Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning, PB2 with gg oil in oatmeal this morning.

    TGIF! Work again tomorrow, but need the extra $$...

    QOTD: What plans do you have this weekend to keep you on your weight journey or set up for next week?

    AOTD: I am getting items to make the Cheeseburger Casserole. I am also thinking of ways to get a little more walking in.

    Wave to all who follow. Enjoy your Friday!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    edited March 2017
    It's FRIDAY!

    AOTD: Need to shop for clean protein to have on protein shelf in fridge. FISH and chicken? I always do better when I have fish twice or more each week. (Grr, can't figure out the grammar.)

    Cabana Boys have special low-cal cocktails for us after 5pm:
    strawberry seltzer (no calories), splash of orange juice, cherry.
    My new go-to drink instead of high calorie real cocktails.



    Today: 242.0
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Crazy, busy week at work and at home. Today is Day 3 of no pop. It's feeling surprisingly easy. I've also cut back significantly on sweets the last two days. Also added glucosamine/chondroitin and a Super B complex in addition to my regular heart medication just to see if it helps with the aches and pains.

    I'm ashamed/sad to say I regained a pound again. So, I'm still the same weight as just before Christmas. Just yo-yo'ing. But feeling more confident that I can get this under control now and get the scale consistently moving in the right direction. I would really like to be down 5-7 lbs by Easter but I know I can't control the numbers on the scale. I just need to be consistent with my diet.

    AOTD: Stock up on green veggies and be sure I have protein available. (This week was too carby).

    Regarding snoring, I have a cat who snores! It's quiet but we do notice it when she's really deeply asleep. :)

    Have a good day!

    Today: 157.00
    All time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Hang in there Annie! We can do this!

    Pats on back for the reduced sweets and no pop!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening.

    Good work Annie - one day at a time! It all adds up.

    Lana - good for you for lean meat thoughts.

    Hot chocolate tonight for after dinner. Will be in hammock with dog and blanket - bring earplugs or drink a lot and snore along with us.

    Frozen lasagna in oven. Got another recipe from Skinnytaste that is 8 servings but freezable, need to buy large casserole dish first.

    Got my romance books and another netflix dvd - will see how tired my eyes are....

    Wishing all a great Friday evening.
  • embeers
    embeers Posts: 41 Member
    Way to go Annie, cutting out pop. you must be in the South, calling it pop?
    Hot Chocolate is a great idea!!!

    I tried a Pilates Class for the 1st time today, it was a new way to stretch and tone.

    Just putting one foot in front of the other to get moving :)
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    I've never done WW but I have dieted several times in the past. Each time is harder than the last! :frowning: This time around I'm trying my hardest for this to be my last time losing weight! I've been reading furiously about the current nutrition and weight loss science so I give myself the best chance at maintenance. I am 5'2" and my maintenance calories are 1500. My program right now is:

    Meet my protein goal (at least 75g (0.75*my LBM)). I'm focusing on protein because I want to lose fat, not muscle. Protein is also very satiating and it has been helping me feel less hungry (this is more protein than I'm accustomed to eating). Also, eating enough protein is supposedly one of the things that prevents adaptive thermogenesis (basically the cause of rapid weight regain) so I'm hoping it will make going to maintenance easier.

    Eat fruits or veg at every meal (or at least 4 servings a day, working myself up to 8). These are high fiber, so help to keep me full, not calorie dense, and are high in nutrition.

    Drink enough water (every time I'm thirsty - don't ignore it!). I am breastfeeding so I'm really focusing on drinking enough water and if I feel really hungry I'll up my calories for a day or two. Don't want to overtax my body until I'm done nursing (another month or so). My supply has been fine.

    Then I can eat whatever I want until I meet 1200 calories. I have chocolate every day. :wink: Since my calories are so low, I focus on lowfat proteins and high fiber carbs, to stretch my calories, forestall hunger, and maximize nutrition, but I don't stress about it. I love to bake, and I've been learning how to use only whole grain flours. :smile:

    Jogging for 1/2 hour a day when I can. Aiming for every other day. I eat back everything except 200 calories (unless I'm particularly hungry - see above). I jog VERY slowly but my endurance has greatly increased since I started jogging 2 years ago. It's hard to get out the door, especially with a baby, but I feel so good afterwards.

    I plan to start weight training soon as well. This is also supposed to help prevent adaptive thermogenesis, and I also hope it will make my tummy look better :wink: , and just help me feel better all around.

    I also plan to take diet breaks every couple of months. (Eating at maintenance for a week or two.) This is also supposed to help prevent adaptive thermogenesis.

    So far I've lost 10 pounds (maybe, my weight fluctuates), and have 35 to go.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    cfausset85- shorts and t-shirt are always my "go to" swim attire... sadly, we live at the Lake, but very seldom swim... sometimes we go to the Creek... if I had little ones, I would hopefully not be selfish and deny them enjoying a swim...I would prolly take them, yet never get in the water, myself...I tell myself all the time that I want to get a suit that will cover me, yet I will feel comfortable in...I just can't cover my legs enough.. they are my biggest concern, next to my belly...

    Swim shorts are in now, popular with teens. But unfortunately at my weight they just tend to ride up my legs. :unamused: I recently bought a pair of synthetic running pants, capri length. I wear it combined with a tankini top to the pool. It's modest yet doesn't cover everything. I've gotten complements on it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning,

    Welcome embeers and Earthnut - I was so tired I went to bed early last night. "Pop" is also used in the Midwest though I think Annie has family down South as well.

    Sounds like you both have good ideas about your health journey. Stop by and post when you can. We are doing better at having Questions of the day (QOTD) - or if you have one, ask away.

    Paper got here early and so dog is up and fed (around her normal time anyway). Hot water is one to fill my hot water bottle. Back of neck/sinus headache can use some help.

    Regular routine for me errands and then work OT 10-2 (routine for the next couple of weeks).

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    I almost said Good Morning. It's after noon! Gah. Very busy at home with finding the top of the kitchen table. It is buried in mail, junk, and colored pencils!

    Welcome to any and all new peeps and lurkers~~

    *tossing bag and hat onto favorite lounge chair*



    Today: 242.0
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Walking home to some really dark clouds out there. Miss T got a pit stop so I will snuggle up for a little possible ZZZ.

    Realized my dinner choices are what I had for lunch - oh well. Is what it is.

    Stopping by later, will hang out with Lana soon enough.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    Had a craving for brownies. Found this recipe that's pretty high in protein and tastes good too. I used eggs and butter and half erythritol.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    earthnut wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    cfausset85- shorts and t-shirt are always my "go to" swim attire... sadly, we live at the Lake, but very seldom swim... sometimes we go to the Creek... if I had little ones, I would hopefully not be selfish and deny them enjoying a swim...I would prolly take them, yet never get in the water, myself...I tell myself all the time that I want to get a suit that will cover me, yet I will feel comfortable in...I just can't cover my legs enough.. they are my biggest concern, next to my belly...

    Swim shorts are in now, popular with teens. But unfortunately at my weight they just tend to ride up my legs. :unamused: I recently bought a pair of synthetic running pants, capri length. I wear it combined with a tankini top to the pool. It's modest yet doesn't cover everything. I've gotten complements on it.

    I have the same problem with swim shorts..I usually wear basketball shorts and a large t shirt...I really like to hide
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Talking of the word "Pop" growing up in Missouri..."Pop" was what we drank... now, living in a different part of the same state... I've been drinking "Soda" for the last 13 years... everyone thinks it's so weird when I go home..."Pop" just seems funny to me, now..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Red day in the calories, wow do they add up fast.

    Coworker used to call all soda flavors "cokes". Go figure.

    Hug your dogs Dawn.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited March 2017
    Met my protein goal, fruit & veg goal, and calorie goal. Despite eating 3 brownies!

    My family tends to say pop but my peers tend to say soda. I tend to say soda but both sound normal to me. I've never drunk it often so i don't have a strong habit either way.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning,

    Paper lady and dog are synchronizing their watches again.....too funny.

    Rained hard last night and rain possible for today/tomorrow. Small to do list today which is wonderful.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow. Back to sleep.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Good morning All~~

    It is so cold here in the City and cold in my apartment! 63 degrees in the apartment!

    I have free ticket to go see an off-Broadway play I know nothing about: "Ring Twice for Miranda"? So must bundle up and go see. Should clock 2+ miles going and coming, plus some calorie burn for the shivering!

    Still can't see the top of the kitchen table; I get nothing done these days.


    Today: 242.0 not really; I haven't weighed myself in two days.
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Wow--I just happened to track my breakfast on MFP. *patting back* It's a start.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lana- let me know how the play is. I saw more plays when I was in London than I ever have here. Jesus Christ Superstar from the "nosebleed seats" in 1975 was awesome!! (I got a student ticket). It would be nice to have access to such entertainment, yes - I am a little jealous. Tickets are not cheap - so glad you got a free one. Enjoy your walk and stay warm.

    Tracked my day over by 18 calories, but I have a little more walking to do..... 18 calories?? What is that?? 4 cheetos?

    Couldnt get a half pound of ground beef, so I will freeze half for my next casserole. Pickles... have not had to make such decisions....chose baby dill for the texture (chopped on top of casserole) and got buy one get one so I can gift one of the jars. There is nothing wrong with a little extra onion or pickles in a recipe.....

    Knitting/reading/napping is on tap. BBL.