Teacher says Pop Tarts are not a healthy snack



  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I went to my kids school this morning, to speak with his first grade teacher.
    He came home yesterday saying he couldn"t bring his Pop tart for their morning snack, because they can only have "healthy snacks".

    I was upset. I still am even after speaking with the teacher this morning.
    I teach my child that there are no good or bad foods, unless you have a allergy or ethically cant eat it.

    He has been sitting there afraid to pull out his "unhealthy snack" because its not "fruit, or granola bar, or yogurt"(healthy snacks").
    I often send those as well.

    I told her not to teach my child about foods being good or bad, because I dont subscribe to that.

    Teacher: "So you're ok with him having a sugary Pop Tart in the morning"?
    Me: Yes, I if send it its good enough for him to have. Just so you know there are granola bars with just as much or more sugar in them as Pop Tarts.
    Teacher: blank stare.

    Do teachers have the right to teach children sugary snacks are unhealthy?

    Are Pop tarts the devil?

    Well done! 13 pages!

    What that what you were hoping for?

    To be fair - it's not her fault that there are 13 pages of replies!
    She asked: do teachers have the right to teach children about nutrition ? Well yes - as long as they're qualified to do so.
    She also asked: are pop tarts the devil? Well no.
    To those saying she's a bad/lazy parent: she says she also sends her child in with fruit,granola bars and yoghurt- so the pop tart is an occasional snack by the looks of it.
    My understanding is that she was upset because the teacher wouldn't allow her child to eat his snack. It wasn't about the actual pop tart.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So someone who lets their child eat a Pop Tart as an occasional treat is a lazy and ignorant child abuser and Pop Tarts are dangerous petroleum pucks of cancer. And you should go aling with whatever your child's teacher says and not get upset or your child will become an obese spoiled brat.


    TL:DR right here, folks!
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    edited January 2017

    Where does she state that she regularly sends her child to school with a whole packet?
    This thread is like a game of Chinese Whispers.

    Typically for a teacher to contact the parent it is a recurring issue. Even if it's only once in awhile, only a moron would claim healthy food is some sort of a myth. I get there is woo stuff and BroScience, but you can disbelieve that acai' berries are magical and still see that Pop Tarts are garbage food.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Oh, the outrage...
  • alarmed123
    alarmed123 Posts: 87 Member
    Also.... granola bars have a ton of sugar and so does yogurt unless if it's Greek low cal, low sugar yogurt. #facepalm.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    OMG - Pop Tarts are NOT healthy foods - and kudos to the teacher for trying to educate their students, and parents. Granola bars are just as bad... what's wrong with carrots, apples, grapes, and celery sticks? Seriously people!

    There's nothing wrong with Poptarts or granola bars within the context of a varied and balanced diet. My kids eat poptarts, granola bars AND things like carrots, apples and grapes (not celery sticks though because ick :p ). The teacher who told me my son couldn't bring in pretzels and fishy crackers anymore because they weren't 'healthy' was also very overweight. Not really interested in what her definition of 'healthy' was.

    I thought I was the only one who called them fishy crackers!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    400 calories for a pack of poptarts is certainly trash. I don't know why you'd buy them.
    Because kids sometime want something sweet and as part of a balanced diet there is nothing wrong with them?

    400 calories probably make up 1\3 of their daily needs depending on their age, and you want that to go to poptarts? What about poptarts aide in a 'balanced' diet?

    2 poptarts have a total of 76g of carbs. That's gross.

    Lots of people only eat one pop tart, I believe OP said she gave him one. A 200 calorie sweet treat fits quite nicely into an otherwise nutritious and balanced diet.

    76 grams of carbs is "gross"? :confused:

    I have literally never known anyone who only ate one Poptart. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm just saying that if they do exist, I've never seen them in the wild. Also, if they're only eating one, congrats, they're now only eating 1/6 of their daily calories in what is basically pure sugar on cardboard. Give them a banana with some peanut butter if you really want to give them a snack that's that caloric.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    OMG - Pop Tarts are NOT healthy foods - and kudos to the teacher for trying to educate their students, and parents. Granola bars are just as bad... what's wrong with carrots, apples, grapes, and celery sticks? Seriously people!

    There's nothing wrong with Poptarts or granola bars within the context of a varied and balanced diet. My kids eat poptarts, granola bars AND things like carrots, apples and grapes (not celery sticks though because ick :p ). The teacher who told me my son couldn't bring in pretzels and fishy crackers anymore because they weren't 'healthy' was also very overweight. Not really interested in what her definition of 'healthy' was.

    Your kid is probably healthy but how many kids in his/her class have parents that dont give them healthy balanced meals? How do you explain to one child that it's not ok for them to eat poptarts (because their parents dont have the knowledge to make healthy choices) while they see their classmate eating poptarts? The teacher is an adult. The policy is meant for children and was probably not made by their class teacher.

  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    You can have my Pop Tarts when you pry them from my cold,dead fingers.
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