
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I woke up at almost 4 am today.. well earlier because Tom came in and started barking at me because I didnt give Homer a pill out of the correct bottle, it was the right pill just out of the wrong bottle..
    And of course on top of that Tom has a full blown cold, so that makes him even more ornery....
    we leave around 3 am tomorrow am(Saterday) here is hoping it is smooth sailing and no weather or traffic mishaps.. will check in tonight quick but have to get up early so to bed early
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Good morning all
    Going home today, been at DDs since Wed. She has an American friend staying who loves baking and makes regular and banana bread and the most wonderful choc chip cookies. It would have been rude not to try some wouldn't it? Who knows what damage has been done to weight as I didn't dare log
    We did take the dog out for a walk but she is elderly and quite sedate so didn't walk too fast and it was only 2 miles.
    Will get back to gym when I get home away from these temptations

    DDs friend taught us a new card game Hand and Foot I'd never heard of it believe it's something like Canasta which I've never played either, the Grands joined in but she warned if ipads or phones came on the scene the game stopped and once it did and DGS had to say sorry. She is a teacher by the way

    Kate UK
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    This is Willow


    Kate UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Packed up my laptop...so am typing on my phone..Homer not feeling well this morning...so I snuck him an antibiotic , because if there is an inclining that he isn't well ,we won't be going anywhere,Oh Tom wouldn't mind because he has been down 3 times already.I asked for 200.00 to have to spend,and he gave me 120.00 says we don't have the money right now.. well we have been forking out alot for Homie.... well if there is anything I really want will use credit card.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Friday :D

    Looking forward to a do nothing much weekend, maybe stay in my pjs the whole 2 days, after I go to the gym both days of course!

    Combating Winter time blues with green tea, lots of books and a nap or two, how exciting. Much better than overeating or medicating with carbs.

    Peace, NYKAREN
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi there! I am a 56 year old former marathoner. I always struggled with weight and staying committed to fitness until my late 30s. I was in the shape of my life at age 40 and through that decade. Since turning 50 and getting involved in dog sports, that has slowly slipped away. I am determined to get my health and fitness back. Would love the help and support and to help and support others as well.

    Today is a planned rest day for me.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Welcome Ann, come back and visit so we can get to know you better. Yesterday was a Jammie day but I have to get out and move today. May have to go a big box store and walk around. Making banana nut bread to take to FL. Think I will follow Michele's advice and do a walking cd.
    SueBDew in TX
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Off to get shot in the back then SSI office to drop off papers.

    Chewy' eye is better but he is still squinting.

    Allie, sorry to hear about Homer ad DH issues. Isn't that always the way when getting ready for a trip? Hope you get a healing and much needed rest in FL.

    Gotta go.

    Ps. Love all the fur baby pics! I'm a sucker for animals.

    Rita from sunny but chilly CT
  • vernalwicks
    vernalwicks Posts: 19 Member
    Very good morning. Disappointed. Did not stray away from My Fitness Pal all day yesterday and ate as I was supposed to! For some reason...when I weighed in, I weighed the same as I did yesterday!!? What is up with that? I even did some walking, yesterday? I told myself...even though I did not "loose" I put good food into my body, just the same! And when it comes down to it....all I have is the rest of my life! This is not a diet but the way I want to eat! I guess I did accomplish my goal, yesterday.....eat healthy and be healthy! Thank you for being there and thank you for listening.....See you tomorrow. Love, V.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    This morning
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Vernal ~ Most folks just hope to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. Not every day.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It’s still very cold here but the sun is out and it is gorgeous. The semester is winding down which I am grateful for. We are having dinner tonight with friends. They always eat very healthy so I am not worried about that. What I am worried about is someone coming over here and finishing up the donuts sitting outside my office at the informal “food station”. They are not my favorite brand, but donuts are a weakness! So far I have resisted. We had therapy dogs here at work to help de-stress the students and faculty before finals which was great fun. I spent a lot of time with a slobbery Newfoundland….quite possible he was really a horse pretending to be a dog.

    Pip: great pics!

    Pam: glad you are having nice weather down there

    Katla: you stay snug there. I plan to put wreaths out on graves this weekend, what do you do to keep them from blowing away? My parents’ headstone is totally flat and whenever I leave anything, even in the little vase there, it
    just blows off.

    Toni: where in TN are you? My brother is in Nashville. Were you affected by the fires?

    Evamutt: you and your dogs are gorgeous!

    Lenora: are you over your cough?

    Barbie: so glad to hear your back is better. Did you have surgery while I was gone?

    Allie: is Tom acting out from stress? Keep your boundaries firm girl! Drive safely

    Peach: that is a great picture of your mom!

    Sherry: I’d rant too! Beautiful kitty!

    Re: I’m walking!!!

    Joyce: I hope you feel better soon!

    Lisa: your quilt will be beautiful!

    Ann: welcome!

    OK well now I have to get some “real’ work done! I’ m so far behind here that I don’t know where to start! Take care and stay warm! Meg from Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited December 2016
    Meg - As a teaching nurse you well know that donuts are poison. :D<3
    They do horrible things to us.

    Well, I have just finished cooking my Cauliflower Fritters. I have 26 to freeze and have eaten two. (Logged them as afternoon snack -250 cals.) That is at least 3 dinner parties for 4 people sorted for starters. :D It is an American recipe so she allows 3 or 4 each! :noway: Very happy with them.
    I have decided on my veggie main now for New Years Eve. Eggplant rollatini from skinnytaste.com. I made them last time he came and everyone loved them, including me. I froze them before the baking part I think. I will make my own tomato sauce and spice it up. They are a *kitten* to make, like the fritters, but very easy on the actual day. I love to have everything done in advance. B) The boyfriend is also diabetic so now thinking about dessert. DH does a maaaaarvelloooous fruit salad. :D There will be runny, stinky cheese, of course.
    Haven't decided on the Boxing Day dessert. :* DDIL loves chocolate, but she is also a health nut. Will ponder. Something she can just have a taste of might be the answer. I can have a scraping. o:) There will, of course, be runny, stinky cheese. :laugh:

    Phew! Going to wrap a few presents now. We are seeing DH's eldest daughter on Sunday and we both give her an individual present for Christmas and one for her birthday on the 21st. From me it's prize winning olive oil in a lovely bottle and a comedy book about living in the Pyrenees. She has a house down that way. :D

    Must do my cards! :sad:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry: I watched Portland news last night and there were definite travel troubles. No one here knows how to drive in snow other than the skiers. We didn't leave home yesterday after the snow fell. We got down to the docks and got our boat winterized just in time. The snow started right after we got back to the house. I'm sorry for your frustration. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Love your yard! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Get well soon! (((HUGS)))

    Heather: I agree with every word of advice you gave to Re. My own life has also been transformed by weight loss, exercise and counting calories with the support of this group of amazing women. I am stronger, more fit and happier than I can remember even through the health issues that DH is facing and the raccoon woes that will be costing us $$$$. :star:

    Kate UK: Willow is gorgeous! :smiley:

    Ann: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    vernalwicks: Weight loss didn't happen on a daily basis in my journey. I had many plateaus when I did everything right and the weight didn't shift. It is a common experience so don't give up!!!! :noway:

    Meg from Omaha: I am so glad you're back. Did I mention that before? :bigsmile:

    Yoga today, but I don't think I'm going to go because of the slushy streets and the expectation that our raccoon control guy will be here. I hope the road conditions don't keep him away.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 451 Member
    Hi lovely ladies!!! Been missing you all but have not had time to get back into posting. November reading went out the window too. Now that I have my second cold in as many weeks I think I have successfully lurked through December when I feel vaguely lucid but don't quiz me!
    Spent a week away for Thanksgiving and promptly got sick after. Not sure I can really get back into posting mode but if you add me you can see I log every single day.
    Feeling down still about world events and so many losses of great people, including childhood hero John Glenn now. Think it will be a low key Christmas especially since I am so behind schedule. But I am committed to doing something to help others every day I am able to make the world a better place.
    Love you all and welcome to newbies!!! I lost almost twenty pounds the first year here then gained some of that back and now am pretty close to original loss. It really helps to have motivating friends!
    Betty Roc--upstate NY USA
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited December 2016
    Lisa in West Texas - Quilt as you go is a wonderful method to 'get 'er done!' The most beautiful quilt is a done quilt! Love your colors.

    Charleen in Colorado (Cold!)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ What a beautiful scene you have to look out at!