Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • sewicanquilt
    sewicanquilt Posts: 16 Member
    3/1/2016. Drink 8 cups of water; move 25 more steps than yesterday; and make 1 healthy substitution at dinner
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    JFT 03/01
    Since all three were failures yesterday, same three today..new month, right?:
    1) Use at least 1 break or part of lunch to hit the gym at work
    2) Some form of cardio tonight..4 mile run is scheduled for my training today so that's what my goal needs to be
    3) Track my dinner (I do well during the workday, it's night when I forget..)
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 2/29

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Stay within weight-loss calories :)
    3. Workout - cardio + some upper body work :) Walked on the treadmill on incline for 45 minutes (ran the last 5 minutes even thought I'm not supposed to). Forgot about upper body.
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 3/01

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Stay within weight-loss calories
    3. Workout - strength workout
    4. No alcohol
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :(
    2. dance :smiley:
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. gym workout
    3. under 100G carbs
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT Sunday 2/28/16 (midday)
    1) Pt exercises
    2) Zumba
    3) Stick to new food plan


    I'll be back.
  • egr5610
    egr5610 Posts: 17 Member
    JFT - congratulate myself on healthy food choices (staying within budget too!)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,790 Member
    Friends ...Commit to yourself, Just For Today.
    Have the courage to follow through.
    Your dreams can come true.
    I know it for a fact!

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey^_^georgia^_^3^_^5^_^Welcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow.
    I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow,
    they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."

    JFT Tues 1 Mar :smiley: Happy First Day of Spring! :smiley:
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 9500+ steps; 10 cups liquids. :)
    2. Practice mindfulness. :)
    3. Go to Patchwork this morning. :)Started a new small project.
    4. Finish accounts. :)Finally UTD!
    5. Work on GoTs/LOTRs challenges. :)

    JFT Wed 2 Mar
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 9500+ steps; 10 cups liquids.
    2. Practice mindfulness.
    3. Prepare lodgements.
    4. Meet up with Garden Group for coffee am.
    5. Do weekly grocery shop.
    6. 15+ minutes on decluttering and on poetry anthology.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    JFT 03/01: 2 out of 3 ain't bad
    1) Use at least 1 break or part of lunch to hit the gym at work Walked on 2 breaks
    2) Some form of cardio tonight..4 mile run is scheduled for my training today so that's what my goal needs to be 4.05 miles in the torrential wind
    3) Track my dinner (I do well during the workday, it's night when I forget..) NOPE

    JFT 03/02:
    1) At least a mile of walking tonight (run rest day)
    2) Work out on on at least one of my breaks at work
    3) Track my dinner (I do well during the workday, it's night when I forget..)
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 3/01

    1. Walk the dogs :)
    2. Stay within weight-loss calories :)
    3. Workout - strength workout :) - T25 Rip't Circuit + Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 3/02

    1. Walk the dogs
    2. Stay within maintenance calories - no workout today
    3. No alcohol
    4. Take my friend's kids to school today and don't forget to pick them up :p
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    JFT 3/2/16

    1. Log all meals and snacks
    2. 10 glasses of water
    3. Evening exercies
  • GriffinAdam
    GriffinAdam Posts: 17 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    This is a continuation of a thread I started a thread late October, and another one in January and February, to try to stay on track, "JUST FOR A DAY".

    We have had over 500 replies each month, so I am going to restart this each month. This has helped me tremendously, to start each day new. It has kept me going, and to keep on trying, one day at a time. And, I've met some wonderful friends along the way! Reading others goals for just one day has given me so much inspiration and goals to set for myself.

    If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time.

    So each day I am going to post what I would like to accomplish. While I post my "Just for today" list, I am also going to post how I did the day before, so I am accountable to you guys as well.

    Would anyone like to join me!! I am always so encouraged reading others goals, and together, we can all reach our goals for 2015 and beyond. I hope to keep doing this, starting a new thread each month.

    March is a new month, a fresh start!

    To bookmark this new thread, just click on the little yellow star. That book marks it, so you can find it easy. When you go to post again, to the right at the top of your page is a bell, a star, and a little flower. Click on the star, and it will show your book marked threads.

    Anyone can join!

  • GriffinAdam
    GriffinAdam Posts: 17 Member
    Just for today:

    Fast until dinner.
    Workout 2 hours.
    Finish 500 cals under my daily intake.

    P.S. - this is a cool thread!
  • Selfcare2day
    Selfcare2day Posts: 2 Member
    1. Log all food
    2. Log water intake
    3. Slow down
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Just for today
    1: Log all food and stay under my count
    2: Log all water and get in 8 glasses
    3: Walk for 30 minutes at work and 30 minutes after work
    4: Keep a positive attitude! This does work.

    Just back after being away since last September 2015. Hope all are well and look forward to reading your just for today's.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    3-02 Just for today....

    I will climb the stairs 15 times instead of 10. I will double my time on the elliptical from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. I will walk to check the mail instead of when I drive by to check it.

    (I'm just starting out to get a routine of "working out" and upping my physical activity after a loooong time of being very sedentary lifestyle...so baby steps!).
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Drink water, aim for 9 cups
    Trying to reduce daily caloric intake to 1200.
    Pilates & walking.
    Add an evening walk to activity.
    Read for inspiration.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :) 12,491
    2. gym workout :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim a mile
    3. under 100G carbs
  • willybilly30
    willybilly30 Posts: 19 Member
    this is a good idea
    my day is almost over but i can post tommorow i guess
    house cleaning may not really seem like an exersize but just for today i would like to ger it clean
  • LilanGV
    LilanGV Posts: 1 Member
    This looks like a very motivating and supportive thread. I am new to my fitness pal. Tracking is pretty easy. So tomorrow (its evening now) i will:

    Track everything I eat.

    This takes some discipline, but it really pays off.

  • amthecozy
    amthecozy Posts: 9 Member
    I'm pretty sure I won't have time tomorrow morning, so I'm getting an early jump on this!!

    Today I Will:
    - Drink 8 glasses of water
    - Go for a jog - yes, BEFORE work - you know you won't do it after!
    - Log everything I eat