Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Ah, Sara, your pillow is not what I was thinking of. I've been dreaming of getting a Tempurpedic pillow - the one that looks somewhat like a figure 8 or hourglass from the side. However, I decided too late, and I don't want to get it right now because I am told that the foam has to off-gas for a month or so. Not for me now.

    I should write to my friend in Wyoming and have her mail me the one she has in her guest room. Do I have the nerve to ask for that? Maybe.......

    Speaking of potato, I pushed myself to cut up and steam a few Yukon Golds (my favorite) and then had them with eggs and sautéed baby kale for lunch today. Potatoes I think are a much better choice over bread or pasta, so I try to have them very handy.

    Nap time or at least lay down time now. Scruffies to Tillie~~

    Hello to anyone else who stops by today.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all! Good to see all the great weigh ins. I keep forgetting to weigh in. I know that prolly sounds weird. But, I've been using digital one at work. Truly don't trust old one at home.

    I should be checking in more often. Think the BF is done working away. For now at least. Never know.

    Lana- hope you are doing well.

    Take care...BBL

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Hi Dawn! Digital is good! Sending skinny vibes for when you remember to hit it!

    Hey Sara - I made it down to the end of the hallway for the mailboxes - thank you very much for the cheering-up cards! I opened the one with the flower. Very pretty! Will save the other for tomorrow~~

  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you both! I will try to check in most days. I'm 24 and I do keep my own food in the house, but sometimes temptation gets the better of me. I'm an emotional eater, and I've been very emotional lately!

    Today was a bit better. I managed a deficit of 500 calories today. It doesn't feel like much after being about 1,000 calories over maintenance every day for the past week or so, but it's a start. If I can do that till the weekend I'll be 2,500 calories in a deficit already.

    Good luck everyone, you can do it!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning, down .8 and .6 away from Thanksgiving goal.

    Cheerios - dont live too often in a deficit, eat the calories they assign you otherwise the temptation to inhale food will com back.....

    Lana - I saw the card at Post Office and thought what a lucky pet owner I am.

    Oatmeal on stove and brain not quite awake. Looking for a little more pre - work sleep.

    Wave to all who follow - Make it your best Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    It was a pretty good weekend although I feel carbs got the better of me. I was plagued with a nagging headache since last Tuesday and will admit that last night I had 2 drinks later in the evening to try to relax and see if I could sleep better. The headache played with my appetite. Grrr. When my tummy feels icky, I always gravitate toward carbs. The headache isn't bad enough to call a doctor or anything and somedays I've only broken down to take Advil once. But it's there and I'm pretty sure it's a tension headache. I also picked up some more Salonpas pain patches to put on my shoulder and neck (which is where I think the headache is coming from.) They seemed to help last evening. I brought a couple to work today, as well. I feel a headache just on the periphery and I hope it stays away.

    Haven't slept the greatest the last two nights. I think I'm messed up from "falling back" on Saturday night. It can take a body awhile to adjust.

    On a good note, we did not eat out at all this weekend! I thought we might cave in on Friday night but it was actually DH who said, "No, let's just go home and make something there." It ended up being pancakes and sausage. Definitely saving money! But that was a bit carby.

    Good plan for the day and the week. I will be happy if I maintain this week but am hoping to lose. DH is putting homemade beef stew in the crockpot today. We also have white chicken chili that will go in the crockpot either tomorrow or Wednesday. These will make great leftovers for lunch and possibly suppers later in the week.

    Lana - yes, our plan is to spend Thanksgiving with the skinny people. Obviously at this point I'm not going to be anywhere near skinny but it is what it is. My only fear is that my stepmom will want to take pictures. Guess I'll try to wear something cute and just suck it up.

    And Lana, I hope you're doing okay. Be kind to yourself about your weight. Those meds can really do a number on a body. I remember how puffy my DH got from the steroids that were part of his treatment regimen.

    Sara - Congrats on the weigh in! You can do it!

    Welcome, Cheerios!

    I only have a 4 day work week this week. Friday is a holiday for me and my DH. The kids have school, so we have the day to ourselves and usually try to get a bunch of Christmas shopping done.

    Have a good day. I'll BBL!

  • Angel12824
    Angel12824 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, My name is Carol. I am not doing Weight watchers but have started over on my diet (Dr. Atkins) many times. Can I join your group for motivation? I would like for this to be the last one. I will be 50 in 2 years 2 months and my plan is to be down to 160 lbs by then. That would be a record for me as I have not been that weight since my teen years. I've been very successful in the past but now that I am getting older it is getting much harder and the weight is coming off at a snails pace. I am currently 255.6 lbs. I am starting to think about retirement and I would like to go out better than I began. I was 269 lbs when I started my job.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Rushing through ~~ Hello All

    Sara - Congrats on that good weigh in. You are doing so well!!

    My scale was down this morning (daily weigher), so relieved to see that the steroid weight is going away.

    BBL when I can think.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Carol, we have many different "diets" going on in this thread and self made goals. Stop by and post.

    Gem - I didnt notice the difference between beef/chicken/turkey until I stopped eating beef (mainly large hamburgers) - good for you. Meatballs are not "beefballs" - hahahaha.

    Baked potato reheating in toaster. Short evening.

    Got asked to work a project at work which is unusual so will look forward to doing something new.

    Hope to fly by before night end. Find me under Lana's Palm Tree getting foot massages.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Should have gotten on the treadmill tonight but when it was already 9:15 pm before I could even think of putting on my tennis shoes, I gave up. Doing my best to stay out of the candy and just drink my water.

    Actually had a portion of the day without a headache. Hope that means I'm rounding the bend on this thing. Have a massage scheduled for next Tuesday.

    Homemade beef stew was very tasty. Excited to have it for leftovers!

    Have a great night!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    TUESDAY November 8th!

    Up stupid early to go vote with my neighbor James to lean on. My absentee ballot did not come in time.


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    PS Must be losing the steroid weight. Scale kindly said 223 this morning. Whew.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good Morning,

    Lana!! My paper gets delivered at 4 (for the time being) but what are you doing up?? Glad you can take friend to get you to vote. Scale is being nice to you - good job!

    Annie - homemade stew is even better the next day. Enjoy and good for you for staying at home and cooking. The $$ you save will make a difference - and maybe on the scale too?

    Project at work to blow out an abundance of a couple people's work queue - one lady is new, but the other one?? Means I can do something else for a couple of days. Will learn what I need to and wear headphones.

    Found I ran out of chicken sausage for dinners, oh well. That's what I get for shopping without checking the freezer.

    Will lurk from work. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member
    edited November 2016
    Annie - Sorry to hear about that darned headache. Sheesh.

    Sara - Have a good day today at work with the new adventure/factor/whatever it is.....

    I will be retreating to the bed again and just getting my rest.

    Waves and hugs to Missy and others who I've missed saying hi to! Welcome to Carol~~

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday, November 8th!

    Up and out the door on time. Stopped and voted on my way to work. I cast ballot #158 at my polling place. I was excited to see my DS's name on the voter roll. This is his first election as an eligible voter and he will be exercising his right to vote later this morning.

    Checked the scale and was disappointed. Up 2.4 lbs since Friday. WTH? I knew I had indulged a bit, but honestly it didn't feel like it was all that much. As I said yesterday, hoping I can at least maintain this week. Praying that number goes down by Friday.

    Haircut and color after work tonight. Looking forward to it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited November 2016
    At work short note.

    Lana - did you get card with dog on front?

    Annie - give your scale a couple of days to "right" itself. First time voting is one to remember both for DS and yourself. Going to the hairdresser is such a treat.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited November 2016
    Home from work. Project is easy but 400 a day makes my brain go ---..... so will feed dog/ myself and try not to hurt my brain any more than I have to.

    Dentist I left called to tell me I have an apt next week that I did not I called to cancel. I dont want to pay for not showing.......

    I have been crabby most of the day, so I will be in hammock under Lana's Palm Tree hoping for better karma.

    Made a thank you card for my former dentist thanking them and asking them to put me in an 'inactive' status. No reason given. Dont want to start that conversation.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Went off the rails with my eating today. Will drink extra water tonight and get on the treadmill while I watch election results.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Twice now I have posted and when I come back to the discussion they are nowhere to be found. Is anyone seeing me?
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    I managed to eat at maintenance yesterday and might have a small deficit today- but I'm still proud of myself. While losing weight is the absolute goal just not putting any more on is still a huge victory. I'm stressed on a daily basis, and adding the stress of needing to eat less makes it even worse. I am trying to go easy on myself for a while. I think this week i will have a small deficit and get back to it the next 2 weeks more vigorously. I know i must only have gained 1-2kg over the past few weeks but it feels like a tonne. I'll get there eventually. ... one day at a time !