

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
    My new lape7e89mz6e6ry.jpg
    top cover he got for free
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    Allie – Woo Hoo! Now make sure you don’t get talked out of it (by Tom); better yet, don’t let it slip out. Proud of you! One step closer to “freedom and able to breathe!” I agree with Yvonne in TX – sorry if we sounded like we were ‘harping’ we just think that you need to protect yourself and what you are entitled to. Attorneys on both sides are to work through matters to make sure that everything to protect or help their client is being done. Being truthful is utmost important. Your attorney might want Tom followed ... to see 'if' he is really spending time with another woman - sexual or platonic - it still might mean 'loss of consortium'.

    Cat – When my DH and I have our ‘date night’ (usually going out to eat); as soon as my dinner is served; I cut everything in ½ and push it to one side (including appetizers and desserts); then I ask for a ‘to go plate’ and bring it home for the next day. As for the ‘cheese cake’ … that would have been my meal for the next day. Then adjust my caloric intake accordingly; that might mean that the next day, I drink a lot (of water). That’s sort of like ‘having your cake and eating it, too’.

    Kelly – Dairy products (and salt) can give you heartburn if you have not been having it on a regular basis – tummy doesn’t take milk products as well as adults as a child. My sister ‘hated’ milk, because it made her sick, she has a sensitivity to it; and doesn’t drink it or eat ice cream and she watches her cheese intake. I loved milk as a child, so long as it had ‘ice’ in it. As an adult I became sensitive to it; my grandmother could not eat ‘aged’ cheese. I know that I will have a bloated tummy if I eat more than 1 ounce of ‘aged’ cheese a day. White cheese, provolone, pepper jack, and the like … I can handle more … but, I am also allergic to penicillin (mold) … I take small bites of the cheese I eat … I love it … Louis calls me “The Rat”. Dairy is a big ‘gassy’ food and that feeling will give you heartburn (as a way of escaping your body; rather than the other end). Go off it for a few days and see if the heartburn subsides. If not, you might need to talk to your MD or take an antacid.

    Joyce – I wore a tens unit after I had a really, really bad wreck nearly 20 years ago; the MD put the pads over the ‘trigger’ points, which when the electric shock goes through it makes certain trigger points and will make muscles contract and relax; then it changes to a different set of muscles to tense up so others will relax. If you are putting the pads on yourself and not feeling like it is working, you might not have them over the ‘trigger points’. You can Google ‘trigger points’ and it will show you where on your body they are, Upper shoulders, right about where the shoulder blade can be felt; harder to get to; and on your back up about ½ say and down on your butt around where you have those ‘dimples’ or right about your butt crack on either side. More specifically they are sometimes called ‘tender spots’. Inside your knee; on your butt where the sciatica nerve runs over and down the side of your leg. Up near your neck; but, not really on it (more like at the base of your neck). A good PT can show you where they are located. If someone ‘hits’ one … you will know it. As your body gets better you can turn the unit down. It normally has different setting and some of them can feel like needles are being stuck in you. The goal is to get to the point you don’t feel them as you start turning them down.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Carol hope you feel better.

    (((Sherry))) Prayers for things to get settled quickly.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello ladies: Wet, rainy day here. Went to yoga this morning and will go to choir practice tonight. Hope it stops raining for a while. I hate driving in the dark and the rain. One or the other is OK but the two together is hard for me. Food is better today. I ate at Taco Bell after getting new phone last evening. Knees are sore after standing for over an hour to do that. They had no private area for patrons to sit while getting contracts done. I would not write a really good review for their service.

    KarenNY - Sorry about DH not getting the job, I'm sure it would make life easier.

    Katla and Marcelyn - Hope you both stay out of the flooding.

    Mary - Feel better soon.

    Pip - Enjoy! Are you riding in this rain?

    Barbie - Hope you find the perfect dog.

    Sherry - Hope you get things settled soon.

    Heather -Traveling mercies to you.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I decided to reset my goal weight a little lower, by 11 lbs. I remember how excited I was to reach my former goal and want to feel that elation again.

    Feeling a bit rundown today, which has taken away my appetite today, which is a plus. I am going to have my dinner now, 4 oz. London broil, roasted butternut squash and homemade mushroom soup (not cream of). I made this over the weekend and have optioned it out for the week. I like not having to think about dinner when I get home from work.

    Hoping everyone has a good evening.

    Again, Chris in MA
  • zoldio
    zoldio Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies, this is my first post. I am a 71-year old retired nurse and a breast cancer survivor of 2.5 years. I want to get healthy again so I can play and have more fun, especially with my grandsons. I need to lose 30-40 pounds and started a ketogenic diet on Jan. 15th, primarily because ketosis allegedly helps to reduce inflammation and chronic pain, and is also anti-cancer. I have terrible pain from chemo-induced neuropathy in hands & feet, and radiation neuritis in my left shoulderblade. I have completed 4 days of the low carb hi fat diet, lost 3 lbs, and am beginning to feel better. Sugar cravings have already lessened and energy has increased. I don't know if I'm in ketosis yet or not, so tomorrow I will buy the dipstix to test my urine. The best resources for this diet are at www.dietdoctor.com. On MFP, I edited my food goals to reflect 1200 cal, 10% carb, 60% fat, and 30% protein. If pain decreases and I become more active, I will increase my calories to 1500, but keep everything else the same. You don't really have to count calories on a ketogenic diet, but I can't seem to give that up just yet. This diet is also known as the new modified Atkins diet. It emphasizes the importance of eating fewer carbs and more healthy fats, with moderate protein. It's surprising how much fat you are encouraged to eat, but I think it may be the key to what I've been doing wrong. Going low carb high protein didn't work for me and I now understand why. Dietdoctor explains it very well. I wish you all good health in 2017, and will keep you posted on my ketosis experience.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    The JRT that was the predecessor of "Cracker" was so smart that we could not bring ourselves to get another dog; but, she died in April, we went to Louisiana in August and by October I was missing have a fur baby and the companionship I got from her. I had gone to several shelters, without luck; one would not even let me touch the animals and I was happy I wasn't looking for a kitten ... could not even go into the room (and there were a lot of them ... mostly fully grown). My DOS suggested that I go to a shelter in the next county; so I called DH and asked if I could adopt one if found one. Wanted a small- to mid-sized dog, I also wanted her to be a 'house dog' so that I could play with her. He wasn't wild about that part ...; but, I went and Cracker was 'so cute'. Has that sweet expressive face of a JRT; but, was a mix. Lady at the shelter said that she was approximately 4-months old; and, had been turned in as a 'stray'. Nobody came looking for here so she was 'up for adoption' and this was on a Thursday and she had been scheduled to be taken for a end of the month Saturday if she had not been adopted by them. I knew she would be one of the first to go. So, she came out into the lobby and we had time to get to know one another and play. She was 'so excited' that she'd 'piddle' every time she did something. I thought, 'Oooo that might be a problem'. Lady told me that she was still a puppy and that could change drastically. I signed all the paperwork and she was taken to the vet where she was spayed and had a chip put in her. Got her home, unfortunately had to wear the 'cone of shame' until her stitches were removed. I took her to our vet to have them removed and have a 'get to know you once-over'. He agreed that she was approximately 4-months old, so I counted back and decided she'd share a birthday with my DOS.

    She is GREAT!!!! I don't think I will ever have another 'purebred' unless I know the people well. Our very 1st puppy was a purebred beagle and was so much fun. When we were home, she was inside; while we worked she'd be outside in the yard or up on the big back screened-in porch.

    But, Cracker has a totally different personality and if she could talk, she would talk our ears off. She is so highly animated it is unreal. She sleeps in the strangest positions. We have so many laughs with her and she is such a great companionship. I am so happy that we got her, at the point we got her. When a fur-baby, especially a 'rescue' one comes along ... follow your heart ... they hunger for love and you are there to give it. We laugh and tell Cracker that she has 'soft lamb ears and Grinch feet'. She follows me wherever I go and she get so excited when Louis drive up. I have to let her out to play when he gets home, even if she has been in just 30 minutes. She was meant for us and we were meant for her. She's a real angel.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Mary, I'm from Ruston--a little piece down I-20 from WM! My sister lives in Monroe and has in laws in WM. And no, I don't know the duck people either, although I played tennis with one of the wives before they got so famous
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Adorable Angels!

    It’s another glorious gray day here in North Texas... chilly and blech. I stopped off at Quest to get my blood draw so I can get my forms filled out for the insurance company. I suppose I shouldn’t be so snarky about having to do it. That last annual visit was what got me back on the path to better health... if only inadvertently.

    If I hadn’t gotten the surprise 15 lb. weight-loss last year, I might not have been so gung ho to see about what it might take to intentionally lose a few pounds... and I might not be here, now. I guess I will overcome the irritation of having to get everything done by a certain time and making sure the insurance company gets the data by the deadline.

    Not much going on, at the moment... just in limbo, waiting for the MRI results. I have to say – my last dose of steroids was yesterday – and today I am feeling a bit more pain in my knee – so, there is definitely something wrong in there. Due to this, and a reminder from Lois that there ARE other exercises besides the elliptical, I did some research on swimming opportunities near me... I can go to the local community pool and swim in a lane for $3.00 a visit – OR – $135 annual membership. I suppose I will have to do that – since I imagine no matter what happens, I will have to baby the knee for a bit.

    The good news is, the pool is not much farther from my house than my gym. The bad news? I would have to wear a swimsuit in public... *sigh* I spent the last few minutes looking at full coverage suits... got a pair of long bike-short style bottoms and a tankini top and a swim tee to go over it. These are going to contain my saggy thighs and cover the bat-wings, so, I will be able to force myself to wear them in public. Now it’s just the logistics of getting myself there when there is a lane open...

    Cheri – Hope you are having the best trip, ever.

    Toni – Gratz on the .8 pounds!

    Pip – Such a girly color... lol. Enjoy!

    Lois – Thank you for the gentle reminder to quit my bitching and do something else... I will miss my elliptical – but who knows? Maybe the swimming will be the most awesome thing, ever.... even if I will have to find the time to dry my hair, a lot. Excellent change in measurements. I am so glad you were able to find the thing that worked for you. I am just going to have to change mine up, a bit.

    Lenora – Ah the total Yo Yo experience... Sorry, Sugar. Exercise is good... Sounds like you are on the right track to lose those 2 lbs for good.

    Barbie – (Hugs!) Thinking good thoughts for the perfect dog.

    SueBDew B)

    Mary – Hope you feel better, soon!

    – Everything is ridiculously expensive, now... it's kind of horrifying to grocery shop, these days.

    Maritill – Welcome!

    Goldberry57 – Hello! Pretty sure I don’t have abs, either.

    Gloria – I had to google TENS - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Apparently it’s supposed to stimulate your nerves so your body generates Endorphins... it also helps stop muscle atrophy. They used one on DH when he broke his ankle – although I had no idea what it was. We just called it the zappy thing... lol. Glad the Drone could be saved.

    Sharon – ((Hugs)) maybe the other shoe is that one that you always see in the middle of the freeway... it dropped in the middle of the road, never to be found, again.

    Lisa – Happy Press Day!

    Heather – Now is when the fun part starts... Be sure and tell all...

    NYKaren – I know the feeling. You get your hopes all up and then, wham. Even though you knew it wasn’t going to happen – there was just that tiny spark... *sighs* Sorry, Sugar.

    Allie – Three pounds is pretty respectable. Man... if I lost weight from stress – I might never have been fat at all! I tend to eat comfort food when I am stressed... LOTS of comfort food. And you know we only harp because we love you... Stay Strong. Glad your friend is willing to help out. Maybe her company has a branch down in Florida and you can get her to hook you up with an agent down there?

    Sarah – Growing things... yay! I need to start some seeds soon – I love growing my own veggies – it’s just so satisfying to eat a meal that includes something you produced yourself.

    – Welcome! That is the beauty of this thread... We are from different parts of the world, with different philosophies and beliefs – but we are all grown – which gives us a point of connection. Please come back, often.

    Margaret – Doc hasn’t recommended anything, just yet. She is waiting for the MRI results. I really will be interested to see what they say. Based on the returning pain, I have to assume that whatever is wrong will be pretty clearly visible.


    Kate/UK – Thanks! I should have known that one... and I am down with High Fat and Low Carb – although I am not really following that plan too strenuously. Hope the Robins return.

    Rita – ((HUGS!)) Wish I had some “Funk Away” to send you.

    Marcelyn – Time to break out the swimsuit! (Hugs!)

    Nancy – Rutabegas are excellent! But, I might not brave polar bears for them, either.

    Penny – Sounds like my DH would be happy up north... he is a fan of Kefir – so he would probably groove on Filmjolk.

    57Terris – Welcome! Thanks for looking out for us.

    Carol – ((Hugs!)) Hope your sinuses clear up, soon.

    Cat – How did your brain block the Cheesecake portion of the Cheesecake Factory? It’s amazing what our minds can do, isn’t it? Tomorrow is a new day.

    Yvonne – I can’t think too hard about my goal... it’s too far off, yet. I will start getting all antsy and weird, and that just doesn’t do me any good. I have to just focus on the next week. (**shhhh, don’t tell me, but... I am getting a little pumped about the thought I will be making that goal pretty soon – and I am hoping I can make Onderland before my full year on MFP rolls.)

    – ((Hugs!!)) Hope you get past that, soon.

    Joyce – ((Hugs!))

    Katla – Thanks! Glad your SIL could get someone to shovel off the roof.

    Janet – So sorry about your Sibs.

    Rori - *waves*

    DJ – Glad you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel on your friend’s house.

    Sherry – I am impressed that you are managing to keep your eating under control during this stressed out time. I don’t know that I could have done as well. I have my fingers crossed that "the man" gets the karma he deserves.

    – Hope you have fun at Choir Practice.

    – Welcome. Pull up a keyboard and tell us a bit about you...

    Chris – Hurray for ready to heat and eat dinners! If my DH wasn’t so picky, I might just package up dinners for the whole week on Sundays – so I didn’t have to think about it anymore. And I changed my goal weight a while back, too. My initial goal was just to get to Onderland... but, I decided I would go for half my highest weight as a first goal.

    Zoldio – Welcome.

    Well, I am making potato soup, tonight. I found that the calories are pretty controllable if you just don’t go too nutso with the cheese. Shockingly enough, I have found that it is JUST as delicious with 5 ounces of cheese in the pot as it was with 8... Who knew?

    See y’all tomorrow!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, I'll have to look up those before and after pictures. And it was removal of bushes that were about as tall as the house. We had a tree removed but it was in the back yard. I guess it can be realized from the front but I doubt people would notice. We notice the difference of silver maple whirly birds though and our gutters aren't as clogged.

    Speaking of gutters, I think I am going to call one of the places that gave an estimate. They are a construction company and I am hoping they also do exterior painting and since they so far have given us the best estimate for gutters, they could coordinate the painting and gutter.

    Lenora, this TENS unit looks like a bow tie and has no pads you place over any particular points. You just place it over your spine at the area that hurts and make sure the gel pads aren't touching the spine. Today at PT, at the very end of the session, the PT did put on a TENS unit and placed pads where she thought they needed to be. The actual stimulus was completely different also. This Aleve one has different patterns. The one today was the same for 15 minutes. But oh, what a PT treatment. First she had me do my 'flex ups' and watched me walk. Then she had me lay face down and then she got up on a small stool and started manipulating my spine by pressing on either side of my spine up and down the area affected. Then she would have me do the flex ups again and repeat this until she could feel the spine was looser. So I did about 90 flex ups in total. Then she just massaged up and down my spine which she could have done all day and I would have been happy. Then the TENS for 15 minutes and I was done. But it took about 5 minutes for me to realize the TENS was off as I was still feeling the sensations the TENS was doing. But I sure was sore after. I will not be going to choir practice tonight. If I feel like this after each treatment, I will ask for Tuesday and Thursday treatments instead of Monday and Wednesday so I can feel decent on Wednesday nights. I was surprised at Charlie tonight. He said that he sure hoped that this helps so that I can get back in my church activities that mean so much to me. That was actually an positive emotion! And he was acknowledging what my church and choir mean to me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Ok, guess I'll stop trying to post from the ipad. Have no idea why only a quarter of the post actually got posted!!

    At any rate, it's a small world. My sister lives in Monroe, and has in-laws who live in West Monroe. None of us know the duck people, either!

    Allie, good for you getting the CMA. I hope it's helpful. The only real difference in an appraisal and a CMA (performed by a qualified agent) is that the appraiser has a license that allows the lender to use his numbers to base a mortgage loan amount on, and the agent doesn't. Good luck, and if you end up down here in Florida, come visit us in Delray Beach!

    Today was a pretty yucky day, all in all. Did well with food, but played tennis last night -- a league match, fun and we won -- and played again this morning. Apparently, that was too soon, because both knees hurt all day. So, stayed in today and have rested. Will do the recumbent bike and weight circuit tomorrow, rather than bodypump, so I can avoid weighted squats. Oh, for the days when all my joints worked properly...getting old sucks.

    Have a great night, all...

    Nancy D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
    Hello all, some asked me if I ride in this rain, yes, I am a year round rider, no matter what.

    Re- I know right?i am MOT a girlie girl but never too late to fake it
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member