Team Feelin' Nauti (closed group)



  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    271 is my burn today. Sorry it's low, but we have my bf's brother visiting from St. Louis. The good news is they will be at their dad's tomorrow so I should have most of the day to myself. I'm planning to burn a lot of calories to make my team proud!

    Everyone else...GREAT JOB! :drinker:

    No apologies! We all have lives and low/no burn days will be part of the equation. We just have to keep on keepin' on. :wink:

    Thanks for the burn!
  • EliteDeeDee77
    EliteDeeDee77 Posts: 103 Member
    My total for July 2 is 818 cal. Swimming, Brazil Butt Lift DVDs & walking.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I love this challenge. Rowing for my team is a huge motivation. I don't want to let you all down!

    I feel the exact same way. Being a part of this team has helped give me that little extra push. You ladies are amazing - keep up the hard work!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Hi everyone! I have two topics for ya.

    1. One of our team members has jumped ship. She hasn't logged on for three days and hasn't responded to my posting on her wall. I did check her profile and there was no mention of being out of town, etc. Lee has said it's okay to replace members who are a no show, so that's what I am going to do. I feel bad, but also want to do what's best for the team.

    2. Are you all interested in doing a weigh in on Fridays? This would be purely voluntary, of course. I'm just thinking that we're bound to lose some weight with all this rowing, so why not log our additional progress in pounds shed?

    My start weight, as of Friday, July 1, was 173. I can't wait to see where this challenge takes it. My goal is to be at or near 164 by the end of the month, which would also put me into a healthy BMI!

    Here's to Team Feelin' Nauti! Row your hearts out! :drinker:
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Please extend a warm welcome to rez83! He'll be replacing our lost shipmate!

    Welcome aboard!
  • rez83
    rez83 Posts: 7
    Hi :)
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I'm down for a weigh-in day if that's what everyone wants to do. I'll still have my official weigh-in on Monday, but I have no problem with weighing myself on Friday as well (I tend to sneak peeks anyway!). I also really liked Raquel's question of the day suggestion; it seemed like a pretty cool idea to keep everyone active. :)

    Edit: Guess I should say that my starting weight for the challenge is 192.4 lbs. I just wanna get out of the 190's, that's my goal. :P The 190's have not been kind and were punctuated with plateaus-a-plenty.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome Rez!! Today I went 60 minutes on the elliptical instead of my yesterdays 30. Then played some basketball for a while. Tubing beach volleyball and possible water skiing today.

    Keep it up guys, let's start strong and finish strong!:)
    Starting out weigh in at 164, I'm down to do weigh in Fridays :)

    To keep things in order we can use the spreadsheet to take turns on questions of the days starting with the captain of course. And go left in right. If anyone knows how to work shreadsherts we can assign specific dates if you want to do it that way,Sound good crew?
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Man aboard! Is this our first guy or do we have others? Welcome Rez!

    Could we possibly do weigh-ins on Monday? Or does that scare most people; weigh-ins after the weekend. I'm already in 2 other challenges where I weigh-in on Sunday and Monday. Whatever we decide is fine, I just wanted to throw that out there in case it's a possibility.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    2. Are you all interested in doing a weigh in on Fridays? This would be purely voluntary, of course. I'm just thinking that we're bound to lose some weight with all this rowing, so why not log our additional progress in pounds shed?

    My start weight, as of Friday, July 1, was 173. I can't wait to see where this challenge takes it. My goal is to be at or near 164 by the end of the month, which would also put me into a healthy BMI!

    Here's to Team Feelin' Nauti! Row your hearts out! :drinker:

    Weigh-ins are fine with me. I'm doing a lose 5+ lbs in July challenge and we're weighing in the 1st, every monday of the month, and then the 31st...but whatever days you guys choose for here is fine with me. I weigh random days throughout the week anyway. My July 1st weight was 165.2

    Welcome Rez!!

    Oh heading up to the bf's parents' place to hang out, but I'll be doing Legs & Back at some point tonight. We'll see if I can get any other exercise in too. :drinker:
  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    Sorry I didn't get any Zumba in yesterday! My bronchitis is pretty much better and I WAS going to do Zumba after I got home from bowling but we ended up rescuing a stray dog that we saw on the side of the road. I didn't get home until like 2 and didn't get to be until 4 or so. I am definitely going to get some Zumba in tonight, though!
  • EliteDeeDee77
    EliteDeeDee77 Posts: 103 Member
    July 3 row the world day 3 my cal total is 700 cal,
    Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum & Tummy Tuck DVD
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow I just checked the map, and it looks like we're falling behind. Gotta step up my burn today!!!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    hey guys, I burned 401 calories doing 25minutes of Jillian M. Shred It w/ weights dvd. I used an 8pound weight today and think I did really well :)
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Weigh-ins are fine with me. I'm doing a lose 5+ lbs in July challenge and we're weighing in the 1st, every monday of the month, and then the 31st...but whatever days you guys choose for here is fine with me. I weigh random days throughout the week anyway. My July 1st weight was 165.2

    Mondays work for me, too. I am going to keep my start weight at 173, as it was when the challenge started, and go from there. I have to weigh in for the pin up girls on Mondays, anyhow. :wink:

    Rez is our second guy. The other is my husband, Tranceport. He doesn't log on much, but I'm trying to get him back in the habit. He does exercise, he just doesn't always have time to get in the big burns that some of us do. In fact, he's been working most of this weekend. :cry:

    I'm down with the question of the day! I will have to think about it and post one tomorrow. I think going in line of the spreadsheet is a good idea. I'll post who is after me when I post my question and others can do the same, so that people know when they are next.

    EliteDeeDee, I'm so impressed with your daily workouts. I want a Brazil butt lift! lol I think that will have to wait until the fall for me, though.

    Kath, do what you can as you can do it. Don't push too hard and listen to your body as you let it heal. You've been working hard for us in other ways with our gorgeous spreadsheet! :flowerforyou:

    WTG, memphismyluv! I am considering getting 8 lb weights for my boot camp, but I think I'm gonna chicken out and go with the 5 lb ones for now. Bock! Bock!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I had an NSV today! I'm a C25K Graduate! 5 min warm up, Ran 5k at 5mph for 36 minutes, 11 minute cool down. YES!

    I hadn't been running, but doing the elliptical for an hour several days a week, and I wasn't sure how it would translate. I owned it! I'm really excited and will be celebrating with a night time trail run 5k that I've already signed up for on July 22.

    I only burned 552 calories with it, so I'll be hoping on the elliptical to burn more. Oh, and I need to count my swim! TTYL!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I had an NSV today! I'm a C25K Graduate! 5 min warm up, Ran 5k at 5mph for 36 minutes, 11 minute cool down. YES!

    That's so awesome!!! I can't wait til I can run that distance without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack. :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I contributed my calories from my short run. Off to do Legs & Back so I can add that in too. Everybody's burns are making me look lazy!!! Hahaha :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I contributed my calories from my short run. Off to do Legs & Back so I can add that in too. Everybody's burns are making me look lazy!!! Hahaha :flowerforyou:

    Got started doing L&B but my left knee is feeling too unstable to do all the one legged squating. It's real clicky and hurts. So I'm gonna hold off and do it tomorrow with Kenpo. I'll be home alone all day so I have nothing else to do. :smile:

    I might go hop on the elliptical a bit though. Just one of those days where I wanna zone out and sweat a bit. Let my mind just go blank. :ohwell:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    What is this I'm hearing about doubles day!?