Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @Iron_Miss_Canada a few powerlifters at my gym competed at Canadians and at least one (that I know of) was a referee. He said he was very impressed by the ladies!

    Where are you located?

    @juliewatkin Sydney, Nova Scotia
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    @Iron_Miss_Canada a few powerlifters at my gym competed at Canadians and at least one (that I know of) was a referee. He said he was very impressed by the ladies!

    Where are you located?

    @juliewatkin Sydney, Nova Scotia

    Gotcha. I'm in Ontario. We had an insanely large team go to nationals this year. The sport is growing by leaps and bounds. Last November when I stepped down as Ontario President, we had over 850 members just in our Province. It's also grown considerably for women. When I joined in 2008, there were 48 women in Ontario. It's crazy to see how far we've come in such a short time. What was considered good just five years ago is barely average now.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member

    Damn that bar is thick! Nice pull man
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    @Iron_Miss_Canada a few powerlifters at my gym competed at Canadians and at least one (that I know of) was a referee. He said he was very impressed by the ladies!

    Where are you located?

    @juliewatkin Sydney, Nova Scotia

    Gotcha. I'm in Ontario. We had an insanely large team go to nationals this year. The sport is growing by leaps and bounds. Last November when I stepped down as Ontario President, we had over 850 members just in our Province. It's also grown considerably for women. When I joined in 2008, there were 48 women in Ontario. It's crazy to see how far we've come in such a short time. What was considered good just five years ago is barely average now.

    OMG that is so awesome!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @juliewatkin awesome! He said that Canadians was like 45% women. That's impressive!
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    @juliewatkin awesome! He said that Canadians was like 45% women. That's impressive!

    The gap is closing. I think we're still about 33% women although we have been getting more and more meets where the mix is 50/50.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    @singingflutelady - it is most definitely awesome watching all these insanely awesome women show up! I've slowly been catching up watching all the lifting from last week. I have so many lady crushes it's insane. The team for Texas is going to be absolutely awesome.

    Recovery from nationals is finally done, I can't wait to see my new program but I know it's going to be heavy and brutal, right up my alley.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @singingflutelady - it is most definitely awesome watching all these insanely awesome women show up! I've slowly been catching up watching all the lifting from last week. I have so many lady crushes it's insane. The team for Texas is going to be absolutely awesome.

    Recovery from nationals is finally done, I can't wait to see my new program but I know it's going to be heavy and brutal, right up my alley.

    Yeah! New programming is always interesting! I think he said he saw a woman DL 495 or something? Total girl crush
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    edited February 2016
    So first of all I'm not even sure if I posted this earlier in the thread LOL.

    This was a totally unexpected PR at my last meet in December. Previous 1rm was 446 in May but I sustained a grade 1 quad strain at the iliac spine (hip injury basically) in July. So August-October was mostly high frequency low load squatting while the hip recovered.

    I was expecting to end up around 430 at this meet based on how my training cycle went but I managed to make it to 451 for a small PR.

    This is probably as amped up as I have ever been while lifting.

    BW: 188-189 at this meet.

    May post my bench and potato deadlift later.

    Ended up clearing a 303 bench at this meet for the first time, and pulled 446 to make it to exactly 1200 for the first time as well. Deads are a constant struggle for me.

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Your squat is picture-perfect. Will you teach me if I teach you how to OHP/PP? :D
    Many times I had to deload and rebuild my squat to get it to be move like that... arg. Worth all the frustration and humiliation though.

    My OHP/PP that bad?

    It doesn't look bad at a glance (kind of a bad angle to really look at form) but it just seems excessively weak compared to your other lifts, especially in comparison to a similar lift like bench press. But now that I think of it, didn't you just start training overhead work recently? That would make more sense.

    That's all true and yeah, this is my third week back training them. I want to bring this lift back up so starting this week I will be training it twice a week.

    Did I shame you into it? Sorry about that. If it makes you feel better I am deloading my squats to ~275x5 range (which used to be warm-up weight).

    Shame? Nope. Actually, for not pressing for as long as I have I am actually quite surprised I can still press as much as I can. But as many times as I have had to retool my squat and deadlift and bench press, this is no biggie - its all part of training.

    And why twice a week? Well, I had rack pulls programmed twice, but after three weeks I've decided that I need the press more, because I'm planning to introduce some weightlifting (as accessories) come this spring when I can train in my garage again.

    Why are you deloading so much @DopeItUp ? Injury?

    Nah. Trying to revamp my form. Hoping for a 4 plate squat this year (same thing I said last year).

    Me too... 4platessoon.jpg
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    @singingflutelady - it is most definitely awesome watching all these insanely awesome women show up! I've slowly been catching up watching all the lifting from last week. I have so many lady crushes it's insane. The team for Texas is going to be absolutely awesome.

    Recovery from nationals is finally done, I can't wait to see my new program but I know it's going to be heavy and brutal, right up my alley.

    Yeah! New programming is always interesting! I think he said he saw a woman DL 495 or something? Total girl crush

    There were 12 or 13 women who pulled 400+. Total insane awesomeness!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @singingflutelady - it is most definitely awesome watching all these insanely awesome women show up! I've slowly been catching up watching all the lifting from last week. I have so many lady crushes it's insane. The team for Texas is going to be absolutely awesome.

    Recovery from nationals is finally done, I can't wait to see my new program but I know it's going to be heavy and brutal, right up my alley.

    Yeah! New programming is always interesting! I think he said he saw a woman DL 495 or something? Total girl crush

    There were 12 or 13 women who pulled 400+. Total insane awesomeness!

    This makes me happy :)
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    SideSteel wrote: »
    So first of all I'm not even sure if I posted this earlier in the thread LOL.

    This was a totally unexpected PR at my last meet in December. Previous 1rm was 446 in May but I sustained a grade 1 quad strain at the iliac spine (hip injury basically) in July. So August-October was mostly high frequency low load squatting while the hip recovered.

    I was expecting to end up around 430 at this meet based on how my training cycle went but I managed to make it to 451 for a small PR.

    This is probably as amped up as I have ever been while lifting.

    BW: 188-189 at this meet.

    May post my bench and potato deadlift later.

    Ended up clearing a 303 bench at this meet for the first time, and pulled 446 to make it to exactly 1200 for the first time as well. Deads are a constant struggle for me.

    If I did my maths right, you ended up with a Wilks of 358. Outstanding.

    We are not worthy.
  • gabbiil
    gabbiil Posts: 11 Member
    gabbiil wrote: »
    <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="6" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div><p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="
    style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A video posted by Gabbi (@gabbii_l)&lt;/a> on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-02-17T08:19:46+00:00">Feb 17, 2016 at 12:19am PST</time></p></div></blockquote>
    <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>

    My new PB of 87.5kg/193lbs at 51kg/ 112lbs can't wait to be hitting double body weight! :smiley:

    Sorry for the weird text eek!

    Nice job. Way to stick with it.

    Can I offer a tiny bit of advice? Your hand position seems a bit wide. When they are wide it puts you at a mechanical disadvantage. You have to go lower to get to the bar. Try hanging your arms straight down and see where your hands hit. Every fraction of an inch in getting a higher set up can make a big difference.

    I definitely will, thank you for the advice! :)

  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Nicely done! @SideSteel

    And I don't know whether I want my program early so I can mentally prepare for the workload or just the normal get it at about 11pm on Sunday night. I know Mike my evil genius is hard at work on it and scaring me. @singingflutelady
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Typical morning training for me...

    Top set squat of 295x8.

    Front squats 190x3x8.

    Bench press top set 225x9.

    From yesterday, top set 315x5.

    Also from yesterday, push press top set 135x5.

    Day off tomorrow. Saturday: deadlifts.

    Your squat is picture-perfect. Will you teach me if I teach you how to OHP/PP? :D

    it is isn't it- I love watching them on instagram. I'm such a creeper.
    Next time I get under the bar, the butt wiggle will be for you :p
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Your squat is picture-perfect. Will you teach me if I teach you how to OHP/PP? :D
    Many times I had to deload and rebuild my squat to get it to be move like that... arg. Worth all the frustration and humiliation though.

    My OHP/PP that bad?

    It doesn't look bad at a glance (kind of a bad angle to really look at form) but it just seems excessively weak compared to your other lifts, especially in comparison to a similar lift like bench press. But now that I think of it, didn't you just start training overhead work recently? That would make more sense.

    That's all true and yeah, this is my third week back training them. I want to bring this lift back up so starting this week I will be training it twice a week.

    Did I shame you into it? Sorry about that. If it makes you feel better I am deloading my squats to ~275x5 range (which used to be warm-up weight).

    Shame? Nope. Actually, for not pressing for as long as I have I am actually quite surprised I can still press as much as I can. But as many times as I have had to retool my squat and deadlift and bench press, this is no biggie - its all part of training.

    And why twice a week? Well, I had rack pulls programmed twice, but after three weeks I've decided that I need the press more, because I'm planning to introduce some weightlifting (as accessories) come this spring when I can train in my garage again.

    Why are you deloading so much @DopeItUp ? Injury?

    Nah. Trying to revamp my form. Hoping for a 4 plate squat this year (same thing I said last year).

    What things are you doing different that you hope to get you there?

    Main issue is too much forward lean, bar path is past mid-foot and over toes. Causes hips to shoot up or back (or both) out of the hole and a partial Good Morning results. Not only is it limiting the weight I can handle it kills my lower back. So I'm deloading and trying to have a nice vertical bar path every time. Once I manage that, I'll slowly move up and try to maintain form all the while.
  • beatua1
    beatua1 Posts: 98 Member
    edited February 2016
    This was the first time I got 315x5 for 4 sets, was extremely excited.

    Since then I have moved the bar down my back a bit and my PR is 340x5 for 4 sets.

  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    So 100% Raw around here brought back the bench rep challenge. Half body weight on the bar for women, body weight for men. I avoided doing the full bro trifecta because I didn't do military press or strict curl, but couldn't resist the call of the rep challenge. 27 reps with 83.5kg/95.7lb on the bar. My triceps hate me right now! Female winner managed an insane 43 reps at half her body weight!

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Typical morning training for me...

    Top set squat of 295x8.

    Front squats 190x3x8.

    Bench press top set 225x9.

    From yesterday, top set 315x5.

    Also from yesterday, push press top set 135x5.

    Day off tomorrow. Saturday: deadlifts.

    Your squat is picture-perfect. Will you teach me if I teach you how to OHP/PP? :D

    it is isn't it- I love watching them on instagram. I'm such a creeper.
    Next time I get under the bar, the butt wiggle will be for you :p
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Your squat is picture-perfect. Will you teach me if I teach you how to OHP/PP? :D
    Many times I had to deload and rebuild my squat to get it to be move like that... arg. Worth all the frustration and humiliation though.

    My OHP/PP that bad?

    It doesn't look bad at a glance (kind of a bad angle to really look at form) but it just seems excessively weak compared to your other lifts, especially in comparison to a similar lift like bench press. But now that I think of it, didn't you just start training overhead work recently? That would make more sense.

    That's all true and yeah, this is my third week back training them. I want to bring this lift back up so starting this week I will be training it twice a week.

    Did I shame you into it? Sorry about that. If it makes you feel better I am deloading my squats to ~275x5 range (which used to be warm-up weight).

    Shame? Nope. Actually, for not pressing for as long as I have I am actually quite surprised I can still press as much as I can. But as many times as I have had to retool my squat and deadlift and bench press, this is no biggie - its all part of training.

    And why twice a week? Well, I had rack pulls programmed twice, but after three weeks I've decided that I need the press more, because I'm planning to introduce some weightlifting (as accessories) come this spring when I can train in my garage again.

    Why are you deloading so much @DopeItUp ? Injury?

    Nah. Trying to revamp my form. Hoping for a 4 plate squat this year (same thing I said last year).

    What things are you doing different that you hope to get you there?

    I will MOST definitely be watching
  • sventheviking
    sventheviking Posts: 45 Member

    Nice lifts @sventheviking

    I'd like to get an axle bar for my garage gym. Might DIY one in the meantime.

    Entombed *** thumbs up ***

    Nice lifts @sventheviking

    I'd like to get an axle bar for my garage gym. Might DIY one in the meantime.

    Entombed *** thumbs up ***

    I have an acxle for my dungeon it only cost me 80 bucks 115 after shipping