Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    @aevans0026 you could look up all of that stuff on Pinterest, they have so many work outs for beginners. And YouTube as well! Sometimes I take a picture on my phone of some of the workouts from Pinterest and do them. What the heck did we do before all of this technology?!
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @aevans0026 What kind of exercise are you currently doing/are you comfortable with? Do you have any medical limitations? Do you have access to a workout facility or classes?

    @Angelszophia and @uoflgirl89 Welcome!

    @zenjen13 That sounds brutal! Hopefully you were still able to enjoy vacation! And my loss was over several weeks because I wasn't in the right mindset for the scale. It's above my .5lb/week goal though so everything's going along as planned

    @bluepoppies777 Sorry to hear yoga was a bit of a bust, but way to go on trying something new! My goal for a yoga class is to find one challenging enough that if my mind strays I will fall on my face. That way it forces me to be in the moment lol. I'm not a very good meditator either!

    I have looked up several on YouTube and found a couple that I like. I just kind of hoped to hear from some people that are in the same boat as me. I plan to start back to the gym next week. Until then I have been doing some exercises at home (squats, sit ups, Pilates, ect). I guess I'm kind of embarrassed by how out of shape I am now. I used to be able to run for over an hour on the elliptical now 20 minutes would probably be too much lol. My knees is much better than it was but it still pains me some, so I try to take it easy on it. I use a brace when I exercise and a pillow for some Pilates moves but other than that I'm just fat.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    aevans0026 wrote: »
    I just started my new diet and this app a week ago. I've lost 5 pounds so far but I have a lot more to go (about 60). I used to be very active, but then I started having a lot of trouble with my knee. So I stopped being active and the weight kept packing on. I love food. I love to cook and that has been my biggest hurdle. I'm trying to get back in shape but between work and kids it's been a real struggle. I've started doing some exercises at home but I find it really hard to get motivated at home. So I'm hoping with some outside motivation and people who know what I'm going through will help. Look forward to your suggestions and advice. And I hope to cheer you all on as well.

    I would say the best thing you could do is find something that interests you and then try to find a local group of people with the same interests and also a good instructor that will take your injury in to account and work with you to try to improve it.
    I do kickboxing, others do running, some do weights. Some people just like to go for long walks. There is a group of us on here that have joined together to do the fitbit walking challenge. I think its a personal choice and obviously with any injury you need to find what fits around that. My experience of going to the gym is that everyone goes there to get fit,and everyone was a beginner at one time so try to hold your head up high and think at least im trying :wink: and stuff what other people think. Good luck with finding what works for you and please keep posting and let us know how you get on. YOU CAN DO THIS :smiley:
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @GillianSmith2 Welcome back! Glad to hear everything is going well and that your fitbit is cooperating again.

    @aevans0026 I agree 100% with Gillian. Nobody at the gym cares if you're in shape or out of shape, they're all just there to get their workout in. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, 20 minutes is great and you'll build up even more over time. I love group fitness classes because they can help you with your form and take into account your injury to help you with modifications. It's really is about finding something that you enjoy doing, because who wants to spend 30-60 minutes of their day doing something they despise! Keep us posted on how it goes!

    Nothing new to report here. I went out and Caucused last night, so I think I'm going to skip trivia night today and just stay in with the dog. My introverted People'O'Meter is currently full so I need some time to refresh before I can psych myself up for my new Muy Thai/Kickboxing class on Thursday. No way I'm skipping that!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi everyone. Well, I made it to class last night and it was a great workout! I am kind of excited they told us they are offering a few more times for the class, so I might be able to go at least twice a week now. Yay! Back to work-have a great day!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @aevans0026 The more you go to the gym, the stronger you will get, and the more confident you will become! Don't think about the negatives, like I'm too fat, I used to be able to do this...just focus on the positives. That you are taking control of your health, you are working toward getting fitter, and you are accomplishing goals!
    Trust me, I'm the fat one in my gym classes, but I decided eff it, I'm going to work just as hard and feel good about my work outs!
    Last night I tried another new class, called Barre. It is kind of like a ballet/dance/strength class. O.M.G. Almost died! Haha! I think we did hundreds of squats in ballet positions...I've never taken a dance class in my childhood or life for that matter! There were all these super fit young girls who had dance experience and here I was sweating away. But I liked it! And I had fun. I said to the instructor, after a bazillion squats "my friend says if you don't squeeze your butt, no one else will!"
    Hopefully you can find something that you like and have fun while you are doing it!
  • Scissorhands29
    Scissorhands29 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm loving all the positive vibes from all the posts. I would love to be apart of a great group of encouraging people as well :)
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose and this time around I have a medical issue that has popped up to push me harder. Getting my diet and tracking food is no problem for me. What I struggle with is....working out. Getting myself moving. It is so easy for me to come up with excuses. Or to prioritize other things so that I "don't have time" or "don't have the energy". I get wimpy when I first start out because "I'm tired" or "x body part is hurting", etc.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    aevans0026 wrote: »
    I have looked up several on YouTube and found a couple that I like. I just kind of hoped to hear from some people that are in the same boat as me. I plan to start back to the gym next week. Until then I have been doing some exercises at home (squats, sit ups, Pilates, ect). I guess I'm kind of embarrassed by how out of shape I am now. I used to be able to run for over an hour on the elliptical now 20 minutes would probably be too much lol. My knees is much better than it was but it still pains me some, so I try to take it easy on it. I use a brace when I exercise and a pillow for some Pilates moves but other than that I'm just fat.

    I have knee problems as well. I love (when the weather is nice) to ride my bike! It's easy on my knee and I can ride a long distance and get a major calorie burn! Or possibly try spinning... I enjoy that as well. Don't be embarrassed or shy away because you are out of shape... everyone starts somewhere! When you were running over an hour, did you ever once pay attention to the lady 2 treadmills down struggling to walk 20 minutes? I don't think so! You are improving yourself and who gives a rats *kitten* what others think! Won't be long and you will be smokin' them all! ;)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    @trinty425 - You're not alone, I think this is the issue for a lot of people, I come up with excuses all the time, I’ve been meaning to go back to my yoga class for months and still haven't gotten there yet, it's always 'next week'. Start off small though like @jkhoffe said, go for a walk around the block a couple of times a week, then build it up to every day, then go a little further, and be proud of yourself for doing it. It will make a difference. And you don't have to go to the gym and sweat loads, a lot of people on MFP have done just fine losing weight and only walking as their exercise (there are threads about it), so don't feel like you've got to push yourself to do mad stuff if you don't want to. Don't gauge yourself by what others are doing, do what you want to and what you're comfortable with. Personally I hate the gym and will do everything I can to avoid it, but that's just me, I look for other ways to get my exercise in. The trick is to find something you enjoy so it’s no longer ‘exercise’ and something you actually want to do. Everything feels hard to begin with, and you do get sore muscles etc., but the more you do it, the less you feel like that. Good luck.

    @aevans0026 – Exactly what @bluepoppies & @shy said, don’t concentrate on the negatives, think about the fact that you are trying to improve your health, that’s a very positive thing in itself. Who cares what other people think, if I worried about what others thought I’d NEVER go to Running Club each week. I’m overweight and unfit and I’m one of the slowest in the group - FACT! But, you know what, I’m not doing it to be the fastest and beat everyone else, nor do I worry about what anybody else thinks when they see a fluorescent pink blob wobbling along at a snail’s pace, I’m doing this for ME, to get fitter and be happier in myself. I'm trying, and that’s more than a lot of people can say. I’ve seen vast improvements in my fitness and stamina over the last few months (not to mention the weight loss), and that’s what counts! You can do this!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member

    @trinty425 I went to the gym last night and rode the stationary bike. I'm sure I looked like who knows what squirming around on that seat. But who cares I went 6.41 miles in 31 minutes. I was so proud of myself. My butt was numb forever after, my thighs are going to fall off this morning. But I can't wait to see if I can beat my distance and time the next time. Also my husband and girls were shocked then proud when I went home and told them how far I had gone. The point is just do something that you enjoy. I hate the treadmill always have always will (It takes me 34 minutes to get 2 miles in what is up with that)? Learning to like the Elliptical, & the Arc Trainer kicks my *kitten*. I like the 30 minute circuit. I try to do something different cardio wise every time I go to the gym that way I don't get bored. Just get out a move it doesn't matter how you move or how fast you move just start moving. You got this! And we are her for the ups and downs along the way. :):):)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    trinty425 wrote: »
    I have over 100 lbs to lose and this time around I have a medical issue that has popped up to push me harder. Getting my diet and tracking food is no problem for me. What I struggle with is....working out. Getting myself moving. It is so easy for me to come up with excuses. Or to prioritize other things so that I "don't have time" or "don't have the energy". I get wimpy when I first start out because "I'm tired" or "x body part is hurting", etc.

    The excuses will stop when you workout and you see results... it will get easier and you will get motivated you just have to buck up and do it! Everyone has that same issue and there are days where the couch wins... but you get up and start all over the next day! You can do this! ;)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I love reading about the wide variety of workouts everyone has! You guys are killing it!

    Welcome @Scissorhands29 and @trinty425!

    @Trinty425 Especially when you're first starting out, just say that you're going to do 1 lap around the block, just 1. Start to do that every day no matter what. Once that becomes a habit you can start to build, but this way you are getting out there and incorporating movement every day.
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    So yesterday did not go so well for me today. We have catered lunches at work almost daily and well the mexican won me over yesterday along with strawberry cake. I so need to work on self control. However today is starting a lot better. Got a nice breakfast smoothie and have plans to go to the gym after work (even brought my workout clothes with me so no excuse not to go). So here is to a new day and hopfully a better beginning.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Wow! I love all the positive vibes from everyone!! It's great to see we all struggle, yet it's even better to see we do it for ourselves and we don't care what others think!! We are awesome! We beat that person who is sitting on the couch binge watching Netflix every moment we are moving!! We got this girls!! Let's go out there and show 'em our stuff! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    uoflgirl89 wrote: »
    So yesterday did not go so well for me today. We have catered lunches at work almost daily and well the mexican won me over yesterday along with strawberry cake. I so need to work on self control. However today is starting a lot better. Got a nice breakfast smoothie and have plans to go to the gym after work (even brought my workout clothes with me so no excuse not to go). So here is to a new day and hopfully a better beginning.

    Way to stay positive. I would have a very hard time with catered lunches.. my will power sucks. =( That is probably my worst enemy! I need some kind of kryptonite! =) Here's to a new day! You can rock this girl!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member

    "ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Way to stay positive. I would have a very hard time with catered lunches.. my will power sucks. =( That is probably my worst enemy! I need some kind of kryptonite! =) Here's to a new day! You can rock this girl!

    Yep, it is but I am getting better at bringing my lunches such as the frozen healthy choices or lean cuisines. But now the wether is nice I am actually think of walking on my lunch, and then have a soup on the go at my work station. Think it will help my self control to just not even go to the break room for those catered lunches.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited March 2016
    CariTJR wrote: »
    @aevans0026 – Exactly what @bluepoppies & @shy said, don’t concentrate on the negatives, think about the fact that you are trying to improve your health, that’s a very positive thing in itself. Who cares what other people think, if I worried about what others thought I’d NEVER go to Running Club each week. I’m overweight and unfit and I’m one of the slowest in the group - FACT! But, you know what, I’m not doing it to be the fastest and beat everyone else, nor do I worry about what anybody else thinks when they see a fluorescent pink blob wobbling along at a snail’s pace, I’m doing this for ME, to get fitter and be happier in myself. I'm trying, and that’s more than a lot of people can say. I’ve seen vast improvements in my fitness and stamina over the last few months (not to mention the weight loss), and that’s what counts! You can do this!
    Cari, so proud of you for running like you do! I seriously give you huge kudos!!! You are a true inspiration! I love it! Here is me running: