July 24 Hour Challenge



  • jddeq
    jddeq Posts: 10
    lots of moving today! jogging 50 min, walking 48 min, and a night walk with family 120 min. :smile:
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    July 1 - nothing
    July 2 - nothing
    July 3 - 120 minutes of cleaning
    July 4 - 20 minute of 30 Day SHRED...
  • WyoRed
    WyoRed Posts: 64 Member
    91 minutes today, hip hop abs fat burning cardio, abs sculpt, walking.
  • themurph8910
    themurph8910 Posts: 124
    This sounds fun can I join too!

    July 1 - nothing
    July 2 - 20 minute light 2 miles
    July 3 - 20 minute light 2 mile -- 10 min ab workout
  • I'm in! A bit late but I can mark the minutes I have already done this month so it's the same as if I started on 1st of July.

    So I have already done 57 minutes on the first day and yesterday I did 1 h 59 minutes more.
  • mibajee
    mibajee Posts: 2
    Here comes me.. So excited to do it
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    i'm in!

    7/1-30 minutes treadmill
    45 minutes tae bo
    7/2-60 minutes treadmill
    25 minutes tae bo
    7/3-60 minutes vigorous cleaning,
  • Sairaanhoitaja
    Sairaanhoitaja Posts: 13 Member
    Loving this thread!

    July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer
    July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strengh Training

    Going to hit the gym in a bit so update then =)
  • Sairaanhoitaja
    Sairaanhoitaja Posts: 13 Member
    Think this is going to be harder than I first though!

    Today: 45 minutes of Cardio and Strength training
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    07/03 - 63 walking dogs
    07/02 - 60 contruction work
    07/01 - 43 agility w/dogs
    Total so far 166
    25 mins circuit strength training and 52 mins elliptical = 77 mins

  • 60 minutes of vigorous cleaning here too. I was really sweating and lifting heavy stuff so that has to be counted as exercise. :tongue:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    July 1 Nothing, unless you count walking airports and lugging bags. And I don't.
    July 2 25 mins 30DS + 48 minutes Zumba Sculpt and Tone 73/1440
    July 3 27 mins 30DS + 48 mins Zumba Cardio Party + 20 min walk 168/1440
    July 4 27 mins 30DS + very long day at work no time for cardio :( 195/1440
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    60 minutes water excercsing: 215/1440
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    I've been getting my walking in, slow and steady... Going to have to step it up to get in all those minutes!
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    July 1 - 120 Minutes bicycling
    July 2 - 118 Minutes bicycling
    July 3 - I think I fell asleep early and I don't remember any exercise
    July 4 - 104 Minutes bicycling &131 Minutes Walking

    473 / 1440
    07 Hours 53 Minutes

    Some friends and I decided to walk to the fourth of July celebration rather than drive because traffic is a nightmare. Got an unexpected 8 miles of walking in on top of my bike ride. I don't want to seem like an exercise addict.
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    I couldn't exercise at all for the first three days of June, but let's do this! I'm in! I won't be updating everyday though- I'll update when I weigh-in for the July Challenge, so every Friday.

    July 1 thru 3: 0
    July 4: 95 min

    95/1440 minutes of exercise in July so far
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    July 1 Nothing, unless you count walking airports and lugging bags. And I don't.
    July 2 25 mins 30DS + 48 minutes Zumba Sculpt and Tone 73/1440
    July 3 27 mins 30DS + 48 mins Zumba Cardio Party + 20 min walk 168/1440
    July 4 27 mins 30DS + very long day at work no time for cardio :( 195/1440
    July 5 27 mins 30DS + 48 mins Zumba Cardio party 273/1440
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    I am in! I am five days late, but I will try to make up for that.

    7/5 0/1440