Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wenesday Wish ... my wish today is that I make headway on my goal to break my sedintery habits! I've become so compelled to post on MFP every morning it's become the first thing I do as I sit down with my coffee in front of my computer. And time gets away from me so quickly that it's going on noon before I realize it. I know the pattern is deeply ingrained ... I haven't missed a day in well over a year ... 340 days running with the current user-Id.

    I've thought about changing my morning pattern of what and how I do them to see if that will help. This morning I did good at first, but then broke down and I fired up the computer to read the online morning paper while I had my breakfast ... and it's 2 hours later, and I'm still here. Maybe I need to get off the community pages for a while.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Nikion901 - so, my new mantra is "the first step is the hardest..." In your case it appears that the first step is shutting off the computer - lol. Do you think maybe you can put technology in place to help you? Maybe put a "parental control" in place that shuts the thing down after a certain time? Or maybe set a timer or alarm clock? Good luck!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    @Nikion901 - so, my new mantra is "the first step is the hardest..." In your case it appears that the first step is shutting off the computer - lol. Do you think maybe you can put technology in place to help you? Maybe put a "parental control" in place that shuts the thing down after a certain time? Or maybe set a timer or alarm clock? Good luck!

    That's funny @birgitkwood ... I do shut down the computer, but it only takes a gently press on a button to fire it back up! ... No, I need to work on this habit the same way I worked on the habit to log every single day ... I need to go back to a notepad that then gets transferred in ... except I do need to log my food everyday because I tend to undervalue the calories I'm consuming when I don't log. Maybe the solution is to get a smart phone? Hee-Hee, more technology :no_mouth:

    PS see ... I was on at 11:14 and got off ... cut the grass, had lunch, and here I am ... logging my lunch and 'just taking a peek' at the community pages!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Hmmm... @Nikion901 , a smart phone with text-to-voice feature. That way, while you're out walking, mowing, or whatever you'll be able to HEAR your messages instead of having to log in. That way you can be truly tethered to all of us at all times. Lol. Nah... You'll figure it out and you're I the right track. You've done our before, after all. Best wishes, Birgit
  • readyandwilling2
    readyandwilling2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I'm new to MFP and have about 150 lbs to lose. Urgh.. when I see that number it seems so hard to believe. I'm trying not to focus on the large number but working on smaller goals. This is by no means the first time I've tried losing weight. I used to be active on the WW boards but they are no longer available. Loved the support on those boards...hoping to find something similar here.
    Thanks for reading!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    @ ready and willing
    I am only 11 days back on track after months off the rails. I am finding it much less stressful than I ever have before so far. My stress levels are low around the food because unlike every other time, this time I am not thinking about the number on bathroom scale. I decided to bin bathroom scale so it no longer has any power over me. I am now left free to focus all my attention on eating decent food and I do weigh and measure my food and log it. My reasoning is, if I take care of what goes into my body then the rest will take care of itself. I find it so much easier to focus without the anticipation of weigh ins hanging over me. I will weigh myself If think I look too skinny one day far down the line B) .
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @readyandwilling2 , welcome! When I started my weight loss journey I broke my goals up in 10pct chunks. Take your current weight, calculate 10pct and have that be your goal. It's a smaller, more manageable number, and will provide you with tons of health benefits. I guarantee you, when you've list your first 10pct, you'll feel so good you'll want to shoot for the next 10pct down. Currently I'm working on my 3rd 10pct, and I feel GREAT! Wishing you all the best, Birgit
  • Bentnotbroken130
    Bentnotbroken130 Posts: 28 Member
    celtikgirl wrote: »
    Welcome Kimber and all the other new folks!

    The only advice I can share is to figure out what works for you and keep doing it. For me it is a calorie limit and exercise. For some people it helps to start off with wholesale dedication to a highly structured plan where each meal is preplanned. Others find it easier to stick with it if they make just one small change at a time - eliminating one or two less healthy foods, or adding one serving of vegetables to each meal. Still others thrive on challenges, deadlines, or milestones like a wedding or big, public celebration. Sometimes it is a combination of all of the above.

    Whichever you choose, just know that you will have days when six ghirardelli chocolate caramel squares and two slices of pizza slip down your throat. Or days when the very last thing you want to do is put on your sneakers and work out. And sometimes those all happen on the same day. As long as those days are not frequent, you will still have success!

    I like this group for some simple reasons - no one is entirely wacko, at least in their writings, except maybe me, there isn't anyone whining about losing five pounds to get back in to their size 0 jeans (who knew those existed!), and we've all been in that "OMG I need to lose the equivalent of a whole person" place at least once in our lives.

    reading through for inspiration, you are all amazing, this hit home, I need to lose the equivalent of one of my not so young children... I tried to pick him up, woah. Started a month ago, thankful for groups like this one I think will help along the way :) Today we walked an hour through backyard trails (some really steep climbs in there!) Another hour going from one end of my road to the other and back (about 4.6 km round trip 90% uphill one way, going to attempt this daily and hope to see results soon!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,977 Member
    @readyandwilling2 Hi! I was active on the WW boards too. Personally, I like this board better than the ones at WW. I am done with WW points for good. I hope you enjoy mfp as much as i do. Welcome!
    <3 Rach
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Bentnotbroken130 , you WILL see results soon. Actually, it's amazing how quickly you will find your walking stamina improving. When I started using my Fitbit back in April, I thought it was a good day when I logged 3k steps, huffing and puffing every inch. Now I walk at least 3miles daily and a "lazy" day is "only" 13k steps. That happened incredibly quickly. So stick with it, and enjoy your walks.
  • feellikerain
    feellikerain Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! New to this community, and trying this weight loss thing again. Need to lose about 120 lbs. Really hoping I can make positive, lasting changes this time around, so I can use all the support and motivation I can get.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Welcome to all the “newbies.” This is a wonderful group of folks that are very encouraging and inspirational. I used to get on here every day because I had a job that was slow to say the least. Now I’m in a rush, rush, rush environment. That makes my day go faster but sometimes I forget to take a break and get on the community page.

    @Birgit…my magic mojo was lifting weights with my sister…that worked great until she got pregnant and had a high risk pregnancy so we had to stop. She’s no longer pregnant so when I get the clearance to start lifting, we’re going to get back at it. We were really good about saying “nope, let’s go” if the other one said they didn’t feel like it. We are also both night owls so it worked well for us to go after the rush. If it was up to either of us to motive each other at 5:30 in the morning, it would have never worked.
    @Karen…hope you’re feeling better and got to it before it started full blown.

    Wednesday Wish (I thought of it yesterday but never got on line to type it up). I had stated earlier that I was struggling with no bread. My guidelines say that I can have whole wheat toast so I thought why not a crusty bagette type bread? OMG…My new stomach does NOT like it!!! So my wish is that whenever I look at bread lustfully in the future, I rmember how terrible I felt for hours afterwards.

    Thursday Truth: I’m disappointed that so far I haven’t found any big changes in my taste buds. Several places indicated that people find that some foods they loved in the past no longer taste good and that foods they disliked become something they enjoy. Not me…I sure wish I like chunk cheese (great source of protein) or peppers (or a gazillion other veggies). I’m going to keep trying them but so far it didn’t pan out the way I hoped.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Down a pound this morning. It looks like this time around I am only going to average about 1.5# a week. I'd like it to be faster, but I'm not willing to make drastic enough changes, I guess. I had hoped to make Onederland by November but it looks like I'll be a bit short of that at this rate. It's looking close though.
    Still hanging around and enjoying all of your reports.
    @newcaddy glad you are making good progress.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • readyandwilling2
    readyandwilling2 Posts: 14 Member
    @birgitkwood and @MermaidPrincessRach thanks for the welcome! I am definitely looking at smaller weight loss goals...can still be daunting though. I actually decided I'm not going to weigh for a while. Really wrap my mind around the fact that it's not all about the number on the scale but about adopting a healthy lifestyle. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hello everyone, no time for personals today because I'm stressing out. But 'you all' ... have a great weekend coming up, the first of the Fall season. >:)

    Thursday Truth ... so, I am struggling with a decision that brings out the 'needs to eat something' frame of mind ... and the problem with that is this ... emotional eating is not satisfied with food, it's satisfied with the emotion being dealt with. And emotions are dealth with by understanding the underlying stressors that are causing the upheaval. The stressors need to be resolved, then the emotional needs will be salved, and the desire to medicate with food will go away. Simple to say, hard to do.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,977 Member
    Niki, I hope you are successful at resolving your :trollface: stressors
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thursday truth, most days I am on autopilot as far as diet. I'm bored with it. Today I left the reservation and I am not really sure if my calorie count is right. Went out for Mexican, dangerous, I wanted fajitas. Had half a tortilla all the beef and the borracho beans and assumed similar calories. I feel so guilty. I have such a bizarre pattern of losing where I bounce up and down and up and way down then start over again. I've been going really at the top of my capabilities since late June and I'm tired. I rarely cheat. Tonight was just crazy for me.
    Tomorrow camping, high calorie food typically. Trying to make better choices but going to have breakfast tacos Sunday. I can't wait.
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, no time for personals today because I'm stressing out. But 'you all' ... have a great weekend coming up, the first of the Fall season. >:)

    Thursday Truth ... so, I am struggling with a decision that brings out the 'needs to eat something' frame of mind ... and the problem with that is this ... emotional eating is not satisfied with food, it's satisfied with the emotion being dealt with. And emotions are dealth with by understanding the underlying stressors that are causing the upheaval. The stressors need to be resolved, then the emotional needs will be salved, and the desire to medicate with food will go away. Simple to say, hard to do.

    Thanks for the reminder as I am suffering with a similar TT except for mine is the consequences of a decision already made and carried out. I am my own worst enemy when it come to such in that my mind is like the instant replay on a major play going over and over examining every aspect which is pointless because it's done. That's usually when I turn to food and go on a free for all which leads to the pity party and the self loathing. BUT it sounds like we've both succeeded at keeping the beast at bay and tomorrow is another day! Hugs!!!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Nikion901 and @kayfhoward1 Sending you girls cyber hugs and you have company, it must be the week of stressing! Mine is two fold, things that I need to get done and have been procrastinating about and the other is my pain level. Two nights with so little sleep due to my fibro and arthritis has me feeling really dreadful on top of the pain. That makes me want to stuff my pain down, but I got out of bed, did a few little stretches and got a bottle of water to fill my belly. It helped a little. So my wish is that I could get my pain level under control without using pain meds (NSAIDS not narcotics) They are so hard on my system that I try not to use them but it looks like I'm going to have to for a few doses to get the inflammation down. And the struggle is my Thursday truth.

    @feellikerain and @readyandwilling2 welcome ladies! looking forward to getting to know you! Don't be shy!

    @birgitkwood so proud of you for using your new mantra! I've needed it a lot for the past two days because of my pain level. Last night it was still a big push to get those last steps in but sure as rain (at least here where I live haha) when I was done with them I felt so good to have carried through knowing that my hard earned goal will have a positive effect on the scale soon!

    @pneschich Camping, oh my, you are so blessed! Mexican is a hard one for me too. I have to stay away from them for the most part because self control goes right out the window! Remember it's a journey but try to be extra mindful when you are faced with the temptation of high calorie foods and try to have some better options with you. Successful people do what others are not willing to do! You got this buddy! You've come a long way!

    @grandmakaye you are always inspiring!
    @MermaidPrincessRach I'm missing your posts! What's up lady?

  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,977 Member
    Hi @campfirequeen1 ! I'm here (lurking). It is nice that you noticed my quietness. :wink: thanks!
    Friday fitness ... hmmm dont know what to do. I dont like walking. Afraid to walk with headphones and stereo. Maybe i will get my hair wet, but probably not. Just kinda stagnant right now. I have the power to change that when i am ready.
    @pneschich you have come so far! And very quickly IMO. I am sure you have figured out low cal mex you can make at home so you dont feel deprived. And of course this is a lifestyle change so you have to be able to live with your new menu. I met a lady not long ago who purposely planned a special treat for herself every day. It was okay because she preplanned it and did not have to hide it or feel guilty about it. That is the kind of new lifestyle I want. No guilt. No boredom. Just success.
    <3 Rach