
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ You and your mom are beautiful people.
  • Merlotmom16
    Merlotmom16 Posts: 124 Member
    I am new to My fitness Pal and to this discussion. My old calorie tracking site is closing so I thought I better find a replacement. I just turned 56 and have had a life long struggle with my weight. I am down 35 lbs (over the past year) and hope to rid myself of the other 60. I don;t really have any resolutions; I just take things one day at a time. I did tell myself that will try to do some form of exercise at least three times a week and limit my wine consumption to the weekends. I guess those could be called resolutions towards improving my lifestyle.
    I'm still learning how to use the food tracker since it is different that what I have been doing.
    Wishing everyone luck in reaching your goals and keeping your resolutions!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I just want to eat cleaner, eat less and move more!
    Sounds simple doesn't it? Well, it's not for me. I fail daily.
    My husband gave me a trip to Hawaii for my birthday and trip is May 1st 2017. I can't even fit in my swimsuit at this point. This trip has ALWAYS been on my bucketlist.
    I need lose weight + be in good enough shape for hiking, bike riding, swimming, etc.
    14 WEEKS!!!!!!!!

    In 14 weeks you could lose up to 28 pounds and strengthen your muscles! That is a lot of fat to get rid of and your bathing suit should fit you well! You should also be able to walk and do everything else that you want with just taking baby steps! It's not easy for any of us. Set your alarm for every hour on the hour and get up and do something. I am in a fitness challenge so I get up and do my sit ups push-ups and jumping jacks then I take my dog for a walk after I get four sets in. You could join me on that if you would like!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi all -

    RockinMBC - Great resolutions! I've been trying to get a meditation practice going, but I have a hard time making myself sit down and do it.

    Penny - Thanks for keeping us updated on Heather. One of these days I would love to see the aurora borealis.

    Joyce - I had laporoscopic gall bladder surgery and you're right. It was still quite awhile before everything quit feeling floaty inside. Like when you lose a filling and it feels like a massive hole in your mouth... every time I rolled onto my right side it felt like my innards were falling into that hole. Way better than the ailing gall bladder, though!

    Sherry - I am so sorry you're hurting. And also glad someone was kind enough to get you to the hospital to be looked over. Take good care of yourself!

    Lisa - Crossing my fingers for one of your chickens to come to roost!

    Today is my husband's day off, so we just got back from taking the ancient tiny SUV to get a new soft top installed. It'll be SO good to have two cars again! We've had a lot of cold rainy weather since the top finally let go and with his long commute, it's been inconvenient to have to share. It's also a gorgeous day here today - bright, sunny, and in the low 70s - so if I can get away from work for awhile I might ride the motorcycle over to get its inspection done.

    I'm sitting here listening to the "all 70s" station on Amazon music. I love music from all eras, but it's kind of fun to hear nothing but music from my salad days. It'll be a good backdrop for my work day.

    I wanted to tell you all that the turmeric roasted cauliflower soup recipe from skinnytaste is wonderful. I'll definitely be making that again. Next I'm going to try the roasted brussels sprouts and cauliflower one.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Yvonne, I made that soup, too--but wasn't crazy about it because mine had a slightly burned flavor. Think maybe I'll try it again and roast the cauliflower a little less. Did you use full fat coconut milk? I used lite, and it didn't have much coconut flavor...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Thx peach. You're a peach
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Sarah I agree with Beth's description of light snow. Actually looks quite lovely but alas I brought the wrong footwear to take for a lunch walk, lot of slushy puddles.
    I've been very good about the politics--just would like to comment that we can only be judged by our own words and actions, not by those of extremists on either side. So anything about signs and celebrities, whether it is Madonna or Ted Nugent, should not be used to demonize the other.
    All I know today is that lots of people are bound to suffer for others' ideology and maybe even their own. And our job is to do what we can to eliminate that, and bear each other up.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    No political anything from me! Zip! This has been my entertainment today! If a Cat Said "Hey" Instead of "Meow"... - YouTube
    Video for cat saying hey▶ 0:31
    Jun 18, 2014 - Uploaded by AshleyKun
    If a Cat Said "Hey" Instead of "Meow". ... Cats Saying "No" to Bath - A Funny Cats In Water Compilation ...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    And for you dog lovers...I sent this to my DD for her Chappie who has a UTI and can't potty anywhere. I thought Muffin could give him some support. We all need support! MuffinNOLA-Cant potty in the rain- - YouTube
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    I just want to eat cleaner, eat less and move more!
    Sounds simple doesn't it? Well, it's not for me. I fail daily.
    My husband gave me a trip to Hawaii for my birthday and trip is May 1st 2017. I can't even fit in my swimsuit at this point. This trip has ALWAYS been on my bucketlist.
    I need lose weight + be in good enough shape for hiking, bike riding, swimming, etc.
    14 WEEKS!!!!!!!!
    you can do this!!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Been out today for few drinks and karaoke, I don't sing but love music. One guy who is great singer (he sings all my favourites from 1960's) his wife has been diagnosed with Alzheimers at age 64. My friend who is 84 has a husband same age suffering with dementia. Such a horrible disease my friend hasn't had the most wonderful marriage (they have been together 60 years this year) now she has to cope with this also her only son is Bipolar. Feel so sorry for her, At least I have had a lovely husband who cares for me and encourages me in everything I do. So if he succombs to dementia I would look after him with a good heart.

    Sorry to be so down but I think it is such a horrible disease.

    Kate UK

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KELLY ~ Thanks for the Youtube segments. The cats and dogs brightened my day.

    MICHELLE ~ Your daughter is lovely.

    Got some cleaning and laundry done today. Boy, does my house get dusty really quick. Guess it's because it's 30 years old and we have carpet. Hope to get the carpets cleaned and the air ducts cleaned soon.

    Carol in GA
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Cheri - lol, you can say it, it won't hurt my feelings none :D , I know though...grrrrr! And that's the nice way of putting it! Needless to say I'm not too keen on this place or the people running it, but alas I must remain grateful for a roof over my head.

    Am feeling better today. Thanks to painkillers I was able to get up this morning and take a shower. I was also able to take a short walk outside in the fresh air.

    No ladies, that was not a typo in my last post. Yes, I have lost 10 pounds in about 5 1/2 weeks. I set my weight loss goal on SparkPeople at 2 pounds a week and it gave me a calorie goal of 1125 a day and have been sticking to that religiously. For those of you who don't know, I use SparkPeople instead of MFP to log my food and exercise as I feel it gives me a more accurate calorie count, both on intake and burned. I used to use MFP but I felt I had to leave for a while. I was asked by some of the ladies here to come back to this forum, so I did, however I do not log my food or exercise here. I am just here to visit with you lovely ladies. I have been on this journey to a skinnier me since June of last year and have managed to go from 319 pounds to 260 as of being weighed yesterday at the hospital. My goal for 2017 is to lose another 100 pounds by year's end and I truly believe I can accomplish that if I stick to it. And I've managed to get off all my meds except the two for my diabetes and two psych meds. So I went from taking 12 different meds to only 4. Well, add the two I got yesterday from the hospital but those are only temporary. And hopefully soon if my A1C test comes back with a good number I will be able to drop one of my diabetes meds. Wooohooo!

    Well, I don't want to bore you all too much so am gonna go for now. Think I will lay down and take a catnap while it is somewhat quiet here. I'll babble at you all later. Hope you all are having a great day!

    Sherry in "Columbia River Gorge"
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Michelle is this your DD's wedding dress? NYKAREN
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Michelle - your ceramic is beautiful, you are so talented

    Kate UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    If anybody is interested in doing a 21 day keto diet I am starting February 5 through the 25th. If you are it would be a good idea to slowly start restricting carbs. Macros for this are, fat – 70 to 75%, protein – 15 to 20%, carbs 5 to 10% not to exceed 20–25 g of carbs per day. This will help prevent the keto flu. Also, when I eat this way I lose a tremendous amount of weight - Fat - in a short period of time.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hello ladies: I was hoping for a warmer day outside to do some work in the yard but alas that is not to be so I am working on projects indoors. Need to vacuum up the hay. My DD and I seem to track a lot of it in. Our hydrant in the horse paddock cracked and luckily we have only a little dribble escaping because when I called the plumber they said it could be up to a 4-week wait or I could pay the overtime rate of $159/hr. We have been letting it dribble into the horses' water tank so not wasted but I would be glad to be able to turn it off.

    I have been doing well getting in more fresh fruits and veggies since the first of the year but seem to be stuck on one of those plateaus. I generally lose and then stay in one place for a while before I lose again. Frustrating sometimes.

    Lisa - Thinking good thoughts for you.

    Penny - Thanks for info on Heather.

    Sherry - You certainly have a lot of ups and downs. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Michele - that is a lovely dress on a lovely girl.

    Katla - DD and I have been looking at the horse fair information in Albany, OR. Looks like some good demos. We are looking at hotels and would probably be there Friday afternoon, all day Saturday and leave Sunday. The Black Pearl dancing Friesians sounds like fun.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA