
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    19,000 steps
    176 minutes of dog walking
    line dance class

    Strong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 3 X 10 @ 30 lbs
    deadlift 5X5 @ 60 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs
    kettle bell swing 3 X 10 @ 20 lbs

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    KJL, great idea on the morning ride/run. Way to go.

    Heather, omg now I am really getting excited about your trip. When do you go?

    Barbie, you and Becca have discussed the plastic bags that you get at grocery stores. Our Women of the Moose group is going to do a yearlong project using those bags to make crocheted mats. They can be used by homeless to sit on or shield from rain. I don't know the size yet as we haven't started making them but I'm saving my bags. It takes quite a few to make each mat.

    Becca, congrats on getting below 230. Keep up the good work.

    Skworon, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. The first suggestion is to not think of this as a diet cause we've all failed at those. This is for many of us, a lifestyle change to a new life of healthy eating and exercise. Even when we reach our goal weight it's a good idea to stay here and keep logging. Come often and post when you want. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Katla, ewwww I don’t know if I could watch foot surgery unless I was wasted. It’s easier for me to see something or an injury on someone else.

    Lawmiller, welcome. This is a great place for support so come often. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Yvonne, you have a good rule about buying fabric, BUT they will only go out of business once. LOL I saw that today for the first time as there is no Hancock’s near me.

    Marcelyn, I love the story about your grandmother’s recipes.

    MicheleNC, I had to laugh about the plants not blooming and needing to be moved. That sounds like things around this house.

    Barbie, I guess your friend doesn’t know that people have to take new cars back to the shop to repair things???? LOL

    Joyce, pointing-and-laughing.gif I admit I was laughing about you and your Christmas tree. What can I say?

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got behind again today. I went out of town on a day trip with a friend. We went to see her Aunt in a town about 1 1/2 hours away. She cooked us the best country dinner for lunch with Fried Chicken, fresh corn, green beans, fresh sliced tomatoes and cornbread. Yes, I ate a little of all of it and did go over on calories today. But OMG it was delicious!!!! And I savored every bite. I’ll catch up tomorrow while the handy man is here. He called tonight to confirm. I'm exhausted and headed for bed.
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Betty~Ohhh if I could get you all together for a party I WOULD and cook and saute' and make magic in my kitchen in your honor!!! Value your friendships sooo much!!
    Queen of her kitchen
    in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    DJ in Myrtle Beach SC thank you for your encouraging words! I am finally "getting it" and its paying off. ((((hugs))))
  • AquaCoraline
    AquaCoraline Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to these postings and sorry, I haven't read everything back to the beginning, but did skim through and I sure could use some support today. You see, many people would love to be my size but for me, I'm fat for the first time in my life. Yes, I said that "f" word, fat! I am 58 years old and have struggled with this new weight problem for the past 2.5-3 years now. Keep putting on the pounds so fast and feel totally out of control. Worried, scared, and it's weighing heavy on my heart and taking a toll on my psychological well being. I'm 5'3" and the scales read 150.4 pounds last night! I know, I know, you may say....but I've put on 20 pounds in just a little over a year. It seems like every week or two I'm gaining. I don't even eat all that much; I also have trouble with willpower. Another problem....my partner is retired and he is 23 years older than I (80) and he is always hungry and life seems for him revolves around what we are going to eat and when. I work full time. I get home and first thing is to get something on the table fast. How do I take care of something for him and eat right to lose weight? He struggles to maintain enough meat on his bones and he is 5'8" and 153. We weigh nearly the same!

    I know something has to give as I'm in tears and depressed (and on meds for this for many years now). I also have been in a contract job (no benefits) for over a year. I've been laid off 3 times in about 5 years (since hitting 50 years old) and I need to get myself whipped back into shape so I can not look like a short, frumpy 58-year-old. Can anyone out there please help me? I'm tearful as I write this and I'm sincerely looking for a lifeline.

    Thank you, anyone, for reading and "listening." I really do need some help and ideas.
  • gabby4mc
    gabby4mc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I'm turning 50 in T-minus 39 days - am I close enough to join your group? I've strolled through your posts and you look like a fun group! My goals for April are to meet my next DietBet weigh in which will bring me into Onederland for the first time since 1999! To get there I need to meet my other subgoals of tracking my food, sticking to the low glycemic diet that works best for me, and getting in at least 8,000 steps a day.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better!


    Rene aka gabby
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day;
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.19min, 14.3amph, 149mhr, 2.9mi = 133c
    SPIN- 42min, 84ar, 93aw, 10-16g, 125ahr, 156mhr, 11.1mi = 359c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.46min, 12.6amph, 145mhr 1.4mi = 78c
    ride wk 2 hm- 18.10min, 9.6amph, 155mhr, 2.8mi = 197c
    total cal 767

    ar - average revolutions per minute, how fast i'm pedaling
    aw = average watts -how much power i'm putting out per minute
    mph = average miles per hour
    mhr = maximum heart rate
    ahr = average heart rate
    mi = miles
    g - gear (1-24 on spin bike)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)DJ, that sounds like a great project that the Women of the Moose are doing with plastic bags. At our house, we use them for wastebasket liners and for cat or dog poop bags. We find ways to reuse everything.

    :)Becca, it would be so much fun for us all to get together at your house...crowded, but fun. :)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of a Baywatch Beach Body Workout. The nice thing, and this I didn't know, is that you can do just one segment if time doesn't permit for you to do the entire video. The plan for tomorrow is to do a strength training DVD. We shall see how that one goes.

    barbie - my father's second wife was really into having "things". Not necessarily quality, mainly quantity. Well, I know finances were tight for them (my father owned his own business and didn't have a pension). Well, they were looking for a car so I suggested a used one since they are less expensive and most of the "bugs" have been worked out. Well, his wife said to me "no, no used cars for us". Well, she died and my father had to buy a new car. Guess what kind of car he got??? All the reusable bags I have I got for free except for one, and that's because I wanted at least one insulated bag. Publix opened a new store while we were in FL and one of their give-aways was an insulated bag. It's not real great, but it's certainly better than nothing. But I do have one insulated bag that's really good. Other than that, all the bags I have I got for free. I'm sorry the pie didn't work out. To be honest, swiss cheese and onion doesn't sound appealing to me at all, I don't think I would have tried it.

    Becca - we always put the turkey in the oven breast side down. I know this isn't the traditional way. But then the juices from the turkey go down to the breast meat. Whenever we've done this, the meat always falls off the bone. If you're not making it for Thanksgiving, try this method. What is "the tar"? You certainly know how to make someone hungry telling me all about your soup. Sounds delish. Love your different ideas for meals. What do you usually have for breakfast? I'm looking for ideas of different things to have. I'm thinking that I'll have soup tomorrow morning.

    We have a Newcomer general meeting, so I'll be leaving in a few.

    Home from the meeting. Where does the time go? Needed to get dinner ready, have dinner, then ceramics. On the way home stopped at Lowe's Foods to get rice on sale, bought gas (since I got 5 cents off the gallon), now home

    beebee - keep trying, you WILL get there. Never give up!

    COL55US - welcome. This IS a great group of ladies. Very encouraging, we share all things good and bad and in between. You'll love it here.

    Becca - you never cease to put a smile on my face. Thank you. Congrats on your great loss. A MFP party would be great. Heather and you can cook up a storm for us!!!!

    Claire - your plan sounds wonderful. That's what works for me. Welcome,

    Welcome everyone new!

    Lenora - running conduit along the walls???? We do have some down at the condo. Of course, the condo was built probably in the 60's (when the spaace program was at its hey day) and there wasn't the overhead fans that we have today. I admit, the conduit looks tacky. But I also understand that they would have had a hard (if not impossible) and expensiveyl1kdabv69cd.jpg
    running the wires thru the walls. I don't think the gear shows up on my tablet. I'm sure I would have at least clicked on it to see if that would do it. Oh well..... I like to shop at Belk's mainly because their petite department is a good size. So sorry about your soup. I hate when something burns onto the bottom of a pan.

    katla - prayers for your daughter's BIL

    AquaCoraline - first off, welcome! I do a fair amount of cooking on the weekends, freeze it, then plan what we're going to have for dinner the next week and take the necessary foods out of the freezer. Many times I'll give Vince something that I really don't care for (like beef -- not that I don't eat it, it's just not on my "most favorite" list) and have something else for me (like a veggie burger or soup). One of the reasons we exercise is so that we get big shoulders for others to lean on, so just type away and we'll be here for ya.

    Rene - welcome. Of course you're welcome to join us, as a matter of fact, we're looking forward to it. Tell me more about this DietBet. Happy early birthday.

    I'm attaching a pic of the dolphin that I made in ceramics. The lady told me that I can spray the no fire snow and it'll be OK outside. We shall see.....

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Michele, "beat the tar out of something" is just an expression that means give it a good pounding. It's a euphemism for harsher words like doo-doo or Hades. We sometimes say tarnation, too.

    Hope that helps.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Does 49.5 yo count? :) My goal is go be "fit at fifty"....so I have 6 months to get there. Goal for April are to work-out 3-4 days weekly and record in MFP EVERY day !!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    Had a good productive day today. Even though the cat woke me up at 4:00 a.m. Got a couple of birthday gifts for my son (Tim) and my sister. Then the begining stage of yard work. Much more to do. Plus I hope to clean out closets, this will probably be a long process.

    Becca - Thanks for the encouraging words they made my day, and must have made a difference. Sure sounds like your frig and pantry are in order- I may have to work on that!!

    Dj-Myrtle Beach- Sounds like you had a great day.

    AquaCoraline and Gabby- Welcome. I am new to this also but really enjoy the reading/listening about everyone's life. It is wonderful how encouraging everyone is to each other. I guess we women folk have to stick together.

    Well going to try to get some sleep so goodnight everyone I hope you all have a great morning.
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of a Baywatch Beach Body Workout. The nice thing, and this I didn't know, is that you can do just one segment if time doesn't permit for you to do the entire video. The plan for tomorrow is to do a strength training DVD. We shall see how that one goes.

    barbie - my father's second wife was really into having "things". Not necessarily quality, mainly quantity. Well, I know finances were tight for them (my father owned his own business and didn't have a pension). Well, they were looking for a car so I suggested a used one since they are less expensive and most of the "bugs" have been worked out. Well, his wife said to me "no, no used cars for us". Well, she died and my father had to buy a new car. Guess what kind of car he got??? All the reusable bags I have I got for free except for one, and that's because I wanted at least one insulated bag. Publix opened a new store while we were in FL and one of their give-aways was an insulated bag. It's not real great, but it's certainly better than nothing. But I do have one insulated bag that's really good. Other than that, all the bags I have I got for free. I'm sorry the pie didn't work out. To be honest, swiss cheese and onion doesn't sound appealing to me at all, I don't think I would have tried it.

    Becca - we always put the turkey in the oven breast side down. I know this isn't the traditional way. But then the juices from the turkey go down to the breast meat. Whenever we've done this, the meat always falls off the bone. If you're not making it for Thanksgiving, try this method. What is "the tar"? You certainly know how to make someone hungry telling me all about your soup. Sounds delish. Love your different ideas for meals. What do you usually have for breakfast? I'm looking for ideas of different things to have. I'm thinking that I'll have soup tomorrow morning.

    We have a Newcomer general meeting, so I'll be leaving in a few.

    Home from the meeting. Where does the time go? Needed to get dinner ready, have dinner, then ceramics. On the way home stopped at Lowe's Foods to get rice on sale, bought gas (since I got 5 cents off the gallon), now home

    beebee - keep trying, you WILL get there. Never give up!

    COL55US - welcome. This IS a great group of ladies. Very encouraging, we share all things good and bad and in between. You'll love it here.

    Becca - you never cease to put a smile on my face. Thank you. Congrats on your great loss. A MFP party would be great. Heather and you can cook up a storm for us!!!!

    Claire - your plan sounds wonderful. That's what works for me. Welcome,

    Welcome everyone new!

    Lenora - running conduit along the walls???? We do have some down at the condo. Of course, the condo was built probably in the 60's (when the spaace program was at its hey day) and there wasn't the overhead fans that we have today. I admit, the conduit looks tacky. But I also understand that they would have had a hard (if not impossible) and expensiveyl1kdabv69cd.jpg
    running the wires thru the walls. I don't think the gear shows up on my tablet. I'm sure I would have at least clicked on it to see if that would do it. Oh well..... I like to shop at Belk's mainly because their petite department is a good size. So sorry about your soup. I hate when something burns onto the bottom of a pan.

    katla - prayers for your daughter's BIL

    AquaCoraline - first off, welcome! I do a fair amount of cooking on the weekends, freeze it, then plan what we're going to have for dinner the next week and take the necessary foods out of the freezer. Many times I'll give Vince something that I really don't care for (like beef -- not that I don't eat it, it's just not on my "most favorite" list) and have something else for me (like a veggie burger or soup). One of the reasons we exercise is so that we get big shoulders for others to lean on, so just type away and we'll be here for ya.

    Rene - welcome. Of course you're welcome to join us, as a matter of fact, we're looking forward to it. Tell me more about this DietBet. Happy early birthday.

    I'm attaching a pic of the dolphin that I made in ceramics. The lady told me that I can spray the no fire snow and it'll be OK outside. We shall see.....

    Michele in NC

  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    Michele, Great dolphin!!
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    tlnurse wrote: »
    Does 49.5 yo count? :) My goal is go be "fit at fifty"....so I have 6 months to get there. Goal for April are to work-out 3-4 days weekly and record in MFP EVERY day !!!

    Great goals! You got this. :smile:

    Hey ladies, sorry I've been out of the loop. Having a weird week. Thinking of you all though, and wishing you victory! :smiley:

    Edited to add:
    GRRR after a very stressful day, and after logging all my food for the day, I found myself mysteriously chomping on a radish. Thank goodness it was just a radish. This is why I don't have snacky snacks in the house.

    Larisa in Seattle
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Betty~Ohhh if I could get you all together for a party I WOULD and cook and saute' and make magic in my kitchen in your honor!!! Value your friendships sooo much!!
    Queen of her kitchen
    in Oregon

    Miss Becca, you are an absolute delight :) Thank you for being our friend. I think you would be the life of the party. I'd settle down and ask for a concert or two, vocal and piano. You go girl friend.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited April 2016
    aquacarolina, can you have a snack area in your fridge or pantry that is full of things for your hubby to snack on so he doesn't want supper on the table immediately. This could 'put some meat on him' also if it is protein rich foods. Good luck with your journey.

    That's OK DJ. I laugh also. I have to to keep myself from crying over it. Two years ago at Thanksgiving we had the grand kids and family to help us put the tree up. My sister stayed also. The only thing she can do is anything at floor level because she has to stay sitting but her and Ellie enjoyed decorating the hearth. Of course we had to re-do it all after Ellie left but they had fun. Norma has to children, her son only has one son and he is only interested in acedemics right now. Then her daughter is married to a blind man and says it is to dangerous to have children with him plus she had a traumatic test when she was about 6 years old which required a urinary catheter to be put in. So when she reached her teen years she swore she would never have children. Now I think she would have forgotten that exam except for the trauma it was for her Mom to go through it. So my grand kids are 'hers'. So after Christmas, which for us is in January we all took down the decorations. Well this year I had intended it to be the same year and to make it a tradition. Didn't happen. So I really, really wanted to have them all help me when they were here over spring break but it just got put off and put off and the next thing I knew was that I was saying goodby to them. No telling how long it would stay up if my brother didn't call and ask if he could come.

    Went to choir practice and there were no tenors, one alto was at soccer, another was taking her daughter which is also an alto to the airport and the last alto was baby sitting. 3 basses, one with alzheimers but sure knows his music just isn't sure if his music is upside down and one of the basses isn't going to be there Sunday. Sopranos was also low since one was in soccer and other was in Florida taking care of sick Mom and the last one was sick. So we attempted the song for Sunday but when you have none of one of the parts there (tenors), it's hard to practice. So we had an abbreviated practice. I came home and found that Charlie had gotten mad while he was out at Karaoke and left. The first person of the 3 people group had only gotten a 4 people table and the only seat left for him was having his back to the mic stand. He never likes that place so he left in a huff. Says now he doesn't know if they are worth keeping. This is an on and off again thing that he goes through with him. He has been part of this group and their wives for umpteen years and the guys themselves are known as 'The over the hill gang'. When he was sick last year it was just the other 2 for months and the guys and the whole place rejoiced when he was able to be back with them. These guys get requests to do weddings, bar mitzahs, birthdays, etc. We even get calls at home saying some one had seen them while they were out and wondering if they could hire them for an outdoor party. One of the other guys is just as testy as Charlie is. One night when they were going over to this guys house to practice, Charlie forgot to bring a pack of beer. Boy was that an epic breakup!!! The 3rd guy knows if the other 2 are having their menapausal fit that he can just go out on his boat for the weekend and they will eventually make up.

    Becca, you do not want to see my pantry or fridge. Now that Charlie is on his Prednisone for 2 weeks, well it's for 6 weeks but the higher dose is for 2 weeks, he feels well enough to go to the grocery store. No telling what he puts in the cart. I am not strong enough to leave it alone when it gets here. Right now there is a gallon of ice cream. Now I only got one cup but now that I have the taste of it in my mouth I don't know how I can stop. But he wanted it for himself and my brother.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi gals,

    Joyce – you did a ton today! Congrats on getting the decorations all put away.

    Becca – you are winning the scale event! You go girl!!!

    Heather – It is fun to see how excited you are getting. Oh my with BT – ombudsman! Is there a local office at all?

    Sioux – baby steps is the best way as you’ll make choices you can continue forever.

    Ceekat – welcome! Packing meals for times you are not home is great for good eating and budgeting.

    Pip – a wind blown noodle!

    CJ – Great job on calling the CEO – I bet heads rolled!!

    Claire – 2lbs in 3 weeks is great! - you are headed in the right direction

    Betty – I have moved more Roses than I want to admit to… so dig a big hole at the place you are putting it, and have some good soil to put in there - then dig out the rose, the roots spread out so start digging 3-5 feet away from the trunk – depending on how big it is, and work your way in and down, trying to cut through as few as possible – when you have it loose pick it up and move it, put it in it’s new hole, making sure to not bury the trunk – the soil should come to just above the highest root. Water well…. And don’t expect too much from it the first year.

    Katla – sending good thoughts!!!

    AquaCoraline – welcome! Take a breath – you can do this… I would have a “starter” ready in the fridge for your partner - a dip and chips or vegies and smoked salmon – something that you can pull out and can by munched on (in a different room so you are not tempted) while you put together a healthy meal for the two of you… He gets some extra calories and you get room to breathe. Lots of us make extra when we make a meal ( so 4 servings instead of 2) and freeze ½ so we can pull that out for a quick meal.

    Gabby – welcome

    Busy week, the embroidery business has been slow for over two months and that is really hurting the finances – this is a tough time of year, property tax; estimated tax; catchup for the year before tax; and my car registration…. So I have been gardening anywhere that will pay me to try to make up the difference, it is helping but not enough, so that makes stress levels high. But today when I was just about at the end of my rope, the doorbell rang and a client who had asked for a quote 6 months ago and then I had never heard from again, dropped by without an appointment but with a big big order! So that feels very good. I am also having trouble with the darn pounds, I had gotten down a bit, but am back up a couple of pounds - I do best if I do not eat back ANY exercise calories, but lately doing 1500 + calories of exercise, so am really hungry and am eating some of them back, while I am staying ok calorie wise, and do believe a calorie is a calorie, I am thinking I need to make those extra calories super nutrition dense – balance in all things – so tough to do.

    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Morning all~
    I have been waking up at 1:30 am the last 2 days, today I have off from where I work. but I am going to the gym,then will go get my hair cut, and look for stuff for my grandaughters bedroom and do some cleaning