90 Day Fitness & Food Challenge



  • lilawenta
    lilawenta Posts: 31 Member
    becs3578 wrote: »
    Becs Day 6 of the 90 Day Challenge

    Today is my rest day. And I need it.

    Hope you are feeling better. Listen to your body!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 7 of the 90 Day Challenge.

    Today wasn't bad but food at lunch could have been a little better.

    Got in a bodyflow class plus 31 mins on the elliptical.

    Prepped some food for the next few days and cleaned out the frig. :)

    Ready to start a fresh week!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    becs3578 wrote: »
    Becs Day 6 of the 90 Day Challenge

    Today is my rest day. And I need it. After work and then my evening workout.. I ended up in bed at home feeling terrible. I was queasy, excessively tired and just feeling rough. I had worked out so hard I knew I needed to eat but I knew I could keep down much. Very time for some toast or crackers... but I don't keep that in my place anymore. So I ate salted cashews (more salt than I am use too at bed time).

    Better today but still tired and worn out. Today is my rest day from the gym. Normally at it on Thursday which I prefer. Because of the change this week I worked out 7 days in a row and I think my body had had enough.

    Tonight I will rest, eat a light dinner and get some good sleep. Plan is to hit the gym for 30-40 mins of elliptical and then a BODY FLOW class.

    Are you ensuring that you are getting plenty of calories? I can’t see your logs so I can’t say much buit I am sure that you know if you’re not eating enough and working out hard you could be crashing due to that. I always keep a protein bar and some nuts with me in case I start to crash especially during a hard gym day.
    Not to mention I can get grumpy if I don’t eat enough. So grumpy I don’t even like my own company. :-)

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »

    Are you ensuring that you are getting plenty of calories? I can’t see your logs so I can’t say much buit I am sure that you know if you’re not eating enough and working out hard you could be crashing due to that. I always keep a protein bar and some nuts with me in case I start to crash especially during a hard gym day.
    Not to mention I can get grumpy if I don’t eat enough. So grumpy I don’t even like my own company. :-)

    Oh yes I can get grumpy too. Yeah I think last friday the lack of calorie intake before my workouts could have been the issue but I am not sure. I am eating around 1300 a day right now. Might need more than that.. but I think it is more I need to figure out the right foods I need to fuel while loosing. I would love to talk to a nutritionist. Going to try to talk to the head lady at my gym this week and see her thoughts. She scares me a little but I am going try to suck it up and talk to her.. ha.

    Becs Day 8 of the 90 day Challenge

    Hoping for a good weigh in on Thursday. Felt pretty good this morning and had to travel a bit this morning for work. Was on the road from 9-3. Brought my healthy food and snacks and didnt go to a drive through. But about an hour ago I started to feel a little off. Gonna power through and go to my tennis lesson but probably not elliptical after. Need to figure out what the heck in going on . Last 4 day or so I have felt off.

  • lilawenta
    lilawenta Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning all! Have had a few good days in a row. Tomorrow is my rest day and I'm hoping to get in a yoga class or something mellow.
    • Aug 6: 1900 consumed, 992 burned (6.32 mile run, .25 mile swim, .5 mile bike...should that even count? :wink: )
    • Aug 7: 1746 consumed, 284 burned (2.32 mile run)
    • Aug 8: 1550 consumed, 1103 burned (9.33 mile bike, 3.23 mile run, .5 mile swim)
    • Aug 9 so far...: 822 consumed, 1098 burned (9.29 mile bike, 3.64 run, .5 mile swim)***

    ***planning to eat more, and also ride more today!
    lilawenta wrote: »
    I'm in too! Have already started August strong! Here are my stats so far.

    Starting weight: 222 : Current weight: 214
    • Aug 1: 1527 calories consumed, 1668 burned (45 mins Tabata, 14 mile bike, 3 mile run)
    • Aug 2: 1719 calories consumed, 1110 burned (18.5 mile bike, 2.7 mile run)
    • Aug 3: 1667 calories consumed, 1423 burned (9.5 mile bike, 2.6 mile run, .5 mile swim)
    • Aug 4: 2147 calories consumed, 1180 burned (14 mile bike, 3 mile run, 20 mins arm strength training)
    • Aug 5: 1726 calories consumed, 1180 burned (18.6 mile bike, 20 min row)

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    lilawenta - you are killing it. And YES.... Everything counts girl!!!!

    Becs Day 9 of the 90 day challenge.

    Ate right, 60 mins on the elliptical and now in bed watching the Olympics. Thursday morning is my weight in and Thursday night is a fish fry at my folks for out of town family. Thanks goodness I weigh before that.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    It sounds like you two are doing great. Me not so much.

    I need a new job and a new drug! My job and the daily drive for my job have me so flustered I just don't have any energy by the time I get home. Never-the-less, I did get a little exercise in yesterday and even started to day with a little.

    My goal is to get my pull ups back up to my pre-blood poisoning level which was 5 sets of 8 reps.
    Other numbers:
    Push ups 5 sets of 30
    Planks 4 sets of 2 minutes
    Planks 4 sets of 20

    This week will be just a baseline but I'll shoot for:
    Pull ups 4 sets of 5 reps
    push ups 4 sets of 20
    plank 3 sets of 1.5 minutes.
    I'll also add 4 sets of 30 on the Ab roller.

    I need to get my vivofit replaced, I noticed even when I was not feeling good I would be more active so I could get my steps in at the very less.

    My food intake is not bad until the evening when I find myself at home and bored with all the terrible snacks my family keeps around.

    Good luck y'all! ;-)
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    edited August 2016
    Becs day 10 of the 90 day challenge.

    Hard to believe the first 10% of the challenge is over. 90 days goes by faster than you think.

    At well today and did 35 mins of elliptical and then a Bodypump class.... Trying to work harder in the class so upped my weight on a few of the tracks.

    Gonna response more in the morning but didn't want to end the day without something.

    Y'all at rockin it.

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    DWBalboa - that is a big drive. I can imagine I would be exhausted after that. I am pretty lucky. My gym in about 5 mins from work and then it usually only takes me 15 mins to go home. There were two really big gyms to pick from in my area. One close to home and one close to work. Picked the one closer to work.... So I go right after I finish.... No chnace to go home and change my mind.

    You are really focused and I am so impressed. I know it is frustrating after your illness but slow and steady and make sure you take care of yourself.

    Becs day 11 of the 90 day challenge -

    Official weigh in Thursday - 133.2 which is about 1.4 from my low last week. I am good with that. I now feel like I am losing real weight and not bloat (like the 5 lbs I lose in 2 days last week at the beginning).

    Goal for next weeks weigh in is 132. I originally wanted to lose 1.5 a week and I am making that closer to 1 lb a week. Don't want to set myself up for failure and not attainable goals.

    So the last week I am been sticking to the plan mostly. That expensive high end chocolate bar on Saturday wasn't but .... Oops! Eating around 1200-1300 calories a day with macros around 50% healthy fat (olive oil, eggs, avocado, string cheese, almond butter), 20% or less carbs (mainly from veggies and sweet potato), and 30% protein. This higher fat plan keeps me fuller during the day. I mean I am still craving a pizza this week but I am not wanting to eat everything in site all the time!

    Today is my rest day. Body needs a rest. Rest of my exercise week should be as follows.

    Friday - body pump + elliptical
    Saturday - body combat
    Sunday - body flow + elliptical.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs day 12 of the 90 day challenge

    Last night I ate too much at the family reunion fish fry but I plan on two "not perfect meals" a week so that was one of them.

    Ate well today, and just finished a body pump class. Have decided that I need to work harder in the class. So I upped my weight a little bit like on Wednesday on most of the tracks. I want to work on form and making every moment count in the class and work on my muscles. So that is how it is gonna be going forward. It is not just "show up" but "push it" when I am there.

    We are in flood warning this weekend so I am gonna head home without an extra 30 mins on elliptical.

    Tomorrow I was planning on BodyCombat but someone is coming to install a ceiling fan and lighting fixture for me.... So I will probably miss the class. Instead I will do 60 mins of elliptical tomorrow.

    Dinner tonight... Boiled shrimp and some sautéed cabbage.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs Day 13 of the 90 day challenge.

    Weight was weirdly up two lbs today. Hoping just water weight from the salty, fried food Thursday. Ate well yesterday and today.

    Got in 61 on the elliptical today at the gym. Tomorrow 30 mins elliptical and bodyflow. Next weigh in that counts is Thursday. So time to work hard!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs day 14 of the 90 day challenge.

    Went out with a friend from high school last night at the last minute. Cocktails and now a migraine. I should have stayed home.

    Was suppose to have aBlind date but he canceled the morning of. Atleast I didn't eat an entire thing of Ben and jerrys. Small victory.

    Laying in bed with this migraine now. Gonna try to be good today. Not sure about the gym with the headache so I will play it by ear. Tomorrow I should be back to normal.

    Want to talk with the head of fitness at the gym. I need to help to make some tweaks to make me feel like this is going to be successful.

    After losing 50 lbs you would think I knew how to make this work but it seems to always need a tweak or two.
  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm in! 15 miles (slow) cycle then out on the sea and swimming around
    Have 17lbs to lose. I'll be part of your challenge if I may?
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    G085H173 wrote: »
    I'm in! 15 miles (slow) cycle then out on the sea and swimming around
    Have 17lbs to lose. I'll be part of your challenge if I may?

    So glad to have you!!!

    I would love loose about 15 so you and I have very similar goals!

    Tomorrow I have bodypump class and then a tennis lesson in the evening. 2 hrs of feeling the burn.
  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    becs3578 wrote: »
    G085H173 wrote: »
    I'm in! 15 miles (slow) cycle then out on the sea and swimming around
    Have 17lbs to lose. I'll be part of your challenge if I may?

    So glad to have you!!!

    I would love loose about 15 so you and I have very similar goals!

    Tomorrow I have bodypump class and then a tennis lesson in the evening. 2 hrs of feeling the burn.

    Thank you. "Tomorrow" is today where I am and I will be mostly jumping of their pier and swimming in the sea!!

    Tennis sounds fun too!!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs day 15 of the 90 day challenge.

    Wanted it to be a good and positive day but I let others behavior change my attitude for the worse. But I didn't eat my feelings so that is something.

    Body pump and about 28 mins of tennis tonight.

    Tomorrow I can't workout because I have to go to a dinner thing at my folks. Don't want to eat badly but I do terrible there. Probably adding to my stress. Eating there Tuesday and Saturday night.
  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    Why are you letting food ( an inanimate object - albeit tasty) dictate how YOU FEEL and your PRIORITIES?
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    G085H173 wrote: »
    Why are you letting food ( an inanimate object - albeit tasty) dictate how YOU FEEL and your PRIORITIES?

    Have had a lifelong struggle with food. Even after losing 50 lbs.... Some days I still battle with old ghosts.

    Becs Day 16 of the 90 day challenge.

    Rest day from workouts because I was at a dinner party at my folks. Tomorrow I am working from home for items for my store. Planning elliptical and bodypump in the evening.

    No more evenings this week.... Just lots of work and workouts. That I can handle. ;)

  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    Yes. We all have that struggle to an extent. Regardless of it though, you are looking trim and lovely. So get stuck into the workouts and let the trimmer and fitter you explode into life
    Have a lovely day!!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Becs day 17 of the 90 day challenge.

    Ate well today. 30 min elliptical workout plus a bodypump class. Been pushing myself a little hard in bodypump. Focusing on really good technique and add a little bit of extra resistance to most tracks.

    Happy hump day.