

  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Janets & Karen - dry itchy eyes could actually be a medical problem. I had the same problem, thought it was allergies, however, my optometrist said it is a medical condition and told me to get Systane Ultra. It's a lubricating eye drop available over the counter at most drug stores. Works great. I use it every day.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Congrats Cheri, happy birthday Marni

    Pip, we have half marathons here in Evansville. At one last year there was a dog that just happened upon the race and ran the whole thing. He didn't stay with anyone in particular, just enjoyed the run and the company. They gave him an honorary medal. There were many stories about that marathon and the friendships he made.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi ladies - well the basketball marathon at work was so much worse than I expected! Feeling kind of shell shocked right now and trying not to let my emotions lead to a marathon eat-a-thon!

    Pip - Ahhhhhhh! so sweet

    Marni - Happy early birthday, quirky friend! Have fun tomorrow!

    I plan to check in later.

    Toni in Tennessee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla – You’re so right! “Cracker” is so stinky, spoiled, rotten it is unreal. She’s our ‘baby’ and so smart and entertaining. We gave our sons a pretty wide berth; but, still holding a strong hand on them. I don’t believe that ‘human’ children can really ‘learn’ something unless you allow them to occasionally ‘face-plant’ themselves and figure out how to ‘get up’ and decide ‘what’s the best way to handle something’. We had rules and consequences for breaking them. Cracker minds us and I was surprised when I adopted her at the age of 4 months how it seemed like someone had taken up a lot of time with her. Never a problem getting into her crate. She’d walk up next to my heel, only had a couple of accidents before she knew that ‘outside’ was where to go whenever she needed to. Best ‘mutt’ we’ve ever own; actually, the ‘only’ one we have ever owned. She is a “Jack Rat” … long legs like a Rat Terrier; and that ‘sweet little face of a Jack Russell. We haven’t quite decided where she get the ‘curved’ tail.

    Marni – DH and I usually have a ‘date night’ about every other weekend or so. No matter where we go, I always cut whatever I order in ½; and bring home the other ½ for the next day. They had a get one, take one; and, we brought it home … I think we ended up with about 6 meals beside what we ate at the restaurant. Their chicken pot pie (not what is on the menu by name) would be too much for us, even if we shared it. I got 4 dishes out of one of them.
    Is that the same moose or do y’all have more wandering around? Landscape is beautiful. Your ‘babies’ are cute, too. Reminds me of an email I got sent where the ‘human mama’ was asking the two labs which one of them had done something. They both sat there and looked at her. She asked them 3 or 4 times, different ways … ‘which one had done whatever’ … then she put it to them a ‘different’ way and one of them put his paw on the other one, like he was telling her ‘who had done the dirty deed’.
    Happy Birthday!

    Gloria – Not a ‘made up word’ … named after a “Bishop.”

    SGCFAb5320 – It is easy to ‘gain’ 10 – 18 lbs a year; I did it for about 6 myself; and justified it by saying I was only gaining .5 – 1.5 lbs a month, on average. MD said, well, that means you are gaining about 12 – 18 lbs a year; so we need to start doing something about it. My mother was heavy and I certainly did not want to weigh what she did at her heaviest. She was ‘short’ to boot. It’s come off slowly but I am now down to 160lbs; but, for the past 6 weeks, I have been losing and finding the same 1 – 2 lbs every week. UGH! We upped my water intake, we upped my exercise, and we ‘upped’ my protein. I have overeaten for the past 2 days. DYS will be coming back through tomorrow and we might take him out to eat, so I will ‘save’ up my calories until later in the afternoon. A lot will depend on where we go, too. DH always cooks breakfast for us on weekends. I am not quite down to where my BMI would show me as ‘normal’ weight for my age and height.

    Cheri – Great NSV – I can remember when I went from a 16 to nearly a 14; I had all my jeans taken up; but, tailor told me that he would not be able to take them up again, because it would ruin them because of the pockets. So I waited until after I had outgrown them to start buying 12’s. I bought my first size 10’s; but, they had a little stretch to the material; but, now it is difficult to really say my size since all my other pants are yoga pants or skinny jeans. I can still remember how it made me feel when my DH started noticing that I had lost weight and said something about it.

    Lanette – Yeah, it was Systane that I put in my eyes daily.

    Sue – We live in a small town and between an even smaller town which has a A.L.F. combined with a nursing home. My DBnL reads the local paper (Albany, GA) because they lived there for years and years and he grew up there. He called and asked me if I knew any of the people who had died in Bronwood. I told him, ‘no’; but that we had the ALF/nursing home here. He said, ‘well, I’ve always heard they come in 3’s; I was wondering ‘if’ y’all were having an epidemic or something.

    Paula – I think when my DBnL had a major stroke; it got my DH’s attention; not so much about how he eats or exercises; but, just the ‘age’ thing. He was 75 in November and he is really beginning to ‘feel’ older. He still works as a house painter and does things that our son ½ his age does and complains about. He never complains, he just falls asleep at a certain time; so much so that we can almost ‘set a clock to it’.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Caught up again after not getting on yesterday. I realized yesterday how much I love working. I am a very social person always telling everyone hello as I go past their office. I did have a little problem with the other paralegal this week shooting down every idea I had about how to do something. When I got into work one day I had an email from the office manager about our naming convention for files and why our ISD folks have us do it a special way. I know that I work best if someone tells me why we need to do something a certain way so went and talked to the other paralegal and apologized if I had seemed snarky and explained my learning style to her. I told her that when people tell me how to do something opposite to the way I would do it without explaining why it needs to be that way I start feeling micro-managed. She thanked me for talking to her as she had sensed something was off this week. I grew up with a very controlling father and never was allowed to be around the adults when they came to visit. We were always sent to our rooms and I to babysit. It took me years to teach myself how to use my freedom wisely after I left home. Anyway I am there to help the other paralegal with this case not to cause her more stress! It would be much easier if we were on the same floor but they had no room to put me up there so I'm a floor below. Not good for getting up to speed on a complex case and learning new software etc.

    I bought a speaker for my laptop last night. This laptop has never had very loud speakers and after the download of Windows10 I could barely hear when I was trying to stream. This speaker clips to the top of the screen and has great volume and sound. Now I can start watching the shows I like again and not try to lip read!

    Sherry - I have a Kindle Fire 10" something and I love it. My only wish is that I it had a place for an SD card or port for a thumbdrive. Maybe the newer ones have that now but I've had mine for about 5yrs. I mostly use it for reading ebooks now.

    I have to run to Lowes to get another board cut for DGS#1's bed as the mattress keeps falling through! Wasn't like that when I got it.

    Later gators!

    Gloria in WA
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member

    to Marni
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited January 2017
    Marni: Happy birthday! Love the Alaska pics!

    Charleen: that quilt is gorgeous! I wish I had 1/10 of your talent. I love quilts but am a horrible seamstress. I subscribe to Quilting magazine and dream..,

    Barbie: Is tomorrow the day of Bess's arrival? How exciting!

    My daughter and I took granddaughter shopping to make sure she has everything she will need when the twins arrive. Was so much fun. I can't wait to meet the little munchkins! ❤

    I hope everyone has a great night! Love reading the chatter on this thread! :)

    Tracie who is currently sitting near her very gaseous black lab in Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    20,000 steps
    209 minutes walking Sasha
    75 minutes riding the exercise bike (watching European figure skating championships)

    :) This is especially amazing since I was at a meeting today that required sitting for six hours.

    :) We are very excited about Bess's arrival tomorrow....one question I have is what will happen if she likes walking as much as Sasha does...are there enough minutes in the day?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Happy Birthday Marni!

    Gorgeous quilt Charleen! My quilts are much more basic-log cabin, churn dash, 9-patch etc...and a few t-shirt quilts for my kiddos.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Charleen quilt takes my breath away.

    Marni stunning pictures. Happy Birthday tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Good evening. Just a quick check in. I'm rocking my granddaughter to sleep. Five days on plan. Still lacking on the steps. I don't remember who said it but I like the idea of having a sleeve to put it in so I can wear it around my ankle.
    I think I will see what I can crochet that would work. Of course it wouldn't pick up my heart rate. I'll have to think on it.
    Tomorrow will be an eating challenge. We have a big event at church in the morning followed by a church wide potluck fellowship. The church is providing fried chicken then the members are providing the sides. I signed up to bring potato salad and rolls last Sunday when they passed around the clipboard. I had no idea that Monday I was going to decide I was tired of being tired and start a life change on Tuesday.
    It will be alright. I can do this.
    Sweet dreams everyone

    Grace in Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: If I'd had the opportunity to muck out stalls as a kid in order to get to ride I'd have been in heaven. I envy your childhood self. I wouldn't mind mucking out stalls on occasion now, either. Later this spring seems probable. DH needs his eye surgeries done so he is no longer trapped at home when I go off to play with horses. :flowerforyou:

    Sherry: I love the cartoons and read the third one to DH. He laughed too. "At my age "getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in for." :laugh:

    Marni AK: I love your ticker and the wildlife pictures. Thanks for sharing. Happy birthday, you sweet young thing! :smiley:

    Gloria: I love the term Januarians. My dad was one. You always impress me because you do so much between raising grandsons and working. You have a great attitude and I admire you. :flowerforyou:

    SGCFab55320: It took a while for me to lose the weight and I'm happy that it came off at a safe pace. It is staying off, too. I've been holding my own for a couple of years now. I stay with this group for many reasons, and keeping myself focused on staying at a healthy weight is right up there. Friendship is right up there, too. :heart:

    Cheri: Smaller clothes sizes are the best NSVs! Your DH noticed and that is even better. Congratulations!!! :bigsmile:

    Lanette SW Washington: We love hummingbirds, too. They seem to like our fuchsias in summer and our feeders all winter, even in the snow. We've really fallen in love with them. :heart:

    Paula aka pyanko: Welcome to a great group. I am also a user of Systane. It sure helps when my eyes get dry. I also use it to combat itchy eyes when certain things are in bloom. It does a great job of washing out the pollen. :smiley:

    Today has been full of things to do and also included my riding lesson. I had a great time riding and my sometimes naughty mount was a cooperative and willing to do what I asked of him. He got to go out for a trail ride with his owner earlier in the day and it must have put him in a good mood.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Night, night, ladies!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Went to the Newcomer social tonight. I was glad to see that they had salmon and chicken. Had a little of each. But no veggies (except for mashed potatoes), they did have some sort of Thai rice, had a bit of that, tried to pick out the veggies. Then a salad (no dressing) and just water to drink. I'm glad that I took my soup and shirataki noodles with me

    Remember when we were having the Halloween social I was going to borrow a wheelchair for one lady (she's severly overweight needs to lose weight for knee replacement, but I can't get over her diet). Anyway, she wanted to go to this social so her hubby brought her. We could tell that he didn't think it a good idea. I found out later that when they were leaving, he evidently fell off a step and just cut his arm, but she really can't afford to have something happen to him. As it is, he was supposed to get his knee replacement around now but he put it off until early May. He said he needs someone to stay with her, which is true. But it really needs to be someone who is there 24 hrs/day. He has commented how she kept him awake because she was in such pain. I really feel for him. I'm thinking that I just may make a pot of soup for them and a lemon cake.

    Marni - happy birthday! Love all your pics

    Cheri - awesome NSV!!

    Charleen - your quilts are breathtaking

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    DrKatieBug/KarenVA - I'm so excited, today I ordered 3 pair of leggings from LuLaRoe. Can't wait to get them.

    Marni, not quite your birthday but wishing you the happiest day. Love the pics. I showed the picture of the twins to my husband, he loved it. He lived in Alaska for several years when in the Air Force and stationed up there.

    Barbie, I know you must be excited. You're gonna be one busy lady if she likes to walk as much as Shasha. Anxious to see pictures. :)

    Per Chris' suggestion I put my fitbit on my ankle while on the treadmill this morning. Wow lots lots more steps. I was surprised at the difference. I shall do that every time I walk :)

    Charleen - the quilt is beautiful. You have such a talent. I'm still searching for my talent :|
    Janetr OKC
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK