

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    me too :p
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    DJ Instead of dill, two of my Greek and Bulgarian cookbooks call for scallions, parsley and either mint or grated nutmeg. Personally, I always use nutmeg rather than dill. For foods with spinach, cheese and egg, I find that it gives a bit of a fresh flavor. I always use fresh mint and freshly grated nutmeg.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    What I found about WW was they 'changed' their 'systems' quite a lot. I joined, bought the books to keep up with things; 2 months later they went to points; totally lost, did not like the system; and, now they've changed again; this after changing from the points value to a 'better' points system. I gained weight on WW; got discouraged and quit. MFP has been wonderful at keeping calories. My DOGD counts 'macros' ... says it I a lot easier; but, from what she has said, I think she is taking in way too many calories. She said she'd show me how; but, the wheel is going round and I don't think I want to try to reinvent it for myself.

    Cracker had her 'spa day' today. Washed, nailed filed, teeth cleaned; and, they tied a bow around her neck (blue). I something wonder if they 'think' she's a he because of her name. They said she was very sweet and cooperative for them. Her pad heals from the puncture wound (probably from a rock). Vet said it might still have somewhat of an indention in it - or - be discolored. They had a note in her records so that the next person to wash her will know about it.

    Everyday at this time (5:30pm - EST) I get the hiccups so bad. So I take a teaspoon of sugar and let it melt in my mouth.

    Lisa - Looking forward to seeing your 'before' and 'after' pictures of the chairs you recovered. You definitely need to do that to make a portfolio.

    I did not do any exercise other than running errands today. Got my Honda serviced, and then washed and waxed. Called the County Commissioner to find out why they did not send the 'packer' when they graded our road. Can't seem to get all of them on the same 'dance car'. Maybe 'if' it does not rain until late Friday ... we will have it packed down ourselves. I think I am going to put a note in everybody's mail box to try to not stay 'in the ruts' all the time ... move over so the road will get packed down. My DOGD and I are the 'only' ones on the road who drive 'cars'; everybody else has a truck. Can't ride in the ruts because the undercarriage drags; if you try to straddle the ruts; you are apt to fall into one with one side or the other.

    Getting my hair cut tomorrow AM. It has gotten way too long, can't do a damn thing with it; and, putting it up everyday doesn't make it look any better. Not going to get it cut short; so I am going for a 'medium' cut (and a perm) ... so maybe it will look better than it has for a 'forever'. Hair is mostly gray and not all that thick; so a ponytail looks pretty pitiful. DOGD is getting her hair cut about 6"; the DMGD wants her hair to get even longer. I wish my hair was as thick as theirs are (all 4 of them have very thick hair). Getting new C-pap machine tomorrow, too (have to pay about $68 for my secondary insurance deductible that has not been paid yet. I find that difficult to believe; but, I'll pay it anyway ... maybe if it has been met, they'll send me a refund.

    Got to finish this book I have been reading and stay off the computer for a while; other than tracking my food; and, staying as current as possible on here. DBF has been sending me emails all week. Her sister is driving her wild trying to get medical bills and other things straightened out. Husband is being a real 'prick' ... won't send them to her to find out why some of them are not getting paid. "He's too busy; and according to him ... all the stuff with his wife - is all in her head."


    Have a great rest of the week; for those of you 'under water' ... hope the sun will come out and shine for a while so you can get your homes back 'in order'.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello ladies. It is hot and sunny again today in WA. I put the horses out in the bottom pasture where there is more shade and they seem contented down there until it is dinner time.

    The guys have not been out to work on the septic today. Thank goodness we can still use water unless they are actually here working on it. It is sounding very expensive. Hope the emergency fund will cover it.

    DD is leaving on Saturday for her trip to Wales and Scotland. She has things laid out in the guest room because her kitty gets upset when he sees the suitcase. We normally keep the door to the guest room shut to minimize cat hair in there.

    We have gotten fly predators and mosquito torpedoes to try to decrease the insect population around the barn and house. We have a pond on our property. I would like to find something that repels wasps. They are building nests in our barn, gazebo and on our house. Yuck!!

    Everyone in the storm zones stay safe.

    Welcome to the new people and please all take care, Sue in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Installment #3

    Red ribbons are tied around its stem. A small envelope is slipped under one of the windshield wipers. Through the glass I read the fancy script.

    To: Rebekah

    I timidly take the note , and dash back into my Spark. I feel the need to lock the doors, my eyes darting around the parking lot. Trying to breathe, my heart doing double time within my chest. No one knows I am even here, I think to myself. I gaze at the small envelope. It's of a high quality paper, like the kind you get for a graduation, or wedding. My fingers trace my name. Nice calligraphy work. Turning it over, it is sealed with dark crimson wax stamped with a mark. In bold letters in the hardened wax it reads 'D.S.' ...hmm I don't know anyone with those initials.
    With trembling hands, I open the seal, pulling out a simple card. Reading it, my cheeks redden. It simply reads:
    You take my breath away......
    forever yours, D.S.

    Again my fingers trace these words, so ornate, and elaborate. I have been Becky during my childhood years, and then Rebecca when I was married, and now Becca, but never Rebekah. Who would be calling me this?. I am at a loss for words. "So I have a creepy stalker", I scowl. "Just splendid, and just what I need right now". I keep the rose in my car but put it carefully in my water bottle nestled in the cup holder. Mysterious man touched it, the idea making me shiver.

    Driving slowly out of the lot, the road takes me back to Highway 101. Turning off at an eclectic-looking beach Inn named, 'The Sand Piper Inn', I get my bag out of the back seat, and check in. "How long shall you be with us", asks the teenager behind the tidy counter. The teenagers' name tag reads "Ayla" and I make a mental note of that. "To be perfectly honest, I don't know", I admit timidly. It's difficult to make any sort of plans. I have lived my life day to day for so long. The teenager is dressed in Goth garb to the hilt, a huge spike in her nostril and rings all over her mouth and encircling her eyebrows. "How about we start with a week's stay, and I will keep you in the loop?" I confess bravely, ending the uncomfortable silence. The teenager, smiles, and says simply, "Ok by me". I hand her my debit card, sending up a silent prayer to the God of Finances. I hear the beep of the machine allowing the transaction, and I promise myself to hunt for a US Bank in town to check my balance. I realize that the uncomfortable silence has descended again, and I give Ayla a tired smile. She takes a deep breath and launches into her memorized list of rules and regulations. I nod, but don't dare interrupt. How Ayla can vocalize, show expressions, without clicking her metal jewelry together is an amazement to me....

    Arriving at bungalow #11, I take in comfy room. The walls are a simple white-washed pine board with well loved furniture. I turn the radio on that's resting on the nightstand. Country music eases my tension. Flopping on the queen-sized bed, I listen. Why is it, that country music is the only station that comes in by the ocean? I know there is a complicated reason, weather patterns etc, but still. I've only listened to it, by the ocean, like the twang of the singers' match the waves lapping the shore. They compliment each other.

    Great day today, even though I didn't weigh in at TOPS. Husband took me out to lunch to Wet Dog Cafe & Brewery, and I got a smoked salmon wrap! I tried a sampler of a beer I had never tried but I settled on a diet soda. Aren't you proud of me?? lol We shopped at the JC Penny store (one of the oldest stores of the JC Penny chain, store dates to 1920's), and husband found some shorts.
    Rec'd an email from middle son. His ship is presently in Singapore, so thats cool! He was on Shore Patrol, so he said it was a great way to find out where everything was. The bad side is that he most likely got to babysit some really drunk sailors, back to the ship.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    When its fishing season and the River is inundated with boats, the sounds of the cargo vessel horns get downright panicky. We count them and when the vessel gets past 5 then its like them yelling, "MOVE NOW or GET run OVER. Most of the time, the fishermen are just not willing to move from their prime fishing spot, but the spot happens to be in the FREEWAY where the Container Ships go. Silly Fishermen.....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.46min, 14amph, 138mhr, 2.9mi = 116c
    SPIN- 40min, 86ar, 93aw, 10-14g, 145mhr, 10.6mi = 329
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.15min, 13.7amph, 143mhr 1.4mi = 69c
    ride wk 2 hm- 54.04min, 11.3amph, 130ahr, 153mhr, 10.1mi = 497c
    total cal 1011
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited April 2016
    Cut the grass right before dinner. If takes an hour and a half if I go straight through with no break, which is what I did. Of course I was hot, sweaty, and dirty so I needed to shower before relaxing with dinner. Just for kicks and giggles, I stepped on the scale before getting in the shower.

    Drum Roll..........199.4.

    Hopefully it will still be here for the "official" MFP weigh-in on Friday morning.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yeah Katiebug!

    I can mow my entire yard in about fifteen minutes, and I have a good sized yard. But it is all in flower beds! there is a small patch of grass in the back for the dog, a circular-ish path in the wide side yard, and two swipes along the northeast edge of the yard. Flower beds require far less maintenance all summer long. I garden intensively in the spring cleaning up the winter debris and pruning and mulching, and then am done until late fall when I cut back a few things like iris and peony. In the spring I am eager to work in the yard so it works well. Then in the heat of the summer, I can just enjoy it!

    We just got back from choir practice. I was a little bit hesitant to make a suggestion, but it was enthusiastically embraced! This is a small town, and a lot of the people do not read music, so the choir is very small. Traditionally, they have sung a special song in front of the church, twice a month. The pastor picks the hymn sung during the service from those he knows, and this pastor has a very limited selection of hymns. It has gotten REALLY boring, hearing the same ten songs over and over, week after week. I mentioned how in my dad's church, the choir sat at the front of the church, and lead the congregation so there was a wider variety of hymns sung. They would practice the hymns beforehand. Everyone really liked that idea! So we discussed the logistics, settling on everyone sitting on the aisle in their pew, and stepping out to face towards the congregation during the hymns. The choir director will now pick the music! Yippee! I am so pleased!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joan in Rochester: Welcome! :smiley:

    Dr Katie: Sorry to hear that the lawn mower has been liberated, and it's use is your job. I'm happy for you about everything else. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Sorry about the unpleasant interchange between you & DH. I hope all is well now. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: Congratulations to the Prince and his family. :wink:

    Sue: We had a wasp nest on our house two years ago and the remains are still visible. The wasps did not come back. A pest control person told us they don't return to an old nest. So far, it is true. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I love your story and look forward to the next installment. :bigsmile: When you hear 5 blasts from the ships on the river they ARE saying move over you're standing into danger. You are right about that. The channel is relatively narrow and they don't have room to go around fishermen in their little boats. Your family of sailors has probably already told you this. I think fish fever takes over the brain of some fishermen and those people don't have anything left over for rules or even their own safety. :flowerforyou:

    This has been a good day. It started with yoga, which is always a plus, and got even better as the day went on. We went to the boatyard to pick up DH's car & went out for lunch afterward. Then I took the sail cover and binnacle cover off of the boat and went to the laundromat. The binnacle cover came out great. The sail cover was still green from algae, so I power washed it. It looks "much better now," to quote Rowan and Martin. Anyone else remember Laugh In with fondness? :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    19,000 steps
    189 minutes of dog walking
    45 minutes riding the exercise bike
    line dance class

    Strong Lifts with dumbbells
    deadlift 5X5 @ 60 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs
    kettle bell swing 3 X 10 @ 20 lbs

    smiley-happy005.giflunch at Chinese restaurant with line dance friends....I had broccoli in garlic sauce and brown rice...my fortune was about having patience.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Katla, don't be sorry about the lawn cutting being my job. I do it because I enjoy it after I'm out there. Sometimes Dave helps (we take turns) and every now and then he does the whole thing, but I usually do it. I always meet my step goal on lawn mowing day. My mother still cuts her own grass with a push mower, too. She is 83 and has a bigger yard than mine. But she doesn't have the road frontage. That's the part that kills Dave's back. We have two acres on a corner lot. A lot of it is wooded and natural, but the road frontage is a pain. 4gny06w2iz6x.jpeg
  • LisaKing55
    LisaKing55 Posts: 5 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Joan in Rochester: Welcome! :smiley:

    Dr Katie: Sorry to hear that the lawn mower has been liberated, and it's use is your job. I'm happy for you about everything else. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Sorry about the unpleasant interchange between you & DH. I hope all is well now. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: Congratulations to the Prince and his family. :wink:

    Sue: We had a wasp nest on our house two years ago and the remains are still visible. The wasps did not come back. A pest control person told us they don't return to an old nest. So far, it is true. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I love your story and look forward to the next installment. :bigsmile: When you hear 5 blasts from the ships on the river they ARE saying move over you're standing into danger. You are right about that. The channel is relatively narrow and they don't have room to go around fishermen in their little boats. Your family of sailors has probably already told you this. I think fish fever takes over the brain of some fishermen and those people don't have anything left over for rules or even their own safety. :flowerforyou:

    This has been a good day. It started with yoga, which is always a plus, and got even better as the day went on. We went to the boatyard to pick up DH's car & went out for lunch afterward. Then I took the sail cover and binnacle cover off of the boat and went to the laundromat. The binnacle cover came out great. The sail cover was still green from algae, so I power washed it. It looks "much better now," to quote Rowan and Martin. Anyone else remember Laugh In with fondness? :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    Finally got a good nights sleep last night, it certainly makes s difference on how I feel and what I can accomplish. Hope for another good night tonight.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a step DVD today. Boy! Do I miss the spin bike. But I can't ask Vince to take me to the Y early and late in the morning just doesn't work for me. Oh well.... The plan for tomorrow is to do a Flex TRX Inspired DVD.

    Had a board meeting for Newcomers then went outside and put out the furniture by the pool and the ceramics. The only thing we have left to put out are the umbrellas. There was a frog on the cover to the pool. We just laughed and said "what, is the water that yukky that you won't go into it?". Vince put the covers on the railings, too. Came in and had dinner. Had some chicken from this roasted chicken I got at WalMart. Someone had told me that the chickens in Sams are salty and I'd always expected WalMart to be too so I never got it there before. Well, Vince doesn't want to go to different stores so I got one from there. Is it ever salty! So I'm going to get it only at Bi-Lo from now on. Made an appt for tomorrow to get my ears irrigated.

    Marcelyn - our first house got water in the basement and I know what that did, I can hardly imagine what a flood does. Thinking only the best of thoughts for everyone involved. I'd never heard of a tornado jumping over something, glad it was your house

    Miriam - now you can afford to buy yourself a whole new wardrobe

    Patsy - I'm so sorry to hear of your news

    Welcome everyone new!

    Lisa - so glad you have a generator!

    Heather - hope your dh is feeling better fast

    Sue - before we could sell the house in Kennett Square, we had to put in a whole new septic. No fun, so I know what you're going thru

    Karen - size 8 pants!!! Woo hoo. And they are loose yet. WTG. If they were loose, why didn't you get a smaller size? I know, a lot of stores don't carry the smaller sizes. If you want a 10 or a 12, there are plenty of those. But the 6's and 8's...harder to come by

    Lenora - Vince isn't one to go to the hairdresser. I'm really hating this long hair. Well, I did make an appt for mid-May when I'll get my hair colored, I'll ask her to cut about 4" off, Vince will get his hair cut also

    DrKatie - congrats!!!!!! Dancing all around the room for you. What a lovely home you have

    katla - thanks for the memories

    Michele in NC