Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 That is a long time to be without power. I love how you change your exercise up depending on your work. Hopefully hubby gets back to work soon. Puddle splashing is a blast. I am going to go to Florida and spend a week with my big sister, who I miss dearly. Plus taking the kids to Disney (a first for all of us).

    @health_guard Great job. The elliptical and I are not friends. We have a love hate relationship.

    @ngolden3320 Sounds like a great NSV, no fast food. That used to be one of the hardest things for me. At one time we would go about 4-5 times a week. Now, just once a week. Sounds like more busy time for you. Good luck to your kids.

    When I first started doing this my boyfriend bragged about how active he was at work and easily walked a lot. He down loaded a health app on his phone and it tracked his steps. He set his step goal to 6K. Mine was 10K, and then I moved it to 12500 a day. Well after completing 2 months of this. I started giving him a hard time about his goal only being 6k. He decided to up it to 10K. Last night he was 3500 short, so he did what I have done numerous times over the last couple of months. He started pacing the living room floor while watching football. Now I felt guilty, and couldn't stand watching him pace the floor. So I got up and walked it with him. I ended up getting to 16K for the day. I also made pumpkin muffins last night. Managed to only have two, and a small bowl of ice cream. I had planned on eating both the muffin and the ice cream so they fitted into my calories. The muffins come out to about 70-80 calories a piece so not too bad.

    Tonight is going to be rough, I am going to a baseball game, and no real time to get in extra exercise to get a little cushion on the calories. I can do it though. :)

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Come on end of day!.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune That is fantastic! Great job on the gym and the weight loss!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @health_guard It is easy!
    1 15oz can of pumpkin
    1 box of spice cake mix
    1/2 cup unsweet apple sauce.
    Preheat over 350, line muffin tins with paper cups.
    Mix ingredients together, put in cups.
    Bake 20 minutes or until brown.

    The apple sauce is optional. This was my first time, and I did it without the apple sauce. Next time I will try with.
    They were kind of dense, but tasted great. I thought of topping with some whipped cream cheese.

    Without apple sauce, or cream cheese they are about 90 calories a piece. (at 18 muffins)
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Friday!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome Lori & Eva! Hope you post often!

    Jdelaroy: Yeah! You got this.. Maybe not the whole 5 but 3 would be great!! Anywhere fun for vacation?! Love the BF story! That’s awesome! It really does help you get moving to have someone else do it too!! Enjoy the baseball game!

    Janetay: Ugh… I need to ignore all calories gained!! We got this!!! I don’t like the idea of it getting colder… =( Hope your hubby gets back to work soon and out of your way! LOL!
    Health_guard: Way to go on the elliptical!!

    Nicole: I had the same NSV… I almost stopped in a drive thru but avoided it at all costs!! Lexi has a vball tourney tomorrow to… so I am right there with you!
    Dana: Love it!!

    Went to a vball game last night… seems to take up my whole night when they are away… Was proud I avoided the drive thru and I almost stopped for a soda on my way home as I was getting tired and it was a 45 min drive… but I didn’t!! Yay! Today, I am feeling rushed… Get Lexi to school, get to work, get Lexi from practice, get Lexi & friends fed, get them to the football game… I am hoping that after I drop them off, I will head to the gym… 7pm at night… not my ideal gym time but it should be pretty quiet there! My hubby will be bowling and I would like to join them but that will mean drinking and no gym… so I am going to try to avoid that! Saturday is the vball tourney so I won’t get a lot of exercise but I also won’t be eating much either! Sat. night my sister is having a bonfire for her birthday and Sunday, we might go golfing or kayaking… up in the air… Oh yeah!! I was down 1.5 b.s this morning too! Yay!! That is my weekly goal for myself! Now to just continue it next week!! =) Have a great weekend!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    That last one is serious... I've about had it up to here... what do you guys do to drown out irritating co-workers?
  • P13C35
    P13C35 Posts: 38 Member
    So how much times do you have! Lol
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Wow looks like I missed a lot during my weekend away! I currently feel really gross...bloated, lethargic, etc. This was definitely a weekend filled with high sodium, high sugar, high fat foods. I'm just excited to get back to normal eating today.

    Friday I had an all day training. I brought my own breakfast, but had deli meat, a salad, and a cookie for lunch (so I could have done worse). Friday night we had friends over which meant pizza (and dessert pizza). Saturday was all day at the Renaissance Festival...yeah I drank my way through all the mead booths. Then Sunday was the Packers vs. the Vikings game where our friends hosted a party with beer cheese soup and wild rice brats. I'm honestly amazed my pants fit this morning!

    But I'm not going to let this setback derail me. I tracked the best I could and am back on track today with lots of good for me food. I look forward to catching up with all of you soon! (work is keeping me busy this morning!)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Sounds like a fantastic and fun weekend. Good job minimizing the calories on Friday.

    @danan01 It is good to see you back here. Hope things are going well.

    @shycush6 you had such a busy weekend. Did you squeeze in gym time? How did the tournament go?

    Friday at the ball game was great! I did go a little crazy, but yum it was delicious and fun. My team came back and won the game in the last inning. After a 1 hour hail/rain delay.

    Saturday, I was exhausted. Took the kids to see The Storks, was a cute movie for the kids. They had fun. Spent the rest of the day in bed. Saturday night, I only had 4k steps. So, I paced my living room for an hour and a half to get the rest of my needed steps. Blah, was boring, but proud for making myself do it.

    My NSV for the wee: Sunday I saved enough calories to have a banana split at Dairy Queen. Once I got there, I decided I didn't want to use 550 calories on ice cream, and I would feel horribly bloated and ill if I ate one. So I went with a small chocolate sundae. Had half the calories, and was just enough to satisfy me. Take that, ice cream!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    My parents were in happy tears at the sight of their family for the surprise anniversary lunch that my siblings and I pulled off. It was great to see everyone (almost everyone) and it was a beautiful day as well. Nothing could have topped that. I was also able to eat well (I mean, champagne is just air anyway...) and my boyfriend and I had gone to the gym in the morning before we got gussied up for the event. All in all, a wonderful day. :)

    Sunday was football, and it was also my rest day. I needed it because my glutes were still sore from my leg day two days ago. I went over in my calories for that day, but I'm sure for the entire week, I was pretty okay. I only went over by about 150 calories, so that's not the worst thing. Sometimes, you have to have some peanut butter fudge core ice cream courtesy of ben and jerry's!

    Week 2 of my new workout regimen starts today, and my boyfriend and I are doing the color run this weekend (Sunday), so I'll be switching my rest day to Saturday. Not sure if we'll be apple picking this weekend, so it might be an "active" rest day.

    @Rachel0778 - those wild rice brats sound amazing!! sometimes, you have to treat yourself and just have fun (which it sounds like you did!) Good job still tracking though!

    @jdelaroy - Nice way to half the calories and still enjoy some ice cream, and good job getting the rest of those needed steps in. :)

    Hope everyone has an awesome week!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited September 2016
    Rachel: Hope you had fun at the Renaissance Festival! Sounds like you are doing fine… a little off track but you righted yourself and are doing amazing as always!

    Jdelaroy: Way to go on the ice cream!!! Sounds like yo had a great weekend! Always a good feeling when you can make a great decision like that and feel good about it!

    So I had a great weekend! Friday was running around with kids and football games and not much too exciting… But Saturday, Lexi had her tournament and their team won the championship! Yay! Saturday evening we went to my sisters for a bonfire and then headed kayaking at Devil’s Lake Sunday. After that Lexi and I went downtown shopping and found the perfect dress for Homecoming ANNNND it didn’t cost me an arm & a leg!! =) So she is excited about that.. now to find shoes and accessories!! =) Such an exciting time! Hope all of you had a great weekend! I did pretty good as I only gained .5 lb back and I’m guessing most of it is water weight, cuz I did pretty good this weekend… Only a couple beers to mess things up! Oh and one small frozen yougurt mixer… Just have to have ice cream! =)
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    That last one is serious... I've about had it up to here... what do you guys do to drown out irritating co-workers?

    I tend to be more of a lurker. But I had to respond to this...mp3 player (you could use your phone, too). If you're not allowed idea. God help you (I say this after last week's craziness at my job...)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Shy - it's only Tuesday and already I have enough targets that my keyboard could claim overwork with the 'co-worker beating'! It doesn't help that I've had about 2 hours sleep - husband stressing about something at work and tossing and turning all night (eventually I went and curled up on the sofa as I' - so I'm shattered but seriously, why do people have to be such utter jerks at work??! I've done my job a long time and whilst I wouldn't put myself forward as a superstar, I'm good at it and I know what I'm doing yet people seem to think it is their place to put their oar in, telling how to do the job that you do - oh yes, and we'll copy it to your manager as well so that you are made out to be incompetent!!!!!

    I'm tired and everyone is getting at me today. Husband is stressing himself out about a piece of work he is doing in his new job and whether he is doing a good job - and nothing I say seems to help reassure him. Doesn't help that he is both a pessimist and a perfectionist so a good job to everyone else will likely be no better than adequate in his eyes and he always assumes the worst. Grumble, grumble, grumble :(.

    Anyway, back to try and do something productive with the day - will catch up with you all properly once I'm awake!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well I am fortunate I actually like my co-workers and don't really have to work with them much. I live in a cubicle with no one else around. So not much help there.

    ToM is quickly approaching, and yesterday I gave in to the urge to snack. I ate the BF's cupcake (Wiped all the gross frosting off first), had a bag of Doritos (single serving size), and a small chocolate shake. so NSV for me yesterday. Blah.

    However, this morning I weighed myself and I am down 2.8 pounds. :) I just need 2.2 pounds to make my September/October goal.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Sorry to hear about the co-workers @ShyCush6. I usually listen to music on Spotify, or podcasts, or audiobooks when I'm at work and those help tremendously! I'm usually in my own little world doing work. :P I try to not let what other co-workers are doing affect me, unless they mess with my spreadsheets: then I calmly tell them what they did wrong. Excel mistakes are a common occurrence.

    Hopefully things will quiet down at your husband's new job @janetay01 and that you can get some good night's rest soon too!

    Congrats on the loss @jdelaroy! You can do it with 2 weeks left!

  • stewratz
    stewratz Posts: 14 Member
    This seems like a really great crowd! Would love to join in! My name is Lizz, I am a project coordinator in Seattle. I sit at a desk A LOT, and am coming to terms with my really poor relationship with food. Ideally, I would like to lose 100+ lbs, but more importantly, I just want to feel like I have some control on my diet and health. I love MFP, and find I do really great when I have a community of people to cheer on, and who cheer back. I'm going to send some friend requests!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @stewratz!

    @wishfuljune Glad the party went well! I hope you have a blast at the color run!

    @health_guard I'm with you, the frosting part is my favorite too

    @jdelaroy Fantastic loss! You are going to rock your September/October goal

    @janetay01 Work stress on no sleep is the worst. I hope today goes quickly for you

    @ShyCush6 Sounds like another fantastic weekend, don't worry too much on the water weight. As far as drowning out coworkers, I've also used podcasts for years. It makes the day more interesting and headphones are a godsend.

    I had a work conference all morning so I'm posting a bit late today. Got to meet up with the SO over lunch which was fun! I went to pita pit and got it "fork style". It was honestly one of the best salads I have had in a long time! I can't recommend that place enough. I'm feeling really good about my healthy choices today. Instead of the provided breakfast at the conference (bagels and doughnuts) I brought my own snacks and did not feel at all deprived. I think last week "treated" me out for awhile lol.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 I hope you made it through your work day and was able to get some much needed rest.

    @health_guard I love frosting too, But store bought ones just put way too much of it on there. So I scrape some of it off. We got just the mini cupcakes from the store. Said 100 calories each. I am sure I scraped at least 20 off of it.

    @Rachel0778 What a great NSV no calorie laden breakfast, and lunch with the SO sounded wonderful.

    All these baby steps are leading us slowly down our path. Great job everyone!

    @bluepoppies777, @ngolden3320 @CariTJR, @danan01 Haven't seen you guys post in a couple of days. Hope everything is well with you. We miss you.