June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Saturday's Goals

    1) stretch................................................................................Yes
    2) Walk 2 hours before coming online.....................................yes
    3) DO NOT Pig OUT Tonight !!!!!!!!!.......................................NO, I Pigged out
    4) Eat 2 veggies...................... Heck No
    5) Clean house.......................No
    6) Iron clothes............................Yes!

    Skipped Sunday :frown:

    Monday Skipped :frown:

    1) Get serious, Must get my head back into the program...............
    2) Walk 2 hours........................................................................................
    3) veggies, veggies please eat your veggies :bigsmile: ................
    4) drink 4 bottles of water

    I've been out of sort's, So I'm trying to get my Shi---t back on track. I've gained 4 pounds :cry:

    I hope you all are doing better then me :drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday June 21's goals:
    1. workout from home, as early as possible.
    2. keep bottle of water with me at all times.
    3. stay on track with my preplanned menu.
    4. organize drawers.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Ok..... I know I've disappeared for like a month, but I'm gonna really try to start coming back. I feel like I've gotten my portion control under control pretty well. I mean, even without logging/counting my calories, I'm pretty sure I've lost weight over this last month! Of course, as I've not been counting calories I'm not sure how I've been doing in relation to my goals...... At any rate, now over the summer I want to see if I can't get into some other habits: mainly, water and workouts!

    6-21-2011 fitness goals
    1. 8 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs & fats
    3. Do SOME kind of exercise
    4. Allow for a late snack, but don't make it after 9:30..... Doctor appointment on Wednesday and I need blood work done.

    6-21-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Fill out job applications
    2. Cut coupons
    3. Clean out old car
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome back SKismet!

    I'm afraid I didn't get anything sensible done yesterday. I’ve been pretty sketchy over the last few weeks. I’ve used plenty of excuses to myself and even got pretty bad at logging but that all stops now. I’m back at work today so eating well is easier. I’ve reset my weight loss rate to 1lb a week, & I’m going to throw myself into exercise. I’ve got 11 weeks till my friends wedding so its crunch time (literally!). I’m going to make sure I have more variety in my routine this time. I’m pretty excited about it.

    Goals for today:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Exercise: Walk, Swim, Body Combat & 30 sit ups before bed
    3. Water! Lots of water, that bottle doesn’t leave my hand today.
    4. Make tomorrows salady lunchy bits before bed
    5. Laundry (its never ending!)

    Have a great day!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 20th
    1. Run a 5K - NO
    2. Clean the bathrooms and kitchen - YES
    3. Gallon of water - YES
    4 Strength training! - NO
    My husband had other plans for us today. He got us new bikes, good ones and so we had to ride those. We were out all day, buying the bikes and doing misc. things, then went riding. So no run or strength training yesterday. I love this bike riding but it is really setting my running schedule back! UGH

    June 21st
    1. Laundry folded and put away
    2. Check book balanced
    3. Gallon of water
    4. In bed by 9:30!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 20:
    1. Water.--Not as much as usual.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.--Much better.
    3. Clean off my desk.--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Almost.

    Had a better day yesterday, food-wise. Plan on today being even better! Need to work on the water a bit, though.

    Leela--your consistency is great!

    Teresa--I'll join you in lamenting the BAD weekend AND in getting back on track!

    SKismet--Welcome back!

    Kim--You can do it!

    Momma--Enjoy your new bike.

    Goals for June 21:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Clean off my desk!!!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • SO onward to Monday:

    1) Not physically or verbally abuse my landlord, as hard as it may be, just put on a smile for the fella. CHECK
    2) Drink loads of water - NOPE
    3) Walk for one hour - AN HOUR AND A HALF!
    4) 20 minutes pilates - NOPE
    5) Call my dad - NOPE
    6) Log food and exercise - 50%
    7) Eat a fiber packed dinner - YUP
    8) Spend an hour reading something for fun - NOPE
    9) Clean up apt. - YUP
    10) Try to make someone smile - TRIED, NO SUCCESS! HARDER THAN I THOUGHT :(

    Have a great evening/night/day everyone!

    MEH. Monday was... fair... Here's my plan for Tuesday

    1) Water
    2) Clean up
    3) Shred one of the three levels
    3) 60 squats
    4) 60 lunges
    5) Wk1D2 pushup challenge
    6) Log food and exercise

    That's it. Lots of exercise planned today. Better get started!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday June 21's goals:
    1. workout from home, as early as possible. I DIDN'T GET IT DONE EARLY, BUT IT DIDN'T GET DONE!
    2. keep bottle of water with me at all times. SUCCESS!
    3. stay on track with my preplanned menu. YES!
    4. organize drawers. no! :(

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. zumba and training.
    2. eat before and after workout.
    3. cook as many meals in advance as I can because its just too darn hot to turn the oven on everyday!
    4. try to get in an evening workout!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    June 20:
    1) Get everything done on the To Do list on my desk (emails, phone calls) YES - Most of it...
    2) Shred (D8 L2) - NO, but I did it today!
    3) BFBM - NO
    4) Eat at regular times - NO
    5) Eat only if / when hungry - NO
    6) Eat veggies for snacks - NO... ugh
    7) Keep organizing my room - NOPE
    8) Be kind to siblings - SOMEWHAT
    9) Language studies - YES
    10) Piano studies - NO, but I did it today
    11) Driving practice - YES, lots
    June 22:
    1) Send the 3 emails that I need to send
    2) Shred D9 L3
    3) Eat good
    4) Language studies
    5) Piano studies
    6) Work on small business products
    7) Eat more veggies for snacks
    8) Make the veggie juice that I bought beets for days ago, haha!
    9) No sweeteners in my teas!
    10) Pre-log meals and STICK TO IT!!!

    I was really proud today that I did the Shred, and I did it really early - before 10am, and usually I do it around noon. Unfortunately, I was WAAAY over fat today, and I didn't need to log it to know that. I started logging today, but when lunch hit, I just gave up. Eating is such a huge challenge for me these days, which is kind of unfortunate, cause I used to be good at eating healthy (and not at working out).

    frubjious... Great time on your race!!
    I hope you all are doing better then me
    Teresa... Nope, I'm right there with ya!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Thanks for the welcome-backs! :smile: I have to say, the lack of judgement on having been gone so long is part of why I love this group! :happy:

    By the way, I forgot to mention that it's also great to see more new people! :happy:
    6-21-2011 fitness goals
    1. 8 cups of water - Almost, 7 1/2
    2. Under on calories, carbs & fats - No....
    3. Do SOME kind of exercise - No, which is probably part of the reason for the "No" on #2.... :grumble:
    4. Allow for a late snack, but don't make it after 9:30..... Doctor appointment on Wednesday and I need blood work done. - Had some play left, just not quite as much as I used. :embarassed: :laugh:

    6-21-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Fill out job applications - No. :ohwell:
    2. Cut coupons - Yes, though they aren't organized.
    3. Clean out old car - About 95% of the way.... I just need to take out a bag to put all the papers in for recycling.

    6-22-2011 fitness goals
    1. 8 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs & fats
    3. Do SOME kind of exercise

    6-22-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Fill out job applications during car "check-up"
    2. Drop off said applications on my way back home
    3. Fill out form to get credit toward retirement for my days of subbing
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Goals for Tuesday:
    1. Under on calories –Yes
    2. Exercise: Walk, Swim, Body Combat & 30 sit ups before bed – Yes, no, no & yes
    3. Water! - Yes
    4. Make tomorrow’s salady lunchy bits before bed - Yes
    5. Laundry - Yes


    Steph – Wow, almost at the end of 30DS! Great work, is it you first time through it or have you done it before? How have you been finding it?

    Sadly I didn’t make it to swimming or Body combat last night. There was a bad traffic jam on the way to my gym last night so I turned round and went for a run when I got home instead.

    Personal victory yesterday, it was boys poker night at my house last night, all the guys were having pizza & beer. I had steamed veg with a little chilli sauce. Normally pizza is like kryptonite, nothing makes me crumble faster.

    Wednesdays Goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Make tomorrow’s lunch before bed
    4. Exercise: Walk, Swim & Sit Ups

    Have a lovely day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for June 21:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.--Not all were the best choices but all were logged.
    3. Clean off my desk!!!--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Almost.

    MissConfidence--re: #10 (for Monday)--Should be a 'YES'! That goal and esp. your #1 goal about your landlord made ME smile!

    Leela--use your slow cooker! It make great meals in the summer, too. Doesn't put out much heat, either.

    Kim--good job staying away from the pizza! I don't think I could have done that.

    Goals for June 22:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY choices and track my foods.
    3. CLEAN OFF MY DESK!!! (I need to have the space to photograph my jewelry.)
    4 BED BY 9:30!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just wanted to say that I am so proud of everyone for staying in the fight. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into month! I love everyone's commitment. I know life gets hectic sometimes, so if you know that you're going to be busy for the next few days, set your goals up in advance and check back in when you can. Let's end this month on a high note!
  • Okay, I have been kind of down and out the past few days...going to make a doctor appt that will hopefully help, but until then, going to try and do my best to get back on track.

    June 22

    1. Mow lawn (at least the front)
    2. Clean kitchen
    3. Wash delicates
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Mini-check in:
    June 22:
    1) Send the 3 emails that I need to send - NOT YET
    2) Shred D9 L2 - PROBABLY WON'T
    3) Eat good - NO
    4) Language studies - NOT YET
    5) Piano studies - NOT YET
    6) Work on small business products - NOT YET
    7) Eat more veggies for snacks - YES
    8) Make the veggie juice that I bought beets for days ago, haha! - NOT YET
    9) No sweeteners in my teas! - NOPE - HAD HONEY
    10) Pre-log meals and STICK TO IT!!! - NOT STICKING TO IT
    - Finish what I still plan to do, but just eat 2 healthy snacks and one healthy dinner for the rest of the day... C'mon Steph!

    frubjious... THAT WAS TOTALLY MY MISTAKE!!! I'm still on L2!! :sad: :laugh: Congrats on your victory last night!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    frubjious... THAT WAS TOTALLY MY MISTAKE!!! I'm still on L2!! :sad: :laugh:

    Don't worry, the jump to level 3 is not nearly as big as the jump to 2. You'll do brilliantly.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    a quick check in
    Wednesday's goals:
    1. zumba and training. YES and YES
    2. eat before and after workout. YES
    3. cook as many meals in advance as I can because its just too darn hot to turn the oven on everyday! YES
    4. try to get in an evening workout! YES

    Thursday's goals (might as well post 'em while I'm here)
    1. Run errands as early as possible.
    2. Try not to eat foods that are hot because it makes me hotter.
    3 . drink water all day, no soda.
    4. zumba and cardio in the evening, followed by a light snack.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    1) Get serious, Must get my head back into the program...............YES
    2) Walk 2 hours........................................................................................YES
    3) veggies, veggies please eat your veggies :bigsmile: ................NO
    4) drink 4 bottles of water...........................................................YES

    I just haven't had the time to keep up logging in, But I've been doing pretty good with staying under my calories. But have done poorly, not eating my veggies.
    But as long as I'm staying Under my calorie goal, Im happy with that.

    My Dad is coming in town tomorrow and staying for a week, So I'm sure I won't get the time to log into my daily goals.

    Good Luck to you all! Stay strong
    I hope to check back in soon
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesdays Goals:
    1. Under on calories - Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Make tomorrow’s lunch before bed - No, did it this morning.
    4. Exercise: Walk, Swim & Sit Ups - It rained most of the day, but I went for a run (so much for variety, running buddy switched days) and I forgot about the sit ups:blushing: !

    I did really well with the food yesterday. Its definitely getting easier to stay on track, I hope it survives this weekend, we've got two big all day parties.

    My leg is letting me know i pushed it a little too far on the run last night. I know I should rest it.

    Todays goals:
    1. Rest - maybe gentle swim later (i'll get to the pool one of these days)
    2. Water
    3. Sit ups before bed.

    Have a lovely day!
  • I love the commitment and support in/on/with (which one is it, none sound right!) this group - sorry, ESL! :)

    Hubby came home from a business trip yesterday and brought with him some duty free whiskey. Let's just say my choices weren't admirable...

    However, it was fun AND I didn't die so onward with Thursday:

    1) Rehydrate my body it needs it desperately!!
    2) Shred session NO excuses lady!
    3) 60 lunges 60 squats
    4) Day 2 Week 1 push up challenge
    5) See mister doc to go over blood work
    6) Drink sparkling water
    7) Send gig proposal
    8) make a video

    frubjilous good luck this weekend with the parties! I'm sure you'll do great.

    leela, you're rocking those training and zumba workouts, wtg!