

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited April 2017
    :'( We were watching a great two part TV drama and just as we started watching Part Two, Jake's daughter called. By the time he gets off the phone, it will be too late, so we'll have to wait til tomorrow to see how the hero gets out of jail.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    seasonsofjoy – You’re quite welcome. Come often, tell us what you prefer to be called and a location (general of specific), family, children, grandchildren, married or whatever, hobbies so we can get to know you.

    Lanette – Thanks! I will have to try to post something. That sort of sounds like something my DDnL#1’s mother makes. She takes flaky biscuits and pulls them off by layers and uses either condensed milk (or that ‘other’ canned milk product), and she might put some cinnamon and sugar in it. VERY rich; and, if you don’t get some the first time you go through the line; it won’t be there when you go back. My DMnL made a bread pudding that sort of had a cake-like or muffin-like consistency to it. The only place we’ve had anything close to it was in a restaurant near where my oldest sister lives. I can’t even remember the name of the restaurant.

    Lanette and Barbie – My Mother was always knitting something; usually using 4 needles and two that were connected by a wire. It was amazing that once she got the pattern going she could watch TV at the same time. She also had the little plastic circles that she put on them for some reason. She made blankets for all 3 of us. I still have one; but, it has a huge hole in it where the boys (especially Will) would stick their fingers in the hole and twirl their fingers in it. I ‘hope’ that my DDnL#1 has put the others in my DOGD’s ‘hope chest’ along with the sweaters she knitted for her. We always had 3 or 4 knitted sweaters with pearl buttons growing up. Boy were they warm and very much envied. I have one plant on my porch that has something on it. Got to take care of it tomorrow because it hasn’t been there before.

    Heather – Do you think maybe you friend keeps repeating stories because she thinks if she does, someone will asks her ‘what’s going on’? Maybe something is going on and she doesn’t think she has anybody she can go to. Or maybe she is just very insecure – you have always come across to me as a very bold woman who knew what she wanted and how to go about getting or doing it. Or maybe she’s like me, I ‘just’ forget … a lot. Quite a bit of my short-term memory bank is like Swiss cheese; but, I have very vivid memories of my childhood. I was happy then; I am happy now. I do ‘*kitten*’ or ‘vent’ a lot [unfortunately about my “D”DnL#1 – she is one of those types who thinks that you need to ‘kick @$$ and take names later – or find out the ‘rest of the story’ … later on. She doesn’t listen to anything I say; but, will come down to ‘talk’ (usually when I am least expecting it). I always have my ‘guard up’ with her; because she twists ‘everything’ I have to say. But, like I told her once; when 2 people tell the same story (almost verbatim); and, slants it to their favor – all that means is ‘one of them is lying’. She should never ‘expect’ for me to take sides in an ‘argument’ between my son and herself. I’ll tell my sons ‘if I think they are wrong’; but, they are adults and they can solve their issues in their families themselves.

    Katla - My boss and the generosity of a ‘time bank’ kept me ‘employed’ for nearly a year before my SSD came through. I don’t think I ever without a check until I got my ‘disability check’. Granted it was only about 1/4th of what I brought home for the month; but, at least I had it to get. I also keep our ‘health insurance’ and it takes about ½ of my retirement check to keep it; but, we cannot afford to not to have it.

    Barbie – My mother tried to teach all 3 of us how to knit, Mimi tried teaching us how to crochet. I can do needlepoint and cross-stitch; but the other two, I tense up and drop or gain stitches on every row.

    Becca – We got a ‘new’ receiver for our DirecTV the other day. What a freaking circus; but after I calmed down, called again and it got ‘fixed’ in less than 2 minutes. I do pretty well at putting things together if I have a schematic and know what it ‘should’ look like when it is complete. If I had followed the directions when putting together my big easel; it would have NEVER worked. But, I do need to glue one part that fits into another part.

    Talking about ‘movies’ … I saw on FB a video of a friend, went to church and Women’s Retreats with her. Has younger children (but; close to teenagers) and boy did she have a lot to say about that Movie “13 ways to try ??? (about suicide). Says you should NOT watch it with a child under the age of (probably) 18, not with them, not allow them to watch it at home or anywhere, and that you can talk to your child about all the issues brought up without having it graphically shown displayed before you. Even tells you ‘how to commit suicide’ by cutting your wrists. Apparently, there is a right and wrong way to cut your wrists and succeed. Suicide is a 'permanent solution to a temporary problem'. Sounds like a movie that I would put into “One Flew over the Coo Coo’s Nest” class with OFOTCCN - being a GP (for all ages). Believe me, I have seen my ‘share’ of Nurse Ratchet’s in my adult life. I’ve never been able to get past Jack Nicholson getting past the 2nd set of locking doors before I pull it out of the DVD player. I could not even read past the first book in a series of “Left Behind”; and, do not even want to try (that was before I became a Christian). IF this movie is a ‘series’ then Hollywood has gone to Hell in a freaking turbo-charged fruit basket if they ‘think’ that is entertainment. She was really upset about it. Said that she would have been embarrassed by a lot of it; but, the 'directions' of committing suicide was totally uncalled for.

    NYKAREN – I am not sure I could watch someone else going through my ‘stuff’ and deciding what I should keep or give away or throw away. When I decide … it goes; but, not before. I have a lot of packed up boxes that I have not gone through; but, they will not be thrown out until I go through them. Just have to get DH to take them down from the rafters in my studio (once I get it cleared out). Everybody has been using it as their dumping ground. They don’t want ME to get in there and start throwing out stuff. LOL! There are some days that I really wish I could pick my house up by one corner and everything fall out the back door; then bring back in only the things I ‘know’ I want to keep. I laugh and say that Louis designed each room just so I could not play ‘musical furniture’. I’d move furniture from one room to another when that mood hit me … I now know why I did it; but, still … I miss doing it.

    Karen in Virginia – Olivia looks ‘lovely and amazing’ … you would never guess she spend so much time in the NICU.

  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Busy week starting tomorrow - brunch with son and grandson in morning, then home to finish cleaning the house (must vacuum upstairs and down) volunteer to work bingo for local service club from 5 to 10 pm. Monday is work, Tuesday driving to Winnipeg (8 hours), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday meetings all day, with dinner events each evening. Drive back on Saturday. Will try to faithfully stay on track and at least log all food intake.

    Hugs to everyone. Have a great weekend.

    Paula Y.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1 hr on the rebounder. The plan for tomorrow is to do Cindy Witmarsh's Ultra Fat Burn DVD.

    Denise wrote to me saying that she still wanted my rings. I wrote back that they're family heirlooms, not something you wear on the other hand as an afterthought. She said to me that she would switch them out with her rings, that they wouldn't just sit in a drawer. Well, I'm still hurt that Pete didn't give Denise what she's wanted ever since she could talk. And these aren't something that you wear sometimes and not others. I wouldn't be surprised if Pete's mother would mention how she's not wearing her ring (if I were to give her those rings). No, I'm not going to have that. What's done is done and can't be undone. Plus, even if he never mentions it, I'm sure it would hurt Pete if Denise weren't wearing the ring he bought her. I would never do that to them.

    I did mail the hosts to her so she can show her priest and ask him if I can make them. According to our priest, it has to be made only of wheat flour and water. Yet, tonight at church I looked at the hosts and they were terribly white. Which leads me to think they are made of white wheat flour. Talk about processed! I used 100% whole wheat. Maybe her priest won't be so technical. Now when Vince and I got married, the mother of the priest who married us made a loaf of bread. You can't tell me that was just wheat flour and water!

    Time for some frozen grapes, I feel a hot flash coming on. I swear, when that happens, sometimes I wish I could just crawl into the freezer.

    Made these salsbury patties for dinner this week and some to freeze, then made a "litter box" cake for a friend of mine. Actually, it's a cake and another layer that is crumbled up (to be like the litter), then you take tootsie rolls, microwave them for 10 seconds so they get pliable and form them into "turds". You serve the cake with a litter scoop. She has 3 cats so I think she'll enjoy it. It's served in a litter box

    It looks like it's really nice outside. I'm sad that I haven't and probably won't be able to go out. I should be getting ready for church in a bit. Spent most of the day cooking.

    Mia - hoping for a shorter recovery time for you, too.

    Nancy - your abbreviation is spot on

    barbie - at what speed do you ride your bike while knitting? I rode mine some while listening to an audiobook. I think that's what I'll do some

    Lenora - I know Vince has this "thing" about paying someone to do something he can do himself. But I really wish he'd get to things. We put out the umbrellas today but only because I initiated it. Same thing with pumping up my float. My ceramics are hung up on the pergola because I initiated it being done. Why does he procrastinate? I've been waiting for almost 4 years for him to put up the quarterround in my exercise room. Jessica hit my car (not bad) a few months ago, Vince said he'd fix it, guess what hasn't gotten done?

    Becca - good for you setting up that VCR and fixing the blind. You're amazing

    Karen in VA - I had never heard of a scat mat so I looked it up. Boy, it does look interesting. I would think we should get one, put it in the area where it will be before we have to leave the door open (so that they get used to not going there) then we can do the staining. That's yet another thing Vince needs to get to. And also extending the drain pipes in the front. That man! Sometimes! Olivia sure is one cutie. Her dad better watch out when she grows up!

    There is a 6' table in my exercise room. I think 1/4 of it is exercise-related stuff. The rest is computer stuff and things that Vince needs to get to.

    Michele in NC
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello all! I'm signing in and out early. Another wave of storms are coming thru. The lightning and thunder have been crazy. Staying away from the skylights and windows.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,075 Member
    edited April 2017
    Went to the annual Art in Bloom with a friend today. Had a wonderful time. Just what the doctor ordered.

    The middle one was one of my favorites because we met the florist. She has only done this twice. Once twenty years ago and this year. Both times it was this work of art. The relief portrays a young woman who died at age twenty four. She research and made sure she used flower that would be blooming about the time the young woman died.

    You do have to click on them to see them. I think it is because I tried to post too many of them at once.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Been pushing to get everything done for a couple of weeks, but am beginning to get “even” which is good. I am exhausted though, today at the camp garden there is a boy scout that did his eagle scout project which was to build me an office! I used to just perch in a corner of a big building and now there are walls! But as I needed to be there for most of it, I ended up gardening for 7 hours! I am exhausted. The boy scouts bought me breakfast (chocolate frosted doughnut) Lunch a pesto turkey sandwich, and a snack a huge chocolate chunk cookie and I am not proud but the truth is I ate it all and savored every bite. I looked the cookie up and just the cookie is 440 calories – oh my!

    Back to healthy eating tomorrow…


    Kim from N. California
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2017
    Here it comes. Bad storm. Keeping off my phone in case we lose power.
    Good nite!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – A new one I presume. LOL!!!!! Trey is so dark that they call him “TACO”; one of Jennifer’s friends made a cake to look like a taco. They had a big sombrero for him to wear. Got several things that had ‘taco’ on them … T-shirts, cozies, stuff like that. When he was in HS, he’d have girls come up to him and ask him ‘what are you, black, Hispanic, Indian’? It would make him mad and he scream at them … I’m WHITE!!!! They’d walk off and say, ‘well you don’t look white to us’.

    The hosts at our church are sort of a grayish looking little wafer. The taste like Paper Mache; and, look like it, too. The color of wet, dirty newspaper or newsprint.

    I have wanted quarter round put up above our kitchen cabinets, now that the house has settled. It only been 16 years. Actually, I want my kitchen cabinets painted, velvet white on top and a color on the bottom; but, at this point, the counter needs to be replaced so bad that one day I am going to go in there and the sink is going to be down in the lower cabinet. There is just so much caulk you can put in what is fast becoming a huge gap. After 16 years, and a few ‘loose’ pieces of subflooring squeaking every time we step on it … the floor needs to be replaced. But, for sure, it won’t be by the people who did it the first time. One of our neighbors ‘owned’ the company when we picked the flooring and carpeting out; but, sold the business before it was ready to put down. They put the linoleum down, then they ‘cut’ the carpet ‘on top of it’. So, we’ve had a cut about 15’ long right in front of the refrigerator. Our neighbor’s attitude was, ‘oh well, I don’t own the company any longer. I can’t make them do anything about it. I’m surprised they are still ‘in business’. I won’t buy anything else from them, for sure.
    I’ve been waiting for about 2 months to get my car repaired; because of the 2 storms that came through Albany and the body shop has been backed up ever since. I am supposed to take it in a week from Monday; but, I am going to call and make sure they can finish it without having to rent a car. The first time I got into a wreck, they kept it over 6 weeks! We were really surprised that they did not total it; but, it had to be damaged by a certain %.

    Louis was 35 when we had our first baby; I was 26 (actually lost a pregnancy in my 5th month due to a complication of the pregnancy) two years earlier. So both pregnancies after that were considered ‘high risk’ and I spent a week in the hospital with both of them; but, totally different insofar as the deliveries. I’m a young grandmother (Nana) because my son was only 19 when he and his 17-year-old girlfriend informed us they were expecting a baby. I was NOT happy at the time; but, my sweet, dear oldest granddaughter is my ‘heart’. She just turned 21 last month.
    I am eating more ‘real’ food; but, in a lot smaller portions and not a big sweet eater. I still eat one of my chocolate protein bars at night with my coffee.
    Thanks for the information. BTY, my first name is “Nancy”; but, I am called “Lenora”. Named for both great-grandmother’s (one on Daddy’s side; the other on my Mother’s). I am called by my paternal great-grandmother; my Mother ‘thought’ my grandmamma would be pleased. She wasn’t; she wanted them to name me Tallulah Autamia. I get the Tallulah, that is her name; but, where the Hell, did she come up with Autamia? I would have ‘run away’ if they had. LOL!

    Margaret – I think my MD needs to order something like that for me. I love flowers; but, I don’t think my flower bed would be soft enough to weed. I watered it today; but, within 5 minutes it was dry again. Having to water my plants about 3x a week. If it is this hot now … good grief, I sure hope our A/C is working by August (hottest month of the year).

    Dana – That storm looks awful! So my lightning strikes … something I love … a huge lightning and thunder storm. Our children/grandchildren usually come over, especially is tornado watches/warning are predicted; then I have to try calming my grandchildren down because their mother gets ‘hysterical’. Last time we had a bad storm here, I had gone to sleep. I sleep with a Cpap and did not wake up at all. I would have ‘if we had lost power’! They could not believe I had slept right through it. I got upset because they did NOT wake me up.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Just FYI ladies. When posting a pic, click on the icon that is the little landscape, not the icon that is the camera. Instead of a small picture "tab" you will get a lot of gobbledygook of numbers listed in the body of the posting. For me that is my take on how I don't get just the listings of what the pictures are that everyone has to click on to see, but the actual picture.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    KJ - Joaquin just gets cuter as the days go by.

    NY Karen - That is a gorgeous view!

    Barbie - You are inspiring with all your energy. I'm sure the "chemo caps" will be much appreciated.

    Karen - I am sure your partner appreciated the two lovely dinners and the fact that you did the kitchen clean up. Are you feeling organized now?
    Olivia looks like she knows she has her Daddy wrapped around her finger.

    Paula - Please make sure to carve some time out for yourself in your upcoming busy week.

    Nancy - thanks for sharing with us.

    Margaret - Great photos from Art in Bloom

    -Sharon In Lethbridge, Canada
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello again,
    Lenora, (or Nancy!) how fun that we share the same name!

    Just one more quick note to say that looking back at my post when telling about myself, I realized it sounds all "unicorns and rainbows", like I live a charmed life! I do try to look at the bright side of things, most of the time.

    Right now, things are pretty good in my life, but I am all cleaned up in the picture- usually I run around the house in yoga pants and t-shirts from misc places (screen printed) and Crocs, because I like to be comfortable, and I have had foot problems since age 39. You don't reach this stage of life without some "messiness", and I won't bore you with all the details, but it feels like we have been through a lot of change in the past few years. The biggest was getting through my mom's health decline, all the ups and downs, and her passing 2 years ago now. My father-in-law passed the next month. My brother lived with my mom (in another state) and I was in charge of closing her affairs, and helping him (he is challenged a bit mentally).
    I have had a smorgasbord of health issues over the past 15 years, and again I won't bore you, but it has been a challenge and there are still not concrete answers to explain or fix several things.
    It has been a huge adjustment to have my husband retired and around the house. I do like him and like to spend time together, but I like my quiet time and he likes to talk and share everything,... that said he has also been a big help on some things!

    That is all and hoping sleeping pill overtakes insomnia REAL soon!
    Nancy in Arizona

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Weekly weigh in - up 2 lbs paying for the snacking need that boot on the posterior!! Trying to get in the mood but it's hard at the moment.

    Happy Sunday

    Kate UK