

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Tricia. .. Welcome! Your April and Easter goals look good to me!

    Cheri ... Congratulations!

    Lisa ... Yay for the new job!

    Karen in VA ... Olivia looks wonderful!

    Allie ... I just got off the phone with my mother who was telling me she opened the door for a "nicely dressed man" who wanted to know if she had a financial advisor and then laughed when she said she did? I don't care what the man was selling .. why the heck was she opening the door?!? Honestly ... aging parents ....

    My dad, while out of the hospital, is in a skilled nursing facility and hating every minute of it. It's not going well and the fact I'm not in town is not helping. It looks like I'll be heading their way next week ... hopefully to arrange services so that I can take my father home.

    Busy day here but DH and I stayed true to our diet and managed to make time for our walk. I was over-hyper from a stressful day ... and when I looked to say something to DH he was way behind me! Had a slow it down a bit for the man recovering from surgery.

    I'm looking into the fermenting ... thanks for the input ladies. I think we're going to go and check out a Korean market that is a little north of us. I want to try some of these things before I attempt to make my own. But it all looks very interesting and heathy ... I will keep you posted.

    Very wind here yesterday and snow is forecasted for Friday?? Ewww...

    Beth near Buffalo

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,731 Member
    stats for the day:
    wahoo hrm working-

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.02min, 146mhr, 13.5amph, 2.9mi = 153c
    apple watch- 113c
    SPIN CLASS- 38min, 80ar, 107aw, 9-17g, 120ahr, 151mhr, 15.1mi = 299c
    apple watch- 291c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 9.33min, 141mhr, 9.1amph, 1.4mi = 110c
    apple watch- 60c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.08min, 10.05min mi, 148mhr, .5mi = 78c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.28min, 11.34min mi, 146mhr, .4mi = 73c
    apple watch- 61c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.53min, 7.8amph, 157mhr, 2.4mi = 193c
    apple watch- 140c

    total cal 898
  • lorabelllee
    lorabelllee Posts: 54 Member
    Lisa congrats on the new job!

    Cheri congrats on the new low! That is always exciting...keep it going!

    Carol please be careful with those storms and anyone else that may live where these storms are passing thru.

    Chevychey welcome to the group ..I'm new here too!

    Karen cute pictures of the baby Olivia!

    I wouldn't mind my "girls" getting a bit smaller as well. I have this sundress I have had for a few years that fits everywhere but the bust. I have been hoping to get the weight off so that it would fit.I think I paid $12 for it at Old Navy and I loved it and thought it would inspire me. Ha! So...here's to hoping with all of your support and a lot of hard work ...I can finally get into that sundress before the end of the summer!

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Dear ladies,
    Just checking in :-) Hope life is going well for you all. I'm happy, happy HAPPY. I won't go into detail, but lets just say husband reset my priorities! Gosh I love that man of mine. We might be poor, but we are rich in LUV!!

    Did the laundry, fixed leftover spaghetti with cheese bread for lunch, and made Chicken Fried Rice for my son. He had come home from school, giving me this puppy look, so I just had to. Only 3 more months until I won't have that luxury!! So I am just appreciating every little moment, with tall boy/man. Gosh I love that son of mine.....hmmm I am sensing a theme.....

    It's raining, its pouring.....and I was snoring....hmm today that is. Took a nice nap, and burrowed in my covers at noon!

    To all you new friends, HI FROM the coast of Oregon. To all you that are hurting.....(((((((((hugs tight))))))), and to all the ladies that feel down, ((((kiss yer forehead)))))... You have a friend in me:-)

    hey I sang that.... last night I was singing opera. Well it was 2am and I had gotten up to use the loo, and when I came back to bed I was wide awake. So I mouthed all the opera I knew. It's scary when you can't think of a line of opera in Italian!!! I was like.....dang it, what GOES there.... Anyway, I fell back to sleep...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    machka - you make me all out of breath just reading the things you do.


    I just wish I had an extra hour or two each day for sleep!

    M in Oz

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Congratulations Lisa!

    Hooray Cheri!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather - Nice that you finally got your Date day. So pleased to read your son is coming out of his depression.

    Karen - the pics of Olivia are darling.

    Becca- I love reading you are HAPPY. I want to hear you sing one day. Know anything from Turandot? That is my favorite opera.

    Thanks for the encouragement on my walking. I got another mile at 19 min 21 sec today. Tomorrow is a rest day. I'm worried about the time since I need to complete the 5K in 60 min. It'll be close but if I can maintain a 19 min mile throughout I'll be OK.

    Mia in MI
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Am watching Survivor. That's the first thing I do when I get home from choir practice. I miss it when the season is over. I know a lot of people don't like the reality shows. Survivor has changed through the years and sometimes not for the good but I am still hooked. I also watch Amazing Race and it is different this season as the teams didn't know each other at all until the met on the starting line. But I will keep with it anyway.

    Barbie, I am so glad your DH was placed on an antibiotic. Sorry about the rib. I bet he sure hurts and feels so bad.

    I think the story everywhere here is rain, rain and more rain. I sure hope we get some good May flowers out of this.

    Choir practice was good. Next Sunday is all set then it is our Easter music. We have a really good tenor and his wife is an alto. They jsut celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary so you can do the math and know how old they are. But they have a son in Nashville and are going there for Easter. The alto used to be a very strong alto but now she is now a very good supporting voice. We will miss their voices with this very special music. They will also go down to see him for Mother's day when we have children's, youth and adult choir all sing a big piece.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori, gorgeous picture. You look so natural there on the beach :) Glad you had a good time.

    Janetr OKC
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited April 2017
    Lisa - congrats on the new job!

    Cheri - so happy for you. 170s!!!

    Karen - Olivia is a beauty. I can see personality shining through those eyes!

    Sarah - I wasn't a "project manager" per se. But I did manage plenty of projects over the years.

    Thank you to those who expressed "appreciation" of my organizational skills. I am organized. And so is my husband. You should see his garage and wood shop. It's sort of a hobby of mine. Studied it for years. Currently working on a whole house inventory... just because. We keep a household inventory for insurance purposes. But this is a bit over the top. Hey... I'm handling everything we own now anyway - as I declutter. Might as well count it. For example... I own 127 items in my wardrobe including scarves, outerwear, shoes and purses. I have a written plan of our home - describing where we store things. Everything has a place... and everything goes in its place. Except when it's not... ;-) Craft supplies seem to stay on the kitchen table. And I have a few messy spots - works in progress. But... those are on the "messy places" list... with pictures. (I'm not even kidding.)

    The girls... I once mentioned the girls in a group and got snide remark for my use of that term. LOL! I wish I just had a set of girls.... I've got hanging baskets! ;-) One day... I'll get there. It may take surgery.

    Thanks for the well wishes about my eyes. I took a long nap this afternoon - and the eye with the procedure feels better after some rest. It wasn't hurting... it just felt tired. Strained. But then again it had lots of drops added to it today. To numb it and to make the pupil restrict. I can see fine. Hopefully this will help keep the pressure down in my eyes. Using dropls 4x/day for the next 5 days. I notice my vision with that eye is less bright than the other.

    I had about a 2 hour conversation with my older brother. Checking on our mother (90) - she lives with me. Mom said "checking on me? Maybe I need to check on him. ;-) She fell Sunday night and was sore for two days - but seems fine. She went to sit in her sewing chair --- distracted by looking at fabric - and the chair wasn't behind her. We heard the thump when she hit the floor. Bruise on her back where she hit the lightweight cutting table. But otherwise... range of motion was good... she is walking fine. My brother visited our Dad (90). Took him out for his favorite - Whataburger - then to our younger brother's ice house for a beer. I'll see Dad on a Friday.

    I'm giving myself a pass today on exercise. Just feel the need to rest. I'll post my accountability in the morning.
    --Ginger in Texas

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Lisa! Whoot! Gratz on the new job!

    Cheri! Whoot!! New lows ROCK.

    Penny - it's tax time, here, too. Mine are filed, thank goodness. Good Luck.


    Re in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I'm sorry that Jake is still struggling with bronchitis. I can remember having it for weeks at a time, but luckily that is not recent. I hope that Jake is on the mend soon. My favorite remedy is mint tea. :heart:

    Lanette: My mom gave me a booklet and said, "Read this." Luckily my grade school principal stepped up to the plate. She took all the 6th grade girls into the library and showed us a Disney animated cartoon that explained menstruation. Afterwards we all chatted and she explained things in more detail. It is a good memory. :smiley:

    Joyce: I'm not a Survivor fan but I like to watch some reality shows. I watch several veterinary medicine shows and some Alaskan lifestyle shows. I like cooking shows but not cooking competition shows except for the Great British Bake-off. :smiley:

    Rori: Glad to hear you had a great time in Hawaii. :flowerforyou:

    I went to a city meeting tonight that was about development of a big parcel of land next to the river. This is not far from our home. We've had all sorts of ideas about what might be there, and I was let down when I realized they're planning to sell parcels for people to build condos. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Charlotte in Overcast Albany, Western Australia.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Oh Machka - ME TOO! never enough time for sleep, round here.
  • lorabelllee
    lorabelllee Posts: 54 Member
    Mia..keep up the good work with the walking. You can do it!

    Rori...lovely pic from Hawaii, I'm jealous! My son #2 (I have 4) is out camping and snap-chatted a pic in CO in the snow. I THINK we are done finally, I hope anyway!

    Ginger..love that you are organized. I'm a work in progress with the decluttering. I have the Spark Joy books and it's helping me to learn to let go of certain items. Take care of your eyes!

    My cats are waiting for me to go to bed so I guess I should go! They say sleep is good for weight loss...so feet don't fail me now!

    Nita all!

    Lora from Wisconsin
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    THE PUFFY PRINCESS STOLE MY ANNIVERSARY RING when she left, this visit!!!

    You guys know how I have been retaining fluids, right. Well, my ring was loose - but not loose enough to fall off... Until that witch left and took my ring with her.

    I have NO idea where it is - I just noticed it was gone at work, yesterday. :'(

    I keep hoping it will turn up - in the driveway or something - but, if I lost it at my office, I don't imagine I will ever see it again. It was an awfully pretty ring... channel set diamonds in 18 carat gold.

    DH and I got matching rings for our tenth anniversary... I had been unable to wear my wedding band for a long time due to being so fat.

    I suppose I could dig the original band out, now... I expect will fit, again.

    But DARN it.

    The Puffy One also took an inch off my waist and hips - so I guess that's ok.

    I am just a little bummed about the ring.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – Could you take your own music and ear plugs; and, leave one out so you could hear his instructions?

    Two days, haven’t done any exercise. Yesterday was beautiful! Day before and today, major storms. Spend time with the kids while they came down to ‘ride it out’.

    Easter basket idea? Maybe one with healthy things and beauty things, vitamins and shampoos and hair sprays. Wine and a few low-fat treats, I know my DDnL#2 is making up a basket for her daughter to sell ‘raffle tickets’ for; so, she can buy her ‘cheerleading outfit, shoes, and pom poms’. She likes to ‘teach’ her ‘responsibility’ and ‘good work ethic’. This child has $1,200 in her savings account that she has put ‘gifts of money’ and ‘money she has earned’ into it. I’m not sure she is saving it for anything in particular; but, I think it is a good idea. My DOGD is ‘tight as a tick’ when it comes to money. She knows what she has to pay, down to the penny; and, puts $$$ aside to pay rent 3 months in advance. She’ll graduate in December of this year from college.

    Our two other DGDs ‘hide’ their $$$ from their mother, who will go digging around in their rooms so she will has $$$ for gas, lunch, etc. I’ve told both of them they can ‘hide’ it down here if she continues finding their ‘hidey holes’. Can put it in envelopes and they can come get what they want. I think DOMGD has to pay to get her hair cut and colored, which is only reasonable at her age.

    Louis always makes our grocery list; when I write it down, he aggravates me by telling me ‘what we DON’T need’. But, if I leave the list at home, not unusual … I can call him and he can remember what is on the list, unless I have added something else.

    I don’t think, after 10+ years that Louis and his daughter will ‘ever’ reconcile. He mentioned her ‘in passing’ the other day (I had gone on FB to look at pictures), checked her out and her mother’s page. It’s sad because he is such a ‘good Papa’ and there is a ‘granddaughter’ we have not seen since she was one-years-old; she will be 11 on the 6th. But, I did notice that she is still using her Daddy’s last name.

    Carol – We got 3” in about 1 hours’ time. Hope the storms are behind us ... to the east of us. Not sure that we still won't have a few thunder and lightning storms before morning.

    Karen in Virginia – Olive is beautiful; and, doesn’t even look like she had trouble after being born.

    Barbie – Has Jake asked about being put on a steroid? That was what got rid of a ‘hacking cough’ I had for nearly a month. After trying antibiotics and cough medicine and syrup. I was surprised that the cough was gone in 3 days. Prednisone is what I got put on by my ‘lung MD’ who does my sleep studies. I had been so stopped up I could not use my C-pap machine unless I was sitting up or reclining in my chair. I slept several nights in the other room just so I would not keep Louis awake.

    A man going door-to-door selling his ‘services’ as a ‘financial advisor’? Sounds very ‘phishey’ to me. If I am not expecting someone to come to my house; and, I don’t see them driving down our ‘long’ driveway. I don’t even go to the door. I know the ‘white van’ of the Jehovah Witnesses, so I meet them out by the back door and they don’t get the chance to walk up on my deck. Nice, well-dressed black couple in their ‘finest’ Sunday clothes. I’ve told them we’re Catholic so they have stopped coming to our house; but one day last week, they did show up at DOS’s house and Taylor was home no Spring Break. She did not answer the door; but, they did not get ‘out of their van’ either because Luna was barking her head off at them. She sounds ferocious. The last time they came, they walked back to the van, the man turned back around and said, “I want to ask you a question …?” I knew exactly where he was going with that comment; so I told him, ‘we play to GOD and Jesus; not “Mary”; but, we do ‘revere’ her as the woman that God chose to give birth to his Son (to become the Son of Man). I think they realized they were wasting their time and pamphlets.

    Becca – That is the ‘best’ way in a relationship … LUV will take you through any difficult time you go through. Louis is my ‘best friend’. We can talk about anything. He has decided that we need to do some traveling before either one of us gets to the point we can’t; so we will leave early to go to Will & Tami’s and take a scenic route. I’d like to go back to San Antonio. Do the River Walk, see the Alamo again and go to the Market. Maybe swing up to Waco and see Chip and Joanna Gaines’ place.

    It won’t be long before that boy/man will be a “Man-Child”. They grow up fast; but, they will always ‘love their Mama’s’.

    Joyce and Lanette - Older sisters and some friends helped me through my cycles. Only time my Mother got involved was when I was 16. We had gone on vacation and parents were cleaning up the apartment and I went with my middle sister and her husband to the arcade. I was watching them ‘skate’; when my sister came around I was standing there in a pool of blood, and I was not even aware of it. BnL picked me up, sister grabbed as many towels as she could find; and, they wrapped me up and he ran 4 blocks carrying me back to the motel we were staying in. I changed clothes and pads every 30 – 40 minutes on a 5-hour drive home. I was exhausted and she called the family MD when we got home. He told her to raise the foot of my bed and prop my feet up. She told him she wanted me to be seen by a GYN; because I would be ‘dead’ by morning the way I was bleeding. I was NOT at all prepared to be examined by a GYN. When his nurse came to the door and told my Mother the GYN could see her; I got up and she told me to wait in the waiting room. My Mother told her that “I was the patient.” I had NEVER been so ‘mortified’ and he said things to my Mother that embarrassed me. She stood up and let him know that ‘if I needed to be talked to; it wasn’t going to be like that’. I got put on ‘birth control pills’ to try to regulate my periods and have more time ‘off my period’ than ‘on it’ each month. I don’t think I said one word to my Mother on the way home. But, she did come up and talk to me once we got home. I cried so hard, because I had been so embarrassed. My periods got more regular and somewhat 'light'; but, the still started every 21 days and last as much as 7 or 8 days. But, at least they were regular. I suffered from debilitating cramps for 2 day when I started. Had an appendectomy; with a scar down my midline because MD wanted to check my ovaries. Had cysts on them.

    Rori – Looks like you were really relaxed while in Hawaii. I’m sure coming back to the ‘day-to-day’ working wasn’t too fun.’’

    Ginger – They can be ‘tacked up’, so they don’t hang. When we see women on TV, we discuss their body. There was a woman on TV the other night, don’t remember the show; but hers looked like the hung down so bad that you could distinguish each of them. Louis thought she had put make-up/shadow between them. I told him I thought she either did not have a bra on, or that it did not fit her properly. Low cut dress, too. I think I would have bought a ‘push-up bra’, another dress, or something under it. We’ve had several news reporter with big ‘girls’ and dressed cut way too low; now they wear skin-colored tops under them, rather than have comments called into the station.
