Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited December 2016
    Lana - you are the 2nd person today I know with water heater issues, reason #48 why I dont have a home (just picked a number, dont have a list....).

    I was wandering the grocery store and feeling proud- 2 tins of holiday popcorn each year and 80% of the things I oinked out on holidays previous to WW are out of range. Notice I give myself 20% to enjoy.

    Per your question - I today will enjoy my piece of baklava - planned out my meals and will not feel guilty.

    Load of laundry in the dryer, dishes in sink need washing. Will make mashed potatoes with Yukon Gold - add butter cheese and sour cream (light versions), with sliced Black Forest Ham (I lived at one point outside the Black Forest and know what the original tastes like - ham here is okay - Black Forest Cake?? I usually pass on), so 2 dinners of mashed potato/ham and broccoli are on tap. Will hold a piece or 2 of ham for omelets.....

    Lana - that is not your highest weight. Small continuous movements towards thin.... do one a day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Hey Sara - you lived outside the Black Forest?
    I am impressed! We will have to talk about that sometime. :)

    I just came home from Club. I did 35 minutes before surgery areas started hurting a tad. Yay for me. :pensive:

    Time for dinner.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    I dont know how my weight can increase by a pound in a day, but there it is. Weight is creeping back up will need to get back into walking breaks again as soon as possible. Allergies and rain have limited them the last couple of weeks.

    My past Holiday season response to stress was to find even more decadent food to help deal with things. Luckily I have learned since starting WW that that behavior does not work.

    So, oatmeal on stove. Lunch packed and will see about walking a little more. Chip away at the number on the scale.

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good morning! Sorry I was MIA all weekend. Honestly, it's a blur. Church activities, shopping, baking, lunch with my 91 year old grandpa and some cousins, kids' Christmas program, etc. I did find my way to the treadmill last night for a 2 mile walk. Haven't weighed myself since Thursday. Felt like I didn't really overeat but didn't make the best choices, necessarily.

    Thought about taking a "mental health day" today to do some wrapping of gifts, packaging of goodies, writing of cards, etc. Glad I didn't as co-worker is out sick. She takes at least 1 sick day each month. I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with her cycle as I could have told you she would be out one day this week. Maybe tomorrow I'll stay home...

    Real temp is -3 degrees this morning with wind chill feeling like -12. (and it's really not windy). Making our trip to Southern GA next week look really good. DH's vehicle starting making a funny sound this weekend. Grrr! Hoping it's nothing too serious. I really don't want to have to buy another vehicle right now. DH was just talking about picking up a PT job this spring (since he's not taking any classes) to make some extra $$$ to help us pay off credit card and my vehicle sooner.

    Decent plan for the week. Good breakfasts, snacks, lunches. Suppers are questionable as we picked up quick & easy things = carbs. I may eat differently than family. Actually eating out for lunch on Wednesday with co-workers, so may not eat supper that day. Pizza for lunch on Thursday due to work meeting, so again, may not even really eat supper on Thursday. Or will eat light if I get hungry.

    DS in college says he'll be ready to come home on Friday evening. His last final (accounting) is scheduled from 3:45-5:45 pm. He'll be home for a month and I know he's ready for a break. :)

    Better scoot and do some work. I'll BBL!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Nasty weather here in NYC, icky for getting around on foot.
    Dr. appointment this morning, then Esther's water exercise class - will be first since treatment started.

    Sara - I feel for you. No one knows better than I do how infuriating or sad or scary it is when pounds just show up on the scale undeserved and of course uninvited.

    Annie - Eat well whenever you get the chance and then try try try to eat not too much bread when it is in front of you on the go.

    We never give up!

    Cabana Boys will have grilled veggies and fruits for us for a light snack anytime today~~

    Waves to anyone who lurks or stops by later.
    Hugs to Dawn and Jen and Chamie and Missy and Ammey and Sam and Liz~~

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited December 2016
    Happy Monday!

    I spent most of last night having a dream I was paying bills. They're all bills I really do need to take care of. That's how this monday is going! Finally did a deep clean of the bedroom and closet yesterday though, so I slept much more soundly, even if it was for such a dull dream.

    Made myself plain rice and broccoli for lunch. Realized that if I'm never hungry for lunch anyway, and a cake looks as appealing as Brussels sprouts, it might as well be something bland and low-cal. Such is monday.

    Flying from TX to CT mid-next week, and bringing the puppy with me. She's my ESA for my anxiety issues so she will be with me in the cabin, but I do worry about her sitting still for that long on a flight. Have to go hardcore into the extended sit/stay training this week in preparation. She gets it, she's just stubborn, as corgis tend to be.

    Have a good Monday, all. Enjoy the slow lead-up to the holidays!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Seems it's just one thing after another...I am trying not to let it get me down or off track.... but, I have to be honest with myself, I am off track...I am eating more often, but portions aren't really more than usual...I get full rather quickly and food choices aren't terrible... it's my choice in drinks.. soda, coffee, cappuccino, cocoa... they seem to be my comfort, lately...
    I am just mentally drained... the only way I can fix this, is to make huge changes and I don't know that I am ready to make those changes...
    Sorry for rambling... so much on my brain...
    Have a good day all
    - Dawn
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    @LanaCabana537 my 21 y/o decided it was a good idea to move out to New York. She left last week Monday. I've been a mess. I miss my baby so much. I break down just thinking about her. She texted her dad a picture of snow. I was so excited because I happen to have my husband's phone in my hand at the time.
    I'm trying not to drown my sorrows in everything I make/bake. I was so excited for Christmas and my birthday. Now, eh'.......

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sharing a picture of my cookie handiwork this year...wyzd3vjyb9y2.jpg
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    I went overseas for 2 weeks and i have definitely gained a few kgs oops! But i did have a great time. I ate so much that even flung 15,000 steps or more each day didn't combat it! This is what happens when i just let myself go- i have NO self control at all and i can easily eat 3000+ mindless calories per day, everyday. Which is why logging is so important for me.

    So I've had one full day back home and i did great! Going to aim for a similar success today. Not long until Christmas either. I'm going to aim for a deficit until Christmas day then have a day off maintenance Christmas day then keep going. I think come January i will be more motivated as it's weight loss season then and most other people will be on their annual health kick too :)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Love love love the cookies, Annie! I just don't get so creative...I think I can...but, never turns out so pretty
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Cheerios! You are right - only a couple more weeks, then we will hit January 1st, which somehow makes the weight loss programs easier to follow. At least that's how I see it.

    Packers Fan - where in New York is your daughter going to be living? I am nosey!! And excited for her. I moved here when I was roughly 22 and I was so full of energy and hopes and dreams. You have to have energy for this place.

    Hi Dawn!

    Annie - your cookies are SO CUTE!!!

    Waving to Sam - good luck with the training of your puppy for that flight!

    Sara - How are you holding up today?

    Girls - I went to Esther's water exercise class today - first time since I started chemo, and it was difficult, but I made it through the whole 45 minutes. Later Esther told me she'll be out the rest of the week, so I'll find some other exercise to do.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Home for day,

    Waiting for frozen lasagna - I can hear dogs stomach from here..... may mean more outings....

    Annie - WOW that is a beautiful plate full of yummy things. Great job!

    Okay, staying on a track seems to be a theme here. Start tomorrow with a small thing you know what is easiest for you and do it for the week. No all or nothing thinking,please.

    Wishing all a great evening.

    Will be in lounge chair with Lana under the Palm Tree with Tillie she will be getting extra TLC from the Cboys. TLC is available to all tonight from the Cboys.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning and welcome back Cheerios and Sam!

    Oatmeal ready, cold here this morning. No Cafe today so will have to do without milk in tea. The "big people" are having a party today - if they were really big we wouldnt even know about it because it would not be at work....

    Taking the "keep my mouth shut" spray to work. Basket of extra vials and "silence spray" suitable for coworkers/boss/ family members are under Lana's Tree. Help yourself.

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    @ASalner oh my goodness. That looks like a plate of deliciousness!!!

    @LanaCabana537 She said Harlem. Sounded scary to me but when she gave me her address it was New York, New York. Funny you mentioned being roughly 22 when you moved. She'll be 22 January 26th.

    You seem to be doing well now. I hope you progress everyday.

    @arniedog74 Your not alone. I have the same issue with soda lately. We just have to say NO.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Thank you, everyone! I really enjoy my holiday baking and I give the bulk of it away. Sometimes I think my family gets mad at me because I won't let them eat it until I've made/delivered the plates to work, daycare, church, etc. DH will bring several dozen cookies to DS's college this morning. Their finals start Thursday.

    Remember me saying I wanted to stay home? Well, I ended up in the bathroom between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. with stomach issues. Nothing ever really came of it but I felt miserable during that time. Decided to sleep in and stay home for at least awhile today to be sure it doesn't start up if I eat/drink. Starting out with some water and saltine crackers. If that seems okay, will go on to toast. I'm sorely tempted to just stay home all day but should probably go in to the office after lunch. I'm already leaving early on Friday and then, of course, I have over a week of vacation for Christmas. But it's really dead at work and I might just need this break.

    I'm with Arniedog and Packersfan on soda/pop. Love it! I don't even necessarily drink a lot - maybe 10 oz per day. I do try to drink diet to save on calories. But I know it would be better to just give it up.

    Lana - so glad you are feeling up to getting some exercise. You are amazing!

    Sara - I could have used your "silence spray" on my father-in-law this weekend. That man! I am so glad we will not celebrate Christmas with them until December 31st. Maybe by then I'll be able to be in a room with him without getting angry.

    Make it a great day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member


    Hello All~~
    I've got lots to do today, so I'm going to say hello and run.

    For everyone who has to work today--hang in there. For anyone who is feeling under the weather ---hang in there and feel better.

    Make healthy choices to day Ladies!


    PS Sara - look for email from me. :*
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi Lana! Hope you're day was good...

    It's become so difficult to say no to soda...I know, it's all in strength and willpower...I have days where I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and I'm just so exhausted...I am not a morning person at all...I also have so much stress, lately... soda is just a vice I can't seem to break...I keep telling myself I need to say no...I just don't listen to myself very well...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    dawn , can you consider less soda? like one less glass a day?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara-I can...I will... Just making excuses.... and, until I'm ready to make the decision to change/ slow down...I will, over the next few weeks... I'm just not ready, yet