

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Cheri, in times of crisis, I have to stay in the moment....24 hours is just too much for me....best wishes on the final preparations for your move.

    <3 Barbie
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I didn't have any defined goals for July, but I do for August:
    1)Prepare for a 10k in November.
    2)Exercise everyday (some form).
    3)Try to figure out a strength training program I can stick to. I'm good at cardio, but I really need to get in some
    4) Reach 10k steps on days I don't have "planned" exercise and 15K steps on days that I do exercise.
    5) Try to measure/weigh food as much as possible.
    6) Log, Log, Log my food! (even if it's bad day).
    7)Go "lower carb" - not so much bread, pasta, chips or (gulp) French Fries.
    Since I started (really on July 30) I am down 3 pounds, so I know the system works.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • apfei7
    apfei7 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016
    I turn 50 on August 21st. Eek!

    I just tuned into this thread and just started my journey early in July so my goals for July were mostly just to diet and exercise and do my best. I lost 5.8 pounds and tried a variety of exercises. I liked pool running the best. I have 80 pounds to lose to get to 140 as i'm 5'3" and my doctor says that's what's healthy. I am thrilled with my month, to have made a good start. I've got two tiny wineglasses. One is filled with pearl beads. For each pound i lose i put a bead in the other glass. I have five in there now, all hard won.

    My goals for August:

    lose another 6 pounds
    walk my dog three times a day as our dogpark is temporarily unavailable
    strength train twice a week
    try cooking some animal proteins [salmon, chicken]

    I've read that motivation is what gets us started but habit is what keeps us going.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Cheri, in times of crisis, I have to stay in the moment....24 hours is just too much for me....best wishes on the final preparations for your move. <3 Barbie

    Thanks Barbie and everyone else sending me good wishes!

    Winding down here with the last few packing items. Tomorrow will be hot and busy. Moving van, car transport, giving the house a good vacuum and clean down before hitting the road south. For once in a very long time I am actually feeling some joy as to what it to come in my life. I hold all of you dear to my heart and think of y'all through out my days. Throwing in the last load of laundry and hitting the bed.

    one more night in Fairlawn, oHIo

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have a horrible confession and just need to share. My niece came over for the night yesterday. To pick up my 25 lb Kettlebell and for me to show her how to use it. She shared news that she just found out that she was 5 weeks pregnant. She just lost 30 lbs by Jillian Michales workout, the 30 day shred and HIIT walk run training. She is 35 and is getting married in Oct. She just shared the news with her DF by sending him a picture of pink camo booties and he sent her the most beautiful message back. This morning she wanted me to show her how to use the Kettlebell. She looked it up on Google and it said it would be safe. I had her work on form without weight and she only swung the Kettlebell a couple of times. She left here and went to my sister in law's where her mother and son were. Not long after she had a miscarriage :'(. Of course I feel responsible.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    evening friends~
    gonna go to bed.... will check in ,in the morning...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Heather-what a gorgeous baby!!!!!I have the exact symptoms you mentioned but the Dr. says it's NOT RA..says it's the residual effects of two separate falls I took over a year apart but used the left hand (I'm left-handed) to break the fall during the first, and the right during the second (because the left WAS still somewhat tender :#, in any event, I may have to get the Dr. to prescribe something to alleviate the pain.
    Rini - I really think my aches & pains are from NOT being active so yes it's good to get back on track.
    karen-thanks for the info on the rheumate...I suppose it CAN'T hurt.
    Well, the day is over..I DID manage to another 3milewalk in this evening for a total of 5 for the day BUT, I've also increased my caloric intake for the day. There was a discussion just the other day on the pros/cons of eating them back but I can't remember what the consensus was? Anybody know?

    ~Melanie~ Baton Rouge
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Cheri are you all moving to Texas...something about A & M???? Well, if so, you know you're now in SEC country, and the rivalry between LSU (Geaux Tigers) and A & M is intense....lol!!!! just thought I share that valuable information
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a spinning downloadable workout. Gawd! How I've missed doing that!

    You have no idea how good it feels to be able to do things on my schedule. Went to the Humane Society to drop off the aluminum, then Bi-Lo for items on sale, then exercise, then the post office, then the Salvation Army, Jessica wanted to know the name of the place that's where she used to get her hair cut so went there (there was an empty store). Home and made brownies for when Jess comes this weekend. Actually, I made them now so that I could take some to ceramics. I used the tofu and want one lady to try something made with the tofu, how you can't tell it's in there. Then made these mini-cupcakes (key lime) to take to bowling Monday. I'll just put them in the freezer and then ice them Sunday.

    Did a load of laundry last night and took it out of the dryer this morning. Now to fold everything up. What a pain!

    janetr - no need to apologize for posting that pic. Great family resemblance. Not Katie's daughter so much, but that's totally understandable.

    Lenora - I ALWAYS put any of my meds in my pocketbook. Well...not for the multivitamins or my calcium supplement. That I can live if I don't have. But any med that I need goes into my pocketbook

    Eava - welcome! Congrats on the loss. You certainly will lose the rest.

    Heather - congrats on doing what you committed to do. that's wonderful.

    I asked Vince to get me a new lightbulb for my exercise room. Told him that I'd change it. He said "I didn't realize it was that urgent" I just told him "well, I've been waiting 3 years for the quarterround in my exercise room, I don't want to wait another 3 years for a lightbulb". That's when he told me that the reason he hasn't done it is because he hasn't figured out how to do it. And here all this time I thought it was because he was just procrastinating! So I told him "well, I'll have Dwane (a handyman we've used before) come. I thought I was just waiting for you!"

    Tracey - welcome! What part of PA are you in? We used to live in Stroudsburg and then Kennett Square

    Melanie Baton Rouge - happy early birthday! I'm so sorry you were in such pain. Do hope today is better. Sounds like it is

    mousemom - I like to stay below 130. But you are so very right, those last pounds are terrible to take off. I can't seem to keep mine off.

    Miriam - I'm so sorry about your kitty. No matter how many you lose, it's always hard. Loved the picture.

    Carol/Peach - I can tell you that you can use self-rising flour in the spinach feta pie. that's how I made it one time for the Newcomers. For me I use the whole wheat flour

    Teri - welcome! I swear when menopause hit, these rolls of flab suddenly appeared. I probably had them before but could always lose them. Now I can't seem to lose them for love or money. Come in here for lots of support and motivation. Also for some good ideas to try.

    Penny - so sorry you lost your voice. what a bummer! Glad it'll soon be time for dinner because you really made me hungry with that menu. So many things sound so good.

    Betty - so glad you found your stone. Oh no! it wasn't your stone! Yea, you DID find it. What a story! But it might not be you stone......

    KJ - what beautiful kids. You did a great job on the shirts. Looks professional. Why none for the puppy?

    Becca - feel better fast. Congrats on your loss

    Rini - Mexican Train is a dominoes game. Don't ask me why it's called "Mexican", have no idea.

    Katie - I'll gladly take those figs off your hands for you then you won't have to worry about what to do with them. Aren't I good at rationalizing?

    Barbie - so happy for you AND jake

    apfei - welcome! Congrats on the loss. That's a good start

    Mary from MN - (((HUGS))). You are a good person, never forget that. The kettlebell swinging really isn't related to the miscarriage. Listen to Karen in VA -- very wise what she had to say

    Well, went to ceramics tonight. My seaturtle still isn't done. I have a feeling that it won't be done until next Wednesday, then it has to be fired.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oh, Mary, I am so sorry this has happened. I understand you feeling responsible, but please KNOW that is not true. Swinging a kettle bell a few times is not what caused the miscarriage. Great big (((hugs))) for you, your niece and family. Praying you will find peace .

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.10in, 13.9mph, 131mhr, 2.5mi = 78c
    SPIN- 47min, 84r, 75w, 10-13g, 151mhr, 10.9mi = 313c
    ride gym 2 dome- 4.32min, 13.6amph, 130mhr, 1mi = 41c
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.32min, 8.3amph, 141mhr, 2.5mi = 145c
    total cal 577
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well girls it is official. I am weary. I was driving home from getting my hair cut today and this huge wave if weariness hit me like a tsunami wave. Plus a huge headache and my usual leg pain that i have been having lately. I cooked a good supper last night and there were plenty of leftovers so I told my husband to just fix what he wanted. I don't know if I can eat or not. Some oatmeal with peaches sound good to me. Or maybe some toast. My way of keeping track of anything medical related for tax purposes is that I have this big wall flip calander. Well I put all appointments on it but if it is medical related and I can deduct mileage, I take a yellow highlighter and go through it with that. I was looking at that and putting new appointments in my iPad and it really hit me all the things that have happened this year.So I don't know if it is that I am tired or just weariness.

    Heather, I don't think they feed Bea anything at all! LOL, she looks like a picture of happiness.

    Mary, I am so sorry that your niece had a miscarriage.I understand why you would think that but you don't know. If she was in good health more than likely you did not.

    Joyce, weary in Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member

    Heather SMILING!!!
    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: WTG on the weight loss! :smiley:

    Janet OKC: I turned 67 in July so I'm a teensy bit older than you. I feel a crazy combination of younger than ever in my whole life, plus aches and pains that go with the passing of quite a bit of time. I tried kettle bell swings at the gym today with a five pound weight. I'm a bit sore now, and must have made some mistakes with my form. :grumble: I'll watch the videos another time or two & try again on Friday. :bigsmile:

    Rini_s: Mexican Train is a dominoes game for a group. Our family has played it at holiday get-togethers and we've also played with neighbors. :smiley:

    DJ: I don't know whether Heather uses the word pot to mean marijuana. Sometimes British and American slang are similar to one another and other times not. Perhaps she'll speak up on the matter. :wink:

    Cheri: I hope the move is relatively low stress and has fun moments to offset the hard work. (((HUGS)))

    Mary: You are not responsible for a miscarriage, but I understand how you feel. You didn't force your niece to try the kettle bells and nobody could have predicted the miscarriage. I'm guessing it was bound to happen and the kettle bell workout is simply a coincidence. It is upsetting, all the same. Hugs to you & your niece. :broken_heart::heart:

    I found kettle bells at our gym and tried my first kettle bell swings today with a 5 pound weight. I'm sore now & DH is grumpy about it. I will review the videos that Mary posted before I try again. The upside is that DH insisted I get a massage & I have a massage scheduled for Friday afternoon. :devil: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I have a horrible confession and just need to share. My niece came over for the night yesterday. To pick up my 25 lb Kettlebell and for me to show her how to use it. She shared news that she just found out that she was 5 weeks pregnant. She just lost 30 lbs by Jillian Michales workout, the 30 day shred and HIIT walk run training. She is 35 and is getting married in Oct. She just shared the news with her DF by sending him a picture of pink camo booties and he sent her the most beautiful message back. This morning she wanted me to show her how to use the Kettlebell. She looked it up on Google and it said it would be safe. I had her work on form without weight and she only swung the Kettlebell a couple of times. She left here and went to my sister in law's where her mother and son were. Not long after she had a miscarriage :'(. Of course I feel responsible.


    Mary from Minnesota

    I'm so sorry, Mary. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I haven't lost a child, but I know this must be devastating. I'm sure as Karen said, this was a horrible coincidence.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies ,

    We are having lovely weather here in Idaho! Highs reach 80's so nice break! After work went to the Y again water swimming and a class low impact for us that have joint problems! All in the pool! Great fun enjoy it refreshes me ! My knees are a little sore! But good otherwise. After the Y with my husband we went to the park hang out with friends played games, chit chat a bit! Taking a few minutes than time to get ready for tomorrow!

    Wishing everyone the best!
    Caldwell, Idaho