Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I spent the weekend kind of exhausted after the 10K. I found out that I was 6th in my age group. Of course, Cathy didn't say how many were in my age group, 70+. Maybe there were only 7 to begin with. ;)
    Nicole and Cathy walked with me last night, but we walked a shorter route, 2.5 miles instead of 3.5. I got a better than average nights sleep and feel ready to take on the week. I'm going to start making apple juice with my steamer today. It is slow, but it can be going while I'm doing other things. We have 4 apple trees and they are loaded this year so I need to get going on them.
    Have a great week. I'm impressed with the goals that I am seeing posted here. You are all inspiring.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    Monday Check-in: I'm down 1.5 lbs this week and 7.5 lbs since Sept 1st. Halfway to my short-term goal of 15 pounds (5% of starting weight).

    I am continuously impressed with the variety of physical activities the members of this group engage in, and really like reading everyone's updates.
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Monday Check-in: I'm down 5 total since I began September 4. Whoot whoot! Also I've discovered that the city where I live has many many walking/hiking/nature trails so I've been taking advantage of those as well coming in at a mile and three quarters yesterday.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Just ran across this post on another thread and think it's well worth to share here, and everywhere ...
    A person asked if it was harder to lose weight or to maintain your weight (once you have lost) ...

    cwolfman13 wrote
    "People tend to think of reaching their goal weight or whatever as crossing some kind of finish line. The reality is that you've just arrived at the starting line of the real race. People think they're done...but they're actually just beginning. They are finished losing they slack on their nutrition. People so closely relate exercise to losing weight that they fail to set independent fitness goals and they slack on their fitness and/or drop it altogether when they're done losing weight. These are the things that lead to putting all that weight back on.

    It's not hard per sei...but people for the most part fail to truly make a "lifestyle change"....and really, maintenance is where that change comes through. Lifestyle change isn't about logging or keeping a diary or whatever. Ultimately, long term success is only sustainable when you make nutrition central to your dietary eating habits. You ultimately have to live a life that is fitness centric. Your nutrition and fitness have to be your new lifestyle and this is where pretty much everyone fails (about 95% of the population).

    The only difference between losing an maintaining is a few hundred calories...that's it. You still have to rock your nutrition and rock your fitness. Failure to do so will ultimately lead to putting your weight back on. Hopefully you've spent some time while you were losing to really learn how to eat...learn portion control and moderation rather than deprivation as they are ultimately pretty necessary tools for maintenance."

    This makes me so glad that I practice maintenance on a regular basis!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share and Monday Check In: My name is Tracy. My Fitness Pal ID is NewCaddy because my nickname is college was Cadillac (maiden name Saville) and it was time for me to turn in the old and get a New Caddy!!

    I have been married for 21 years and have two kids (Jacob – 15 and Emma – 10). I work as a supervisor for a manufacturing company and am in charge of making sure purchases that are shipped directly to the dealer get closed and invoiced in a timely manner.

    I am exactly 4 weeks out from sleeve surgery. I am proud to say that I’ve lost 21 pounds in that time frame and 13 inches. Hasn’t been a piece of cake (sorry) but at least I’m seeing some results. I know that I basically have a year to change my habits because that’s the “freebie time” that weight loss surgery gives me. I’m happy to say that I don’t have any real cravings for soda anymore (6 weeks since my last one) but still struggle a bit with the idea of not having bread. 11 more months to develop that habit!!! My clothes are fitting better and people are starting to notice my weight loss. If I can figure it out, I’ll post a side by side face “selfie” because I couldn’t really see the change but when I put them side by side, it helped give myself a guage.

    Still struggling a bit with pain when I stand/walk but it keeps getting better so eventually I’ll be good to go. I’m anxious to start walking but at this point it hurts so badly it’s not worth it.

    @Grandma Kaye…great job on the 10K! I’m so proud of you.
    @Elaine…sorry to hear about your disability. I believe it’s been ssaid here before. “ Losing weight is 80% about what you put into your mouth” so luckily we can all lose weight without actually exercising.
    @Karen…can’t believe your MIL is getting married and I hope she stays happy so she can be kind to you and your husband.
    @Kay…keep coming back to this thread. I’m not on it as often as I’d like, but it is very motivational.
    @Rach…good goal with veggies!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I have had a bad summer and been missing in action a while. Back on wagon now. Got a realistic food plan that I taylor made for myself. What I am changing this time around though is I am weighing the food and not myself.

    I do not need a scale to tell me I am fat or less fat. My eyes and clothes can tell me that. The bathroom scale is a head fvck for me and is responsibly for so much misery. If I like what they say I get complacent and eat sh1t. If I am not happy with what they say I feel despondent and eat sh1t. They have no place in my life. Kitchen scales on the other hand are my best friend. Weigh and measure what goes in and the rest will take care of itself.

    Been doing that for a week and love it <3
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday check in. Last week I was kind of laxidasical in my planning, or rather my execution of meals. Still did right on calories and protein but it was expensive! Excercise was down last week too. This week not looking so promising for me and the dog either. Storms today, our first "cold" front's coming tomorrow. For those of you not familiar with Houston that means 2-36 inches of rain and frigid temps in the mid 80's and 60's! At night brrr. I'm down 40 lbs since April. I have 110 to go and am going to have the sleeve, probably in November. I had a long talk with the most wonderful woman in the world and while she trusts me to keep up with the losing then maintaining I'm not so sure I do. The last 6 months as a whole haven't been horrible but some days have been impossible. I know how tempting it will be to say good enough. I'm not even halfway to goal and I feel great most days, it's tempting to say I can have that ice cream or I don't need to walk today. I haven't yet....
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Wow, @Niki, those are important words you posted from cwolfman13. Feel like I want to print that out and tape it to my fridge.
    @NewCaddy , sounds like your area well on your way to improved health. Good did you.
    @kayfhoward1 - there is nothing I like better than finding pretty trails to walk on. Glad your city offers them.
    @ObesityWarrior , glad to see you here. And am so glad you've made the decision not to allow the bathroom scale to rule your head. You're right, I'd the right stuff goes into your body, you will see the results you want. You go, Girl.
    @pneschich , I know what you mean about how easy it is to slip. I seem too have fallen off the gym wagon, and it feels like a slippery slope.

    So, Monday check-in: I can't seem to get my mojo back about going to the gym and doing weights. It's been close to two weeks since I've been, I believe. Don't get me wrong, I'm eating well and walking TONS, but I can't seem to motivate myself into that gym. Ugh...

    So how do you all motivate yourselves to do what you know to be right, but you just don't wanna. Have any of you discovered a magic mojo button good care too share?

    Best wishes too all,
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My MIL's wedding went smoothly yesterday. Thanks, tracy, for the well-wishes--her relationship with her now husband, is the only reason my DH agreed to re-connect with her. She's on her "best behavior" with this new-ish man in her life, so that works out well for the rest of the family. It is nice to see her happy after years of lonely depression followed by angry rants and attacks.

    I sensed the sniffles coming on yesterday morning, and it has erupted into a full-fledged head cold. My only hope is that it doesn't move to my chest as these things are so prone to do.

    In addition to waking up sick, when I went out to my car this morning, there was a big branch that had fallen on it and it's all scratched and dented in two places. :( It was not a nice way to start the morning.

    Sorry no personals, but I really need to get to bed and try to nip this cold in the bud.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/40 AP essays
    2. 2/10 AP analysis activities
    3. x/40 Siddhartha journals
    4. x/82 Movie charts

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 11:34; Week 2 = 11:10; Week 3 = 11:30; Week 3 = 11:00
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12; Week 2 = 24:08; Week 3 = 24:00; Week 3 = 23:00
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    275 k done/ 725 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside or maybe mow lawn
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @birgitkwood I have trouble with the gym too. Mine is mostly a fear of getting injured, and I have sort of set into a pattern of walking. I retired a few years ago from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where I was a Research Professional and stayed on top of all the leading research there. They do a lot of exercise physiology research there and the overwhelming evidence promotes walking as the safest and most effective form of exercise for so very many things, especially weight loss. There are certainly other forms of exercises that work best for some things like flexibility, strength and balance and ideally you should include all types for the best physical health, but I don't think anyone would ever fault you for only walking. In fact, they found that walking for at least 30 minutes a day (even if it's in three sets of ten minute sprints) is one of the BEST things you can do for your health.

    Now to actually answer the question! LOL I really doubt that there is a magic thing, but the closest I come to magic is healthy, honest and inspiring self talk. I often tell myself when faced with something I don't want to do that I only need to take the first step because it is the hardest one and after that it won't be so bad. I also remind myself that when I'm finished I will be so full of admiration for myself and the success that I know is going to show up on the scale and in how I look and feel, that I will actually be so happy that I followed through, and surprise, surprise I'm always right about that! For me there is nothing like success that promotes the willingness to do it again. And when all else fails, I remind myself that successful people are willing to do what others are not. It's easy to be unsuccessful, it doesn't require much but it has no rewards. It takes effort to be successful but it has many rewards, do I need to name them for you? That one will usually sends me out the door with a look of determination on my face because I want those rewards...that's why I do this!!!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @campfirequeen1 - you're the best! Thanks for that thoughtful response. "I only need to take the first step..." is gonna be my new mantra, and I'll put it to good use tomorrow morning when I need to tear myself out of my nice warm snuggly bed at 5:30am. Seriously, thank you!

    And as an avid camper myself, I'd sure love to know how you decided on your "name" ;-)
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Tuesday Goals - My goal this week is to get a bit more variety in my diet. Last couple of weeks was really tight budget wise so went with the basic go tos - chicken, frozen vegetable and the like. Another goal is to invest in a crock pot. What can I say? I'm easily entertained lol.
  • Michelleym4
    Michelleym4 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Michelle. I would like to join in
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @birgitkwood Thanks, Girl!!! I will be thinking of you in the morning! I am also an avid camper, although I haven't been as much over the last couple of years as I would like. And I love a campfire anytime of the year and even if it's just in my firepit in my own back yard. Someone once told me I was the queen of starting campfires, because I've had lots of experience with a wood burning fireplace and lots of wood stoves, so I'm pretty good at it. I wanted a new email address and it just popped in my head. We should meet up somewhere and have a MFP weekend, wouldn't that be just so much fun?

    @kayfhoward1 I just told my house mate the other day that we need to clean up the grill and use it so that we could have some different flavors, because I was beginning to feel bored with the menu! Great minds think alike they say! The crock pot is a good place to try out some easy recipes!

    @Michelleym4 welcome! You'll love this thread. We have some awesome, inspiring and very smart folks here to travel this road with and you can look at page 839 on a post by skinnyjeanz I think for the days we post certain things. It's not chiseled in stone and you don't have to do it that way, but it sort of helps us get to know you and vice versa!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Tuesday goals:
    Make it to Thursday I have Friday off and I'm going camping on the beach for the weekend! Sun sand fishing kayaking walking campfire. The works!
    Walk at least 15 miles this week, 5 in 10 to go.
    Come home and cook. I eat better and save money.
    Sleep better.
    Don't get discouraged

    Tonight's walk felt like I was wearing a lead suit, felt slow and my knee ached thanks to the cold front. 3 miles 50 minutes and a 10 minute cool down. Not as horrible as I thought but it was work tonight, no joy. Dog was very happy. He's always happy. Going to be beside himself camping. Bought a new old jeep this week to replace the old old jeep that got totaled picking it up tomorrow

    @Michelleym4 welcome!
  • truegive15
    truegive15 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am new to this forum concept. But my name is Anna. I am a 20 year old college student who has struggled really hard the last few years. I've recently decided to give it my all and not quit this time. I think having a support system is a good thing to have, which brings me here.

    I hope this post is enough to "welcome" me in.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Welcome @truegive15 !
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    @truegive15 I've only been here for a short time myself. There's a lot of good people here to help with encouragement, motivation, you name it. Welcome!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Michellemy4 and @truegive15 - a hearty welcome to both of you.

    @campfirequeen1, my very first thought this morning when my eyes clapped open was "the first step is the hardest..." Got up, got dressed, and went to the gym. And you know what? The rest is it really wasn't so bad. I had good tunes to groove to on the IPod, and now it's behind me for the day. Life is good. And yes, sooo wish we could do a MFP camping weekend. At least we'd eat healthy and get lots of exercise. Lol

    @pneschich, jealous that you get to go camping. I'm in NY state and camping season is kind of over up here. But the leaves are starring to turn their annual gorgeous colors, so I'm really not complaining.

    My Wednesday wish is for my lovely SIL, Andrea, who had a double mastectomy yesterday. I fervently wish for a quick and FULL recovery for her!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My wish is to try a little harder to do a little better every day.
    Welcome to the new people. I'm loving getting to know more and more who are on the same journey. It is inspiring.
    Slowly getting the apple juice made. I have 13 quarts so far. I have to steam the apples for 3 hours to get between 2 and 3 quarts. It has lots of flavor.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward, Kaye