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  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Wow Janetr! Lovely tribute to your love. <3

    Back home. Eaten much, much too much. I knew I would. It's only one day. Very busy train.

    Back on track tomorrow, even though it's Valentine's Day. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hello to everyone and welcome to the new arrivals -

    miakoda40 - Love the cheery leggings. Cute shoes, too!

    Allie - I admire you for trying. Trust takes time to build in the first place and even longer to rebuild. I don't know how you find it in yourself to trust Tom again. I'm wishing you all the best.

    Sarah - Hmm. Apparently I'm trying to drop somewhere between a small bale of hay and an elephant penis...

    Karen - So happy there's a little good news about Olivia! You and your family are in my thoughts.

    Pip - Great news about your job! I hope the new position gives you a chance to straighten things out down there.

    We got a double-sized futon sofa from some friends this weekend. We had to lug it down their stairs and load it on the trailer to get it home. Now I have to completely rearrange my office to make space for it. There's a twin futon in here now, but I told my middle niece she could stay with us for a few months if she gets an internship here, and I wanted her to have a bigger bed. Also wanted it for when my brother and sister-in-law, sister and brother-in-law, or other couples come to visit.

    I'm supposed to go to College Station this weekend for a gathering with old friends. I'm not really in the mood, but I think I'll enjoy it if I make the effort so I'm going to try. I might just make it a day trip so I don't have to pay for a hotel. Being a university town, hotel prices are absolutely ridiculous there, even at the seedy hotel out on the bypass where I occasionally stay.

    The new leggings arrived and they're very nice. The plus size seems to fit a little closer than the LuLaRoe tall and curvey size, but they are very soft and completely opaque. They're called Viv Collection and they were under $19 a pair. I'll get some pictures of them later.

    -Yvonne in TX

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did 1 segment of a Slim & Sculpt Pilates DVD, held my plank for 2min 50 sec, extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD on the bosu.

    tekavincent - my heartfelt sympathies to you and yours

    Talking about eating fish when you go out. One time we were out with the Newcomers and I ordered the fish. Well, it was this German place (don't know if that had anything to do with it or not) and they served it to me (cooked) head and all! I couldn't stand to have it looking at me so I cut the head off, put a napkin over it, and we had to put it across the table. We never stop talking about that experience.

    Ginger - I'm only 5' 1" tall, I go in the deep end with a floation belt on. Most gyms have them.

    I, too, love Lenora's long posts. She many times has such interesting things to say, especially the law references.

    Lenora - I love blueberries (OK, I love almost all fruits), but to me the blueberries have to be sweet. Usually the ones from NJ are sweet. I've been known to open a package and try one or two before I buy them. I do the same thing with grapes. Am I glad I did yesterday. Grapes were on sale at Food Lion and I was going to get some. But boy are they bitter. I'll probably go to WalMart after picking up Loki's med today and try theirs. Supposedly WM price matches Food Lion. I just don't totally trust their price match.

    After my mother died, my grandmother raised me. I can see how I do a lot of the things she does. Just that I learned it from her

    gotu - how I remember it was when the plow came by the driveway when it snowed! It's not bad in NC....lol Oh, it happens occasionally, but no where near as bad as in PA. I remember once when we lived in the Poconos the plow actually got stuck plowing the road

    Robyn - welcome

    I just told Vince that I'm planning that we're going to leave for FL Friday. His concern was that there might be bad weather up here. Well, weather. com isn't calling for it. Then he was saying that he needs to go to the eye MD and it really depends on when he can get an appt. So he called this A.M, and the first appt. is in April. Then he said that he's allergic to a certain type of pollen down there (which is true) and that the allergist down there prescribed something. So I just said "well, get the prescription refilled, if it needs a refill I'm sure if you call the MD she'll call it in, and start taking it. What's the big deal?". I want to spend as much time down there as possible because we didn't get to spend much time last year since we were both so sick. I was thinking today that I need to download some audiobooks to have on the drive down.

    Karen in LA - so glad Olivis iis improving, even if minor it's still an improvement.

    I remember when the kids were little we went to this seafood place in Titusville (you may havae heard of or read about Dixie Crossroads. They were featured on TV with Emeril). The only kind of lobster they have is a whole lobster. I know FIL wanted me to order it so I did. Denise was so grossed out by the eye....lol Still makes me smile.

    Carey - when I use my pressure cooker, when it is done cooking, I take the pot off the burner (I have an electric stove so it stays warm for a while afterwards), then take the pressure regulator off. It doesn't take long for the pressure to come down and I can open the pot.

    Exercised, picked up Loki's med, then went to WalMart, now home and will be off to bowling soon.

    Lenora - usually right before I post, I refresh just to see if there are any new posts

    Fran - feel better fast

    janetr - happy birthday to your daughter. Best thoughts for your grandson

    Betty - when I first started using the spinning bike (stationary bike) I had to wear these padded shorts, my bum would hurt. Eventually, I didn't need them. But at first, I would be in pain. We have a padded back on our recumbant bike

    Off to bowling

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :) Friends from out of state stopped here on their way back home from visiting their daughters in Seattle. We took them to our favorite Chinese restaurant. I had my usual broccoli in garlic sauce extra spicy with brown rice and brought half of it home for supper.

    :) I have a recumbent bike and it feels very comfortable to ride. It doesn't press hard on any part of me. I don't ride with too much resistance or too much speed so I can ride for 40-60 minutes at a time without needing to get up and walk around for a bit.

    <3Janetr, the sad thing about addicts is that they have to hit bottom and surrender before there is a permanent recovery....the good thing is that once they've hit bottom and surrendered, they can achieve permanent recovery. I hope that I'll here soon that he's reached the bottom that allows him to surrender.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2017
    Janet and Becca: Here is the recipe:


    Salmon Grill Diable

    1/3 C butter/margarine
    2 T lemon juice
    2 t Dijon mustard
    1/8 t cayenne pepper
    1T finely chopped parsley
    dash garlic powder or finely minced garlic.
    dash Worcester sauce

    In small bowl beat margarine until creamy; gradually add lemon juice, beating until mix is fluffy.
    Beat in mustard, cayenne, garlic & parsley until well blended.

    Place salmon on aluminum foil. Brush salmon with diable sauce. Grill until fish flakes when tested with fork.

    This recipe originally came from Sunset Magazine decades ago. It is a large enough quantity for quite a lot of salmon. We store the diable in an airtight container in the refrigerator and it lasts a long time. We usually grill our salmon, but baking would also be good. It is also good on pork.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Dammit! [Not Janet!] Lost another post! I think I am 'losing my mind' today. Went to the library; and owed a few dollars in past due fees; so I paid by 'check'. Wrote it out, looked at it, I did not think it looked right; but ... I wrote the long hand section out as Three & 60/100th. I did not have a book in my checkbook except a 'new' one. To me, it is easy to write out Thirteen Dollars and 21/100th for a check. Then I went to pay the mechanic who fixed Louis truck and he told me that it was "Fifteen Hundred" ... I think, I would have normally written that out as: One Thousand Five Hundred and no/100th Dollars. I wrote it out; Fifteen Hundred and no/100th Dollars ... it still did not 'look' right to me. I think today ... my body is 'farting out' at both ends. :/

    I think it is because I got highly irritated running errands, when I went by my GP's office to see if he had ever gotten the results of my MRI and could answer some questions I had that the Neurologist's nurse was so 'flippant' about when I called his office ... after never getting 'the results' in the first place. This last time was the longest period of time the he spent with me ... doing little tests ... like closing my eyes and holding my arms out, trying to balance on one foot; which I have not been able to do since I broke my ankle and crushed my heel in a wreck. I had complained about the shaking in my hands; which I had been told they were "Parkinson's-like"; but, I did not have "Parkinson's Disease." I am not impressed with her, very much. I liked the one that had worked there with my old one. So, I went to the Neurologist's office to ask what I needed to do in order to get them sent to my GP. I had been standing at the front desk for at least 5 minutes. The receptionist was standing in a door ... maybe to the 'break room' and talking to someone. I was flipping through a magazine and would have thought she would have heard it and come back to the counter. I started flipping it harder, and harder. Never did get her attention until I 'cleared my throat' ... then she was right there. I told her that I had told the nurse that I wanted a copy of the results sent my GP, not only the day I went in the first time; but, also the day I talked to her' ... not a word about needing to sign a release either time. No wonder they did not get sent. I signed a release at my GP's office, for him to get them directly from the hospital, but, after 10 days, still not there. I asked if they could send them, and she spent a good 15-minutes looking at the chart on her computer. Then she turned to me and asked if I was on the hospital's 'portal' because I could look at them there. "Uh, no!" [not that I really want to be, for several reasons]. My intention for having them sent to my GP was because I had questions I wanted answers to. Then she asked who I wanted to get them and I told her, and asked why he had not been able to pull them up. She told me it was because he was not a "Phoebe" MD (one who works under a contract with them); although none of the OB/GYNs I go to are Phoebe MDs; they do have hospital privileges so they can deliver babies and do surgeries there. She finally, put the release in front of me to sign and I asked her 'how long did she think it would be before they actually got sent to him'. Oh, she was going to give me a copy and I could take it to him. No problem [he is in the next building]. She finally printed out the 5 pages and gave them to me. So I took them to "Dr. Cutie Pie".

    They got scanned into their computer and I had them handed back to me; and, I saw here write out a note to him. I had once asked my pharmacists about the tremors (side effects) and he tells me, that if I had reported it when it first started there were medications that they could have prescribed; but, once it got to the point mine has, there is little they can do about it. Our DOS also has the same problem of occasionally of not being able to sign his signature legibly or write anything legibly. If I am standing at a counter (depending on the height) ... my signature is as fluid as it was before I started having to take all the medications I do. GGRRrrrrr. Sometimes bad enough that I can't even 'write' anything and be able to read it later. Or I have to hold my right hand with my left; and, even them ... hands still shake. Occasionally, if I sign something with a particular pen, that is very top heavy; my signature and what I write can be easily read; like I don't have the shaking/tremors. If I sign my name that way ... it messes up almost every time. Like making circles almost ahead of each letter. When I have to sign my 'legal' name (like at most MDs' offices) ... I don't have nearly the same problem; but, that movement is more up-and-down and slanted to the left more. It is so strange.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - thank you so much for the recipe. I printed it out so I can have it in my recipe files. Thanks so much.

    Janetr OKC
  • JackieS55
    JackieS55 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm getting back into using My Fitness Pal again. In 2009, I lost 70+ pounds with MediFast. However, as I've done all my adult life, I slowly gained 50 of it back. I tried hard in my last few months of working until March 2015, when I retired. It's been off and on since then. In mid 2016, I tried to do a MF style diet by myself using all the good stuff on Diet Direct. I also joined an aqua joint exercise in the pool class. I was successful in losing 13 pounds, but along came the holidays. I also had surgery for a really bad trigger finger and can't go back in the pool until the scar is completely healed. Crossing my fingers for next week some time. I haven't weighed myself for at least a month and will have to do that soon (maybe tomorrow! o:) ) I love how much better the online site is now -- finding foods is so much easier. I will continue to post as my journey continues.

    Best regards from Jackie in sunny Northern California (until it starts to rain again on Wednesday night)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    janetr - lovely bouquet

    gotu - lovely pics

    Jackie - welcome back

    Well, the gals should be here soon to play mahjongg. I'll just have some of the grapes that I bought out if anyone wants them. I do hope WalMart really does price match.

    Oh, Vince is taking me out tomorrow night. He taking me -- get this -- shooting. I guess nothing says love quite so much as a couple shooting at the same target....lol

    Michele in NC
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    My eyes are tired and my brain is numb, for some crazy reason I decided today would be a good day to tackle tax documents for me and my DD. My easy collection system is a large brown envelope on the frig. If it's a tax form or used in filing taxes, it goes in there. Donation receipts too.

    Then I sort the forms into hers and hers piles and begin scanning and building a 'Read Me First' file that lists all the file names of the electronic files. I also print out a copy for my hard files of any forms received electronically. Next I upload everything to my accountant's electronic drop box along with the 'Read Me First' file so he knows what forms should have transferred electronically. My printer/scanner does not like to scan double sided documents, so it's sometimes a real struggle to make that leap from paper to efile. I guess I should be glad all of this year's forms has taken me only 6 hours to do.

    Charleen in Colorado (What was I thinking!) 977270f3vqafo8u4.gif
  • JackieS55
    JackieS55 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my goodness GodMomKim!! You really have a hard row to hoe :( Sending good vibes your way. <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Wishing you peace right back, Kim; sure sounds like you could use some peace of mind. Family expectations, especially from our parents, are so hard. Whatever course of action you choose, try to make it something that you can look back on a year, two years, five years from now and say "I did the best I could at the time, and I don't regret anything." That was the mantra my only sibling and I adopted during the 8 months it took our mom to die from congestive heart failure. We had hard decisions to make, but we did the best we could and take comfort even now from that. Wishing you all the best.