Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Grading Goals by 5/16:
    1. 2/41 Kite Runner journals
    2. 2/41 Yeats reflections
    3. 5/10 Senior SOS speeches
    4. 2/20 Junior Research Papers
    5. 30/30 Quote analyses DONE
    6. 41/41 Tone quizzes DONE

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8
    Run at least 25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym MOWED LAWN INSTEAD
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • geoff9491
    geoff9491 Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thought I would post here as my first post

    Overall goals:
    Gym at least 4 days a week (strength MWF, cardio T, maybe TR)
    1500 calories a day (2000 acceptable but want to avoid)
    50g of fat a day
    150g of protein a day

    This past week:
    -Calories good with the exception of pizza day (might have gone over, might not because I don't know how many calories were in it)
    -Got protein to at least 120g all days and got 150g on most
    -Didn't do cardio on T or TR
    -Did strength MW and doing it F

    SW (first recorded weight): 361 CW: 335 GW: 180
    Time: 1.5 months

    EDIT: Oh also I will post my strength here just for future reference, I go to Planet Fitness so there are no legit squat racks, just Smith machines which I don't want to use

    5x10 Dumbbell bench press: 35 lbs each
    3x10 Dumbbell standing shoulder press: 30 lbs each
    3x10 Lat Pulldown: 90 lbs
    3x10 Back Extension: 200 lbs
    3x10 Kneeling dumbbell row: 50 lbs
    3x10 Kneeling dumbbell kickback: 25 lbs
    3x10 Dumbbell curl: 30 lbs
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Leprechaun Day!

    ”Preserve and treat food as you would your body, remembering that in time food will be your body.” ~B.W. Richardson


  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everybody. Had something weird going on with my left arm last couple of days. Wednesday morning the joints in my fingers hurt when I woke up and over the course of the morning the pain progressed to my wrist elbow and shoulder. It hurt pretty bad on wednesday and thursday but is now subsiding. N idea what was the cause but happy its leaving. So my fitbit zip broke and I upgraded to the charge hr. I like it okay so far but not sure I trust the step count. It was pretty close to the phone tracker when I walked the dogs so that was good but then I got just over a 1000 more "steps" logged while folding the clothes. Going to have to play around and see How much of it I want to actually out towards my calorie count. Well I am off to the beach to take a stroll with my momma. Just wanted to say hi to ya'll. Have a great day and dont forget to drink your water :):)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    jtconst wrote: »
    Going to have to play around and see How much of it I want to actually out towards my calorie count.

    I take it that you eat back some of your exercise calories. ... how is that working for you? Are you trying to maintain or lose? If lose, is this working?

    I ask because I don't intentionally eat back any calories, I just tend to overeat, overall. Natch, all I'm doing is maintaining.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Has it really been close to two weeks since I have been on this thread? Yikes!

    When I read the eat what you want day post my brain went straight to pizza and ice cream with lots of caramel sauce.

    I've hit a rough patch over the last two weeks - not doing a very good job of planning ahead for dinners, not packing lunch, and rationalizing permission to enjoy some foods I hadn't had in a while. Of course it has shown up on the scale - over a three week period just a small loss, and if the numbers were true this morning, I've gained back a little of that. Been doing better this week about packing a decent lunch, keeping dinner reasonable and staying away from the treats. But I sucked at the exercise part - most of that coming in the form of yard work and gardening between rain storms. My goal for next week is to get both halves of the program back on track.

    Have a great weekend!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @celtikgirl I hear you about the rainstorms. Usually, Saturday is my highest activity day because I spend a lot of time working out in the yard and garden. But it's been so wet that I can't half walk through the yard without sinking into the mud. Rain is also a pretty big disincentive for me to walk. I can deal with cold, but not wet! I'm sure once things dry out a little bit as summer comes on, you'll get your exercise back up.

    This week, I adjusted my calorie allowance up by about a hundred, because I was just miserable at 1210. Not so much that I was hungry, but that trying to plan meals with such a tight margin was such a pain in the tuchus. And wouldn't you know it, this morning, I'm back to a weight I haven't seen since my freshman year in college. :)
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    That is great news!
    I have a way to go to get to freshman year of college weight, but for the first time in 20 years, it seems like it is attainable. It just takes soooooo loooooong! One pound at a time is killing me!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @celtik-- Yes, it takes a lot of patience, but you will get there. :smile: We've had pretty crappy weather here as well. Rainy and now pretty cold and blustery for May.

    @badnoodle-- great job hitting that milestone!!

    @niki-- I'm a firm believer in eating back exercise calories if I'm already eating at a deficit at say, 1600 calories/day. That's already 500 below my maintenance level, so if I then burn 500 calories and don't eat them back, I'm only netting 1100 calories which is not enough to keep my body fueled. I don't understand how people can NOT eat them back and expect their metabolisms to not slow to a crawl.

    @tammy-- hope that pain isn't anything to worry about. If you did nothing to cause it, I would consider getting it checked out.

    @geoff-- welcome to the thread! I can't stand Smith machines; unless you're the perfect height, they are terrible for form.

    Saturday Success:
    Ugh. I wish I had something more positive to post, but my only success is that I haven't gained any weight over the past 2 weeks despite neglecting to log food and very minimal exercise. I didn't make it to the gym again nor did I walk gunner b/c he had a salon appt this morning. While he was gone I managed to vacuum up most of his fur and washed his bed and all the throw rugs, so I wasn't completely inactive, but not the workout I had intended.

    I've been a bit more successful with my grading goals. I finished all of the journals turned in before I left work on Friday, but there are still about 10 or so pending from students who have been absent for field trips or AP exams. I also finished most of the speeches; I would've finished all of them but two kids haven't shared their videos with me yet. Grrr.

    Only got through 6 JRPs so far, but 14 is doable tomorrow. Perhaps I'll even have time to hit the gym...

    Grading Goals by 5/16:
    1. 31/41 Kite Runner journals
    2. 31/41 Yeats reflections
    3. 8/10 Senior SOS speeches
    4. 6/20 Junior Research Papers

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8
    Run at least 25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- meeting
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym MOWED LAWN INSTEAD
    Fri-- walk gunner NOT DONE (rain)
    Sat-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
  • Slim2bmom
    Slim2bmom Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting (again) on a diet/fitness planned regimen. I need to lose 90 pounds! I have been losing the same 20 lbs, and regaining them, every year for the past 15 years. I know how to use the tools that work, I just stop using them, usually after an unplanned snack or meal. What is up with that?Any tips?
  • imjustagirlwithagoal
    imjustagirlwithagoal Posts: 31 Member
    Hay everyone new to this App. I have 5 stone to lose so a very hard journey ahead of me but I'm determined. Please add me as if love some company and to share tips and motivation along the way. Not really sure about the group thing and how we chat other than writing it like this. I hope u all don't mind. Thanks
  • MichelleKalee
    MichelleKalee Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2016
    I Have Been On This Journey For 54 Days And Only Lost 21 pounds. What am i doing wrong i work out and eat write. Or Am i Wanting More To Fast. I'm trying to lose 60 pounds and its seems impossible.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @MichelleKalee that's actually a decent rate of loss. You might have seen larger numbers the first week or two, but the conventional wisdom is that if you stick to it, you should lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. I wish it went faster, but unless you are on a reality TV show, it doesn't seem to be the case.

    @Slim2bmom I hear you! I don't know exactly what it's different for me this time, but I'm determined!

    It was sunny and beautiful when I got up this morning, until I went outside and realized it was only 40 degrees and windy. Now the sun is leaving again. I might need some shopping therapy.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member

    @niki-- I'm a firm believer in eating back exercise calories if I'm already eating at a deficit at say, 1600 calories/day. That's already 500 below my maintenance level, so if I then burn 500 calories and don't eat them back, I'm only netting 1100 calories which is not enough to keep my body fueled. I don't understand how people can NOT eat them back and expect their metabolisms to not slow to a crawl.

    I hear you! That's what I always thought also, except I have such a large amount of weight to lose, and my exercise activities are not regular so I count them as the occasional increase in deficit. But you do exercise almost daily and far more vigorously.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I Have Been On This Journey For 54 Days And Only Lost 21 pounds. What am i doing wrong i work out and eat write. Or Am i Wanting More To Fast. I'm trying to lose 60 pounds and its seems impossible.

    I'd say 21 pounds in 54 days is a lot of weight loss .. Remember, it takes longer to lose weight than it does to gain it. Stay the course.
  • MichelleKalee
    MichelleKalee Posts: 4 Member
    Thank You Ladys I Need To Hear Those Encouraging Words.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- I wish the "exercise almost daily" were true about me right now! LOL! I agree that if it's occasional, it's not as necessary to eat back exercise calories. I also don't log daily activity like vacuuming or walking up and down the stairs constantly while at work, just more intentional exercise like walking gunner, the gym, or yard work. I will also occasionally log house-cleaning if it's the "on my knees scrubbing the floor for hours" variety.

    @michelle-- totally agree with niki and celtik-- 21 pounds in less that 2 months is awesome!! It took me about 2 years to lose 60 lbs if you'd like some perspective.

    @cez6 --This is exactly how we chat! :) If you save the thread by clicking the little star at the top right (by the bell and gear) you will have an easier time finding us again.

    @Slim2bmom -- welcome! It's so easy to let one "cheat" get us off track, isn't it?!?! I try to just wake up every day with the intention of eating well. My execution is far from perfect, but I just keep trying. This thread has really helped keep me from going completely off plan. The people here are so supportive and motivating-- I would've given up long ago without them. :smile:

    AFM-- I got through 15 of the 20 research papers, but my brain hurts and I need a break. Heading to Target to get some groceries for my lunches at school this week. Walked Gunner, but no gym visit. Food has been fairly good today, though a friend was in my area and I met her for a beer at Buffalo Wild Wings. I did resist eating anything there, and went home to have a salad for lunch instead. Small victories. DH is making chicken breast for dinner tonight so dinner will be healthy as well.

    Sunday Share:
    Nothing much new to share. My seniors will be done with classes this week, and then they have finals the following week. They have one more unit quiz on Thursday, and then corrections on Friday to see if they are exempt from the final exam essay. Fortunately, the quiz is multiple choice so easy to grade.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. :smiley:

    Grading Goals by 5/16:
    1. 31/41 Kite Runner journals
    2. 31/41 Yeats reflections
    3. 8/10 Senior SOS speeches
    4. 15/20 Junior Research Papers

    Fitness Goals for the month of May:
    Visit gym minimum of 8 times 2/8
    Run at least 25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    148 k done/ 852 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    So i just checked in, lost 1.6lbs. My loss is not showing up on my profile, it still says 0 pounds lost instead of my 4.6 overall. Do i have to lose a larger amount to make it show pounds lost?

    I've kind of "fallen off the wagon" the past few weeks, so I'm glad in still losing and not gaining. I have my settings to. 5lb a week, and Im not hitting that, but im trying to go slow, i don't want to get overwhelmed. I'm going to try to get back to daily walks and jazzercise. i had to miss because of a shoulder strain.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National coquilles St. Jacques Day!

    "Govern well thy appetite, lest Sin
    Surprise thee, and her black attendant, Death.”~John Milton


  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Michelle…I think that is a great weight loss. It would be great if it would drop off more quickly, but I think what you’ve done so far is great.
    @Niki…I eat back my calories burned too. I think it’s mostly determined with how your settings are. I choose sedentary so I add anything I do above and beyond as extra calories. I do not include regular walking, or housecleaning, yardwork etc. unless it is more than an hour. I see that Karen uses the word “intentional”
    AFM…I am on day 4 at my new job and so far so good. A little overwhelming to be in an entirely new line of work and new systems, people, terminology etc. But I love the challenge. I am struggling a bit with taking soda out of my diet…I had it gone for 3 weeks and then slipped on my birthday and haven’t been doing great since. But I bring my lunch to work and I only drink water here. I need to get rid of the last of the Mountain Dew in my house and then just avoid buying the dumb stuff!! 
    Well, that’s my lunch ½ hour, so I gotta go. Hope everyone has a great week!