
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello, gals -

    Quiet day at work today (appreciated that). I'm behind on all my Christmas shopping , cards, etc. Oh, well. It will get done somehow.

    Pip - enjoyed your trip pics. You both look so happy.

    Sherry - sounds like you handled the "blues" well. The tractor parade in the snow looked like fun. Not something you see every holiday season. Did Santa ride on the last tractor in the parade?

    Joyce - so sorry you are having such a challenge. I have had pneumonia a time or two when it didn't show up in my xrays. Once I was hospitalized with a 104 degree fever and they didn't find the pneumonia til the 3rd day I was there.

    One great thing about my work is that I can read when we are quiet. The desk is separate from the area where members work out so it doesn't seem too unprofessional. The bosses don't care. So I finished my book on the Cousins' War yesterday and started an historical fiction about Eleanor of Aquitaine. If any of you have seen The Lion in Winter she is the woman Katherine Hepburn played. I have a keen interest in all these people. My daughter in law has traced our geneology back to Henry I. (I think to one of his illegitimate children.) It's fascinating to me but I sure it would put most to sleep. YAWN

    Speaking of yawning -
    It's past time for bed and read some more of my book. Night all!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Bcwetc- we r not eating, just drinking, one place was bread and some mozzarella cheese, mostly drinking
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Rainy and windy here today. I went grocery shopping and it was pouring when I came out. I think grocery carts should have convertible tops! I'm having a lot of trouble with my hands going to sleep at night which is making me not sleep good. I should be starting PT next week and sure hope they can fix this. I wonder if a breast reduction would help by taking some weight off of my shoulders. Not having too much trouble with it at work except when I am walking and carrying stuff in my hands. Still getting 7000 steps a day just at work!

    Rita - ouch a shot in the back sounds painful!

    Beth - so proud of you that's a big loss!

    Barbie - Sasha looks so urban in her coat!

    Joyce - get thee to a doc at once that does not sound good!

    Katla - I hope you get to go soon to put those wreaths on your parents graves.

    Carol - I agree, your mother does not look like she's in her 90s, I'm glad it was a good visit.

    Lisa - that is going to be a beautiful quilt I always like colorful ones that are outlined in black.

    Re and all the others who were so disposed - yay for jammy days! BTW you're looking awesome and I always look forward to your posts!

    Lois - yay for you getting to Onderland, I am going to get there one day too!

    Charleen - what a wonderful thing to do for your neighbors, most neighbors today don't know each other except for a quick wave if they happen to be outside at the same time.

    Becca - I wish hugs could be packaged so they could be taken out one at a time, especially from our kids!

    Welcome to all the new people. Keep coming back and posting. Don't feel slighted if you don't get mentioned in someone else's post. We don't purposely forget people it's just that there are a LOT of us to respond to.

    Oops almost forgot Sherry - be careful and don't get lost in all of that snow. Thanks for the pics Missy is adorable!

    Love to all

    Gloria all comfy in bed in WA

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Toni - I tried really hard.....the tractor parade helped a little too, it was fun, everybody waving and tossing out candy for the kids.....Santa rode in a recliner chair in the wagon behind the last tractor, lol.....it seemed like the whole town came out for it....

    Beth - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom....I remember when my foster-mom called me when she got her diagnosis....I took it really hard.....she was the closest thing to a mom I ever had, besides my Grammy she was the only other woman to show me maternal love.....I miss her deeply, especially this time of year.....

    Well, I managed to finish the pork chop and the Technicolor vegetables but only ate half of the sweet potato (it was huge! The Safeway in The Dalles had some humongous ones!).....maybe later I will take some of my laundry change and hit up the vending machine in the laundromat (it's conveniently open 24 hours, lol) for something sweet....I've been a good girl, I deserve it......

    It's time to charge my tablet (streaming TV on it sucks the battery down fast), take my shot and my supplements, and medicate.....think I will put in the old John Wayne war movie I have been meaning to watch, bought it in the last batch of movies I got at the pawn shop the last time I was in Portland......been a while since I've seen an old black and white......then off to bed to read my emails......goodnight all.....

    Sherry and Missy in "dark and quiet" Dufur
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Picasso66: Welcome to a supportive group of wonderful women. :smiley:

    Barbie: The Christmas Ships were great this year. I wish you were here, too. We had two favorite cousins here and the 20 something grandson of our neighbors. It was a great mix of ages and personalities. I really enjoyed everyone and the parade was a good one. Now we have large quantities of leftover food to deal with. Leftovers are in the refrigerator now and we'll decide how to deal with them in the morning. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: I love the Public Market. It has been a couple of years since we were there with DS and DDIL. I enjoy it every time I go. :smiley:

    Sherry: The tractor parade is a hoot. It looks to me like you made a good choice for your current hometown. :bigmsile:

    Christmas Ships (pleasure boats, not actual ships) were bright and fun. I enjoyed the time spent with our neighbor's grandson and my cousins. I was afraid nobody would be here to share the fun of watching the parade and I'm really happy with how it all worked out. DH is exhausted and has gone to bed & I'm not quite ready for sleep yet. I plan to see what entertainment the TV has to offer.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    So sorry Beth. <3

    Joyce - I'm sure we all diagnosed pneumonia a while before the hospital did! Duh! Hope you recover quickly with the right treatment. <3

    Katla - Hope you get a few visitors for the ship parade!

    Pip - Loving the bustle and the lights! I do miss Christmas lights out here in the countryside. I am a city girl at heart.

    I'm awake early again, but I think DH didn't have a good night. He woke me up by tossing and turning. I am now downstairs and will take him up a cup of tea in a few minutes. His family trauma doesn't look good. I've been researching without telling him and I'm worried. So, so sad for all his family.
    On a good note, we are driving to have a pub lunch with his elder daughter today. I have offered to drive home so he can have a couple of beers. That will stop me drinking. :D I don't anticipate the food being much good, only typical pub grub, most of which I won't eat, but it'll be good for him to see his daughter. We are taking up presents for her birthday and Christmas.

    Still haven't done my cards! :sad:

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    YAY I'm caught up with reading!

    Pip - those window washers up on that building always give me the heeby jeebies! Loving all of your pictures I haven't been to Pikes Place Market since my Mom and sister came up to WA about 20 yrs ago. I need to take the boys there someday.

    Joyce - so glad you went to the hospital (((hugs))) Poor Charlie is probably beside himself with worry.

    Heather - I can barely think beyond today what I'm going to fix for a meal let alone weeks for now. You are so darned organized!

    Speaking of Christmas cards I don't think I got any last year except for advertisement or companies I deal with.

    I think I need to get new pillows mine just don't seem as comfortable as they used to be.

    See you all sometime in the morning!

    Gloria in WA where it has been raining cats & dogs!ak32tyaymdoj.jpg

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Joyce, my dear, glad they're finally taking this seriously... and as Heather said, it sure sounded like pneumonia to me, as I've had it as well. Hope they get you back up and feeling better soon! Worried about you...

    Y'all might remember us talking to the karate studio guy and his fiancee' earlier in the year, but their small business loan fell through to purchase the warehouse.

    Well, Corey and I have both been thinking about it a lot, and we sat down and talked to them yesterday. Offered them a lease deal that would let them lease the warehouse and the land next to it for five years, and then at the end of the five years, we'd give them first refusal on the property at a quite low price. They're very interested and crunching numbers now. We'll see how it all turns out. Would mean we could leave in the spring... and we'd have a steady monthly income over and above the part of their lease that goes straight to our mortgage.

    While we're not that interested in being landlords, unlike a residential lease, you can structure a business lease as what's called a net, net lease. The tenants would deal with all maintenance, upgrades, repairs, insurance, etc. Will need to get that all nailed down tight in writing. Have no intention of coming back to deal with a busted hot water heater or something trivial! Fingers crossed... they seemed really excited at the idea, and the idea of leaving in the spring makes me really excited, as well.

    My VA doctor's appointment is Monday - hoping that the fatigue is easily explained by something out of the blood tests, and easily fixable as well.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas (s'posed to be in the 70s today!)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Up.at 2:30 and on our way by late afternoon we will be at our destination....and oh it will 80 degrees :D
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Allie - Getting excited for you now! <3

    Gloria - I'm only planning for company who are staying overnight. The thing I HATE more than anything is having to spend time in the kitchen when everyone else is having fun. :o I don't like feeling like paid help. I want to join in the party. And I don't like to break a sweat! Want it all to appear on the table as if by magic! :laugh: So I can look cool and elegant. B)
    As I don't have to go to work I have the time to get it all done at my leisure. I REALLY admire you for bringing up two boys and working at a job. Amazing! :flowerforyou: No way I could cope with that. :noway:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Aww, she looks very sweet. I have friends who do fly ball. I am sorry you lost her.
    Evamutt wrote: »
    This was our Dinah, She was a border collie. We were in flyball for 2yrs. she passed away from liver defect but I love this pic of her. I still have it as the back ground on my phone. Want to share our current 5 dogs when i can get a good pic
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Wow! This is a tough group to keep up with but that is a nice problem to have.

    We managed to get out yesterday and got to the funeral of my husband's aunt. She was 95 and ready to go. About a month ago, she decided to stop taking her meds and that was that. Albeit a sad occasion, it was nice to get out and see family we haven't seen in awhile.

    On the way home, we tried a new restaurant that was very good and I managed to make good choices despite being starving from 2 hours of shoveling deep snow.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Just returned from the gym trying to compensate for food and drink at DSs house last night. Wow watched 2 girls doing Tabata workout ( never knew what it was before) something I could never do , too much impact on knees

    Loving pics of pets and places, I'll probably post some pics of Christmas celebrations in Spain (which don't normally involve Santa but the Magi on 12th night ) I will be trying to keep up while I'm away

    Have a healthy and peaceful Sunday

    Kate UK <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth <3 so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis.

    Sue you are one super woman for handling driving in big city, rush hour and snow, one thing at a time is more than enough for me--all 3 is super woman status, imo

    Having an organizing kind of day at home, after I go exercise and grocery shop--what an exciting life!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Hooray, this morning I'm down the nine pounds I was up at the doctor's office the day before Thanksgiving gained due to being on steroids for 2 1/2 months.

    Very, very windy this morning but supposed to get to 62, a real heat wave. My stepson is supposed to move out today. This needs to happen. I have the house back in order but I stilll am cleaning up messes behind him every day like he's a 12 year old. Jack has talked to him several times, he always has some sort of excuse, but nothing changes. I do feel bad for him as he received divorce papers the other day and was very upset. I put my arms around him and he cried on my shoulder. Quite a picture as he is 6'5" and I'm 5'2". These things are never easy. Hopefully he will begin to realize he needs to grow up take some responsibilities in his life.

    Barbie, glad your doing so well with your recovery. Always in awe of your determination.

    Katla, would have loved watching the parade from your window.

    Re, as always you make me smile. Thanks and good job, sweetie.

    Sherry, I'm going to show Jack your parade pictures and ask his thoughts on relocating. :) Absolutely a Christmas movie town. So glad they "found you". Hugs

    Lisa, hoping all works out as you guys hope. Exciting to see the wheels always turning.

    DJ where are you?

    Have a terrific day, ladies. It's football watching for us today. I'll get in a little stationary bike riding while watching, unable to get to my treadmill in the garage as it's currently being used as a storage area. Hopefully that changes after today.

    Love you, my friends.

    Janetr okc
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I have survived the 30 adults and 9 little kids under the age of 5 running around my house!! I didn't get to go out in the bush and pick a tree - I trust DH picked a nice one. the wiener roast was in our backyard - sheltered from the wind. The 89 and 91 year old great grandmas appreciated that. I will see if I can get a picture of DH and our dog uploaded from my phone. There was a lot of food!!! I did really well - I did not overeat - I made good choices, I only had one thing for desert - a homemade phylo pastry tart with an apple pie filling, and it was really good - not sweet!! I did not even have chips or snacks!! I must really be sick.

    Today - after the 8 people that slept over leave I will clean (actually sterilize - ya a little OCD) my house, wash the bedding and then MAYBE take myself outside..... the weather man says it is only -22 C with a windchill of -37 C. I have had a head cold for 4 days now and haven't been outside much!!

    The 8 extra people sleeping over are from another time zone - so ...... it is only 7:30 a.m. their time. I have time for some more coffee!! And here comes the sunrise, my favorite time of the day :)

    Take care everyone, I love the pictures of everyone's pets, their Christmas trees and vacations. Very thankful for the posts from everyone.

    Lillian in VERY COLD West Central Saskatchewan