
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    The DVD I was going to do didn't download correctly, so I did an extremecardio DVD instead. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water aerobics class.

    barbie - I knew that you'd provide that link to reset the days on MFP so that's why I didn't do anything

    mightylo - I'm sure you'll win!

    Welcome everyone new! You join by posting. We're glad to have you here

    Joyce - so glad you found your iPad

    DJ or pip - Karen needs you!!!!

    KJ - if I can, I prefer to prelog my food. One thing I've found is that if I'm over, I can see where I can cut out calories and where the most calories came from

    pip and Sylvia - I'm sorry you had such an awful day. Tomorrow can only get better, look at it that way

    daisy - what a surprise! We're glad you're here

    D - I seem to lose more in the summer, too. Probably because I'm outdoors so much and not in the house near the refrigerator. Congrats on the loss!

    Went to Aldi today. Cleaned the grates/shelves from the oven and put them back in. Started the 4th and final beaded banner. Can't wait until that one's done.

    Chris - what an experience you had. I'm lucky in that I never got stranded on the Garden State Parkway. What nice drivers you had! And good for you not having these Reese's Cups

    Count me among those people who pray to find lost things

    kimses - have a good trip. Remember, you can many times request substitutions in restaurants or how something is prepared.

    Anne - that's so nice of you to wear the dress, even tho you don't care for it.

    Michele in NC

    Michelle Deep water aerobics never heard of that. Have to look into that. Let me know how it goes and what you did. Regarding the dress just think the back is to low for a wedding but she feels appropriate. Love the rest of it though. Will share pics once I get some.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Janetr, we had a tornado not far from us. Our electricity just came on so I don't know the extent of the damage. We live on the far east side of Evansville almost into Newburgh and that is where the tornado was. Our warning here in town in finally over. We do get streaming weather news on line and since my phone is the only thing that can get anything on line I was listening to it. And yes, when bad weather is anywhere in our viewing range our meteorologists take over the whole local stations. But NCIS is a rerun tonight, that is OK.

    Joyce, Indiana

    We have had hail and lots of rain and high winds, but the worst of it has passed us now too. They have some tornado warnings to the east of us now. We did lose power briefly a couple of times too, but its on now. My dogs, especially the Boston terrier does not like the thunder and lightening. Glad you are all okay.

    Janetr OKC

  • maura124
    maura124 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined yesterday. I enjoyed reading all your posts. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but want to maintain and maybe lose a few lbs. You guys seem to be a close knit group - that is particularly good for motivating each other. I'll post some resolutions for May when I get the hang of logging everything etc.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol in NC - Make sure you get that rough filling 'fixed' ASAP - It will 'tear' your tongue UP; your tongue will check out any little bit to figure out what is 'going on' ... like an elephant trunk. I'll get my 'new night guard' tomorrow. I am so happy! Been without one since last August when my DDnL#2's dog got the case, got it opened, and chewed it up. But, I had to have some gum surgery and let it heal before they could fit my 'guard'. I know that I will sleep so much better giving support so that my TMJ isn't aggravated any more.

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    maura124 wrote: »
    I just joined yesterday. I enjoyed reading all your posts. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but want to maintain and maybe lose a few lbs. You guys seem to be a close knit group - that is particularly good for motivating each other. I'll post some resolutions for May when I get the hang of logging everything etc.

    Maura, It's close-knit in some ways, but also remarkably inclusive and welcoming. I joined seven weeks ago, and while I don't really manage to keep up, I'm so glad I found these ladies. I hope you have a great experience here. :smile:
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    The calendar says that it is spring here in the north east, but tonight I have the fireplace on because it is so cold! (33F on the back porch at 8 pm) My phlox have just started their fabulous display, and I'd hate to see them freeze and die! The cats are happily curled up in front of the fireplace enjoying the warmth, so at least they are comfortable!

    After 5 hours of phone calls over 3 days, a trip to the Verizon store and another 1 1/2 hrs getting the Verizon tech support people to speak to / help the store people understand the system, I finally have a functional router and internet service again (for now). Yay!

    Chris, it sounds like you handled the breakdown like a pro! Major kudos to you that you didn't touch the Reeses. I'm relatively certain that I would not have been that strong!

    Sylvia, is there anyone that you can speak to to obtain a recommendation for a good chiropractor? It sounds like you had a real quack! I have a very bad back, including surgery a number of years ago, have tried physiotherapy a number of times with either no improvement or worsening of the pain, and the surgeon isn't confident of a good outcome with repeat surgery. The only pain relief that I have found is chiropractic adjustments. I always get personal recommendations from someone before going to a new chiro whenever I have moved, and it has worked out fairly well for me. When icing, do 20 min on, 20 min off to avoid thermal injury to your skin.

    Mightylolo, hope you win!

    Janetr and Joyce, glad you are safe and hope you have a safe night.

    Kimses, have a great trip!

    Re: the deer, when I lived in Coquitlam BC, I bought a couple of hanging baskets on May 24 and put them out in the back yard. That afternoon, I looked out to see a doe and her fawn (one at each basket) happily enjoying their brunch of flowers. I bought the very expensive deer repellant spray (contains blood etc) from the local nursery, who swore that it was effective. It actually seemed to work like ketchup, because the next day they brought their friends and there were 4 deer dining at my baskets.....(end of baskets)

    The local newscast just said frost warning and possible low of 30. Crossing my fingers for the survival of the phlox!

    Nikki, just outside of Boston
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
    Hi gals,
    Ok, dated comments as
    I read Sunday and Monday and Tuesday…LOL – I logged but got busy…

    Joyce – glad you are so happy in your church community – Barbie and Miriam were both profound on the forgiveness issues.

    Ljdw99 – welcome – you seem to have gotten the hang of this 26+ lbs in 10 weeks is wonderful… the swimming is a great non-knee option… keep jumping in!

    Lisa – good idea for a re-introduce!

    KJ – it is hard to have close neighbors, but worth it.

    Kimses – Lights are out!

    Marcelyn – so Katiebug shared my idea, I have friends with property and they swear by peeing around their favorite plants…

    Nikki – CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joyce – go back and read your post about Karen – you know EXACTLY why she acts the way she does…

    Alison – enjoy yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Changeat50 – welcome

    Heather – that was a sad event!

    At beginning of page 63 and need to go to bed….

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kim, thanks so much about reminding me that I really do know what is wrong with my SIL and my husband. I told Charlie last night that when he walks he looks like he is in pain. He said he isn't in pain, he is just in a constant state of complete fatigue. That helped me understand a good bit of his mood. But yet I am so proud of him that he still goes out and runs small errands. Today he went to the bank and paid the spring installment of property taxes. He really puts off mowing the grass because of how it makes him feel but he eventually does it. It doesn't look as nice as he usually keeps it but he refuses to let some one else do it. He says that there may be a day he has to give it up but he will keep on doing it for now. Sometimes Michelle will see it looking pretty scraggly and will do it on her own and her Dad doesn't complain. His diarrhea is better during the day now. He can go out and eat supper and not have to take 3 trips to the bathroom. He can go and sit on a bench upon the riverfront and enjoy that. But it's the night time that is the worst. I would like for him to wear my fitbit some night just to see how many hours of sleep he gets but he won't.

    And yes, I really do enjoy my church. I am surprised that Charlie doesn't mind that now that he isn't eating supper on Wednesday nights, I go to the Wednesday evening meal. But that also means that I am there for the Bible study and choir practice. Before, we would eat supper together and we both would leave at the same time, me for choir practice and him for Karaoke. Now I am gone for 2 hours before he leaves. But he loves Fox news so much, I think the house could be burning down around him and as long as he got his Fox news he wouldn't know.

    I just read that May 7th is world naked gardening day.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    well I woke up at 2:30 this morning, Tom has left on his trip, I got a scathing message from my SIL and I am in tears,she is saying mean and hurtful stuff. saying I took all the antiques out of my dads house and that I stole a lampshade that my brother wanted and accused me of taking it to Florida.. she said karma will come and get me....
    she said she wouldnt ask me to take care of her mother anymore.. I have been trying to help her and my brother out and she is flipping out on me... I am soooooo hurt :(
    I don't need this right now.. I really dont
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! I am up early, early today due to not being able to sleep. It has me all confused, too. I have been sitting here, mentally pitching a fit because my 5:30 arrival is late and it is not even 5:30 yet! I got up, got some laundry going, got new toys out for the kids, made some coffee and sat down at the computer. Normal morning routine, but an hour earlier. So I expected her to arrive after I had been awake for an hour...my brain needs sleep. I am going to divulge my "issue" that kept me awake last night. Embarrassing. But SO uncomfortable and maybe one of you can shed some light or advise. At some point yesterday late afternoon, I noticed rectal discomfort. Kind of like you have to make a bm, but can't. Except my bowels feel empty. I have never had bowel problems, and can pretty much time my bms. But it seriously feels like that muscle is in constant "push" mode. It kept me up all night, to and from the bathroom, walking around the house, getting a drink of water, onto the internet to look it up. Most searches and inquiries online talked about IBS, not enough fiber, or sitting too much. Could I have strained while exercising or lifting a heavy kid? Not so much painful as uncomfortable. Ran into my dh in the kitchen during one of my night time strolls around the house and explained to him what I was going through (mainly because he was giving me the "eye" as I stood there in my cami; just wanted him to know that sex was way WAY out of the question), he said "Gee, and I thought I was your only pain in the *kitten*." I always thought so, but I guess I am my own pain in the *kitten*. Anyway, any one ever go through this? I am hoping if I don't strain myself, eat more fiber, walk and move more, that this will go away in a day or so...any thoughts?
    Allie-That is so unfair of your SIL! You worked so hard in getting his house cleaned and organized and we know the care you took to identify what stays and who wanted what. Shame on her! I hope she comes to her senses and apologizes. Love and hugs to you <3
    Chris- Sorry to hear about your car troubles. ANd WOW! Kudos to you for ignoring the chocolate! I am not really a sweets person, but in times of stress, nothing in my house is safe.
    Michelle- I love my deep water exercise class! I get more out of that, than the water aerobics in the therapy pool. I like the cooler water temps, too.
    Penny- LOVED the polar bear articles and photos. Does Isbjorn (sp?) mean polar bear?
    Love and hugs to all that need them! Gotta fly! It is almost 5:30 and my girlie should be here soon. I have just enough time to get in a couple of rounds of Duolingo.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    "pain in the *kitten*" the word nazis strike again. smh
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    grandmallie Why is it that people get so mean & hurtful over "things"...it seems families can get torn apart over stuff. since it not hers she really has no business getting in the middle-now you lost the "privilege" of caring for SILs mom...wow! Do you have the lamp shade? I'd probably give it to DB with a smile & say I heard he really wanted it, had no idea but here it is. Really though it's hard to win or peacefully co exist with some people :( Deep breaths & green tea might help...a glass of wine might be even better o:)

    Kim at 5'10.5 I seem to loose quickly in the beginning but then the hard part starts. That's where I am now! Hope you get that garden job it sounds made for you!

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2016
    Extra special welcome to all the newbies! :flowerforyou: I haven't been very good at welcoming y'all as you arrived, but it IS fun when new people come in.

    Miriam, it doesn't surprise me you're having trouble getting your head around the sun being in the north. I had been living in places where it never got dark in the middle of the summer for years, and still hadn't internalized that fact. Then one summer evening around 10 pm somebody suggested a little boat trip on the fjord. I thought, "but it'll be dark soon..." then realized it wouldn't be dark for another three months and we had plenty of time for a boat trip among the icebergs. That was when it finally sank in.

    This pic is for everyone, but especially for you, Miriam, and for GLo. I took it about midnight last night and we are facing NORTH.

    Last weekend we went out snowmobiling and I took this picture of Longyearbyen from halfway up the mountain on the other side of the fjord. This shows essentially the whole town. Everything is within walking distance. Heather, Bykaia, where your ship will dock, is on the outskirts of town, just to the right of the frame.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

    ADDED LATER: Yes, KJ, isbjørn means polar bear. Literally translated: ice bear. Glad you liked the articles. :smile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I've been awake since 2am and finally got out of bed about 3:45. My back and hips hurt so bad I can't sleep, so rather than tossing and turning and disturbing hubby, I just got up. I took some tylenol, but it really doesn't help.

    I love the Oklahoma siren picture. Trying to figure out how to change it to Kansas.

    When did we get a "like" button? I just noticed it.

    We had some storms last night, but luckily nothing severe.

    Last night we had a co-op meeting. It's a zoo in there with 16 people all talking at once. I'm in charge of scheduling, and have a big calendar where I'm writing who can and can't work each day. It's easy to get them to tell me when they can't work, but I wasn't getting anybody saying they could till I said I was going to draw names out of a hat and that would be their shift, like it or not. Then suddenly people were more eager to volunteer for certain days. The month of May is almost completely scheduled.

    Art Walk was sort of our sneak peek. We weren't really 100% ready to be open, but we did the best we could. May 4th is the first day of regular business and we still have a lot to do. My own stuff was ready, but I sold a few things during Art Walk, so I need to bring more and add it to my inventory sheet. Not a bad problem to have.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    To all facing bad weather, stay safe everyone :#

    Marcelyn good for you on learning the cello, it is an easier choice than violin (more forgiving), I am a violinist, my daughter a cellist, I always hoped she would choose cello, never wanted her to go through the demands of violin. Your other musical training will come in handy, but take it slow and keep at it. Cello is such a rewarding and noble instrument!

    Feeling blue, and trying to shake it off, I think I just need a break from my routine but that is not going to happen for another 2 months. I really am a whiner sometimes :s

    Karen from NY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    morning again~
    feels like I have away awhile, did fall back asleep for a couple of hours..
    my SIL was texted me at 3 am so she must have had stuff on her mind..I did see the lamp shade up at dad's but dont know where it is now... She is going through very tough stuff now.she is working 3 days a week and dealing with a mom who has Alzheimer's,taking care of 3 homes ,her younger brother and dad died within the last 5 yrs and that hurts her very much the one brother she has left is He## fire and damnation .a very nasty nasty man.. who cares nothing about the family one want's stuff (material things)and the family money.. Jean is also the one that is doing all the paperwork,billing ,banking for the trust and her mother so I imagine she is freaking out just a tad.. but she said some mean and hurtful stuff that has hurt me to the core...
    Sylvia ~ I was up ,watching the weather channel horrible storms out near Joyce and all of you out in the midwest.. will keep them all in my prayers
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm new and will turn 49 this year. I live in VA, about an hour outside of DC in the Shenandoah Valley. Looking forward to meeting you all and having accountability. I've had success in the past with low carb so I'm embarking on that (again). I'm a real estate agent and I gain due to stress eating. Of course you can never let them see you sweat....so I turn to food when dealing with stressful situations.

    Hope you all have an awesome day! It's raining a little here-much needed to clear this awful yellow film of pollen!


  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Penny gorgeous pictures!

    Sylvia I have nights like you just had! Not fun. It makes the next day so hard to get through. Will you have a chance for a nap today?

    I have been awake since 3:30 this morning. Just woke up for some reason. Was wide awake, until about time to actually get up, and THEN I got sleepy. I am reading a fun "who done it" (Jonathon Kellerman) so I was able to just read for a while. It is going to be rainy here all day, so I should be able to finish it today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    maura124 wrote: »
    I just joined yesterday. I enjoyed reading all your posts. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but want to maintain and maybe lose a few lbs. You guys seem to be a close knit group - that is particularly good for motivating each other. I'll post some resolutions for May when I get the hang of logging everything etc.

    :)Welcome, Maura, It sounds like your resolution for April is to log everything....that's a great start. We are a close knit group with room for you if you want to jump in and participate in the conversation. I am retired so I have a lot of time to be active...I walk my dogs, attend line dance classes, ride my exercise bike while watching TV, and do some weight training. I don't have any family except my husband so I am not stretched in many directions by family events or drama.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Yikes! What's eating everyone over there, waking up so early. I slept until nearly 9 this morning. We could almost be in the same time zone.

    When the husband's away, Penny sleeps all day. :laugh: