Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,940 Member

    BTW: 227.4 today
    Weighing daily and obviously having a hard time of it.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Thanks, ladies! I am over my pity-party and moving forward. Will try to make good choices and still enjoy time with friends.

    Weighed in today and was surprised to see 151.4, which matches what I was back on 11/22. But I have to admit I told my husband I hope I saw that right and it wasn't really 157.4!!! I'm such a doubter.

    DD's orthodontist visit was fine. She now has red and green bands for Christmas. :)

    Work today. Trivia tonight. Will likely have one drink and share some food with DH.

    Sara - I think tamales sound good for Christmas. I think we are probably having lasagna or chinese. I'm guessing Christmas Eve will be lasagna and Christmas Day we may actually go out to a Chinese buffet. We really enjoy that. But, of course, it's all up to my mom as we will be at their place in Georgia. She asked me recently if we wanted turkey and I said no.

    Attempted a new cookie on Tuesday night...Grinch cookies! Will need to tweak recipe a little bit to get them to be as puffed-up as the picture, but they are still cute and taste good. Planning to make another batch on Friday night or Saturday.


    Have a great day!


    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    151.4 (matches weight from 11/22/16 - it's been up and up the last couple of weeks, so nice drop)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Bouncing quickly over my calorie limit between pasta and meat... I stopped tracking for the day.

    Fried rice for dinner. Glad tomorrow is Friday.

    Annie - Chinese is my other option if I can find a good one locally. Will keep asking around.

    Wishing all a warm evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waves Sara and Lana! Good to be back. I'm trying so hard to stop making excuses. Yesterday was lunch for coworkers and wings...I stopped myself at one slice and 2 wings...unfortunately, did not stop from eating German Chocolate cupcake...ugh
    Today, was leftover food from Christmas party that I chose not to attend. More wings, ham and homemade coleslaw...I didn't do too bad. I did choose to refrain from the cupcake today, however. Which was particularly difficult as we had a very stressful meeting and the dang thing stared at me the whole time...
    I have not started tracking, again. I keep telling myself I need to...just can't be bothered right now.

    Annie-those cookies look so yummy and festive! I am a huge Grinch fan! And, you picked the perfect place to vent. I have found that the ladies here are full of good thoughts and advice.

    I'm sure I have no cslories/sugar left for today...but, it is colder than snot, I will be having me a cocoa in a some really fun flavors I've been enjoying probably way too much..I just love a nice, warm cup of cocoa...

    Everyone have a good evening...BBL

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Good morning,

    TGIF! Rain off and on for a couple more days.

    Annie - the pictures usually dont look like the actual product - so long as they taste okay dont stress.

    Dawn - cans of things like Almond Rocha show up in the common area - I decided it was the 2 ladies I cant stand who do it and that makes it easy to walk away from. So long as we are all as "fat" they feel comfortable. My revenge is to walk away. Hot chocolate is medicinal. Enjoy - but also look at ways to balance out (more fruit/veg, water, exercise a little more).

    Victory for me during the holidays is if I can look back and not see a string days of me in a sugar coma or over in calories just because it is the holidays. A couple of days would be enough.

    Sounds like paper is here. Wave to all who follow. TGIF.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,940 Member

    Sara - What hot chocolate do you buy? I will get the same once you tell me.

    I need to get some to have as my Go To Treat instead of this seasonal piggy binging I do. Yesterday evening I got into something that I should not have, and the scale happily tracked it for me. Boo hoo.

    Annie those cookies look cute -color and the heart are what make them special.

    Dawn - even if you don't track, maybe you can journal? Just write the food down, not necessarily count calories or points? I find that to be an acceptable compromise when half my body is falling off the wagon.
    Keep coming here to post, and look for the positives in your day not the negatives. Negative thinking is no good for us.

    Time for shower and makeup. I need to slip into my theater during the day when hopefully no one is there to get some things I left behind. I hope no one sees me. I will be wearing the "good wig" just in case......

    It's Friday. Happy Hour with the Cabana Boys: 5PM


    Today's weight 228.0
    Goal is 175; All time high was 245.6
    Lowest weight reached with this group: 208.6
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    edited December 2016
    Lana - deleted myself write off the page. O Organics at Safeway (Dominics / Vons) just found it on Amazon for a huge mark up >:) , also had some nice chocolate moments with Newman's Own Chocolate Alphabet Cookies. Hope you get into work without being seen too much.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Had fun at trivia last night but did not eat well and ended up not feeling well before bed last night. Restless night. Briefly considered staying home today, or at least coming in late, but decided I should conserve my leave for when I might really need it. Tummy still not feeling right so did not eat an egg this morning. Opted for a piece of toast with a little peanut butter. Just what I need - more carbs! Trying to at least stay away from the sugary & sweet treats and stay with the plainer carbs like toast. Hoping tummy perks up. Will try to do protein and veggies for supper.

    Running errands at lunch/right after work to try to finish up the Christmas shopping. Need to ship the stocking stuffers to Georgia - hoping for tomorrow. Would still like to get out and find myself, DD, and DH new shirts/sweaters for Christmas. We will not need to be really dressed up but honestly, we could use something new. We shall see if there is time. 3-4 inches of snow in the forecast for tomorrow and bitter cold. Still have some baking and cookie decorating to do as we start delivering things Sunday - Tuesday.

    Sara, I agree. Trying not to overeat every day or eat too many treats just because "it's the holidays" is a good goal. It's not like I haven't eaten all of these things before and I will again. Also telling myself I will get on the treadmill this weekend. I feel like right now if I can just maintain around 151 lbs until after the New Year, I will be satisfied. After that, it will really be time to make some changes.

    Lana - how are you feeling?

    Hello to all who follow! Happy Friday!


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    On a side note...why can't the people who make petite length jeans actually figure out what petite is? They are always too short or too long. I can NEVER find anything quite right. I am 5'2". I usually wear a size 12 but depending on the brand (especially petite) I may be a 14. It's like they think just because your waist isn't so small, your legs are longer. Sheesh!
  • Flapjack_Mollases
    Flapjack_Mollases Posts: 218 Member
    Been on the roller coaster my whole adult life. Finally 3 months ago, I stepped off and started following a more reasonable/sustainable diet, and working out. I've lost 14 lbs (ALL FAT), and I've never felt more excited about what I will look/feel like after I do this for an entire year.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Good evening,

    Dog's pipes are making noise so dont be surprised if I spend a lot of time outside in the middle of the night with her.

    Remember my dingbat coworker?? Well she wanted help with something and came by would not stop banging on my chair (even after I told her I had a sore back) and announced she had walking pneumonia - when I asked why she wasnt home she said her children didnt let her sleep. I just hope she is not contagious.... what a mess.

    Baked potato for dinner. How did visit to work go Lana?

    In hammock with dog under Lana's Palm tree.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Well... nothing more frustrating, than typing a huge post and hitting the back button on accident... try again, tomorrow... have a good night all
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Good morning,

    Missy, frustrating when computer/technology does not cooperate. We have all done that on this website. Post more today if that helps!

    Dingbat coworker is a train wreck so just best to stay out of her way!

    Dog is doing better, but we were up as predicted in the middle of the night. She did let me sleep in.

    Extra errands today, housework on tap which will demand longer naps!!

    Lana- envelope package being mailed today -keep eyes out. Open before December 25th.

    More Later, wave to all who follow. back to sleep.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    @Tilliesmommy1 sorry you have to deal with dumb people. I don't know why someone would bang on another person's chair.

    It's the weekend. I'm having former coworkers/friends over for a potluck today. Can't wait to see them.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Shopping done for day, hard rain most of morning so just had to deal with it.

    Lana - padded manila envelope on way Wed/Thurs is their guess..... Hope you enjoy.

    Missy and Packersfan - I think my coworker is ADD at least and just cant sit still. That's my nice answer and I am sticking with it.

    Found some nice and different Christmas stocking or extra items for gifts. Just fyi. Bought new filter for humidifier and more kleenex..... got other things too. Now to ration myself. Hmmm

    Stay warm and dry out there.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Welcome Flapjack Molasses!! Sounds like you are doing well on your path to healthy. Stop by and post when you can.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    Miss Lana - did not explain present well in card, will not ruin surprise, but will explain more later this week.....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member
    oops sorry found nice things at CVS see above note....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,371 Member

    Good morning,

    Checked freezer, one fried rice and at least one stuffed bell pepper and one frozen lasagna. So buying sliced ham to have for dinners.

    Rain to stop for a couple of days, I got wet yesterday doing errands so that is a relief. Today I have some cooking, some knitting and snuggle up with dog to do.

    New schedule at work for those who want to work 4 10 hour days. Got reminded to be at my desk when my time starts.... (we all did) some people are "untouchable" - we shall see.

    Lana - how are you feeling?

    Wave to all who follow, will stop by later.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,940 Member

    Hi All~~
    Sara - I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered.

    Yesterday I got into the pool and worked out for 30 minutes; that was not easy. Water was freezing too.

    Official weigh in this morning is a staggering 230.6
    I can't be one of those women "who lost and gained it all back". This is terrifying. I should be holding steady, as I am not overeating.

    Oatmeal unsweetened with some walnuts; milk; coffee. Some lean protein and veggies must be main meal from now on. Must avoid starches and breads and of course candy and treats to avert this weight crisis.


    Last night got a call from neighbor in North Carolina that my house's water main near the street was broken and water was bubbling up in the little bit of lawn there. Water company called to shut it off. DH and I will be there Saturday the 17th. Oy!

    What is everyone doing Weight Watching Wise today to be pointed in the right direction?
