

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,052 Member
    Sue in TX hope eye heals quickly.

    Sharon hope Mel continues to heal quickly, too.

    Very little pain in my knee now. I am starting to exercise more now. Still ice cream free. I had a store bought curry yesterday pretty salty. Up a pound because of it. Blood pressure was higher too.

    :heart: Margaret
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Robyn in PA - welcome!

    Karen - my niece was born at 25 weeks in the womb, 1 pound 8 oz, lost weight to 1 pound 3 oz before they got her stabilized and chugging along. A setback here and there, but is now a gorgeous 19-year-old, and taller than her mama and me. Medical miracles indeed. My hopes for all concerned that everything with Olivia goes well.

    Just finished up my own column for the week, and some edits for others, now it's make a pot of coffee for DH, jump in the shower quick, pack up what we need for the day, paperwork etc., and on the road by 7:45. Driving all over Odessa is not my favorite thing to do, but won't let him drive in town, in case reflex puts that bad arm on the steering wheel. He's fine driving around FST.

    Off to the races...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West TX.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,340 Member
    Ketone Karen - thank you for the Olivia update! I am sure Katie is very glad to see you and your partner there! Good news that Olivia is improving.... hopefully she'll pick up "good vibes" and happiness and continue quickly on the road to recovery!

    SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,846 Member
    Snow plow walls..grrrrrrrrr
    Snow hikes and frozen waterfalls..beautiful!
    Salmon...not my favorite but do eat it sometimes
    Lobster tails and filet mignon (sp) DH's plan for Valentines. Love lobster tail and claws but NOT heads!
    Trigger finger.. my 80 yr old mom had surgery for hers Thanksgiving week. She said quick, easy, and not very painful. Cortisone hurts more.

    I shoveled snow with an ice topping in icy drizzle for 90 min last evening. Combination cardio/weight lifting!

    Haven't been eating well, so up 2 pounds this week for "official" weekly weigh in. Got to get a handle on that.

    Rita in windy, cold CT
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Everybody! Just popped in to say Happy Valentines Day in advance. I've been kind of busy with work, the usual colds and sniffles that come every year around this time, and of course the children and their various catastropies of the moment. It's all good and I have found the wisdom to "just stay out of it unless it will actually impact your household" to be relaxing. Take care....

    Tere in RVA
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Tried a couple more recipes in the Instant Pot. Made a cream of broccoli and cheese soup. It was really simple but seems to be a lot of stop/start and the prep took the most time. Discovered that cooking broccoli on high pressure doesn't take long (5 min) but it is easy to overcook. The soup had lots of flavour but I think I'll make it on the stove from now on.

    I also made a beef roast and gravy. All of the kids raved over it...now there is flavour and it only took 40 minutes. I have discovered that it does take some time for the IP to get up to pressure which is not included in estimated cooking times and the "natural release" time isn't included either. So if you are planning a recipe make sure you add time to the beginning and end so that your meal is ready when you want it.

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

    Carey - Northern Alberta
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning, Ladies

    You'll be happy to know that my responses I typed last night, except those that I posted, will just be saved to my WPP and not 'cut & pasted' here. It helped me 'journalize' my feelings and feeling like I had a 'chat' with each and every one of you individual - whether for a few minutes - or longer.

    Glad to see this AM, that I was still on page #39; where I left off. I know the next time, early afternoon, I will find 50 more.

    Karen and Karen - Hope both the babies in ICU are getting stronger each day! I know, whether you are the 'mother' of 'mother-in-law' in the family, your presence has been welcomed; and brings a lot of comfort to the family. Being there ... just let them know if they 'need' to talk, have a 'break', ... or get {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, they are also coming from all your friends here at WOMEN 50+, too.

    Last night, actually late afternoon, after Sunday church lunch crowd, and before the 'night' bunch comes in, we had our bi-monthly 'date night'. The young black woman who was our waitress was a 'hoot' and my husband started kidding with her after she brought our drinks (non-alcoholic). I think it started off that we had been 'married for 44 years' ... and she 'asked how we had done it'. WOW! A fount of his thoughts came rolling over. I think it was a 'good thing' that she only had one other table to attend to (and they were sitting right across from us). I think we talked about everything under the sun. She'd been in the Army for 3 years; and going to school on the GI bill, was concentrating on her studies, working, not in a relationship; but, was ... concentrating on 'me' ...! I think she was a bit surprised that every time she brought something to us ... she heard a "Thank You" from us.

    Now, I think it is funny (sweet) that "Today's" subject matter to this section of the show ... is HS sweethearts that are still married for more than 25+ years ... and, their stories how they kept the marriage going. This was one of our other topics we hit on. Reading everything she could, newspapers, magazines - especially something like National Geographic to learn about people and the places they live in. Watching the news - all channels to get both sides of politics, what we did for a living, school, her service to this country ... what my husband's stint in the Navy entailed. [He flew in a submarine locator during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 60's]. Talking about history and a touch on politics (this was just to hear her opinion as a 'young' person). When I told her where I had gone to school, she really got excited ... wanted to know if I had any pictures of my work. I have a portfolio; but, don't carry it around with me. She wanted to see it and asked if I would come show it to her; ... I asked what her 'work schedule' was and I am going to 'follow through on it'. I'm sure she probably thinks she'll never see me again. I might go and buy a salad and sit in her section.

    The waitress in the next section of booths had been one of the first friends at Taylor's 'new' school after Trey got custody of her. She was a 'new' student, too. They were friends until she dropped out of school; but, later got her GED and went to 'technical school' and plans to go back to study under a 'new' area. I laughed when I told Louis that I though it was her - but, that her hair was a lot darker than the blond she was 'in school'.

    This is the first AM that Tux has not been sitting on the mat to our back door. I hope that means he is feeling much better. Maybe he is 'catting around' and will come back so I can take him to the vet to try to find out this 'unusual' behavior. It is not like him to stay in one spot; and, he has lost his voice again. Nose running a little, so I think his 'allergies must be kicking in with a vengeance'. Needs his shots, too. This last year, I think we forgot them. We had spent so much on Cracker - re: her left paw that got injured for the first of 4x when DYS hit her with his truck. I think she 'ran into his tire'; and, not that he ran over her. I don't think she would be alive if he had; but, he came home and told me that he 'had run over her'; then, Louis was behind him, holding her. That really upset me ... my thought was: "Why are you bringing in my dead puppy?"

    Did not particularly like the "Grammy's" last night. I guess it was because of all the different genres, most of which I don't watch or listen to. Wanted to turn; but, Louis was having way too much fun asking, WTF?, to do that. Maybe the best was the ending with 'whoever it was' talked about music being the universal language and that it is the one things that transcends across all differences regardless of race, religion, white collar or blue, ... and so much more - whatever genre had been represented. And "America" being played on a trumpet.

    Welcome to all the "Newbies" .... "Make new friends; but, keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold." [Song learned in Girl Scouts]

    I thought this was happening; but, today I think I 'realized' I was maybe somewhat correct. Since we are such a large site; while when you open up and it takes you to YOUR last post ... you still might miss something because so many are posting at the same time. I would suggest maybe 'scrolling up' a bit to find out ... if it has or has not done the same to you ... that you have not had MFP received a 'new' post you did not read.

    Hello my 'young' and 'active' friends here who are helping in making my journey so much easier ...

    "See ya later, alligators ... 'after a while, crocodile!" HA! HA! - That's you, PIP, the 'crocodile' ... hang tough at work; things work out - maybe not in 'our timing'; ... Claim it! "You want this job!" GO FOR IT! You'd make a 'great' leader, and, I am quite sure things would run so much better ... you are driven (most times that is a 'good' trait). Use it for that reason. Thought it was funny that your 'nemeses' [in this case: One that inflicts retribution or vengeance] will be (or has been) 'squashed'!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    edited February 2017
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-30 X 10 X 30
    We have now increased the number of swings to 10 per set.

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay under calorie goal!

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I lost .8 pounds and am in ketosis. I love eating this way very filling never hungry and always expect to see a loss! The great thing is that I know it is Fat that is actually being burned especially from liver and belly fat!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,548 Member
    grits -

    i am of today's music that's for sure. if you would have listened to their speech as to why they went up there in their boxers then you would have understood, i thought that was awesome.. i can stomach some country music but not most of it that's for sure. my playlists do have alot of stuff this group probably wouldn't know about.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2017
    Today is my youngest daughter's 41st birthday. My girls are now 41 and 42.

    Some of you may recall last May that my (now 23 yr old) grandson called me and asked me to come pick him up in a town about an hours drive from us and take him to the bus depot. He ended up staying the night with us. He was headed to SanAntonio to enter drug rehab. He now has left the facility, about three weeks ago as close as we can guess. We have no idea where he is, apparently living on the streest in SanAntonio and we have to assume using again. He has been in and out of rehab since he was 16. We are scared, sad and disheartened. Please remember him in prayer and thoughts for a positive outcome.

    Janetr okc
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Well I was busy the past week and logged in but did not read--how can I ever look at over 1000 posts??? I am doomed.

    I am wondering if anybody else has had problems with a stationary bike and the end of their spine. I tried sitting every which way and after several days it is still sore. Are the spinner types better? I was looking for a change of pace from the elliptical and the bike has the con that there is no way for me to sit on it without the back rest digging into my tailbone in addition to not burning as many calories as the elliptical. The pro is I get to watch nice videos of cycling through France.

    Welcome to all the many many new people!!! Hugs to all who need them!

    Not much happening here -- lots of very gloomy weather. Have been trying to do well on eating but exercise is not happening much. Saw the Oscar nominated live action movies yesterday and they were all amazingly good, and varied. Tomorrow I am making and eating dessert for Valentine's Day come hell or high water but then that will be it till next month.


  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Janetr - My heart goes out to you and your family. Dealing with addiction is heartbreaking. One of my best friends has a son who is now in rehab, the third time this year. So far, it seems he is sticking with this program, but he had to hit rock bottom before he could reach this point. I have watched the toll it took on my friend and her husband, so I will send you all my deepest wishes that he finds the strength to get the help he needs.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    - Leigh in France thank you so much. Yes he has stayed some places a few weeks others as long as 14 months. "Graduated" from two programs andwe have celebrated with him, but here we are........again.

    Janetr okc
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,116 Member
    Janetr - I hope that your grandson is safe. Prayers for you and your family that he will contact one you to get the help he needs. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota