Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • aevans0026
    aevans0026 Posts: 8 Member
    @ShyCush6 I might try that. I have been riding a bike around our neighborhood but there are a lot of hills, so I'm trying to build up to going up hill. So a spinning class may help with that. @bluepoppies777 and @CariTJR I know I shouldn't care what others think and I'm pretty sure nobody cares that I'm not going as fast but it kind of hurts my pride in myself. I keep trying to tell myself that I can get back there, That I'm still young enough but sometimes it's discouraging. Sometimes I'm my own worst critic but I'm really trying to be more positive. I know I can do this. I know it's going to be hard and there will be times when I want to quit but I can do this. We can all do this. Thank you guys for the encouragement. You are all awesome.
  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
    Here's a frustration I've had recently. A friend using my goal jeans as her maternity clothes :persevere:
  • Samgrim91
    Samgrim91 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all, my name is Samantha, 56lbs to lose here. Trying to get back into this after a rubbish start to the year - My nan passed away new years eve after an 18 month battle with cancer and we had 3hrs travelling each way and a 2 night stop in a seaside town for her funeral - All fish and chips and ice cream no remotely healthy eating places in site especially in off season. My dad has also just been for a CT scan today after being really ill for the last 8-12 weeks (getting worse in the last 8) as the doctors suspect he has cancer! So going through the ringer at the minute and it's really difficult to not reach for the Junk food at all times. I'm using slim fast for breakfast and lunch at the minute as I'm really bad at eating those meals and I don't like bread and am trying to do a healthy meal in the evenings with the husband when our plans don't get changed last minute which seems to happen a lot at current! Need to get back into a routine with the gym as well which is difficult that's my goal for next week :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    The excuses will stop when you workout and you see results... it will get easier and you will get motivated you just have to buck up and do it! Everyone has that same issue and there are days where the couch wins... but you get up and start all over the next day! You can do this! ;)

    I was just having this exact conversation with my friend! He was saying he doesn't know how I can bothered to motivate myself to go running in this weather (cold, wet and crappy here in the UK right now), and my answer was "because i'm seeing progress, and now i'm seeing it, I want to see more progress!". It's hard in the beginning, and i've asked myself a few times why i'm doing it, but it does get easier, and once you start to see that you're getting somewhere, like in my case, that I ran further without stopping, or my legs don't feels so tired, or I managed to get up that big hill, it spurs you on and you WANT to keep doing it to see even more results. Progress is my motivation.

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @shy - I love that meme! Lol! That is me. I'm going to print that off and stick it on my fridge, my OH will laugh his head off. :D
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    @Samgrim91 - So sorry to hear about your Nan, and your Dad. It's the 14th anniversary of my Dad dying of cancer today, i've been right where you are, so I truly feel for you (fingers crossed your Dad doesn't have it, and if he does, he succeeds in doing what mine tried so hard to do, and kicks it's ar*e!). My Mum had a stroke back end of last year too, and I spent way too much time in the hospital eating junk food from vending machines while I stayed at her bedside, so I hear ya with regard to eating right when so much is going on. But like all of us, you can do this. You need to be healthy yourself, your health is your wealth as they say.
  • Samgrim91
    Samgrim91 Posts: 25 Member
    @CariTJR - That's one of things that has motivated me to get back to the gym/on a diet. I know that my mum is going to need me a lot right now (It was her mum that passed away back end of the year) and I need to be healthy and fit myself to be able to look after her and help however I can with my dad etc.. Me and the husband had started trying to bulk cook a healthy meal at the weekends and then portion it and store in freezer so we are living off them at the minute. First goal is to get back to the Gym - we try every other day during the week and a day at the weekend which ever is free. I actually miss my hour long sessions on the treadmill where I just plug in to some TV and switch off. I don't get very far very fast but I was gradually building it up so looking forward to finding the time to get back to that. I hope your mum is doing better!
  • nicholei26
    nicholei26 Posts: 1 Member
    this seems like a good group to try to keep me accountable. I joined 7 months ago and stopped using it and didn't do anything health-wise. I tacked on 72 lbs since I joined and to get to my target of 180 I need to drop 142 lbs. I hope this group will help me stay on track, by the way my name is Nichole and I work retail.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @nicholei26 Hi my name is Nichole also. Not many people spell Nichole correctly. welcome.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Camish911 wrote: »
    Here's a frustration I've had recently. A friend using my goal jeans as her maternity clothes :persevere:

    Oh honey.... try not to think about it... I have no positive except.... skinny people suck! LOL! Just kidding!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - Hey peeps. My lands if you don't read on here everyday you get so behind you can't catch up. That's AWESOME! Love how active this thread is!

    *Confession time* So I was listening to a podcast this morning - trying to get my mind back in the game of healthy living, taking better care of myself. Last weekend was smack in the face...more like a punch in the face. Too long to type but let's just say I woke Sunday morning embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Nothing bad happened, I just didn't eat enough food Saturday and drank way too much before I even knew it... it didn't occur to me to drink water! And when i woke up Sunday I couldn't remember most of the night. RIDICULOUS! That is a cue for me that things have gone a little too far with the "parties" on the every weekend the whole month of February!! I need to bring myself back to goals, taking care of myself no matter what my friends are doing! This is about me!!!

    Back to the podcast - This was a great podcast on busting thru those excuses for not exercising. I've been thinking about it all wrong! You can't think of exercise as a means for weight loss...weight loss is by product.... there has to be another reason or you'll never stick with it. There's has to be an instant gratification kind of reason. I workout b/c I love the high I get when I'm done and I feel great! I love how i feel when I do a push when I didn't think I could do push ups! Anyway, here's a link and it's a great podcast. Chalene Johnson is a great motivator... and she will tell it like it is in this one, knock out those excuses.

    Thanks for reading... I'm determined to read on here every day! :#
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello friends!! My legs are soooo sore after spin this morning - thanks to that crazy barre class two nights ago. I was seriously stiff yesterday, so I didn't even do a work out! Wow, talk about kicking my butt! So I got up for a 6am spin class, thinking it would help the stiffness. Ummmm NO!! hahah! It was tabata spin! LOL! Anyyyywayyyy!!! Stretching is my friend!
    @Samgrim91 Sorry to hear about your Nan and Dad. It is good that you are working to get yourself healthy, it is important to care for ourselves, so we can help care for others.
    @aevans0026 I know all about thinking back to the old days when I was thin and fit! That is something I really had to come to terms with, like how did I let myself gain 65 lbs? Why didn't I think my health was important? Why didn't I put myself first instead of everyone else in my life? That is all part of the emotional journey of losing weight and getting healthy. It's good that you are feeling those things, because it means you are working through the mental parts of this journey. Some people never do that, they lose the weight, but they don't work on the reasons and what is in their heads, so it all comes back again. So good for you for challenging yourself, and asking yourself those hard questions. It's really the only way to make permanent gains for yourself!
    @nicholei26 Welcome here! 142 lbs to lose! You can do it!! Just take it 10 lbs at a time. I felt very overwhelmed with 65 lbs to lose, but I took it 5 lbs at a time, and I'm down 30 since October. It's a long process, but we are all in the same boat, whether it's 20 lbs or 200 lbs. You will have your good days and bad - just read back on this thread, we have all been there. It's nice to have a support group who knows exactly how each other feels, and to help lift each other up. So keep your chin up and don't be discouraged, you are going to do great!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    hi everyone, i am having a mixed emotions kind of day today. Everyone is saying its great how much weight I have lost and how well I look, and to be honest its the best I have felt in many years. However I still have at LEAST 10lbs to lose just to get to a "normal " weight range. I dont want to get to a point when I start looking ill, and I also dont want to get demotivated by people telling me I should stop, I am also worried about Getting to maintenance as that is when i fail every diet i have ever done. arrrgggghhhhh need a kick up the backside so im off to hit some bags :wink:
    rant over :smiley:
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    hi everyone, i am having a mixed emotions kind of day today. Everyone is saying its great how much weight I have lost and how well I look, and to be honest its the best I have felt in many years. However I still have at LEAST 10lbs to lose just to get to a "normal " weight range. I dont want to get to a point when I start looking ill, and I also dont want to get demotivated by people telling me I should stop, I am also worried about Getting to maintenance as that is when i fail every diet i have ever done. arrrgggghhhhh need a kick up the backside so im off to hit some bags :wink:
    rant over :smiley:

    You got this Gill! You are not going to fail because this is NOT a diet... This is your life change. You've gone to far and too long to not have learned that you are doing amazing things for your body! It's not a diet, just remember. You can't fail it, it's your life and you can keep living healthy! I have faith in you!
  • vanderhut
    vanderhut Posts: 15 Member
    Love to join
    Been lonely for over 2 months
  • vanderhut
    vanderhut Posts: 15 Member
    Going through the hardest time now
    25lbs lost and 20 to go, but going much slower now
  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Camish911 wrote: »
    Here's a frustration I've had recently. A friend using my goal jeans as her maternity clothes :persevere:

    Oh honey.... try not to think about it... I have no positive except.... skinny people suck! LOL! Just kidding!

    I just keep having to remind myself that pretty soon even my current pants will be too small for her!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    trinty425 wrote: »
    I have over 100 lbs to lose and this time around I have a medical issue that has popped up to push me harder. Getting my diet and tracking food is no problem for me. What I struggle with is....working out. Getting myself moving. It is so easy for me to come up with excuses. Or to prioritize other things so that I "don't have time" or "don't have the energy". I get wimpy when I first start out because "I'm tired" or "x body part is hurting", etc.

    @CariTJR has it right. When I first started I gave myself all kinds of excuses. Once you lose enough weight to notice the change (it's diff for everyone) then you will be motivated to continue. This week I'm super busy with a concert so I'm not doing my workouts but I am sticking to my eating plan to compensate for it.
    Hello, friends! I love this thread! I know I can log in at any point and read what everyone is going and what their highs and lows. Some days we are feeling discouraged, and some days we are confident, but we can lean on each other and know that we are all in the same boat!

    I tried Yin Yoga last night at the gym with my friend... Let's just say I am not a yoga person!! I always knew I preferred to really move and sweat, but I was lying there thinking about grocery lists, what I wanted to eat when I got home, brushing the dog... You get the picture! I guess I don't have the skill of mentally turning the brain off and being calm. And it didn't help that a few ppl farted and I almost got the giggles!! Good grief, I will stick to spin and just sweat it out hardcore. But at least I tried something new, so I was glad for that!

    @bluepoppies777 I do a 90 min yoga class every Monday. It's not a lie on the floor and meditate kind - you work up a real sweat. If you want something athletic try Vinyasa Flow or Ashtanga, I guarantee you won't have time to think about anything other than what you are doing in that moment (pushups, squats, more squats)! Glad you tried a class but there are many types of yoga so don't give up on it, try another!
  • sjmoran
    sjmoran Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to join too. I have been going strong with cardio and thought I was doing well with eating the right portions and kinds of foods but am having difficulty with the actual weight coming off. I know what I am doing is sort of working because my body is tighter and my clothes less tight :smile: Rock on!