

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Crazy ladies thinking I have a neat and tidy house!!! My dear husband said the other day when I kick the bucket, the apartment will be so clean! He continued saying he will hire those ladies that wear the sexy maid outfits, and keep throwing stuff on the floor! OK he does have a strange sense of humor!! I said, "husband you know they really don't clean"! To that he just smiled... Oooh stop that you weirdo!!!! Hahaha!

    Son and I completed the graduation announcements. He has loads of name cards, so I found a bunch of free sticking address labels with cartoons on them. Definitely not bill paying labels! He can hand them out when they get their yearbooks. He was not happy putting those together!

    Today we got paid so paid bills, and I think we shall have a good month!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Pip, I hope there is a solution for your job that works for you. When I made my decision to retire at age 58, it was after hearing someone talk about "quality of life". If I had worked for two more years, I'd have had two more years of enormously stressful work and sleepless nights but more money while working and more money in my pension. Instead by retiring, I got a life of joy and less insomnia and the less money hasn't been a problem. I'm not suggesting that you retire, just that you think of "quality of life" along with money and decision making factors.

    :)<3Allie, making good financial decisions for yourself is the beginning of moving on to a good life for yourself without Tom. Bravo to you.

    <3 Barbie

    thanks for. your thoughts. I sleep very well at night, the stress on the job is not great at all, I just want something a bit different. I wouldn't be taking calls anymore, only as a backup when busy. if anything, this would be more work but I know I am good at what I do and it would be good, my quality of life is actually pretty awesome right now. as soon as I get off work, I run 1/2mile to the train station and I have music playing as I run and work just goes away. then I have the ride uphill to think about with my music blasting and I still don't have work on my mind.my job isn't my everything, Kirby and my "kids" are
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi and Happy Saturday! How do you ladies find this group again easily? Do you just keep it open on your computers? I have to search for it every time. I am pretty computer literate, and I just don't "get" this! Thanks! :)
    Nancy in Sunny Arizona
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    Hi and Happy Saturday! How do you ladies find this group again easily? Do you just keep it open on your computers? I have to search for it every time. I am pretty computer literate, and I just don't "get" this! Thanks! :)
    Nancy in Sunny Arizona

    on the top portion of this page (right side) you'll see a star click on it and it will turn yellow.. that's bookmarking it so you can get back easily
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post
    Friday's Progress (4/28)
    ✔️1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B1, L14, D11, MS23, AS6, BBS20= 74g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 30g (39g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔️4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes, 2 miles, 5000 steps. And the elliptical 5 days a week.
    ✔️6. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔7. In bed by midnight.
    8. Declutter: Electronics, Craft Supplies, ✔️Pantry, ✔Fridge, Cooking and Baking, Dishes and Serving, ✔Linen Closet, ✔️Laundry Closet, ✔Medicine Cabinets, ✔Personal Care

    • Carbs/Fiber. Had 2 Quest protein high fiber bars yesterday. Morning and night. Then quickly spun the dial on the kSafe last night to lock them down for a few days. Whew!

    • Declutter. Working to declutter the kitchen this weekend. Starting with an inventory... Because I'm lazy that way. ;-)

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    afternoon all~
    well I worked until noon, came home and walked the dogs.. then because I have gained weight :'( went to walmart and got some new summer clothes and a few new pair of scrubs and a couple of bra's..
    then came home and fed and walked the dogs again... and went to the Car Show,, nice to see alot of old friends, just stayed an hour and now back home.. gonna call it a day and make a grocery list..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DanaReel – The porch is only about 16’ x 20’; about the size of my studio; not quite the size of our bedroom. It faces west; so we have to do something to cool it (at least) and while we are at it we might as well heat it, too. Lordy, Mercy … I just repotted a peace plant; poor thing was so pot bound; had to slice the roots and dump the old dirt and I just put new in it and put it back into the plastic pot it was in, and ‘hopefully’ I got enough in it and enough water in/on it so that it will come back up to a standing position. Maybe then I won’t have to water it 3x a week. I’ve given up on some plants, like a Maidenhair Fern or Shamrock – don’t have any places in or outside the house that doesn’t have something that doesn’t agree with them. The shelf around my tub (which I hate because it is difficult to keep clean) would probably be a good place for them. But, I would rather buy something not so tender.

    Pip – What do you do that an ‘owner’ would be on the premises? Yeah, Louis still works because of wanting the ‘fluff’ money as he calls it; but, I can see from doing the budget we need it at this moment. Hopefully, he can start slowing down some. Tomorrow he is going to go get started on a house; and, we’ll go out later. Choices … do I go with him; or do I meet him? Either way, I’d be reading or watching TV. I guess the owners are ‘out of town’.

    Becca – I have not posted any pictures of my highest/lowest to this point pictures.

    Michele – I was thinking the same thing about Becca’s house and the other living room that had been posted (can’t remember who it was); but, the one who put down a larger rug. My house could only be described as clean but clutter, which occasionally makes it not look so clean. I do they to make up my bed, pick up and put away what needs to be put away and empty dishwasher and trying my best to keep the kitchen counters cleared off. I’m losing the battle on that chore. Don’t have enough space for anything. I’d like to have some cabinets built around my windows with a counter running across where the window in the kitchen is (that looks right out on our carport. DH keeps promising ‘we’ll look into it; because they will have to be built versus getting them at Lowe’s or Home Depot. I’m just tired of the wire rack with stuff piled up on it.
    How do you pronounce your son’s name?

    Sharon – Our 16-year-old DMGD has her ‘learner’s license’; but, she doesn’t want to learn to drive and won’t drive if she has the chance. They might have to use my car, if she ever decides to learn. Gee, I remember counting off the days until I would turn 16, so I could drive. I don’t know what her problem is, well … yes, I do. She’s upset with her parents because they bought Taylor one and they can’t buy her one.

    NYKAREN – I got taken off the jury pool list for the county; then, I got a summons for Grand Jury for Federal Court. I had to have a MD’s statement on the one in the county; but, I used to work for the Federal Government, so all they have to do to verify my request to be taken off their list is go to the Clerk’s Office to see that I went out on disability going on 18 years. Have not heard a word from them, one way or the other. That is a 6-month, we’ll call you when we need you. I also told them that DH has not allowed me to drive on the Interstate in 3 years. He takes me to Macon to see one of my MD; but, I’d not have a way to get around if I could get up there and stayed (unless there is somewhere within walking distance; and, I don’t think there is.

    Kelly – If ‘any’ of us had the knowledge we have now, as teenagers … we would have been way too dangerous! Joaquin is a happy baby!

    Heather – We have planted pines around our house; but, far enough away that hopefully we would not have any of them close enough to pop off and bust through the roof; or maybe not catch on fire. We do have a fire break that they keep harrowed up. I’m trying to figure out if I can get DH to rent a small tiller so I can till up an area in the front year (full of weeds) and plant my seeds before it gets too late. He hasn’t been listening to the things I want to do. I am going to ‘kill his @$$’ if he doesn’t get that DAMN door for my porch! I’ve been impatiently waiting for 2 years now!

    Dana – Love the kitchen nook. When we lived in our first house after moving back; I really would have liked to have had that same house plan for out here; but, Louis did not want a 2nd story (or a house that large). We lived in a 2nd house between that one and the one we’re in now. We also have a metal roof. Our little kitchen was U-shaped and at the other end we had our Hoosier Kitchen cabinet that I got from my Mimi; and, a small drop-leaf table that worked out just fine for us for most meals. Baby chair in the corner. Oh how I remember those days!

    Both places I have worked for any extended period of time, I got raises either because they were Federal Jobs or we benefited from an ‘union’; we were not in the union but, they fought to get our benefits. When I worked with GMAC/MIC I made more than my sister did with a college degree and teaching. How she hated that thought.

    Shortly after we moved and after I had quit the job, someone who was upset because his car had been repoed came in and shot the place up. Killed a couple of the ladies that I knew. I worked in the claims office and our desks were at the back of the room … then he went over to the other side of the building and shot a few people there.

    Lanette and Heather – Where are y’all seeing that icon to add pictures?

    Pip – Unless you have a job to go to, in these times, I would NOT recommend quitting one. Our DDnL#1 went about 17 or 18 weeks without bringing home a paycheck; it sent them over the ‘financial cliff’; and, they had been able to pay their bills and were working really hard at paying them off using the ‘snowballing effect’; but, one on the ones that had the highest interest rate would NOT work with them and sued them a week before they filed for bankruptcy. When DOS went to trial for it, he told the Judge he had no plans to pay it as it was in bankruptcy. "Boo-Yah"

    Lanette – Yeah, in a divorce action IF the woman makes sure her attorney ‘asks’ for it, she is entitled to ½ of his retirement (or at least ½ of what he put into it once they married); and, she can – depending – can claim off his SS or even that of her 1st husband if they had been married long enough or he has died. My sister when she got a divorce had her attorney to write up the ‘settlement agreement’ and ‘alimony’ as a ‘settlement’ and NOT ‘alimony’; otherwise she would have had to pay taxes on it. That is something else to be considered – taxes – how much would you net AFTER taxes are taken out of it. She got it for a long time and now she is claiming on her husband’s SS; because they had been married nearly 35 years when he decided he ‘loved 2 women’. That did not ‘fly’ with her. She threw him ‘out of the house’ and FORWARDED all the bills to him, changing the addresses on them so she would not get them and have to make arrangements for him to pick them up.

    HA! HA! I don’t think we’d be in the ‘high of a tax bracket’ either. But, it was a bit disheartening when we got a 3% raise; only to find my check went down by $1 because my Medicare insurance premium had also gone up. That suxs; but, it has gone up, and up, and up since 2008.

    Love the quote! How true it is!

    Barbie – When my BF was working; she had an ‘awful’ supervisor, who had worked in the same office, moved to Atlanta to ‘get’ a raise then requested to be moved back. Since they needed a supervisor and she happened to be at that ‘pay scale’ that was given as her reason for coming back. BF was the same pay grade. A few weeks of her ranting and raving and really making an @$$ out of herself; BF put pencil to paper and figured that working 3 more years of putting up with her was just not worth it. She came in on Monday and announced that Friday was going to be her last day. Shocked everybody; but, she did it. Then she went back working part-time that quickly turned into full-time; now she works 3 days a week; but, 10 hours a day. I don’t see that it is very part-time; but, at least she does have a long weekend. But, she thinks she just can’t leave her boss in a lurch and the woman hired to take her place is slower than molasses.

    Klanders – That is a beautiful tree; what kind is it? Cherry?

    Becca (again) – My husband ‘favorite’ expression is ‘that’s what the girl at the picnic said’. Once or twice it is funny and I can laugh; but, then I start looking around to see who or what is ‘stressing him out’; and, pull us away from the person or situation. One of my HS friends and he call one another their ‘girl/boy’. Of course, my friend is committed to another man and she is gorgeous, too! Always has been, even in HS. She’s been dating him for going on 3 years; but, after a really BAD marriage, I don’t think she wants to go down that lane again.

    Nancy – You need to bookmark the page by click on the outline of a star at the upper-right-hand corner of the remarks; then all you will have to do is click on the gray star between the bell and gear. Barbiecat posts a link for the next month on the last day of the month. When you get to the ‘new’ month; you will need to bookmark that month the same way.

    Louis and I have always maintained separate accounts; even though both of them were ‘joint’ accounts. We never wrote a check on the other’s account unless we had the permission or had been given direction to do so. I paid my bills; he pays the mortgage, taxes, his bills and such.

    When we lived in Macon our back yard was natural with the exception of a flat spot where the kids had their swing set. They’d roam all over the back yard, which was fenced in. I always dressed them up in ‘bright-colored’ clothes when they played outside, that way I would keep an eye on them. Will enjoyed ‘walking the fence line’. It sloped about like your place.

    I’ve been culling through all my magazines and pulling out recipes that look good. NOT that I will ever cook anything in them

    Does ANYBODY have a ‘good’ recipe for “Bread Pudding?” My DMnL made it and my DH mentioned it the other day. I can remember eating it; we’ve only been to one restaurant that has ever served it.

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Lenora, THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Got it! <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    Lenora, the icon for posting pictures is at the top of this reply window...to the right of the one that shows a piece of paper folded at the corner...it looks like a teensy picture in a frame of a mountain and the sun/moon?

    I once made bread pudding with croissants... talk about yummy. I think you can find a recipe online. And I think it used whole milk or half and half....almost too rich but good.

    Barbie, are you knitting those caps with four needles? AND working in the design? YOU are super talented!! The best I can do is for stocking caps is knitting with 2 needles, decreasing at the top and sewing up the side seam. And that's not sitting on a bike, lol. What a marvelous and kind thing to do.

    Had a busy morning - discovered aphids in the greenhouse, they had started on the tomatoes. So I went thru each plant, cut off infested leaves, wiped organic pesticide on the rest, then went on a witch hunt with the pesticide to get rid of spider mites any anything else that looked potentially nasty. The pesticide is peppermint and rosemary oils in a suspension... bet I could make a tincture as I have both plants right here. Might be fun to try.

    SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2017
    Heather: I know this rift in such an old and important friendship must be very difficult for you. I hope it doesn't adversely affect your friendships with the others. :flowerforyou:

    Mia in MI: I retired at the earliest opportunity that would allow me to collect my pension because DH needed me to be available due to his health problems. My employer generously kept me on their insurance plan until I was eligible for Medicare. My retirement system has a supplement health plan available that works in addition to Medicare and I pay for it monthly out of my pension. DH is the primary reason we need the supplemental plan. He is not a cheap date, medically speaking, & it makes a huge difference in our bottom line. I am quite satisfied with the results. Good luck with your decision. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: It seems that you are in a good place and I'm happy for you. :smiley:

    Nancy in AZ: I think you are smart to count calories rather than go with a packaged plan like Medifast. This way you are creating the skills and habits to maintain your weight when you reach your goal. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Love the photos of your guys. :smiley:

    Barbie: I'm sure the chemo caps will be appreciated. Making them is a very nice thing to do for others while keeping your hands busy. :heart:

    Lanette: I'm sorry to hear that you had aphids in your greenhouse. It seems to me that you've done just the right thing to deal with them. I hope they don't return. :noway:

    I had a lovely riding lesson today & have just started thinking about what we could do for fun tomorrow. I could certainly power wash our upper deck. It is in dire need but I'd like to do something fun with DH if we can agree on an idea. I'll start with tomorrow's weather forecast and go from there to make plans.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited April 2017
    :)Lanette, I knit in the round on two addi TURBO circular needles. It's much easier than using four double point needles and minimizes the possibility of dropping stitches off the end of the needle. I learned how at a knitting class but there are YouTube videos that demonstrate the technique very effectively. My bike is a recumbent bike so it's very comfortable and I have a small table next to me to keep my pattern book close by.

    :)Katla, I hope your weather forecast for tomorrow is better than ours. Except for dog walking, there's nothing we want to do outside.

    <3 Barbie
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    love all of yas!

    Ooh I helped my neighbor set up a new DVD player she got. With no technical savvy what so ever, I did it! Just connected white, yellow, and red and plugged it in! Then she asked me to help her fix a vertical blind that came off. I took the long slat, and then looked up and clicked it back in place. She was laughing, that all??!! Well f**k! She swears like a sailor.... Haha!!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    edited April 2017
    Barbie! I forgot about the circular needles - I think I have a pair around here I used to knit a vest many years ago. That recumbent bike sounds like a winner. I see them at the gym but haven't tried one yet.

    SW WA State getting ready to watch "The Son" at 6. DH found "Fawlty Towers" on Netflix and we laughed all afternoon. :D
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette That photo is phenomenal...