July (2016) Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber oh no!!! I'm sure you'll be fine, keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @shanaber Hopefully taper madness is making you think your knee is worse than it really is. Hugs and best wishes.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    July goal.....run

    7/1 snorkel 4 hours
    7/2 7.53
    7/3 3.23
    7/4 3.29
    7/5 rest
    7/6 4.39
    7/7 3.25
    7/8 7.24
    7/9 celebrated our 40th anniversary!
    7/10 3.85
    7/11 tapering I guess...
    7/12 4.15
    7/13 off
    7/14 off
    7/15 3.20
    7/16 HonuNui and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
    7/17 taper, Music Man, Thai food and friends
    7/18 13.2
    7/19 snorkel 4 hours
    7/20 unmotivated
    7/21 3.30 looked in mirror---got motivated
    7/22 4.3
    7/23 hunkering down for Darby
    7/24 4.53
    7/25 3.26
    7/26 rest
    7/27 3.33
    7/28 3.30

    Total 76.05

    @shanaber Take care!

    Upcoming races:
    SHEPower Virtual Half: July 18
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Virtual 5k runs--making the band
    ......Guitar Solo 6/28 3.85
    ......Drum Solo 7/21
    ......Lead Singer in August or September
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Half 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    @shanaber Hopefully taper madness is making you think your knee is worse than it really is. Hugs and best wishes.

    Thanks - I am hoping that is the case! Your comment made me smile through the tears!!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited July 2016
    @kristinegift GOOOOAAAALLL

    Very very nice run today with the gang. Had a tempo workout so we did 5k at 4:45 min/km. Felt really easy and I could still talk but not comfortably, because we did it at 6 AM and damn it was so good to run in acceptable weather conditions. Nailed the pace also. One guy raced the 5k but it's fine he doesn't hate us (too much).



    Date.....Distance..Avg hr/Pace/km
    July 1 - 7.7 km - 148/6:09
    July 2 - 5.8 km - 147/6:56
    July 3 - 11.6km - 151/6:22
    July 4 - rest
    July 5 - 7.0 km - 149/6:34
    July 6 - 6.5 km - 147/6:32
    July 7 - 4.4 km - 139/7:00
    July 8 - 5.7 km - ???/7:00
    July 9 - 6.0 km - 130/8:30
    July 10- 7.0 km - 146/5:54
    July 11- rest
    July 12- 9.0 km - 146/6:30
    July 13- 7.0 km - 157/6:00
    July 14- 7.7 km - 152/6:07
    July 15- 9.0 km - 155/6:20
    July 16- 7.0 km - 140/7:15
    July 17- 13.0km - 150/6:20
    July 18- 8.0 km - 135/7:30

    End of base building - Type/Pace/km

    July 19- 8.8 km - Reps/4:00
    July 20- 7.0 km - Easy/6:14
    July 21- 6.1 km - V.Easy/8:00
    July 22- 13.0km - RACE/4:55
    July 23- 4.5 km - V.Easy/7:40
    July 24- 6.0 km - Easy/6:30
    July 25- 3.4 km - Easy/6:27
    July 26- 9.0 km - Reps/4:00
    July 27- 6.8 km - V.Easy/6:50
    July 28- 7.0 km - V.Easy/7:20
    July 29- 9.0 km - Tempo(5)/4:44 Nailed it


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k)
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    7/28: 3 miles (high incline treadmill)

    Monthly total: 165.75/140 miles
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    July  2     6.5      6.5 
    July  3     5.0     11.5 
    July  4     4.3     15.8 
    July  6     4.3     20.1 
    July  9    13.2     33.3 
    July 11     5.5     38.8
    July 13     7.0     45.8
    July 15     5.3     51.1
    July 19     4.3     55.4
    July 20     5.1     60.5
    July 22     6.2     66.7
    July 23     5.1     71.8
    July 25     5.1     76.9
    July 27     4.4     81.3
    July 29     7.4     88.7


    Ugh. So humid. Like running through soup.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @AdrianChr92 - SHOES! We are so addicted to our shoes. And running clothes. And anything to with running.
    @shanaber - UGH - what a bummer. Hopefully it is all fine by Sunday. Since it didn't hurt right away it is probably fine. (not that I know about injuries) . Just UGH.

    I really wanted to run this morning. But I ran yesterday and did a spin class last night (which was really hard - I hate 2 minute sprints at 110 rpm). I have strength training today and have two long rides planned this weekend so my running for July is done. Very happy with my mileage considering the heat and that I was traveling a lot. I don't know that I can ever really go much over 75 with biking on the weekends so when I get over that I'm happy!

    7/1 - 5.23 miles in Washington
    7/2 - 3.7 miles in Washington
    7/3 - flying home all day - no running.
    7/4 - :disappointed: couldn’t ride today.
    7/5 - 4.5 miles in the Florida heat and humidity.
    7/6 - 5 miles!
    7/7 - 4.2 miles + 1 hour spinning class
    7/8 - strength training - cancelled — rest day
    7/9 - 34 mile bike ride
    7/10 -35 miles biking
    7/11 - 5 mile run + strength training
    7/12 - 5 mile run
    7/13 - 4 miles
    7/14 - 4.3 miles
    7/15 - 4.5 miles
    7/16 - 41 miles biking
    7/17 - rest day and driving 12 hours
    7/18 - 5 miles
    7/19 - 5.3 miles - intervals
    7/20 - 7 miles
    7/21 - rest day/travel
    7/22 - 4 miles in NYC - Astoria
    7/23 - 6.4 miles in NYC - Astoria
    7/24 - 6.4 miles Central Park, NYC
    7/25 - 5 miles - Goal!
    7/26 - rest day/traveling
    7/27 - rest
    7/28 - 4 miles + spinning class
    7/29 - strength training
    7/30 - biking
    7/31 - biking


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Totally slept through my alarm and hubby woke up before his so I didn't have a backup. Woke up at 5:45 when I heard the shower come on. It was for the best since I should probably monitor my calf today. I had not mentioned anything to my husband and he randomly mentioned last night that my right calf appeared larger than the left, so I'm thinking there is some swelling.

    @shanaber So sorry about the knee! I bet it'll be good as new by Sunday :)

    @ddmom0811 That's a nice bit of running on top of everything else!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @shanaber Hope the knee is better by Sunday! In March when I whacked mine really hard, I ran 20 the next day, so hopefully you're as stubborn as me ;)

    @ddmom0811 Your run mileage is excellent and I am always in awe of your bike miles on strava. You are a beast!!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    7/1 - 11.5 - Easy
    7/2 - 5.86 - Recovery
    7/3 - 18.11 - Long Run
    7/4 - 2.0 - Strength Training Warmup
    7/5 - 9.0 - Tempo
    7/6 - 14.07 - Easy
    7/7 - 5.14 - Recovery
    7/8 - 12.1 - Easy W/ Strides
    7/9 - 5.1 - Recovery
    7/10 - 20.0 - Long Run
    7-11 - Rest
    7/12 - 8.01 - Tempo
    7/13 - 12.47 - Easy
    7/14 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/15 - 12.6 - Easy
    7/16 - 6.2 - Recovery
    7/17 - 16.0 - Long Run
    7/18 - Rest
    7/19 - 4.2 warmup + 3.0 Treadmill Lactic Threshold HR Test
    7/19 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/20 - 15.0 - Easy
    7/21 - 5.01 - Recovery
    7/22 - 11.01 - Easy
    7/23 - 8.07 - Easy W/ Strides (10x125M)
    7/24 - 21.04 - Soul Sucking Long Run
    7/25 - Rest
    7/26 - 6.50 - Easy W/ 2x1 mile cadence drills.
    7/26 - 4.0 - Treadmill Recovery
    7/27 - 14.02 - Tempo - 3x4 miles @ HMP
    7/28 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/29 - 11.01 - Easy w/ 10 @ Goal MP

    Total 276.01 of 289

    Wasn't exactly sure how to define this run since the effort wasn't anywhere near a tempo effort but the pace was my initial goal MP of 9:09. After a easy 9:45 warmup mile my 2nd mile was 9:19. I was running in the dark so I really couldn't see my watch until it notified me of mile splits. There were a ton of storms all around and i hated the thought of cutting it short so I just kept up that effort, which still felt fairly easy. The next few miles were all about 9:10-9:15 and when I stopped at the house briefly for some water i noticed my HR was still in right on the line between z2/z3. Went out for another 4 miles or so and all the miles kept clicking off at 9:05 - 9:10. As I took another brief water stop it started to rain. Had just under 3 miles left without any lightning so i headed out and finished up. Average pace for the 11 miles was 9:16, W/ the last 10 @ 9:10. I'm not sure about everyone else but running in a light rain is just about as awesome as it gets. Legs felt really good this morning considering I'm at over 40 miles for the week with a leg crusher on Tuesday.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Trying to decide on how far to go for my Long Run tomorrow. I've already got 24 miles in this week, so....according to the 25-35% rule, I could go anywhere from 8-12 miles and still have the % right. part of me wants to do the 12, but anther part says to just go 10 or so....thoughts anyone?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just noticed that I had added wrong on my mileage for the month. Now I'm even happier. 88.5!
    Endomondo and Strava showed me the totals and I guess I forgot to add to the ticker one one of the 6.4 days.

    Thanks @kristinegift - I'm in awe of your running miles!
    @greenolivetree - oh no, on your calf appearing bigger. Hope it feels better soon.
    @5512bf - yes running in a light rain is the best!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I fell tonight, tripped going into the gym, over the footing on a workout bench someone left pulled out in the aisle. I didn't even see it and was mostly just so embarrassed. At the time I was not really sore anywhere except for a bruised a finger. Had a great workout, went to puppy Rally class, no issue... But by they time I got home my left knee was stiff and throbbing. I am icing my knee and my finger (which is now swollen and purple but the least of my worries) and following my daughter's care instructions. No running tomorrow, maybe a short shake out on Saturday and hopefully a great HM on Sunday. Taking extra turmeric and fish oil as well for the inflammation. I am going to play it by how it feels on Sunday and will walk the HM if necessary. I am so bummed after all the training but am hoping it will be fine but knowing it is what it is!

    Oh no!!! Hope the swelling goes away enough for Sunday!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member

    I'm a "there is no substitute for easy miles" kinda guy. As long as you are not adding too many miles or doing them at a pace that's too fast. One thing I think you typically do is take a rest day before your long run. Next week you might consider doing an easy foundation run the day before. This does a couple things. First it forces you to run easy since your legs will be a little fatigued. Second it will help simulate running on heavy legs those last few miles of a distance race.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @5512bf thanks for the input...I do need to start practicing my Long runs on tired legs...I was thinking about adding more an easy run on Fridays, since my Long Run is Saturday. That's out for today, since I have my little man....though I could jog one of our walks today to get in some easy miles

    ....great, now I'm really thinking about putting on my running shoes and running the first part of our walk this morning....
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @shanaber - Ugh! Take care of yourself, hope all is great for your HM.
    @kristinegift - feed the shoe monster! Nothing more exciting in life than new running shoes! Also...I don't suggest wearing the crap out of your shorts...just a suggestions :wink:

    I am so jealous of everyone that crushed their goal this month...lots of great efforts here!!

    7/1 - Baseball tournament...no chance to run.
    7/2 - More baseball!
    7/3 - Family day. Not starting the month so well.
    7/4 - 3.82 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    7/5 - Bodypump class, followed by 1.5 miles on indoor track.
    7/6 - 4.01 miles through the soupy air...HOLY HUMIDITY!
    7/7 - Bodypump class, then 1.5 miles on indoor track.
    7/8 - Spin Class. Not sure of mileage. ~50 minutes.
    7/9 - Rest Day. Moved a lot of furniture.
    7/10 - Bodypump class, then 2.0 miles on treadmill
    7/11 - Unplanned rest day.
    7/12 - Bodypump class, then 30 minute abs/core class (ouch)
    7/13 - 3.8 miles on hotel treadmill. Even the fitness center is hot and humid in Orlando.
    7/14 - 3.35 miles on hotel treadmill, then weights.
    7/15 - 4 miles on hotel treadmill.
    7/16 - Travel day...gotta get home.
    7/17 - Bodypump class.
    7/18 - Unplanned rest day. Woke up feeling ill...ugh
    7/19 - Bodypump class, then 30 minute abs / core class...I so need it, because I suck at it!
    7/20 - 4 miles in the thick, wet air. Temperature wasn't too bad, thank goodness.
    7/21 - 4.5 miles treadmill / Trek class. Hardest effort run I've had in ~2 months. Then upper body weights.
    7/22 - Spin Class. ~50 minutes.
    7/23 - 4.75 miles...sticky
    7/24 - Bodypump class.
    7/25 - Rest day.
    7/26 - Bodypump class, then 30 minute abs / core class (still ouch)
    7/27 - 5 miles. Longest run since HM in early June. Beautiful morning for late July.
    7/28 - 4.8 miles treadmill / Trek class. Then upper body weights.
    7/29 - Spin Class. I am getting to really like it. May need some new shorts though...ouch.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited July 2016
    @kristinegift - Congrats on making goal! I hit mine today too! Looks like lots of weekend miles for @Elise4270 and @ceciliaslater (except I think she is earning her own now...hmmm). I think they just might beat us all this month! LOL. And I am still trying to figure out if I prefer (can I even use that word here???) to run in the cooler but more humid morning or the less humid but sweltering evening. I think I prefer which ever one I didn't do that day to be honest!

    @skippygirlsmom -LOL. Rest day drive-by. You are too funny!
    @MNLittleFinn -I agree with @5512bf above. Always good to get used to running on tired legs.

    July 1-7.3 +1.1 with the puppy
    July 2-12 miles
    July 3-8 miles
    July 4-rest day
    July 5-6 miles + 1.1 with the puppy
    July 6- 5 miles
    July 7- 4.6 miles easy + 0.4 miles with puppy (we ran into a doggie friend and she decided that play>running!)
    July 8- 4.4 miles speed intervals
    July 9-9.3 miles with Mojo group +1.3 miles with Stella
    July 10-6.1 miles
    July 11- rest
    July 12- 6.2 miles AM+4 miles PM
    July 13- 3.9 miles+1.1 with the pup
    July 14- 5 miles AM
    July 15- 4.1 miles hill repeats
    July 16- 12.2 miles
    July 17- 4.9 miles
    July 18-rest day
    July 19- 6.1 miles easy
    July 20- 7 miles fast finish (AM)+3.4 (PM)
    July 21- AM yoga + 5 miles solo+ 1 mile with the puppy-Super hot and humid!
    July 22-4.2 miles AM hill repeats
    July 23- 12 miles (forgot to start Garmin-only logged 11.5)
    July 24-Rest day (swimming!)
    July 25- 4.5 miles
    July 26- 6.1 miles fast finish+3.7 hot evening miles
    July 27-5.0 mile AM recovery run
    July 28-4.7 miles with running pal+ 0.6 miles with the puppy+ yoga and core work
    July 29-4.0 miles final hill repeats

    I hit my goal with my hill repeats this morning. I did the same workout as last Friday, but the 6 degree temp difference (66 today vs 72 last week) made a huge difference in pace. All of my intervals were sub 8 this morning with my fastest @7:16, whereas last week my slowest interval was 8:32. I did slow down with each interval this week, but I am happy with the run overall since it is a pretty good little hill. Also very happy that this is the final hill repeat run in the training plan. Matt Fitzgerald puts hill repeats in as a prelude to speed intervals. Even though the HR data is not that different, for whatever reason, I find the hill repeats to be much more mentally taxing. Just glad they are done and I am done for the day! Happy Friday everyone!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for July
    7/1 3.1 miles - 3.1
    7/2 14 miles - 17.1
    7/3 REST DAY
    7/4 9 miles - 26.1
    7/5 9 miles - 35.1
    7/5 6.2 miles - 41.3 << Daily Double
    7/6 6.2 miles - 47.5
    7/7 8.25 miles - 55.75
    7/7 5 miles - 60.75 << Daily Double, FF Pub Run
    7/8 13 miles - 73.75 << PPounders Swamp Run
    7/9 REST DAY
    7/10 REST DAY
    7/11 9.25 miles - 83
    7/11 5 miles - 88 << Daily Double
    7/12 9 miles - 97
    7/12 4 miles - 101 << Daily Double
    7/13 6.2 miles - 107.2
    7/14 9 miles - 116.2
    7/15 REST DAY unplanned
    7/16 15 miles - 131.2
    7/16 6.2 miles - 137.4 << Daily Double w/ wife
    7/17 REST DAY
    7/18 9 miles - 146.4
    7/19 9 miles - 155.4
    7/20 6.3 miles - 161.7
    7/21 9 miles - 170.7
    7/21 6.2 miles - 176.9 << Daily Double
    7/22 6.2 miles - 183.1
    7/23 15 miles - 198.1
    7/23 6.2 miles - 204.3 << Daily Double w/ wife
    7/24 REST DAY
    7/25 9 miles - 213.3 << Madkin Mountain 633 ft elevation
    7/25 4 miles - 217.3 << Daily Double
    7/26 9 miles - 226.3
    7/26 4 miles - 230.3 << Daily Double
    7/27 5 miles - 235.3
    7/28 9 miles - 244.3
    7/28 5 miles - 249.3 << Daily Double (3 miles at tempo)
    7/29 5 miles - 254.3


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

    I made goal. So from here on out are donated miles. Who wants the first 4? :-)