Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I'm super excited for this weekend. I'm hosting a crawfish boil at my house on Saturday. And I'm not going to be anxious about calories, or feel guilty afterwards. Because I'm not "cheating" or "failing" or "falling off the wagon". Instead, I'm purposefully enjoying a rare, planned celebration. And then on Sunday, I'll drink a lot of water and go right back to weighing and logging (and know intellectually that those 10 lbs is water weight from too much salt, sugar, and beer.)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International No Diet Day!

    ” Eating crappy food isn't a reward, it's a punishment.” ~Drew Carey


  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    I've been jogging a lot but I don't want to forget weight training, so I went by the gym to lift some weights earlier this week and have still been recovering from it (I love lifting weights so when I got in there it was hard to leave). To work through the soreness I did some lower impact exercises like yoga and other forms of stretching just to stay active but not strain anything. I would like to get in a little jog today. I miss it already.

    For tomorrow, I'll be going up to my bf's sister's house and she's making lasagna, so I plan to just make sure I have a smallish portion and fill up the rest of my plate with some kind of vegetable/salad. My breakfast I already have planned and portioned out so that should be fine. Dinner I'll have some leftovers that I made on Wednesday. Sunday I'll be home so no real worries there.

    Hope to be back soon again to post.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm still here and following along, but have very limited access to computer. I'm not patient enough to do this on my phone.

    I have a job! I will begin work on May 11th. It is a Direct Ship Lead for Bobcat. The job description basically takes my favorite parts of my last two jobs and combines them into one. I was very worried about having to take a pay reduction (since my husband took one after we bought the house, I really would have had some hard times making the ends meet if I lost pay too). However, I actually will be making more than I did at my old job!! No nights, no weekends and maybe about 10% travel (which I am very okay with). Since my severence package runs out on June 4th, it came at a great time.

    I'm ready to get back into a routine...apparently I don't work very well without it. I stayed up too late and slept in too long.

    Please know that I am here cheering you all on and wishing you all success. I should be able to participate more once I have access to a computer on a daily basis.

    Take care!
  • luckylaw
    luckylaw Posts: 18 Member
    Good news! I had a lump removed from my chest on Monday and I got the call today it was benign!

    Fitness-I've been going once a week for personal training. I plan to start taking my dog for more walks. I've been limited because of health issues which means I really need to pay more attention to diet. Today has been going well. Mio with caffeine is what I'm using to cut out pop. I'm eating around every two hours and that really helps cut down cravings. I hope to start working out more soon. I actually do enjoy it.

    @Morgori I like the quote!

    @NewCaddy Congratulations on the job!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Happy DayMother's Day!

    Don't go out of your weigh to please anyone but yourself. ~Author unknown


  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    The party was a total success! I cooked 120 lbs of crawfish, and nearly all the neighbors came. I do have a lot of leftover beer and soda that I don't know what to do with. It's not a temptation, but it takes up a fair amount of space in the pantry/fridge.
    The best part was waking up this morning and only clocking a 3 lbs increase after a day of total debauchery.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Friday was a gorgeous 80 degree day, so I came home and walked gunner then mowed the lawn and pulled some weeds. Yesterday I met some friends and we went to a music festival, and then today was lunch with my family for mother's day.

    I got a bit of grading done this afternoon, and then came home, brushed gunner, and pulled more weeds. It's almost an exercise in futility b/c there are so many dandelions, but it's a good workout--like doing squats for an hour straight. :)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/20 Persuasive speeches
    3. x/59 Junior Research Papers

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8
    Run at least 25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Just wanted to say a quick hello and Happy Mom's Day to all our wonderful mothers. I spent a fun day with my kids and didn't worry at all about what I ate. I am sure I went over but just because of the choices not the quantity. We went out to an early brunch and then my parents joined us in going out for an early dinner. So only the two meals all day. Saturday was the weigh in for the biggest loser challenge I joined being sponsored by our ymca and local hospital along with various other buisnesses. It runs till august and if I won something that would be great but the main thing I hope you gain is motivation to stay on track during the summer. That seems to be the time of year I struggle most. We time for me to go nighty night. Hope you all had a wonderful day :);)
  • missmegannnn
    missmegannnn Posts: 5 Member
    Evening all!
    I'm new to the forum side of MFP. I have 88 lbs (40kg) to lose, and am in need of some serious motivation and support! So if anyone wants to help out, with returned support and motivation, add me!
    Otherwise, here are my beginning stats:

    Age: 18

    Height: 5"1 (154cm)

    Current weight: 104kg (229lbs)

    goal weight: 65kg (145lbs)

    I plan to do cardio 3x week, weight training 3x week. and pilates 2 x week.
    currently doing the OPTIFAST Diet - moderated version.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Women's Check-Up Day!

    ” Courage, cheerfulness, and a desire to work depends mostly on good nutrition.” ~Jacob Moleschott


    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @NewCaddy - awesome, such wonderful news, and it sounds like the new schedule will be better for you too! Hooray!!!!
    @badnoodle - OMG so much crawfish! I had a crawfish boil for my housewarming party, we had 1 20 or 30 lb bag of crawfish and about 30 people, but we also had steak and chicken, so more than half of the crawfish was left over. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of 15 lbs of cooked crawfish! I'm pretty sure we ended up throwing most of it away. Don't know what possessed me to do a crawfish boil - I'm not even that big a fan of shellfish!
    @skinnyjeanzbound - sounds like you had a great weekend
    @jtconst - glad you had a good time with your family.
    @missmegannnn - welcome - many of us do have a lot of weight to lose, hence the name of the thread. Here are some pointers - in the upper right of the community screen are 3 symbols - bell, star, and cog. Click on the star while you're in this thread and favorite it. Then when you go to the main communities page, you can hover on the star and it will show links to the threads you have favorited, making it easy to come back often to where you left off. The bell will indicate if someone has mentioned you by username on a thread. To do that, you preface the person's user name with the @ symbol, like @xxxxxmegannnn , and then that person's little bell will indicate they've been mentioned. Click on the thread highlighted when you hover on the bell, and it will take you to the message that mentions you. Your plan seems to be a healthy one, but please start slow and work your way up, don't burn yourself out on exercise too fast. It's a sure way to discourage yourself if you do so much you can't move for a week! Log your food every day, and be honest - log every taste, lick, and drop. You'll be dismayed at how those add up in calories, and you will learn from observing your patterns what you need to change.

    Well as for me, the weekend wasn't too bad food wise, but I'm having a hard time being consistent with logging on the weekend. Need to work on that, and work on doing more exercise on the weekend. I'm kind of a couch potato when I'm off.

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Oh, and @Luckylaw - congrats on your lump being benign! I am so happy and relieved for you!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Shrimp Day!

    ” Chronic disease is a foodborne illness. We ate our way into this mess, and we must eat our way out.” ~Mark Hyman


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi everyone, it has been a very busy week with no nights free. I have been trying to make a couple of decisions and finally they are made. My principal asked me to teach Stem next year so I have been weighing the pro's and con's, I was very upfront with him about all my obligations outside of school next year especially in the Fall. I am chairing two large projects and they both happen in October, plus the ASL 2 class I am taking in the fall and let's add a new curriculum. He needed to understand that I have a life outside of school and that I am not willing to work an excessive amount of hours to make the STEM program run correctly. He actually seemed okay with that. I guess I will be teaching Stem (Science) next year for the 8th grade. So there will be a few more conversations but I think my mind is made up at this point.

    Tracy- Congratulations on the job.

    jt- Good luck with the challenge.

    My goal is to exercise 4 hours on the weekend- 2 hours each day but it is mostly about being active and the activities can be mixed up so it is not the same thing for two hours.

    I hope things will calm down after this week and I can start checking back in on a regular basis.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm so ready for this school year to be done, but first I need to get all of this grading finished. It feels like every time I'm about to start on those research papers, I collect something else that needs to get done first. I've resigned myself to some very intense grading sessions the next two weekends. After that, my seniors will be done which will give me more time to grade the rest of my juniors' work. Unfortunately, I can't wait until then to start the research papers b/c they need them back in time to do revisions before the end of semester. I need to plan that better next year. :(

    I know it's going to make me sad, but I've decided to list out what I hope to get done by Monday.

    Grading Goals by 5/16:
    1. x/41 Kite Runner journals
    2. x/41 Yeats reflections
    3. x/10 Senior SOS speeches
    4. x/20 Junior Research Papers
    5. x/30 Quote analyses

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8
    Run at least 25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Eat What You Want Day!
    Date When Celebrated: Always on May 11
    What would you like to have to eat today? Okay, permitting, go ahead and have any and all of your favorite foods and snacks. Because today is Eat What You Want Day.
    Eat What You Want Day is definitely not a day for diets. It is one single, solitary day in the year to go off your diet and eat something you really enjoy, Today, you can set aside your dietary "No-No" list. Today, you can splurge. Tomorrow, it's back to the diet. It is important to note that today is not intended to eat as much as you want. Rather, the goal is to eat something you otherwise wouldn't have. If you are watching carbs or calories, simply keep within your limits by eating just a small amount of that favorite treat.
    Caution: People with allergies and/or medical conditions, may not be able to fully participate in this day. Simply said: Do not risk your health to participate in this day.

    "The greatest delight the fields and woods minister is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me and I to them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Steven Wright cracks me up :)
    ” I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast anytime." So I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.” ~Steven Wright

    "A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths.” ~Steven Wright

    "I intend to live forever. So far, so good.” ~Steven Wright


  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Today is never "eat what I want" day, because what I want to eat is like...3 lbs of butter and a cronut.

    This week, the scale is not being kind, but I'm celebrating a NSV anyway because I went and bought new jeans..and the first number on the size was a 1! I haven't been below a 20 in years and years. Okay, sure, it's Target, and it's probably vanity sized to hell and back, but I'll take what I can get.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I Was reading a success story post today of a man who lost 140 pounds between September and March, going from 339 to 199 who did this under medical supervision in a 6-month pre-bariatric surgery requirement. Duh, he no longer is a candidate for bariatric surgery ... thank God to that.

    What he did was walk every day about 3-4 hours. Some of the walking was outdoors, some in his place of work, some at home on a treadmill while watching Netflix. He also kept his calories between 1400-1500 for the day but didn't count any macros ... just the overall calories. And, he took dietary suppliments and vitamins because of the low calorie diet, got checked up once a month at the medical center. He said the trick was to keep his heart rate at level #2 ... for him, that was about 110 beats per minute and was the fat-burning zone for him. He used a heart rate monitor to maintain that exertion level and he used a fitbit to measure the calories he burned. His average weight loss was 5 pounds a week, although he did have some highs of 7 or more in the beginning of his weight loss campaine ... He didn't say how old or tall he was, but he looked tall, and in his mid-forties.

    The thing I liked about his story was that it shows that fact that losing weight is more about sticking with a plan instead of resorting to the newest method or craze that is hitting the airwaves.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy International Nurses Day!

    ” If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don't.” ~Michael Pollan

