Pregnancy- July 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I feel a need to point out that Maureen hasn't posted in almost 24 hours!! You better not be toying with us, woman! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    oh my, I posted at the same time as you haha!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I feel a need to point out that Maureen hasn't posted in almost 24 hours!! You better not be toying with us, woman! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    oh my, I posted at the same time as you haha!

    Haha, yeah... no, I'm just sitting on my couch waiting & timing contractions that aren't happening nearly frequently enough and aren't nearly painful enough. :tongue:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    oh Julie....

    I don't feel like my contractions have a clear beginning or end yet... or that I can tell if that makes any sense.

    BTW ladies I forgot to tell you... so my friend had her baby yesterday! Her dr.'s had been telling her she may need a c-section for a big baby but she choose to try vaginally first (and went into labor about 5 days early)... born 6 lbs 15 oz! not so big.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julz – boo for headaches! Hope it goes away soon.

    Mel – I don’t explain myself very well anymore. I meant the date of the month and the year I was born. My birthday is 10/22/82.

    Bethany – I don’t know how you and the other ladies with kids do it all. Some days I barely have enough energy to do my hair let alone take care of kids.

    Victoria – enjoy your ice cream!

    Julie & Maureen – I have my fingers crossed for the both of you!

    Anne – its crazy how off the doctors can be when estimating the baby’s weight.

    mdbibb89 - welcome! I set my calories to maintain by pre-pregnancy weight. But to be completely honest I'm not really logging too much. I eat when I'm hungry and try to make healthy choices.

    After my cake I went to hang out with my friend and her two year old (my future son-in-law). Every time we started to talk he’d yell, “shhhh, Ronya’s baby is sleeping!!!!” :laugh: When I got home hubby surprised me by moving the bed out of the Kathryn’s room and vacuuming the whole second floor. :bigsmile: :happy: Poor guy was so upset; he wanted to have her whole room emptied out by the time I got home. But he hurt his shoulder moving the mattress so he had to stop.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    P.S. My name is Michelle :) mdbibb89= m(ichelle)d(awn) b(ibb)--my maiden name 89--the year I was born
    I haven't been logging my food either. Just so I'm not the only one haha! I'm just eating when I'm hungry though I'm at the stage where I eat 10 bites of something and feel full but then I'm hungry an hour later. Trying to eat healthy choices...but that doesn't mean if I want pie i'm going to skip out ;) Looking forward to seeing everyone's new babies as I see most of you are in the waiting stage. Are any of you having a home birth?
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I wish after last night that there was a baby to report!

    Due date is here and so far baby is not. I hardly slept due to EXTREME uncomfortablness. I had al ot of baby area pains but nothing that I would really say was a contraction. She would NOT stop moving around. And a lot of pulsing in my lady parts.

    Apt this afternoon which should include a membrane sweep (I am asking for it), and a cervix check. Lets see what kind of progress we are at!

    AND ITS MY LAST DAY OF WORK! I havent made it a full day all week, so I expect today will be no different. I am planning on leaving for my apt and not coming back. I am so tired of my office (trying to make sure they dont screw things up while i am gone is like trying to bail out a boat with a giant hole in it!).

    I will catch up on everyone from work if I get a few mins.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Michelle- Welcome and just jump right in! I have thrown up a lot throughout my pregnancy so counting calories went out the window for me. My dr. did tell me that I should be eating about 2200 calories daily at some point along the way. One thing we did very well at for awhile was an exercise challenge to get in 4 workouts a week and report back on Mondays (some of us have fallen off at the very end… feelng too poorly or dr.’s orders) but there are still a lot of people doing it! You can up it if you are still feeling like you can do more.

    Maureen- Let us know how the apt. goes!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Mel- I'm so original with my username :laugh: First name: Danielle, Last name: Page, Wedding anniversary: June 17
  • eleeseeC
    eleeseeC Posts: 21 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I am due the day after you! I also gained too much during my first pregnancy. I am setting my calorie range to maintain my weight during the first trimester and then to gain .5 pounds per week for the second and third. MFP allows you to select those options. Because I am still carrying around extra weight , I am recommended to gain only 15-20 lbs. If you should gain more you could up it to 1 lb a week. Of course that doesn't take into consideration the wonderful water retention that comes with pregnancy.
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome Bethany. I’m sorry that you’ve been so sick, I hope that you start feeling better. This is a wonderful site and hugely helpful. I completely understand about the need to keep awake when you have other kids to care for. My first pregnancy I slept every chance I could – that was the hardest change with my second pregnancy. At least now my kids are old enough that they can manage while I direct from the couch or bed.

    Maureen – Last day at work! I hope that you have an easy day of it.

    Anne Elise – So glad that you got a great night’s sleep. Doesn’t it make such a difference? We were considering adoption in another couple of years, then this baby came along, so I think that may go on the shelf now.

    Ronya—I’m sorry that you are so miserable. And an ER trip has to stink at this point. I hope that your hand is feeling better. Almond pound cake sounds delicious! Sweet hubby!

    Julie – I completely understand how you feel right now. With my third, I had prodromal labor for about 10 days where it would seem like it was going and then fizzle out after about 6 hours. Frustrating and I had the wait for anything so labor is always really mentally hard for me. I spent a lot of time walking around the mall and Wal*Mart to try to get myself into labor. I’m so sorry about the roof leak. We just had to replace ours last year after having it patched the previous three years and still getting more leaks. I can totally hear your frustration in finding it so close to your labor. There are contraction timer apps for iphone and android! Get up and take a walk or get dh involved and have some relations or at least stim to get labor moving!

    Danielle – Enjoy the time with your sister. Make sure that you are drinking, I know that my migraines are worse with the heat and even mild dehydration.

    Maria – I’m glad that your energy is returning but boo on the bug. I hope that you start feeling better.

    Tari – Sounds like prodromal labor to me. I had it with my third. It is so frustrating. We ended up breaking my water after using lots of nipple stim to get me eeked out to a generous 5 and my son was born an hour later.

    Mel – My screen name is what I refer to my family as – unless their driving me batty then they are the Collins horde! My email is the general family one in theory.

    Welcome Elesee!

    Julz – I hope that your headache eases.

    Victoria – enjoy the ice cream. Now I want sorbet at 9 am.

    Michelle – The theory is set to maintenance and eat back all of your exercise calories. You want to make sure that you and the baby are getting everything you need.

    AFM: I’ve had contractions for the last 48 hours or so. Last night I got to drive two hours round trip to give a urine sample to check for a UTI. It’s possible that this is normal – since it is my 5th pregnancy. I’m hoping for a UTI at this point because contractions like this for the next 24 weeks are going to get old really, really fast. Julie – I have so much empathy for you right now. DH is being awesome and letting me have a lie in this morning because they are less when I am less active. Today all I have to get done is swim class at lunch time and building Raingutter Regatta boats with the kids.

    Julie and Maureen I hope you guys have babes in arms before the weekend is over!
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    It has been a pretty rough week starting with my doctor apptment, and her telling me that I need to have another ultrasound because something was not showing up right on the first pictures. So I have that stress on me then their is the stress with work and I keep getting called in early, then have a ton of braxton hicks contractions almost the entire work day. Then I call my doctor becuase I am haveing them and it just seems to be so early with only being 23 weeks and already getting them. Then her telling me that I need not worry about them unless I have over 6 in an hour and also for more then one hour of them like that. At this point all I want is to sleep and not wake up for a day or two, and be able to eat something and not have it come back up on me.:sad:

    My user name is just as origanl first letter of my first name Bethany then my last name Zima.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maureen -- Are you serious?! How are you going to not post for like over 30 hours?! Don't do that to us! Yay for your last day of work!! You've hung in there so much better than I have. I'm pretty sure I'm calling it quits around 1 today and not coming back. Hopefully because I have a baby, but even if she doesn't come this weekend I'm pretty sure I'm going to be so exhausted and frazzled that me being in the office is not something that's going to be good for me or anyone else. Good luck at your appointment. Take a deep breath for the membrane stripping! :wink:

    Mel -- My username is in reference to a song by Gogol Bordello.

    Katrina -- So sorry about the contractions! I had them when I exercised starting around 22 weeks but mine didn't start up regularly when I was just sitting around until about 27 weeks and didn't become very frequent (many an hour, every hour) until 34+6. It's really not much fun but I'd rather be contracting than puking like poor Anne. :frown:

    bzima -- Deep breath! My doctor has been very dismissive of my contractions as well (and I often had more than 6 an hour before I was full-term and they knew that) but I've pretty much felt like the contractions aren't a big deal for me the whole time so I haven't made a fuss about it. If I had felt like something was off, I would've insisted they pay more attention to them.

    My body is evil. I woke up around 2.30am with a crampy backache and menstrual like cramps and thought for sure something was about to pick up. And then I fell back asleep so obviously that didn't happen. I woke up this morning noticing very few contractions and feeling better than I've felt all week so that was frustrating but at least I felt better! I've quickly reverted to my crampy sore contractions through the morning though. I just had 7 contractions in a row that were 5-6 minutes apart and I was starting to get my hopes up that some sort of pattern was being established and then I didn't feel another one for 18 minutes (and yep, I'm using a contraction timer on my phone! :wink:).

    They're still not what I consider painful, really. Just very strange feeling and different from BH. The only way I can think to describe it is that it almost feels like my uterus is getting nauseous when the contractions happen. :laugh: I'm also having some mild cramping this morning but it doesn't seem related to the contractions.

    I got on my treadmill last night and walked until I felt like baby was going to fall out. Sadly it only took 45 minutes before the pain was so bad I had to stop. I can't even fathom having sex right now. It's been too painful for me since about 16 weeks and we haven't even attempted it in about 2 months. On top of that, I have body issues to begin with but right now I feel like the most disgusting looking person ever plus I'm in pain and exhausted and irritable and even the thought of attempting it makes me get teary. Ugh.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I just set mine to gain 1/2 lb per week, but upped it a couple of weeks ago to 1 lb per week (since I haven't been gaining a whole lot). Maybe start with the 1/2 lb per week ... for me it was about 2000 calories, with a mildly active lifestyle.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Maureen: Yay for your last day of work!!! Hopefully you'll have baby in your arms soon too.

    Mel: My screen name is pretty straight forward. The 'P' is for my real first name that i don't like Poula - pronounced Pow-la and Maria is my middle name but use that on a day to day basis. The 10 i added because MFP had that screen name already and suggested Pmaria10.

    bzima: I'm sorry about the stress I know it's tough being so emotional and all. I pray everything is fine at your next U/S :flowerforyou:

    Katrina: I hope your contractions ease off and you get some rest.

    Julie: It seems like we have the exact same thing going on. Only difference was when I woke up last night my back had a pulsing pain. I feel so tired now i'm trying my best to stay awake at work. I hope baby comes for you this weekend too........ I'm def hoping mine does too. I can't imagine going late into July and past my due date feeling this way.

    AFM: I have an appt today i'm wondering if they will check me this time. I'm really curious to know if there's progress. I'm 6 days away from my due date I really want this baby to come before then because DH will be out of town next weekend, i know great right?! I would make him stay but its for some extra income that we really could use right now. So, here's to hoping this LO comes within the next week.

    So, about dreams I used to have really vivid dreams from week 20 to about week 30, almost every night. Well, the past two nights it has started again. Last night's dream was really weird I dreamt I gave birth to fully grown cat and I thought I was crying because I didn't want a cat and I wanted my baby. It was really, really weird. Anyone else experiencing crazy dreams lately?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I got on my treadmill last night and walked until I felt like baby was going to fall out. Sadly it only took 45 minutes before the pain was so bad I had to stop. I can't even fathom having sex right now. It's been too painful for me since about 16 weeks and we haven't even attempted it in about 2 months. On top of that, I have body issues to begin with but right now I feel like the most disgusting looking person ever plus I'm in pain and exhausted and irritable and even the thought of attempting it makes me get teary. Ugh.

    Awww julie I am sorry this is so awful for you. I hope she will be here soon! Just know i am thinking of you.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Thanks, all... headache eased off after a few hours and some food. But I think I found the source of it this time (and the slightly scratchy throat I've had for a couple of days) ... cold sore popped out last night. Ugh... I rarely get them, except when I'm pregnant, and this pregnancy seems to want to make up for the 8 years I went with only 1 or 2 a year.

    On the good side, I got to sleep in till 8:30 this morning. Older boy was up earlier (don't know when) but knows to not wake us on a sleep-in day. I'm glad my kids are old enough to fix their own cereal and entertain themselves (without tv/computer - forbidden before parents are up) and let me sleep. I'd better enjoy that while I can, because in 3 months I'll be on call all the time again, lol.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I am due the day after you! I also gained too much during my first pregnancy. I am setting my calorie range to maintain my weight during the first trimester and then to gain .5 pounds per week for the second and third. MFP allows you to select those options. Because I am still carrying around extra weight , I am recommended to gain only 15-20 lbs. If you should gain more you could up it to 1 lb a week. Of course that doesn't take into consideration the wonderful water retention that comes with pregnancy.

    Awesome! Glad I have someone to go through this with til the end! With my track record though...I'll probably bake my bun for another 12days after my due date! hahah! I have home births, so I don't use medication to induce so I wait...and wait...and wait! lol
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria -- Ha, I think if I birthed an adult cat I'm pretty sure I'd be leaving her at the hospital under Daniel's Law. :laugh: I do NOT want another cat. :tongue: I hope your appointment goes well!

    Rachel -- It's really not so bad. It's just everyone keeps telling us to have sex (including my OBs) and that's really just about the last thing I want to do right now so I'm letting myself get frustrated and upset about it.