

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
    edited February 2017
    KarenVA- Olivia is beautiful! We had our twin granddaughters in the NICU for two months before they were able to go home. We also had similar dynamics as you with my husband's daughter. All is better now. Hormones played a big part in her behavior. (((Hugs and prayers)))

    Stronglift Rest Day
    Oops I didn't realize what day it was and I started to do the squats! I guess I just love lifting heavy!
    Squat-1X5X 55/65/75/85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Morning workout
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-25X7X 30

    Move more sit less every hour ten minute challenge 5hr
    Russian kettle bell swing-50×7×30

    Evening work out
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing 25X7X 30

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    A lot of good recipes, questions, and support!

    Calorie Goal
    Definitely way below calories!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hey my people... You know if we ever decide to pool our resources, buy land somewhere, each living in either cute retro trailers or tiny homes, well we could SO solve the world's problems and rule the world! I think because we celebrate our differences, and respect each others view, make me ponder these things. Of course in this eutopia of sorts, I haven't taken into account husbands or boyfriends or really men in general... Ha!

    Our trip to Long view went well, and I had brought sandwiches for the car ride home. Rained, so saw some nice waterfall's along the sides of Hwy 30.

    Saw "This Is Us" yesterday! Oh if Kate goes to bungalow 13 I'm going to be so disappointed in her! I cry and laugh every time I watch it too. Randall will not accept that his father is dying. The last episode where he takes his father out during his lunch break was so touching. Buys him a new suit, new shades, his fav drink, and let's him drive his car while listening to his fav music. Turns out he never learned to drive! Then all was done because he valued a person in his childhood, and he wanted to revisit those memories. So touching!
    Well need to log off doing errands. Awful stormy out today!

    Love you all from Oregon!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Tammy in Montana -- my best friend lives in Columbia Falls, and the camping trip will be late July... We camp near Glacier Park, in its Western border.

    At the docs for 3 hours now with Corey. There were three fractures, not just one, and they're trying to get us in to see an orthopedic surgeon in Odessa today or tomorrow... Life is always interesting, no?

    Where's my cheese? :) I know it was on my cracker last week...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Yesterday did Ada Jankowiz's Basic Training DVD. Today did Jari Love's Get Extremely Ripped DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Incline Intervals on the treadmill.

    Was pretty busy yesterday. We had the Newcomer general meeting then Publix opened that day, so I went. By the time I got home just had time to get dinner ready, eat, then go to ceramics

    Exercised, then went to soup kitchen, then Bi-Lo for items on sale, then Big Lots to get Vince bread, then Dollar General to get the girl's valentines day cards. Came home and got dinner ready to microwave. Newcomer bowling tonight.

    Have a wine & design party to go to for Newcomers. There's going to be food, I'm going to have some soup and shirataki before I go. The shirataki are pretty filling.

    Welcome everyone new

    Excuse me for not responding as much as I usually do. Need to skim, have to leave in about 1/2 hr and want to get this posted.

    Vince glued the pelicans onto the tree trunk that I painted.

    Sherry - Shane Watts used to live across the street from me. They've gone to Australia (where he's from) for a year or two, they're renting their house. He's going to come back to the US to take care of his schools. Her mother lives in NV so they're using her address for tax purposes

    DJ - you'll love Aldi. They don't carry a lot, but their prices are good. I like their produce, some of the fruits aren't that great, tho

    So sorry for all the injuries (can you tell that I'm hurrying?) Sending prayers to those who need them

    Michele in NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Olivia is beautiful!

    Lisa ~ So hoping your Corey can get the help he needs.
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    edited February 2017
    Karen in VA - I missed the pic of Olivia! hopefully you report good news!
    Becca- oh man This is Us - the part driving the car - the best! and ditto about Kate - better NOT!
    Lisa in West TX - you lucky girl if you go to the camp! I love Glacier so much! such a beautiful area. We always stay on the east side (Many Glacier) for the amazing hiking trails, but eventually we need to explore the west side more! I just posted a pic from Lake McDonald on my facebook today that had me dreaming of summer! so sorry about Corey - ugh! Oh and this whole "cheese sliding off cracker" saying - never heard it until this board - cracking me up though! I like it!

    Tammy in Montana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    A quick hello
    I am soaked to the bone and have to go back out in it, I hate snow... truly do, told Tom we need to go to Florida, we are both to old for this crap..
    it is heavy wet blowing snow.. only good thing is I have over 12,000 steps.. just finishing a cup of tea and will suit up again and go back out to do the driveways again.. Tom leaving at 2 from work and it will probably take him at least an hour to get home.. we have blizzard conditions.
    Lisa~ Hope Corey gets the right treatment and mends quickly.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Kate better NOT go to bungalow 13!
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Has anyone on here participated in any of the MFP challenges? I just signed up for the Biggest Loser Challenge that begins on Monday. Very curious how it will go, and what I'm in for! ha! thought maybe it would add some accountability to my life now that I'm re-committing!

    Tammy in Montana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Oh.... had a nice long post that went "poof"!

    Had a great time in the water class today! So glad I went!

    Katla - glad the operation went well.

    VAKaren - praying for little Olivia

    Michelle - love the cute ceramic. Will it go by the pool?

    Sarah - I, too, am so thankful for my hot, steamy shower. Something so simple seems so wonderful!

    Sherry and Marni - OMG I almost p**ed my pants laughing! Thanks for the chuckles! Oh, and the cheese on the cracker thing is too amusing. It was a new one to me.

    Toni in Sunny middle Tennessee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Allie so sorry about the snow. Glad you are pacing yourself. Been there. We are having more icy conditions this year then the heavy wet snow. Both are awful in there own way. I found when we had that kind of snow is where to you put it and and intersections can get bad too. Our city put poles on the fire hydrants and relies on the homeowner whose property it is to clear it. Safe travels for Tom and for you if you need to drive.


    :heart: Margaret
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    KarenVA - I found the picture! sad, but she's beautiful and I wanted to see her!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Hello all -

    Another week is almost gone. Does it seem like time speeds up as we get older?

    Remember when Christmas took forrrreeeeevvvvver to come when you were a kid? Now it seems like it was yesterday and tomorrow at the same time. I think that I notice it the most with my grandchildren. I suppose since I was involved on a daily basis with my children I didn't notice it quite as much but the grandkids... even though I see them every week they are growing up way too fast! Good thing I'm having more soon. :smiley:

    Karen - Olivia is adorable. My prayers that all goes well and she is soon home as well as for the stressed family relations.

    Went back to my trainer today. It's been four months off with my shoulder and wow, it's like starting from day one. Even though I've done the two half-marathons last month it isn't the same as an intense workout. I worked with him and then did my PT exercises for my shoulder. Those take an hour so it was a good two hours at the gym. Need to clean my house but decided to get a fabric cut out for a dress real quick seeing as it would leave threads all over the floor. I've been sewing baby clothes and am now getting a "dress-up fancy dress" made for the older sister, who is going to struggle not being the center of attention in a couple of weeks. It's something I promised her a long time ago and she has not let me forget it. lol Those youngsters have minds like a vise!

    icing the shoulder in Houston
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    canookie - I broke my tailbone at a 90° angle in, during cheerleading practice in PE. That summer I got pushed into the shallow end and broke it again. Both times I could not stand up. When I got pushed into the pool; thankfully, BF realized my head was under water and I was not getting up, so she came in and got me. All the lifeguards, including us, were horsing around. The tailbone break at cheerleading practice in PE, required my football coach and some of his players to slide a hard back chair under me; turn me back over and load me into the bed of a pick-up truck with all of them holding me so that I did not and could not move on the way to the small community hospital. Then went to Macon to the ER in a hearse. That was the ‘only’ form of emergency transport we had in town at the time. Thankfully, it had a 4” pad on the gurney. I’ll never understand a pad on a gurney in the back of a hearse; and, a hard board you are strapped to in an EMT bus. Sprung it during delivery of my 2 sons; and, I can tell it is going to either rain or get cold several days before it comes.

    My sister’s 2nd child only weighed 3lb + ?? ounces. The only reason she was allowed to bring her home with her was because she was not a ‘first time mother’.

    Marnie – The one this year in St. Simons, Ga is absolutely gorgeous; I watched a video on them remodeling it; they used a lot of ‘pecky cypress’ wood on a lot of the ceilings; our great room is paneled in the same wood. It is rare and very expensive. Ours is stained brownish; at times I wish we had gone with the gray. We have removed most of the stain on the outside of the house, also cypress, and letting it age to gray naturally. I’m not sure it will change under the porches however. Louis might have to try to get most of the stain out of the wood with a pressure washer with bleach and stain it gray to match.

    patceoh – I have migraines as well; but, I cannot watch flashing lights or psychedelic patterns because they can ‘throw me into a seizure’. I get nauseous and smell strange odors that nobody else smells. I make sure I lay down because it generally means I am having an ‘aura’ and I must get still to try to get ahead of a seizure. When I have a migraine, I have to go to bed, after taking Max-Alt and 1 ½ muscle relaxants. Room has to be dark and cold (although I cover up). If I wake up with it, I usually have to go into town and get a shot that will knock me out and starts working about the time I get home. Within 30 minutes.

    I used to use an Epipen to self-medicate; but, they are out of sight in price; so I take other Rx’d meds now. I was taken off the Epipen because once I shot myself more to the side of my thigh and into a blood vessel; and, went right to the floor. Supposed to give it straight down into your thigh. Could not move; but, finally was able to pull myself to the phone by the bed, pull it down off the night stand, and called my DOS to come put me back in the bed.

    Heather – One of my HS classmates’ sons was oversea somewhere – maybe in China and had to have some sort of emergency surgery. They had to be paid before they would do it. His twin went and wiped out their account, one of the other workers wiped out his, they charged a lot of credit cards, and still had to come up with more money … my HS friend wired the rest; and, then went out there to be with him. He’s a MD, so as soon as he could travel he brought him home. When he went over there; his Dad and Mom got passports so if they had to go over their quickly; they already had passports.

    Lanette – Swearing doesn’t both me unless someone uses God’s name in vain. I can tolerate the F-bomb; but, using God’s name in vain is a deadly sin and I don't want to be standing near them if they get 'zapped'. That reminds me of when my Mother and Daddy went to Russia on a tour. Daddy asked a Russian about something; and then did the “OK” sign which is America means, "I understand" - is putting your pointer finger and thumb together in a circle with all the other fingers straight. The tour guide ran over and explained to the Russian that Daddy did not mean anything about it and why. Daddy was just standing there looking at them – talking in Russian. Then the tour guide told my Daddy that ‘sign’ is about like the ‘single-digit-middle-finger salute' in other countries (bird finger, middle finger). My niece who is deaf said they would go to “Fuddruckers’s” and in sign language it is like shooting the finger; but holding your elbow down so you can’t move the arm (even though you are really trying to).

    Karen in Virginia – Saying prayers and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for Olivia and her Mother. Keep us posted. Was Olivia a preemie? I know that estrangement from a ‘child’ is very difficult. My DH has not heard word one from his daughter since his Mother passed away 10 years ago this April. Mainly because she got ‘greedy’ and did some things that bordered on Elder Abuse and Fraud; by taking things out of the estate that had been promised to others, and should have been left there so that the Probate of the Will could be done and things divided. We don’t have but about 5 pictures of my DH growing up (and his Mom took lots of them) and the only picture of his Mother that we have is one of her and his Dad and him shortly after he was born; and those taken at our wedding. It’s been hurtful because there is no reason for it; and, there is a grandchild involved. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall to hear what she had to say about our not being in their lives. I'm sure it has come up a lot especially around her mother. But, after 10 years, we are probably as much as ‘dead’ to her as she is to us. We could have taken her to court and made her put it all back into the estate; but, since she didn’t and since DH and DBnL were the Executors of her Will … it has never been through probate.

    Olivia looks like a pretty big baby, not a preemie.

    Karen – How is Reid doing?

    Lisa and others – All this talking about cheese and crackers is making me hungry.

    Michele – Love the pelicans. How big of a piece is this?

    Tammy – it is not too far back up from the post where you are talking about missing the picture of Olivia – you’ll just have to ‘click’ on it for it to be big enough to see.

    Carol – Have you tried ‘highlighting’ them and making them darker? Could have something to do with your settings. I know on my computer when I go to change colors, it gives me different shades of the same color. It might be from ‘how’ someone who sent it to you and how they have their settings. Glad you found a solution.

  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Lenora - I found it! thank you.