Who Gained Weight During The Holidays? I Have A Solution!!!



  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I got on the scale this morning, I'm a good 10lbs up on my lowest recorded weight and I give no you know whats. It's not all fat, though some definitely is (I discovered hot buttered rum this festive season, completely obsessed).

    But I also have had a very sad festive season due to losing the chap in my profile picture very suddenly the week before Christmas. It prompted me to just go eff it, I need to look after myself emotionally more than anything right now and I will resume where I left off on the 1st January. So I have eaten all the foods, am super bloated and have really rather enjoyed it!

    Great post. I didn't weigh in the day after Christmas but the day after that it was up a few pounds. Now it's under what I was before the holidays. :smiley: Any time my weight goes up, I talk myself off the ledge by reminding my panicked brain that I did not eat that many calories above my maintenance numbers.

    @vintagefeline I'm so sorry for your loss. In August I lost my bird after 25 1/2 years, so I know how much our animals mean to us and that everything gets magnified this time of year. When it first happened I lost a few pounds because I couldn't eat for a few days, then went the opposite direction and used food because I just didn't care about anything at that point.

  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    edited December 2016
    I learned to dislike the feeling of being too full and eating in excess. I didn't, apart from 25th maybe. I still went over my calories some days, but for me being sensible during Christmas, as I aim to be any day is better approach. I didn't dread Christmas at all, I had plan of what treats I will indulge, in what quantities, when I will find time for a walk, swim or gym session

    I had great time, and still have a meal out today but I am really happy that I didn't go into Christmas period doesn't count mode. I feel better when I eat the right quantities food and I exercise. It's the time with the family, catching up with friends, feeling good about how the year went, feeling good about what did I achieve this year, feeling good about myself - it's wonderful to finish the year like this!

    I actually found being sensible and feeling as I do at the end of the year enjoyable. More enjoyable than eating pie while already full

    However, I agree with the post. If you gained few pounds there isn't point of losing sleep over it and making too big deal. Half of it is probably water weight. Get back to normal and the weight will be gone in no time

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Well, it's the fifth day of Christmas! Time for some golden rings, Definitely better than all those silly birds.

    Or did you mean something else?

    I never knew those started after Christmas! Wow, thanks for teaching me something. This really is a great day! :smiley:

    Yes - the twelfth day (Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) is the Eve of the Epiphany - January 5th.

    In England, it is the traditional date for taking down Christmas decorations. Is that the same elsewhere?

    In Ireland we take the decorations down on the 6th and call it "nollaig na mban" (womens christmas). Basically, the menfolk take down all the decorations and take on all the house duties for the day (cooking, cleaning, child minding etc) and the ladies get the "day off" to go and do whatever we want.

    Oh I love that. I'm part Irish, I'm totally going to try to sell my husband on this idea...
  • jamcdonel
    jamcdonel Posts: 533 Member
    SeanNJ wrote: »
    I ate all the things, logged nothing, and I'm still a metric f-ton lighter than I was 6 months ago.

    I think you'll find that's an Imperial f-ton. The metric unit is a metric f-tonne.

    As I understand it a "metric f-tonne" is equal to 2.2 "Imperial tons".
  • dotwilldoit
    dotwilldoit Posts: 53 Member
    Best post ever. Bumping this up just because
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Well, it's the fifth day of Christmas! Time for some golden rings, Definitely better than all those silly birds.

    Or did you mean something else?

    I never knew those started after Christmas! Wow, thanks for teaching me something. This really is a great day! :smiley:

    Yes - the twelfth day (Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) is the Eve of the Epiphany - January 5th.

    In England, it is the traditional date for taking down Christmas decorations. Is that the same elsewhere?

    In Ireland we take the decorations down on the 6th and call it "nollaig na mban" (womens christmas). Basically, the menfolk take down all the decorations and take on all the house duties for the day (cooking, cleaning, child minding etc) and the ladies get the "day off" to go and do whatever we want.

    In Italy it's traditional to take down our decorations on Jan 6th (Epiphany), it's a holiday. I would love your tradition--everyone disappears when it's time to put decorations away, or they say that they like them so much, so why can't we just leave them up?
  • ALG775
    ALG775 Posts: 247 Member
    Such a helpful post! Gained 3 pounds-probably one of which is real gain. Back on a small deficit as of yesterday.
  • LexieCatSJ
    LexieCatSJ Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    Great post. I haven't posted in quite a few months, but things have been progressing nicely. I've lost 34 pounds since I started making an effort to lose weight in Feb. of last year, and about 30 of those since starting with MFP in March. I've had my minor ups and downs, mostly stayed on track, with a few prolonged plateau periods. I've got another 10 or so pounds to go, I think, to be down to my ideal weight. I still haven't gotten into a good exercise routine, but that's on the agenda for this year.

    I traveled to visit family over Christmas and had 3-4 days where I didn't record what I ate, mainly because it was nibbles of this and that (high-calorie nibbles) and a couple of big meals at my favorite restaurants that I only visit once or twice a year. As expected, the scale was up about 3-4 pounds when I got home on the 28th, but getting right back on track (and without starving myself), the scale was down .2 pounds this morning from the weight just before vacation. I didn't freak out, just got back on board and felt not one bit guilty because I knew it was just a short-term indulgence.

    I LOVE MFP for keeping me honest and on-track. It saves me a ton of time trying to figure out calories and nutrients.
  • ConnieT1030
    ConnieT1030 Posts: 894 Member
    Nice reminder. I was under calorie the whole time, as usual, but yesterday, we got Pizza hut, and I carefully logged (went to the pizza hut nutrition site and calculated topping by topping) and I was only 502 calories over. But this morning, I cringed to see an entire pound up. I know it isn't physically possible to gain a pound of fat from 500 extra calories, but it still was uncomfortable to see! Even mentally knowing it was water weight (salty crust on that pizza!!) it's so reassuring to see someone reminding me of this today. :)
  • tinarayecole
    tinarayecole Posts: 6 Member
    Love this! Thanks for posting!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited January 2017
    Today is my last day of "maintaining" during the holidays, and I will get back to my deficit tomorrow (had lost 17 lbs since July). Overall, between Thanksgiving and New Year's, I gained 4.5 lbs. I'm hoping to see half of that come off quickly since it's likely water and extra food weight, and then another 2 weeks or so to lose the rest. Even though I'd like to have not gained at all, it was nice to relax over the holidays and not stress too much about it. It was also a crazy December, so maintenance was easier on me than trying to keep up with my deficit. I didn't even get in any
    workouts in the last 2-3 weeks. Now I feel like I'm rested and had a great diet break, and now I'm ready to get back at it!

    Here's to reaching weight goals in 2017!!

    ETA: I realize a 4.5 lb gain is not maintaining, but I really did manage to maintain for about 3 weeks in December. The weight came from 4 days at Thanksgiving and the past 10 days while traveling and visiting with family. For those periods I didn't really bother with counting calories/logging.
  • madeclerq
    madeclerq Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the motivation. Makes perfect sense. I decided to indulge this holiday season and decided to start over tomorrow. Appreciate all the wisdom.
  • ShammersPink
    ShammersPink Posts: 215 Member
    0.9kg up from my lowest recorded pre-Christmas weight, or 0.5kg up from the weight I was when I went on my holiday diet break.

    Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.
  • Valeska2017
    Valeska2017 Posts: 138 Member
    Luv it! Thank you. It made me laugh and gave me encouragement.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    2lbs has whooshed off from my festive feasting already and that's with some pretty good DOMS in the legs from yesterday.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    And I just checked if water retention is a side effect of a new medication I'm on and it is, so that's probably messing with my numbers too and will continue to for a while as I'm tapering up to therapeutic dose over the next couple of months. Tape measure is going to be my best friend more than ever!