30 Day Shred Group - July



  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    How do you log this on MFP in the exercise?

    I log it as circuit training general for 20 minutes x
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    How do you log this on MFP in the exercise?

    From what I've been reading "circuit training" is what you log this under. I go by what my HRM says for calories burned, which is less than what MFP said I might add. :tongue:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Thank you for this! I'm am both inspired and terrified! Lol! <3 Level 1

    Level 3 is the most "fun". I heard that before I got there. And I agree.

    For those that wonder how to log it. I used my HRM for calories burned and if you go to exercise, just put in 30DS. It won't find it, but you can go to the bottom and create the exercise. I just made one for each level "30 Day Shred - Level X". This way I knew exactly what I did that day.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    I'm just finishing 30DS and you all sound like I did in the beginning!!

    Day 1, I was lucky to get 7 pushups. Day 2 my eyelids literally hurt from the squinting I did trying to survive. By the end of Level 1 I was getting 15 or so the first set and 10 the next. In Level 3, I was doing walking pushups and plank raises, which I couldn't believe I could ever do. It was tough, but I was able to get through it.

    I started with 3 lbs weights and 5lbs for the chest flies. By Level 3 I was starting to use some 8s for some of the exercises.

    I HATED the jumping jacks. In Level 3 you will do them with weights. And you will wonder what the big deal was.

    You will ALL transform in some way. It seems like a big hill right now. And I despised Level 2...but when you get to Level 3 you will suddenly see just how far you've come.

    And I recommend that when all of you are done, go back and do Level 1 for a day. You will be amazed. And you will know that the 30 days was worth it.

    loved this post. apart from the bit about 'walking pushups'. no idea what they are but they sound tough!! lol.
    i'll be doing day 8 of level 1 tonite. push ups are the hardest thing for me on level 1 although i'm able to do more as each day goes by so i guess thats good. :happy:
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    it was great to read the ladies post who has completed this - thanks for sharing and well done :flowerforyou:
    just completed L1D4 I really did not want to do it this evening but I have, bring on tomorrow :smile:
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    New to this group, but I just finished Day 6 on Lv1 of the Shred. The cardio and abs are pretty easy now, although I hate doing jumping jacks. It feels like the arm moves with the strength training are getting harder though - just the ones during the squats and the anterior raises. I've been doing 5lbs though so maybe I'll try a lower weight for those two moves and see how it goes. Glad to have found you guys :) The more support the better!
  • The comments on this group really help to get me going. I am on Day 11 Level 2. First day at level two, and I can tell that I am going to hate it. Level two made me feel like the first days of level one except for one basic difference. I have Cardio licked. I remember my legs dying in level one every time I had to do the jump rope. This IS going to be a long 10 days. BUT>>> I've lost two pounds, and my muffin top has almost disappeared. I am constantly looking for things to keep me moving and busy. Before the most exercise I got was raising my soda to my mouth, and my eating habits were worse. No stopping me now.
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    I missed my yesterday workout, but did two today to make up for it. So L1, and then L2, i know it sounds crazy but i would be so annoyed with myself if i didn't make up for the missed day.
    Especially as i could of fitted it in the day, but was a little lazy.

    Back on track L1D5, as i did L2 today, thinking should i move up.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I did Day 2 Level 1 today. Way better today than yesterday. I told myself not to stop with the weights. Yesterday I could only use the weights half the time because I bought 5lb and they got too heavy. Today I didn't put them down early! =) Although I can still only do about 5 push-ups still, I saw improvements!

    I know I'm doing something right because I'm sore & I have to use the handrails to go down the steps now LOL!!!

    Looking forward to tomorrow! I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally hoping to have big results in my stomach area like so many 30 Day Shred posts show. (it seems to be the only area that isn't sore though =/)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I did my first day today and loved it! It was not as hard as I thought it would be but yet I still struggled through some of it. I hate jumping jacks and last time I did a JM video (No More Trouble Zones), I couldn't do all the jumping jacks all at once. Today, I could, both pats of the circuit. YAY!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I did my first day today and loved it! It was not as hard as I thought it would be but yet I still struggled through some of it. I hate jumping jacks and last time I did a JM video (No More Trouble Zones), I couldn't do all the jumping jacks all at once. Today, I could, both pats of the circuit. YAY!

    I agree I hate jumping jacks... but I'm glad she breaks it up into 30 second intervals so it's manageable! =)

    I HATE the side lunges with lifting the weights up to your eye level. THAT is a killer! OMG! Especially since I bought 5lb weights instead of 3lbs.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm off to do Level 1 Day 3. I am glad to see everyone that stuck to it today. It's good to see new folks joining in, too. Jillian really know how to kick our butts. Bring it Jillian, we can handle it!!!

    Later after my work out~ I was able to do 10 real, 20 modified push ups during the 1st set and 5 real, 20 modified push ups during the 2nd set. I really pushed myself tonight. I needed to burn some extra calories that I ate today during my celebration.
  • heii.. thankyou for the info. hope i can reach my goal :)
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    :bigsmile: L1 D5 done
  • Lorna1976
    Lorna1976 Posts: 30 Member
    I am going to start the 30DS today. Go on my hols on 30th July so i only have 20 days.

    Was thinking of doing level 1 for 5 days then heading straight in for level 2.

    Not sure what i am letting myself in for.

    I have loved the posts from those that have finished the 30DS and are pleased they completed it and have great results.

    Thanks for all the inspiration.
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 done today.
    It's not getting any easier :-(
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 done today.
    It's not getting any easier :-(

    it will get easier so keep at it. most people on here say once your passed the first 4/5 days its gets easier. i done day 8 of level 1 last nite and can notice a difference. certainly not sore anymore which was a concern for me in the first few days but thats all gone now. although in 2 days i'll be up to level 2 so i may feel like u again by then. lol. :laugh:
  • sezybez
    sezybez Posts: 2 Member
    I'm gonna start again tomorrow, already worked out today but u guys have inspired me again!

    started it once before but then had guests for a week so went well out of the window.

    The Body Doctor book is also excellent, esp for ladies as I didnt find I lost my chesticles with this routine! so will be interspersing 30DS with this so dont get too bored, or flat chested! ;0)
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I too completed day 4 of level one this morning. Doesn't hurt as much but the cardio isn't getting any easier. still using the lightest weights I have and wondering when to move up to level 2 and/or heavier weights.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    L1D7 done yesterday. Back to my weekday routine today (2 mile lunchtime walk, 30DS after dinner).
    I got a couple new bits of motivation this weekend. I lost about 1.5 pounds last week and that's enough to keep me going. And I found out about another wedding this fall. In Miami (or somewhere in southern Florida). I can't go to Florida without going to the beach so in addition to having to buy a dress and look good in pictures (husband is the best man), I have to look good in a bikini. 18 pounds in 18 weeks and 4 days (more worried about toning than pounds). Eek.