is for me!" Relax and enjoy it for you! If he comes around, great! If he is a big douche; forget about it and enjoy YOUR time! Love and hugs to you!

    Kids arriving; so my day is officially starting. Happy Thursday everyone!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morning.Today is a warming trend getting started.....will be around 60 for a few days.Winter isn't over,but so far it's been a shadow of itself.No one is complaining!

    Gloria,I agree.Most ppl step up to the plate when push comes to shove....even tho not something they planned on.Grandparents lead with their heart.An Aunt raised her Grson from birth.He knew his birth mom,was never close to her....as he called his Grma my "real Mother".That's exactly what she was.....

    Went out for a Walleye fish sandwich yest. Calories were high,but my husband doesn't need to lose wt & is always good with my food plan.I was only 150 cals under for the day.....
    Someone mentioned cookbooks. Used to collect them,but got rid of all but 3,plus a ton of books & quilting books when we moved here 3 yrs ago.
    Funny,but haven't missed them or the craft stuff.Kept sewing/quilting things,but have slowed down on sewing too.
    Going to sort & discard from the bottom freezer today. I am bad about "saving" bits & pieces that never get used.In a few wks,we are moving small basement freezer to garage.Only took 3&1/2 yrs for hub to admit we needed to do that.Have a nice finished basement that is never used. Everything we need is on main floor.At our ages,steps can be dangerous. :s

    Do you all eat breakfast? I'm not hungry for breakfast.....so an early lunch works for me.
    Time to get dressed & get busy. Otherwise will spend too much time on line . Sunshine today,yeah! Pat
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    DJ great pic of you on the cruise, hope it is a happy memory. For me the anticipation of a trip/adventure is always a little bit better than the actual vacation, go figure :/

    Heather as a proud New Yorker, I highly recommend a train journey like you mentioned. There are so many incredible parks and natural wonders in NY, including of course the Falls, have you visited the states? You are such a world traveller <3

    Nancy welcome to the group, keep checking in to make it part of your new resolve. Even when I slip up (hmmm often) I still log and I still check in with the group, for some reason it feels different this time. o:)

    My DD and DH are calling in from India daily, they sound exhausted and the traffic is really the most challenging thing about the journey so far. I don't regret for one second not going with them....I know crazy!....but am so enjoying the quiet of my home and the space to relax from all that I do when they are both here :*

    Plantar Faciastis sufferer here and I recommend all those exercises mentioned on page 44, I am quite faithful to keeping my feet and calves stretched as well as changing my orthodics regularly, cause it is so painful otherwise.

    Karen from NY
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Asking for continued prayers for DS#1. He has hit a rough patch.
    Praying for all the people who are trying to help him turn his life around and that he listens and does the hard work he needs to do to become healthy.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Today were are going to hit 80°. That will break a record if we do. Going to go get mani/pedi this morning and run a few errands before flying to Denver in the morning.

    Have a great day my friends.

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Karen - We went to NYC for week about 16 months ago. We both LOVED it. My DH has seen quite a bit of the eastern States, but I haven't. I love trains :D

    Well, just had an email from DDIL with a link to the advert for her house in London. Wow! Didn't know it had got that far! I guess DS must have talked his way into the permanent position from the temporary job. :D The house they are selling looks fabulous, all clean and tidy. Normally two small children untidy it as quickly as it's tidied up. :laugh: I don't envy her doing all this with a third child due in March. I seem to remember babies need a lot of kit, so it won't be tidy long.

    Guttering men just finishing off. It looks amazing. Well worth the expense. This morning I had to close my eyes when a young man appeared two floors up, outside our exercise room, up a ladder and welding a drill in one hand. Yikes! Just leaving now. :)

    I've made tonight's Chinese meal, ready to reheat, and chopped up all the stir fry veggies to go with it. Dessert is the sorbet I made, so not much to do now. I have cooked the kids sausages as they quite like them cold. A bit of sweetcorn and toast and we are good. Yoghurt for their pudding.
    In honour of my DDIL's mother, who is bringing them over, I've got my homemade lemon and blueberry muffins out of the freezer. :D Not for me though.

    Must get on with bed making. Luckily it is my cleaner's day so she is busy right now.

    Love Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Heather, a thought just occurred to me. If you want a film in Norwegian, you can't do much better than Orions Belte. It's based on a novel by Jon Michelet and feels quite dated now (written during the Cold War era and filmed in 1985), but it offers lots of gorgeous Svalbard scenery and a bit of cultural history. You get to see Longyearbyen's aerial cableway in action - something I've NEVER seen.

    Darn tough understanding what they say, I admit, but always a word or two here and there...
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Do all dogs just sleep?

    Mine does! Maybe its a breed thing I don't know. Our Pokey naps all the time except when you rattle her chain to go out or open a peanut butter jar or scoop out her food. Once a day she will bring her ball to us and we have a rousing round (3-4 throws) of catch across the living room. She is on her way to being 13 years old. Got her at age 1 from the Indianapolis Humane Society.gsifkzjs5q3j.jpg

    Cheri NE oHIo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member

    Apparently she is ready for bed. I am still packing for my cruise. The walk must have tuckered her out.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) Your dog is so sweet
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited February 2016
    Margaret - Here's sending loving thoughts your way. It's so hard with our children. My DS#1 hasn't replied to my last two emails. I hope he's ok. :'( (He suffers from severe depression )

    Takk! Penny.

    Janetr - Bon voyage!

    Just waiting now. DH has been playing stupid when I ask him to do stuff. "Where is it?" "How do I fix that?" " How much wine do you want chilled? " Grrrrrr! :sad: He will come into his own once they are here. :)

    Love Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Asking for continued prayers for DS#1. He has hit a rough patch.
    Praying for all the people who are trying to help him turn his life around and that he listens and does the hard work he needs to do to become healthy.

    We will definitely be praying for him.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    Kirby UPDATE: he ran 1/2 mi on the treadmill without holding on for the first time!!! Did the other 3mi at a 5 incline! Way to go!!! So proud! I didn't run with him, I did shoulder stretching exercises in a different part of the gym. I would have been too nervous watching him.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    morning peeps -

    sending positive thoughts to all that need them and hugs to those that could use them and strapping on the boot to those that should have it!

    patceoh - i used to NEVER eat breakfast. when i started this on mfp, that's when i started. i am not really hungry at breakfast time but i force myself anyway, ESPECIALLY since i had already gone to the gym. they say that you should eat about 1hr b4 your workout, well not this person. I'm not going to get up at 3am every morning to eat at 3:30 then ride to the gym by 4:30 (which is technically when I start exercising cuz I'm riding the bicycle to the gym) to do a class at 5:15 or do my own thing when I get there. once I get to work I DO have my usual, 1/4 cup of steel cut oats and 1/2cup of 1% milk and water. the protein shake comes at lunch.

    type to ya later.