

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    Larisa, I'm sorry! I've been on that side of things enough times to know how frustrating it can be. But, as someone else said, I've realized that losing out on one step forward leaves me more open to the next thing, something I might have ignored if I'd gotten the job. It's probably more rationalizing, but things do turn out the best, or we structure them in our heads to believe they do, which is essentially the same thing. Not helpful when you're aching, I know, but perhaps something to hold onto.

    Fingers crossed, today's the day I get my bathroom at the warehouse! My husband has promised it his best shot, which is always pretty darned good. I've already told him, don't care if it has a ceiling, just a floor, walls where the tub will stand, hot and cold water piped into the tub and shower nozzle, and a drain that works. Got to run get the last of the insulation before we start... then it's insulation, drywall up, taped and mudded, 6-inch high raised floor (so we don't have to drill into the concrete foundation, then repour concrete over it), THEN the tub goes in. I'll settle for it to be finished tomorrow, but he thinks we can get it done today. I've got a toilet and sink in the 50-year-old half bath that came with the warehouse. The new ones of those can both wait. Just want to be able to shower in town. If the gym's not open, like on Sundays, I have to drive 90 minutes roundtrip to the ranch just to shower.

    The new job's going just fine, got my first articles written, many of the reporter's edited, was easily able to post a new poll online, and will be able, one hopes, to get the first paper out, with the publisher building print pages and me building online ones next week. The following week, we'll split the print work, and I'll do online. The week after, I should be able to do it all. :blush: No pressure. :) I'll hit my first city council and commissioner's court meetings on Monday, and then we shall see how it all goes. Will be nice to get a regular paycheck again for something I love to do.

    Got all the big stuff set up about where I want it for the sale--got it all in there with Corey's help, of course, but moved it myself. Here's a couple pics - hopefully getting tables built to house the ten bins of smaller items we picked up at my sisters, and the closet full of stuff I've gathered over the last year. Should be interesting! Sorry they're a little blurry, the lighting here in the warehouse at 5:45 a.m. is not the best! :smiley:


    Cheers, ladies!
    Lisa in West Texas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Everyone do a rain dance please!! We are so dry here. Complete fire bans in most of Saskatchewan and complete fire ban in my neighbouring province of Alberta. Huge fires burning, people evacuated, homes lost.....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lillian ~ I've been watching the new reports on the fires this week. Prayers for rain and safety to all.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Just found this location on my iPad...I hope I can find it again because I would like to be a part of this group.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: Congratulations on the job and all the accomplishments at your warehouse! :smiley:

    Lillian: I didn't know about the fires. I'm doing a rain dance for Saskatchewan and Alberta this very minute. :heart:

    Pamela_June: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    We have a pretty day & I'm thinking about how to put some fun into it. DH had a nasty insulin reaction last night. He's planning to make some dosage changes today. I am nagging him to use MFP to be sure he's getting enough calories at the right time. It is such a great tool, and he could benefit from the discipline of keeping track of what goes into his mouth. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
    Morning peeps-
    Today is floyds 7 yr bday! Time has flown by,, he's a senior now! I feel I'm getting sick. :0( I have a headache and I'm supposed to run 11 mi. I don't think I'll make it ho. If I was feeling good I would have run outside but I don't. I also am going to run in my new monkey feet. We will c how far I get.kirby had to work today, will b home early.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Birthday to Floyd and Meg!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I see you Pip, you and your shapely leg, reflected in Floyd's glasses. And is that a monkey foot I see...?

    I've just finished doing my taxes for this year. As a business owner, I have my return deadline 31 May, a month later than everyone else, so I'm WAY ahead of time. I started fairly early this year because it always takes me forever to get it all done, and I usually throw up my hands in utter despair several times when I can't get the numbers to match up. Now I feel I deserve a stiff drink!

    It has been warm (around freezing) but frightfully windy for several days now, so I haven't gone out running as I much as I should. And the half-marathon is in just four weeks! I promise to go to the gym tomorrow - and I'll try to run an extra couple miles on the way there and/or back.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hello all! Just got back from running Saturday errands (groceries, etc.) and thought I would check in before I start on the outdoor work. Every one has been so busy! Lisa- congrats on the job! I loved the column about the "changing of the guard" so to speak. Becca- Love the bike video; even if it isn't you, your bravery/skills lay in other areas. I like the pic of you by the bridge also. Very pretty in your "wiggle" dress. Sylvia- glad to hear from you and hear about all of the things going well in your life! <3Anne- BEautiful tattoos on a healthy strong body! Keep the faith (hope and love)!
    Heather- Beautiful pic of you and Bea! You look so happy and she looks perfectly content to sit and figure out what "granny is talking about". Marcelyn and Lenora- Pennies, pennies, pennies! I think they are the prettiest of all of our money. A couple of years ago I saw the awesome floor pic that Larisa posted ; and that made me start collecting. I have been thinking a smaller scale than my kitchen floor (which is bigger than the one in the pic), really planning on turning mine into counter tops with "penny" details in the backsplash. Then perhaps covering a small round coffee table with them.
    Swimming and walking have been going well this week, I weigh in on Monday morning after a week of pushing the cardio and staying on the meal plan. I feel better, but not sure I really lost anything. I will find out Monday. I also found out that our local pool (the high school pool) will not be offering the evening lap/open swim times until fall/winter. :( Boo! I am going to call our rec program and see if they will let me in the summer deep water classes for free, since I have already paid my annual fee for my lap swim and they are taking away the only time I can use the pool.
    Anyway, going to burn some calories today by putting in new edging on the south side of the house where the roses (and the bees) are, cleaning the gutters, and getting windows and screens done. Overcast; hoping the rain holds off. Better run and get busy! Love and hugs to all!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Pip- LOL! Love the pic of Floyd in the shades! B) Happy Birthday Floyd! You are looking good, too, Miss Pip! Showing some nice leg in the reflection!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Got back this morning. We were out of bed by 6 am and off by 7.50. Great time to get through North London on a Saturday. The journey took just less than two hours. :)

    Lisa - I really don't know how you do it. :flowerforyou: I am sooooooo tired after two nights of broken sleep. You are a machine!

    Katla - Sorry to hear your DH had a reaction. Hope it stabilises.

    Pip - Great burns! Hope you feel better soon.

    This afternoon I made some scones for DSIL tomorrow. Hope to be able to have tea out in the garden. Scones and jam and cream. :D I also made a tomato sauce to have with the meatballs that are in the freezer. I blanched some fresh peas to have in the sauce. Made yoghurt. DH stewed some pears.
    Tonight we are having the bottle of Pouligny Montrachet that we missed out on for our anniversary. With blinis and creme fraiche (half fat) and lump fish roe. Can't afford caviar. :laugh:
    I've gone over calories on too many days recently. Always a good excuse! ;):* Got to be a bit more disciplined to get the pesky two pounds gone by the cruise. :ohwell: But we really did enjoy our anniversary in London. I had the best espresso ever in Fortnum and Mason. Very nice smoked eel. Good steak tartare. :D
    We enjoyed ourselves so much we might do it again for our 5,000 days anniversary in November. I'm going to get DH to work out the exact day. He suggested it. What a great idea. <3<3

    Just got to check out DSIL 's room and bathroom. Towels etc. I will put some flowers in there. Looking forward to seeing her. I expect she and DH will be spending some time talking about the family troubles, but we have enough time.

    Love to all. I am catching up with the Masterchef finals I missed while we were away. :love:

    Heather UK

    Pic of DH and DGS chatting about the care of babies. DGS adores his baby sister. :D

  • tamani0727
    tamani0727 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I think I'll join you all since I have a break from studying my Masters for the summer.
    Resolutions for May
    *weight training twice or more a week
    *30+ minutes of walking/jogging three days a week
    *daily meditation- I will start making my five daily prayers.
    *continue sorting and discarding excess teaching stuff.

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness- this is a good word for all of us!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just found this location on my iPad...I hope I can find it again because I would like to be a part of this group.

    Welcome! If you are on an iPad, you should see two stars at the top of the page, one bigger one in the black menu bar and a smaller one on the far right on the same line as the title of the thread. Click the smaller star. It should turn yellow. This bookmarks the thread for you. To come back, click on the larger star on the black menu bar. All your bookmarked threads wil pop up and you can click on this one.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I love the pic of your DH and DGS! It is so sweet! :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2016

    We're about 90 miles from the ocean. This critter sleeps all day and barks all night. The dock where it is sleeping is forty feet long & about 3 feet wide, which might give you an idea of how huge California Sea Lions are. It is curled around on the dock and the high point you see is the middle.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning ladies. Michelle is going to come over later and her and her Dad are going out to shop for me. He has gone out for the last 2 days an hasn't found what he is wanting. He has sketched out a lovely sapphire floating pendant necklace and trying to find it in the commercial world for under $50. Isn't possible. He would have to go to a jewelry store and talk to a jeweler and have it hand made. And it wouldn't be $50 either. So I found a picture of one very similar but in a different color at Christopher Banks for half that price and it's buy one get one half off so if he wanted he could get something else plus reward points are tripled this weekend. So everyone wins! He asked if I would show the picture to Michelle.

    My brother got in town. The last time he came, he showed up at the door a little earlier than we were expecting and we were both still in housecoats. So he insisted this time he would show up at my sister's first. We have agreed on REd Lobster for supper. They wanted to go at 5 or 6 PM but that would mean at least a 1 hour wait so we are meeting at 4 instead. Red Lobster was not our suggestion. I think the only reason Charlie said yes was because of the biscuits and he knows everyone else would agree. I will get a baked potato and grilled flounder. I don't think I can chew the cole slaw and I know I can't chew a salad yet. The biscuits will be real interesting to eat. Will be so glad when I can eat without extreme pain in my jaw. Plus I don't want to bother the packing.

    Pip, I think we need to make your dogs our forum mascots. Yours and Barbie's dancing poodles.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi gals,

    Michele – a Black dress for a wedding could work if it is a wedding in the evening or on new years.

    Heather – so I googled scotch egg to see if we called it something else, but I have never seen one here, but they sound good! Found a recipe where they are baked instead of fried – a bit healthier

    Becca – so awesome that you can get into the dress without unzipping.

    Larissa – that is so wrong that they offer before even interviewing you…

    Kim from N. California

    Yep Kim, it's truly a wiggle dress now...eck...ack....oooph....Becca