

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Janet Mia looks fabulous in the outfit, what a cutie. I love buying baby clothes-we just bought a bunch of outfits from our friends in India, their little boy was born while we were on vacation.

    Beth the stress with DH is another reasons you're eyeballing the candy dish, keep the protein just as available so you have an alternative. Here's hoping DH has a speedy recovery.

    Well it is back to work for me, I've been in a daze of two lazy pj days and just want to be back teaching o:) also need the structure for meals and exercise.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Overjoyed about all the babies. Those two little girls better not meet Juaquin. There would be one cat fight!!!! All of them are so precious.

    I don't think I could ever exist in an area that hhas as much snow as you guys are having. It is 25 drgrees out there now and I am freezing although we set our temp at 74. Good luck and stay safe. A ? for you though. Are school systems open? One of you mentioned your husband had to plow the school's lot. Ours are closed if there is any hint of snow.

    Tomorrow they are coming out to measure our house for a correct garage door placement. Our old garage door is terrible and it will be wonderful to get a decent looking and moving one in.

    Our daughter who was wanting to go on the RVacation then changed her mind to a cruise has now changed her mind to renting a houseboat along the Florida Keys. She said it is $1000 for the week. Now I'm not sure I want to believe at that cost it is a good deal or not but I told her to check into other costs like gas for the houseboat and car, groceries, etc. The Florida Keys are expensive!!!!

    Welcome back Penny!!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana who has to go bundle up for choir practice.
  • cpopal6
    cpopal6 Posts: 10 Member
    May I ask how do I become a member
  • cpopal6
    cpopal6 Posts: 10 Member
    So sorry new to this
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Cpopal6 well you just type, tell us a bit about yourself, what your goals are, and don't forget to click on upper right star that turns yellow. Then you can find us easier.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    cpopal6 wrote: »
    May I ask how do I become a member

    You became a member just by posting. Now keep coming back and join the conversation. Be sure to bookmark the thread so you can find us again :)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    Hello all: Really glad not to be in all the snow! Had enough of that in our years in SD. Went and did yoga at the YM this morning then I was really tired because I got up early. Food going well today. Chicken white chili for tonight in crockpot. Choir later.

    KJ - Welcome Joaquin. He is a handsome boy. Have a safe trip to see him.

    So glad Olivia and Mia both got to go home. Yeah!!!

    Katla - Hope you are soon feeling better and don't suffer from high water.

    Penny - Good to hear from you. We miss our news bulletins from the pole.

    Beth - Glad you were able to get to the hospital and that the surgery went well. My DH is the same way about not telling doctors everything or just outright not telling the truth. Good luck if you have to return.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Still lurking ...
  • Rachel11324
    Rachel11324 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here - but love the posts I have read.

    My goals for March

    log every day
    walk at least 20 min every day

    that's it. lol I gotta start with what I think I can do. small steps.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 14.07min, 12.6amph, 140mhr, 2.9mi = 118c
    apple watch- 99c
    SPIN CLASS- 43min, 78ar, 77aw, 155mhr, 10-15g, 10.3mi = 293c
    apple watch- 356c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 7.01min, 128mhr, 12.1amph, 1.4mi = 67c
    apple watch- 48c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.14min, 10.19min mi, 147mhr, .5mi = 63c
    apple watch- 54c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.03min, 9.53min mi, 149mhr, .5mi = 68c
    apple watch- 57c
    bike ride dome 2 hm up Mst - 18.40min, 154mhr, 8amph, 2.4mi= 183c
    apple watch- 151c

    total cal 802
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Early to bed tonight. I've had an upset stomach all day and am tired. Hope I'm not coming down with something. Was a bit late getting into work this morning, as I had a routine mammogram at the hospital. Opened the front door into the lobby of the building and all I could smell was pot. Wished they would smoke that s**t some place else.

    Good news today - my daughter got engaged. I knew it was coming because her fiancé pulled me aside at new year's and told me he was going to propose. He finally got the ring and gave it to her last night. Yippee! I like this guy, and he is such a good match for my daughter.

    Congratulations on all the new babies. So glad Olivia & Mia got to go home today.

    Hugs to all

    Paula Y
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Janet#2, is your DD married to a much older man? How can she have a step “granddaughter”??? That would make you a great grandmother and I know you are too young for that! At any rate, Mia is beautiful and I hope she will get to go home soon. Where do they live?

    Lois, I hope you get full services back soon. Also hope you have a safe trip to Boston. There’s a lot of snow out there.

    Sarah, it sounds like you are a very good and caring manager. A kind word from the boss can go a long way in productive work. I’ m glad you are liking your wearever pan.

    Penny, so good to hear from you. I do hope it calms down and you can make time to take care of yourself. We miss you.

    KarenVA, so happy Olivia got to go home and what a cute picture. Love her hat!!!

    Kelly, have a safe trip to Texas and get tons of pictures to share.

    Mary, you are gonna fat burn away to nothin’. I’m so jealous but then I don’t put in that work. Congrats on a great job.

    Pip, Floyd was sooooooooooo cute. I just love all the babies on here.

    Rita, what a poor pup has to go through to just pee. Gosh I don’t miss that stuff. (snow)

    Katla, I sure hope you don’t have a flood. Best to be prepared as much as possible. Please keep us posted.

    Toni, I haven’t worn a dress in over 10 years either. I had to have one for a ceremony I was in at the Moose convention. I was so excited to find that one for only $18 rather than spending $75 or more on something I’d rarely if ever wear again.

    MicheleNC, welcome back even though we know where you’d rather be.

    Janet#2, Mia is just precious. Glad she is at home.

    Re, you have done great with the weight loss. I’d be upset if you weren’t happy with it. Just keep up the great work!!! And workouts.

    Beth, I hope you didn’t have to go back to the hospital. And hope you get to rest and de-stress.

    Rachel, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come often. You are wise to start with baby steps as you can always add more as you go.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It’s in the 40’s today but the strong winds are keeping it feeling really cold. I have a social function at the Moose tonight so I’ll bundle up. I’m home from the Moose and ready for bed. I hope you are all safe and warm and don’t have much more snow to have to shovel.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Paula hope you feel better. Congratulations on your DD engagement.

    Beth continued prayers!
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Becca: Congrats on the wt loss. Way to go!

    Joyce: To answer your ?: Yes, the schools in our area have been closed yesterday & today due to the heavy snowfall. I teach at a district about 45 min drive SE of where we live. They usually get far less snow than we do at home, but actually got hit as bad (or maybe even worse) during this storm. So they actually had it on the news last night that they would be closed today. The district in which we live, though, is where my hubby works. Usually he has to go in to plow early (usually starts at 7, but goes to plow about 4 am) before they've made the decision about delaying or closing for the day. If they do close, he gets to go home after they finish plowing. There've been times, though, that he didn't finish until late in the afternoon because it was bad & took so long. There are 5 different schools plus the bus garage & maintenance garage parking lots. 2 of them are in outskirts of the district - rural area & pretty large geographic area, covering a few different towns. One of them is close to wear we live (in a town at the outter edge of the district).

    Anyway, yesterday it hadn't gotten bad out yet in the morning so he hadn't left for work yet when they announced the snow day. But then about 3 pm, he got a call that the superintendent was determined to have school open today so she wanted the guys to go in by 5 pm & plow what had fallen so far & then again early this morning. Really annoyed me since she could've decided that earlier in the day for one - so they weren't still doing it after dark & needing to drive in it when it got even worse out. Also actually had a state of emergency telling people to not be on the roads (guess she didn't care). So he went about 4 pm & took him over 1/2 hr just to drive there when usually only takes about 8 min. Then he had to take the district plow truck around to different places to plow. I think there are 2 other guys that do it, too & they split it up. He didn't finish plowing his last place at the elem. school near us until after 8 pm. At least he was able to just bring their truck home & do our driveway too & keep it here overnight.

    This morning, he had to go in really early (again because she wanted to still have school today), but she ended up closing again by about 6 am. REALLY?! She couldn't have known that sooner? Most other schools around us decided that last night. Oh well - at least he got to come home again after & wasn't quite as bad out. He makes overtime pay for time beyond normal workday, but I'd trade it for him not having to do it. Especially when he had to risk his own safety driving in really bad weather to go there. Not worth it. At least it's the last yr - he's retiring this summer.

    Our schools do close if it's bad out or delay 2 hrs if expected to improve, but it takes a lot. Definitely not as soon as there's "any hint of snow" as you said. If that was the case, they'd be closed most of the winter here. LOL

    Since I teach at a different district quite a ways away & in a city where they don't get nearly as much snow as at home & they also don't have parts of the district in "backwoods" areas like here, I've often had to drive to school in a blizzard at least part of the way since they weren't closed. That stinks. Also been depressing when I leave home with still 3 ft of snow & get to work where there's grass already in the spring.

    It's still been snowing on & off all day - not as bad as before, though. So pretty sure there will be school both places tomorrow - maybe a delay at most if keeps snowing overnight. Pretty sure hubby will be going in early to plow, though. Will be so glad when winter's done for the yr. Saw my 1st robin in the yard today. On a snowblowed path in the yard, next to deep snow. It was probably wondering where the H spring was. Don't usually see them until it's definitely spring.

    Fortunately it wasn't snowing too badly when we went to the funeral earlier this evening & just starting to get dark on way home when snowing more. That was an emotional time, of course, & gave me a headache. I get motion sick easily so I drove (usually do) & felt really nauseous by the time we got home, though. Funeral also upsetting to me cuz I lost my Mom less than a yr ago, so it brought back lots of emotion about that, too. Trying to relax watching tv before getting to bed. Need to soon & hope can sleep. Being on the computer now really isn't gonna help. Oh well.

    Goodnight all.

    -- Becky
  • cpopal6
    cpopal6 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Everyone
    My goal for March is to lose 3 lbs more. I try to lose 1 lb a week but have set back here and there. My goal is not to belittle myself if I don't make it but it motivates me to continue. As long as I'm not gaining is a plus. But I like how my clothes are fitting
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @janetr7476 Mia went home! Great! and she is such a cutie pie!

    Karen in Virginia