

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Beth, that is wonderful that DH went for a walk. I think 27 minutes on his first outing is fantastic.

    Chris, so glad the date went well and I hope there are more even better ones. I’m so excited for you!!!

    Joyce, sending prayers for your sister. (((Hugs)))) for you.

    Lisa, plans look great. Sounds like a lot of work but I know ya’ll can do it. Have a blast on your trip.

    CJ, the pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Yvonne, good luck finding the right therapist. And get over that cough, girl!! (((Hugs)))

    Sylvia, sooo happy to hear of your improvement. And that sense of humor: that you were never 100%. smiley-laughing002.gif ((((Hugs))))

    CarolNC, sending healing thoughts your way. I hope the meds work fast and you get back on your feet real soon.

    Katla, okay now you have put me to shame. When we added on our screen porch and store room I had the walls in the store room all done in peg board. I thought that was a great idea. But it never occurred to me to paint the walls??? Now every time I go in there I’ll think about that. You are just fancier than I am.

    Anne, cool deal to have your gym membership paid for you. Just get yourself to the gym.

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    The handyman was scheduled for this morning and never showed. Of course we moved furniture so he could get to one wall in the bedroom to do a repair. Plus sat around for an hour expecting him to show at any time. He is now rescheduled for Thursday if the weather will be clear. Grrrrr I had a board meeting for the HOA this afternoon. I put a pot roast in the crock pot this morning and it was good but not Great, so I was disappointed. I didn’t respond to many due to having so much to read but know I think of all of you and care for all of you. Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol (Peach1948) - Catfish place? .. at High Falls?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    CJ, I still can't figure out what 'kitten' was substituted for. Sometimes my naivetie takes over and I am proud of it!!!! Did you ever mention if this was a business or pleasure trip? Love the pictures.

    My sis had her appointment this morning. I must say it is nice to have a doctor that is very prompt for an appointment. He is a very kind, up front, tell it like it is but gives no false hope. First thing off he told us that her PET scan is negative. My sister was so relieved, well we all were but my sister had completely got it wrong. She immediately was so relieved that she didn't have to make a decision. So she got it backwards. If it was positive, then no treatment would be offered so she would't have to make a decision. But since it was negative she then had to decide whether she would take it. Norma is so tired or being tired, sore, short of breath, problems with mobility, diarrhea or constipation etc, etc. This therapy would not change any of those things. Those are her health right now. Side effects would be anything be anything with 'itis' at the end. Her immune system would go into overdrive. She could have hepatitis, colitis, thyroiditis, pneumonitis, etc. Lots to look forward to huh? Especially if you already have irritable bowel disease, fibro with every symptom that comes with it, spinal problems in all areas of her spine, asthma. The nurse educator showed her a questionaire they will ask her before each treatment to see if she has developed those symptoms. Shoot, she already does. So she is leaning towards no. Her husband is a very analytical man and is just seeing that this might help plus he loves her and wants to keep her as long as he can. With all the pain I have been having lately, I totally see where she is coming from from and will totally trust her to make the best decision for HER. If she was 40 it would be different. If she was 80, we would all be on the same line of thought.

    I then rushed across the street to the hospital, drove and drove to find a parking spot, walked in pouring down rain and 'gale forced' rain. Just kidding. It was quite hard to keep my umbrella with me though. He had his IV in but not the infusion. When it was ready, he was in the bathroom and it takes extra time just because he is in the potty when it is time to change the rate, anything. I did get him to finally figure out how to get Pandora on his own phone and he had that on for awhile. I guess he likes the sound of my iPad better but I was using it so he turned off his phone.

    Then I left to go pick my sister up from her house and take her to the mall for a hair appointment. The traffic lights were not my friend today.

    So how has this affected me today? Well I had pizza tonight so that says a lot. We went to Cici's so I could get my brownie. I lost my oldest sister and Mom due to cancer and I don't want to lose my other sister, my confidante and best friend here in town, due to cancer. I know what will be happening and I don't want to see it but yet I know there is no way I would take myself away from being there every step of the way. And then there is Charlie's ulcerative colitis. It is unchecked for almost 1 1/2 years. I know that it is precancerous. Please Lord, don't allow this to happen to me.

    JOyce, Indiana
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Well my posts are being swallowed into the abyss it seems. Had about three go missing.

    I never rarely look at the general forum threads, they tend to be "hook up or not" type stupid pointless posts but tonight I caught myself strolling about the threads here and there and um.... Sheesh there's some real trolls out there. I am SO glad I'm not a 20 something trying to discern nice from creep. I feel for you ladies who are single and in the dating game. I'm afraid I would not survive!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr wrote: »

    Just had this for snack. Wow, it was really good. Planning on buying them and sending some to my son out to sea. Other flavors of these (think protein bar in a ball form) is Superberry, coconut and macadamia, and peanut cacao.


    I didn't notice calorie or nutritional information when I followed the link. Can you provide any details? :flowerforyou:
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    CJ -love those beautiful Peruvian images. Don't post the ceramics or some of you would have a heart attack! I used to have postcards of the ceramics very privately displayed in my bedroom and absolutely loved them. Now they are in a drawer. :'( What great images you saw. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
    Uh- and which ceramics could those possibly be???????? Hhhmmm. >:) There are many beautiful portrait vases, funerary offerings, and household ceramics. I will post some of these. I did not take any pictures of the "life cycle", fertility inducing explicit figures or what now seems to be the word of the moment-"kittens" ceramics. I want to be able to show the photos to people who may not be as understanding of a culture that uses very anatomically correct or anatomically exaggerated figures as offerings or aids to creating a new generation. That being said, I saw a fascinating display of a set of ceramics that showed the entire life cycle- conception, birth, baby taking nourishment from mother, toddler or a little older, young man, warrior, elder, dying, and then skeleton dressed as a living person would.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2016
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Katla, okay now you have put me to shame. When we added on our screen porch and store room I had the walls in the store room all done in peg board. I thought that was a great idea. But it never occurred to me to paint the walls??? Now every time I go in there I’ll think about that. You are just fancier than I am.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    DJ, we've lived here about 20 years. It is about time we got around to the storage room! :embarassed: Actually, it started last fall when our old door to the storage room got dry-rot and had to be replaced. We had to buy a new door. We found a good carpenter & he helped us find a high quality fiberglass exterior door. He installed the door and did a great job. This spring we noticed that the plywood floor of the room was not doing well, and our trusty carpenter came and painted some stuff on it that will preserve it through the next ice-age. But the floor was b*tt ugly, so I wanted it to look better. I bought a remnant of vinyl flooring and the scope of work enlarged a bit. We installed the flooring, added baseboards, and added more peg board. Today I painted the pegboard to match the wall color. I'm very pleased and a combination of embarrassed to have let it get so bad, and proud of us for fixing it. :blush:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    15,000 steps
    178 minutes of dog walking
    59 minutes riding the exercise bike

    Strong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 3 X 10 @ 30 lbs
    bench press 3X10 @ 40 lbs
    dumbbell row 5X5 @ 60 lbs
    kettle bell swing 3 X 10 @ 20 lbs

    :) I am really grateful for my uneventful, peaceful life. The only bump seems to be that our new car is at the car doctor getting the catalytic converter replaced (not at our expense, thanks the the warranty), but we've been driving a "loaner" for over a week. The car is OK but all my reusable grocery bags are in our car and I hate that we've made several trips to the grocery store and had to use store bags instead of our reusable ones. :'(

    :)<3 Thank you all for being part of my life

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful cloudy NW Washington t116002.gif
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    :heart: Sending healing thoughts for those who need them.
    :wink: Attagirls for those who've earned them.

    I'm caught up with reading posts. But, it's my bedtime, so catch you all later.

    Colorado Foothills
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    katla, if you use her link, right next to details is ingredients and then reviews.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yoga today, hooray! First one after the Easter break. My friend who is walking 500 miles along the Camino de Santiago won't be there. She said she would give me a link to her blog, but I haven't got it, so I have no idea how she's getting on. My other friend will have to bring me home today as DH will be taking the car to cricket.

    Last night's meal was mussels for a starter and a fish stew with turbot, scallop, prawn and mussel. Turbot is a very rare treat. :D<3 I had no carbs. Did drink too much wine and I'm a bit fuzzy headed this morning. Lovely evening.
    When the manager rings about the overcharging I must have DH's card on hand for the refund. It's a LOT of money. The men were splitting the bill between them and didn't notice that we were charged the full price, not the offer price.

    CJ - it wasn't until I went to a Colombian gold exhibition in London that I realised from the accompanying explanations that the beautiful gold objects from South America have not much gold in them. They devised a process whereby the gold surface comes up in the polishing. Amazing technical achievement! To look at them you would think they were solid gold. <3
    I haven't heard back yet from our travel company about Mexico.

    Today I will book the excursions we want for our cruise. They are very expensive. :* Some are very touristy. Quite a few places we have decided to explore on our own (towns) and I hope Penny will be there to meet us in Longyearbyen. My Norwegian will come in handy for the towns. I am now on a 60 day streak!

    So sad for you Joyce. Sending love to your family. <3

    Must get ready for yoga now.

    Heather UK

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday!
    CJ- I am laughing over the ceramic talk. I had no idea the ancient Peruvians had fertility artwork. I thought that was an African/Egyptian thing. I am intrigued by the fiber timekeeper/calendar. Was that what it was, or was it an abacus type thing? I will have to take another look at that.
    Heather- I have decided to move in with you. I swear, your meals always sound phenomenal. What is turbot? You should open a little bistro or b&b. I am so excited for you and your upcoming trip to Longyearbyen! To use your Norwegian that you have been working so hard on and to see Penny and her stomping grounds! Really exciting stuff!

    It is finally warming up here. The days this week are expected to gradually get warmer. High in the 50's. I will take that! The sun was out yesterday and I had the kids outside. All of my older neighbors stopped over to see and talk to the kids. My neighbor is about 80 and lost her daughter (who was my age) last year to cancer. She hobbled over the lawn when she saw the kids outside and one of my boys (age 3 1/2) ran to her and yelled "Miss Ruth! Hi! Oh, I missed you, Grammy! I love your coat!..." He hugged her and held her hand the entire time she visited and she was in heaven. I am not sure what made this little guy have such a strong reaction to her; she has visited us before (although not since last fall) and it never caused a reaction like this from him. It was just very sweet to see her reaction to it. She just melted.
    I have to say, although my vacation wasn't as relaxing as I had hoped, having the week away from the kids made me like my job again and made me appreciate/like the kids again. I must have gotten enough "renewal" from the days of sleeping in and staying up late. It is all good and I feel like I could do this for another five or ten years.

    Got in a swim last night before bed. No swimming the next two days due to water polo meets. Squat challenge has been going well; it is a rest day today. Walked this morning and it is such a clear morning that I could see many stars. Ursa major and minor, Cassiopeia, and Orion's belt. I love mornings like that.
    Love and hugs to all that need them <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Feeling grateful for all i have and realizing how very fleeting it all is! I will snap out of this navel gazing and get on with my work, my to do list and the happiness that comes with a roast chicken dinner....

    Trying a new recipe of chicken marinated in buttermilk a little rosemary and honey, let u know how it turns out tomorrow!

    Karen from ny
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    BArbie- regarding the squats: I do all of mine at the same time, usually mid day as the kids are napping. I am finding it is a nice "pick me up" at that time of day when I start to slow down.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    LOL! Trying to figure out how to change my profile pic on here. I can do it everywhere else, but am having trouble figuring it out for mfp! Can anyone give me a hand with this?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    morning ladies~
    back from the gym and having my second cup of tea.. found out the darn surge hasn't synced in 3 day? what the he##, im going to call fit bit after I get back from feeding dfil.. i have had it for a couple of months and for for the amount of money we spent on it..they better get it syncing again...
    Tom is behaving for right now.. not giving me any flack as I went off on him the other night...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hey, KJL - if you're on a computer, go to My Home, Profile, and then Edit Photos, and there will be a button to upload a different photo. If you're on a phone app for MFP, someone else may be able to help...

    Sylvia - so glad to see you're able to use both hands! I would think the fine motor skill of typing would be great therapy for your recovery... and your sense of humor is definitely back. How's your family holding up?

    Joyce - there are no words. My heart hurts just thinking about it, I cannot imagine how hard this is for you.

    Miriam - I learn something every time you go into educational mode, and I appreciate it very much. Please don't stop.

    For me--I'm going to see family because of all the recent losses of people who are dear to me, and because we're not promised tomorrow, and I want to make sure I spend time with those I love. As Karen in NY said, "Feeling grateful for all I have and realizing how very fleeting it all is!"

    More work on the Big Book o' Death this early morning so, should the worst happen, my beloved will have information enough to deal with all contingencies. Since I'm the financial person for our family, there's a ton of information that he has no idea about, and although we do talk over the figures a lot, accessing everything would be quite difficult.

    Then it's off to town, fully packed for the trip, but today is a Chamber of Commerce meeting at noon, and an art class tonight, first one at the warehouse. Kind of an experiment to see if the craft room space will accommodate six people working on a project. These are all friends, and we're all doing a video class, but if it works, might hold some quilting classes or other similar things. I won't come back out to the ranch, it will be too late when we're done. Will stay in town and take off super-early Wednesday morning on my trip.

    Off to the races, kids... Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    edited April 2016
    Heather sounds like a fantastic trip. Please give Penny a hug from me.

    Barbie your dance group is so lucky to have you as their instructor.

    Reflections from Dance With Anger

    Lehrner stresses over and over we do not have the power to make others think and feel in a certain way. Robert Nay the author of Taking Charge of Anger agrees with this too. What I can do is to be firm, consistent, clear what I will and will not tolerate in how others treat me. Positive and negative consequences are the result. Just like when I teach the more the consequence the situation the better. Example because our son abused the privileged in driving his car we are making it more difficult for him to get it back from us.

    I agree with her about power struggles. When I fail to acknowledge another's thoughts and feelings because I am right and know what to do I often fail to clarify my own expectations. I have noticed a little firmness goes along way. If the struggle is still there some space is often an antidote. Reasoning often fails in these situations too because it is basically trying to get the person to see it my way.

    I liked her suggestions of first listening to the other person and acknowledging their feelings without trying to change them. next clarify my stance, third set boundaries and enforce them with a consequence if not honored. To me an example if someone is chronically late. I start at this time and it is up to you to either catch up to us or miss the activity. I will leave on time.

    In conclusion to this chapter on Who's Responsible ( I have written about this chapter over several days because there was so much to think about.) when I stop trying to change the other person and begin to notice the patterns I am in with that person I can start to consider other ways to react to that person. Speaking my truth to myself and others and sharing my stories and actively listening to theirs gives me many options to find the types of relationships that will nurture us both.

    :heart: Margaret