

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    Lenora It makes my heart glad to hear there are still gentlemen being raised by their Mammas. I am ever hopeful that my 22 year old daughter will find one of these 'keepers' and bring him home. She is so focused on her work and classes for her Masters degree I don't think she even notices guys. She's smart, very polite and has a kind heart. She's also a cutie.
    I'll see if I remember to take pics of the waterfall so I can post it. It was finished just before the freeze last winter and I ordered shrubs and flowers that will arrive this week to green it up a bit.

    Charleen in Colorado (Today was a good day!)
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Katla so excited for you. Hope you enjoy the visit.

    Went back to the gym today. Felt good. Makes a difference in my mood for sure. Only got 40 minutes in but was grateful for that. New tat hampers some of it. Starting to really itch so by thursday I should be back to normal length and normal workout.

    Saffron I know it can be tough to get motivated. Been on similar meds in the past. A small walk can get the ball rolling. I know that starting out slow and building on that made it work for me during that time. Baby steps.

    Becca I alway appreciate a man being polite opening the door etc. Makes me feel like there are still gentlemen in the world. I am amazed at how gentlemanly the guys have been at the gym. Young and old.

    Lenora I know when my daughter sprained her ankle she said it hurt more than when she broke it. Take it easy for awhile. She learned her lesson with that.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    It has just occurred to me that we haven't seen Vicki on here for a while. (Motorbikes) Hope everything is ok.

    I'm up in the night. I've been dreaming about DH's family troubles. I feel so, so sorry for everyone involved. :'( He was a bit down this evening after DSIL left. I'm sure it's on his mind.
    It didn't help that the dinner I cooked, chicken in tomatillo sauce, was far too hot for him. I liked it - a lot, but I won't be cooking it for the two of us again. I might finish the jar off with some eggs for me. Boy, was it salty though! I've obviously got used to less salt these days, though I still have a salty tooth. I so rarely use a jar of anything that it was a shock. Loved the heat though.

    Yoga day today. :D Our friend, who is walking the Camino in Spain, is on her last week. She has done 700 km and has 100 to go. She turned 60 on the walk. One day last week she did 35 km, uphill, in 26ºC heat. Exhausted. I'm enjoying her blog.

    Today is my baby Kate's birth/death day. 38 years ago. My mind is going through the events of the night and morning. I very nearly died from blood loss from placental abruption. The hospital had only just instituted the policy of letting the mother see/hold the stillborn baby, so I was able to hold my perfect, full term baby for a while.
    It's a little bit hard, not being able to properly share my loss with DH. He knows about it and he knows I have bought the tulips in her honour, but it wasn't his child. Strangely, I know that there would have been no DS#2 and I wouldn't have had the three wonderful grandchildren, that I love so much, had Kate lived. So many thoughts for the middle of the night. Thank you for listening. <3

    Heather. UK.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Pip, Jake has kept a bar of soap under the top sheet near the foot of the bed and swears that it has kept the leg cramps at bay...he also drinks tonic (contains quinine) as another deterrent to leg cramps

    Today as we drove to the ferry on Bainbridge Island (before 6 AM) we passed many bicycle riders....they were clearly riding their bikes to work in Seattle and I thought of Pip and her suggestion that we all ride our bikes to work

    Jake saw the spine surgeon today and has surgery scheduled for June 29...more will be revealed about the details.

    smiley-sleep012.gifI got up at 1:45 this morning in order to walk the dogs and be ready to leave for Seattle at 4:45....I had 10,000 steps by the time we got to the ferry terminal at 6AM....the rest of the day had a lot of sitting....I stayed up late enough to vote for my favorites on DWTS....we'll watch our recording of the show tomorrow when we're wide awake.

    <3 Barbie
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,
    Rori – a good lesson, now is the time to invest in friends and family

    Lisa – you are amazing!

    Seals – in San Francisco there is a pier area called pier 39 that has a special place for the seal lions to hang out and sun or sleep – always fun to watch them.

    Heather - a very fine line between the two Cornish or Devon

    Miriam – so glad to see you posting I miss you when you’re gone. What an amazing poem!

    Joyce – so glad Charlie got you what you wanted

    Heather – I did not realize you had a stillborn daughter, thinking of you! Later on your night time thoughts, it is interesting how a change has so many ripples, and that the change, Kate not living has good ripples the wonderful grandkids, as well as the painful ripples of what life would be like with a daughter….

    I think life is a lot like that sometimes the “bad” things end up providing opportunities for good things, even if it just for us to learn strength

    Newbies – welcome!

    I had my Mom here for mother’s day, we had a good visit, I did easy meals, BBQ hamburgers the first night, and cracked Dungeness crab, salad and homemade rolls for Mom’s Day. It was quiet and nice.
    Today is trying to catch up, and I am slowly getting there, so much work all of a sudden. But love the feeling that there is enough cash in the checking account to pay the bills.

    Really craving dessert, there is nothing in the house, so tempted to go to the market…. I’m off to take a shower and put on my pajamas as then I will not go out.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Awwww Heather, I didn't know you had a still born. I am so sorry. You are right, your husband can only empathize with you but he loves you very much and still understands.

    Lenora, my husband thinks it IS an unwritten rule that going in and out of a door at any establishment in the same as the written rules of the road so you go in the left and out the right. But if a gentleman is holding the door for me, whether that gentleman is 6 or 96 years old, I go out the door he is holding to aknowledge him doing that for me and to encourage the younger ones to continue it. I always say thank you sir as I pass through. It drives Charlie crazy if I use the wrong door. And I just don't care. Besides that, there is no unwritten rule, he was not taught that by his parents, he thought it up as an adult and thinks it is the only logical way of thinking. It also drives him crazy when a place has their automatic doors opening the wrong way. There is no arguing with that man.

    DWTS was good as usual tonight, it's getting down to the last teams now. It is amazing how a man who has never heard any sound can dance like he can but he is beautiful. He is one of the favored to win. That would mean he has won Americas top model and then Dancing with the stars.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept soundly until 2 when Tom woke up,then the dogs wake up and Chester jumps off the bed and then I have to get up to get him back on the bed....so i tried sleeping a little more, but didn't work well...
    Today is my friend (other dental assistant) 50th birthday so I am sneaking in before she and Mary get there. and hang a Happy 50TH Birthday sign....well 3 weeks from today my daughter,granddaughter will be back here in Portland.... im getting excited...
    I forgot to send out a birthday card with money for my second grandaughter... will send one out the end of the week. she is saving up money for bible camp
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Up at 3 am, been moving and shifting things around in the warehouse. Finally have everything out and neatly arranged for the sale, time to start pricing everything. Feel like my brains can finally sort it all out. Finally realized an inventory is almost unaccomplishable in the short time I have left, will just have to track as I sell in order to make sure my sis gets her share.

    Heather, I'm so sorry about Kate. :'( My sister nearly died with her last child from the same issue. When I flew in, they were fighting to save them both. Never been so scared. Vivyan was only 25 weeks in the womb, due in November, born in August on my mother's birthday, and named for her. They both survived, but only because my sister was a few miles from one of the premier natal ICUs in the nation. She had literally moved there two weeks prior. Moments, and quality of care, make such a difference.

    Second cup of coffee burbling, two more hours and I have to be in the shower. We go to press Wednesday at 2, so that pressure will be off for Thursday and Friday. Sale Saturday. I can collapse on Sunday, and probably will!

    Oh, and hosting a painting group tonight from 6 to 9pm. Whee! :p
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Just wanted to give a quick shout out while I had a minute with you and my morning coffee.

    Pip...I put soap under my sheets and it helps a lot. I would wake up at least two times per week with leg or foot cramps, now maybe once a month.

    To whomever posted the pic of the penny floor...I just love it. A few years ago I was in Provincetown, MA and a store there sold penny furniture, chairs, small tables, etc. I always wanted one and thought I may do something myself some day. I've seen penny countertops.

    Love to all of you, I have really big news to share when I get a few more minutes. Have to hit the shower and begin my work day.

    Chris in MA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
  • SaffronMeadow2
    SaffronMeadow2 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you to all who've offered support -- Peach, Lagopus, Stephanie, Charleen, Grits, Trying, and especially Miriam. I made it through Day #1 and lost a pound!

    The Food Diary on this site is really helpful. After completing my entry for the day, I realized that the eight ounces of orange juice I had in the morning contained a walloping 26 carbs and 23 grams of sugar! Any suggestions for a quick but healthy breakfast that I can have before dashing out the door for work?

    Thanks again, ladies... your support means more than you could know.
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning all!
    I have been very busy the last week but have logged my food and activity every day... 1of my May goals.
    Goal 2- lose 10 pounds by the 31st for my sons graduation
    Goal 3- be more active-go to gym, increase activity around the house, etc

    So far I am doing better with activity but my weight... Not so much. I weigh daily but post weekly. I am anywhere from 221to 218 -sometimes overnight.
    I am working on increasing my water intake and cutting back on carbs more.
    Wish me luck...
    I am not caught up on posts yet but getting there!
    D on day 17 of rain in Maryland
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    DWTS was good as usual tonight, it's getting down to the last teams now. It is amazing how a man who has never heard any sound can dance like he can but he is beautiful. He is one of the favored to win. That would mean he has won Americas top model and then Dancing with the stars.

    Joyce, Indiana

    I was watching last night also and am amazed at what that young man can do dancing not hearing a single sound of the music. Also watched him on ANTM. He certainly is a winner!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Chris in MA - ugh, such a tease. Well you've got me waiting with bated breath. :)

    Janetr okc
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi. Karen from British Columbia. Hope i can join this discussion. Not sure what it is going to take for me to get my *hite together and lose weight for good. Working 12 hours shift work does not help. Nor does my depression. Off to work now for another crazy day in emergency
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    SaffronMeadow2 - for years I've grabbed a pre-mixed protein shake. My fav is EAS AdvanvtEdge chocolate fudge. 17 gr of protein, 4 gr carbs, 100 calories. There are others, just be sure to check out nutrition information.

    Janetr okc