Biggest Loser Challenge



  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    I've loss 20 lbs. and need an additional motivation. So, I'm starting a Biggest Loser Challenge for anyone that is interested. The Challenge will begin July 8, 2011 and will go until October 8, 2011. There will be 2 parts to our challenge. Weight loss that will be calculated by using a formula that will take in consideration your weight loss %, BMI and fat %. The 2nd part is your work out/exercise time.

    On July 8, 2011 give your starting weight, waist measurement, neck measurement, hip measurement, forearm measurement and bust measurement.

    Then each following Friday give your updated weight, measurements and exercise totals for the week. The formula takes in account inches loss, muscle gain, BMI reduction and weight loss. Which is not goood but great because sometimes we don't loss weight but inches and I know that you get discourage because I do. I've had to keep telling myself that getting healthly doesn't just mean losing the pounds but it is also being able to workout an hour without feeling like I'm going to die and losing the inchs. I keep telling myself that it all has to come together and seeing the results on paper-helps to bring everyting to reality.

    I will chart everyones progress and post the biggest loser for each week. Then at the end of the 3 months I will post the overall Biggest Loser. I know that we can do this and be there for each other. Yes, I'm challenging all of MFP to make me accountable for my actions. Lets do this....:happy:


    Template that you may use to check in:

    Exercise (mins):

    Hope this helps
  • id like to join. what waist and hip measurements do you want? I know that sounds weird but i never know exactly where to measure for example hips at the widest part or hips where peoples pants sit at. Upper waist under bust or what? once again sorry if thats an odd question. Im just one of those people who carrys a lot of my weight in my hips ("love handles")
  • Please count me in!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'd like to join!
  • I would like to join
  • jmac4395
    jmac4395 Posts: 3
    Did this on my job years ago! It waws lots of fun and definitely motivational! Have fun guys :-)
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Count me in:)
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    count me in! This sounds like great motivation and will help us all reach our goals!
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    id like to join. what waist and hip measurements do you want? I know that sounds weird but i never know exactly where to measure for example hips at the widest part or hips where peoples pants sit at. Upper waist under bust or what? once again sorry if thats an odd question. Im just one of those people who carrys a lot of my weight in my hips ("love handles")

    I understand I carry alot of my weight in my hips. The widest part. So, we can see the inches go away....
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Soo are we going to do something like this:

    and actually divide up into groups or all on our own?
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Soo are we going to do something like this:

    and actually divide up into groups or all on our own?

    To start with until everyone gets more comfortable we will be on our own. Then we will divide into groups.
  • thegroovychick
    thegroovychick Posts: 8 Member
    I would like to join! Thanks for starting this!
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    Do we post our measurements here?
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    K, here are my starting measurements! :)

    Weight: 180.6 lbs
    Height: 5' 8"
    Waist: 32.5"
    Hip: 40.25"
    Forearm: 14"
    Wrist: 6.75"

    :) yaaaay for this challenge haha
  • Can we still join?
  • count me in please :)
  • Makay1
    Makay1 Posts: 57 Member
    I would love to do this!! Like the others, I need all the motivation I can get. Count me in!! (and thanks for starting this challenge!)
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Can we still join?

    Yes, you may. I add you to the list.
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Do we post our measurements here?

    Yes, you may post here or if you aren't comfortable with posting here email me your measurements.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I'd like to join if I could! I too am having trouble shedding pounds but the inches are falling off! This sounds like a great way to count both!