

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    It's been busy since I came back from Nantucket. Had the most awesome time, my face hurt from smiling so much. The weather was sunny, if a bit cool,but quite comfortable. One never knows what weather will blow thru those islands. Enjoyed the Daffodil festivities, parades, beautiful downtown displays, scenery, people, Daffodil competition displays(I had no idea there were so many varieties ), Cisco brewery, shopping, ferry ride,people, food and drink. It was a full day. Random people stopped our group of 6, sporting our Daffodil decorated hats,and asked to take our picture. We certainly were not the only ones similarly decked out, but after the third request I began to feel like a celebrity! Prior to having lost this weight I would have been a spoil sport and have refused to have my picture taken, but not now. Looking at some of the pictures I see that the sweatshirt I am wearing looks big and unflattering. I assumed it was one of my size large sweatshirts until I looked at the tag and saw it was a medium. Every year when I go to The Cape I purchase a sweatshirt, last year I finally fit into a medium, seeing those pictures made me realize I needed a small this year. NSV.

    On my way home on Sunday my son informed me that my daughter-in-law was in the hospital with pneumonia. She had the flu and it had worsened, aggravated by asthma. She was admitted on Saturday morning and finally responded to treatment on Wednesday. She is home now and on the mend. It was a scary week for all of us. Bless his heart that he didn't tell me until I was on my way home, he didn't want to spoil my weekend and there was nothing I could do anyway.

    I think I have turned a corner in managing my social eating and drinking. Although I certainly enjoyed all the food and drink I consumed, I did so more mindfully. I did not have an alcoholic drink at every opportunity, and ate less junk than I normally would have. I gained a couple of pounds which was expected and was back on the program when I returned. My current goal was to get to my lowest weight which was just before Easter ( and the cured meat weight gain) as Heather would say, those pesky pounds. Yesterday I was within .4 lbs. of that goal. My book club meeting was last night which consists of munchies, wine and full on desserts. I ate very carefully yesterday being sure to save a few hundred calories. I drank water instead of wine, had a small piece of the pie and chocolate cake but couldn't resist the candied pecans. I dutifully got on the scale this morning to access the damage and was shocked to discover that I had lost the last of the pesky pounds. Had to get on the scale twice to confirm.Moral of the story...you can still enjoy your favorite foods, just be moderate and mindful. I think that will be my mantra for the summer...moderate and mindful.

    A co worker asked me yesterday for advice on weight loss, she is in my age group and one of few that I work with that is not obese. I gladly shared what works for me. I try not to talk about my weight loss to others because I find it a mine field. Except here of course where I feel safe. The weekend I was away one of my friends whom I don't see very often asked me how I lost the weight. As I was talking, another friend (who has tried but has been unsuccessful in losing weight) came into the room and the expression on her face made me end the discussion. She didn't know I was asked for the advice and I think thought I was "preaching" and or bragging. So I make it a practice to not talk about it unless asked.

    Gotta get to work, on call this weekend and have to get cracking.

    Love and hugs to everyone.

    Chris in MA

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    I did it!!!!

    Good job! Love the bling!
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning!!

    SueBDew Tell your grans to bring plenty of "Off" spray and stay on trails when hiking. Since the heavy rains the woods are so thick of undergrowth. I've learned the hard way!! This coming Thursday we are having a big storm come in. I'll keep you posted!

    I got my new scale. I'm down, and it's neat to see an accurate reading in tenths of lbs too. I won't record till Wed. morning.

    Have a Happy Day!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi all!

    Yesterday's "feast" and wine only took me over my "losing "calories by 70 calories and this morning the scales recorded a slight loss. Very pleased.
    I've been really concentrating on getting the exercise in with my arm so uncomfortable, and have been managing more than my normal 600. Today I did 700 on the recumbent bike and the elliptical. :Do:) Tomorrow I can only do a very short session as I have to catch a train to London so I can sit with my friend through her chemo. I'm looking forward to it, but I hate losing my exercise schedule. Takes me a while to "titivate" before I go out. :laugh:

    My alcohol calendar is working well for me. Yesterday after our delicious wine I really felt the urge for a bourbon, but desisted as I wanted a smiley face sticker, not a frown. This week I have recored 8.5 units of alcohol. My aim is to keep under 14 a week. Tonight I am going to get a gold star for AF. :D For those who don't drink, a small 125 ml glass of wine is 1.5 units. The big glasses you get in most wine bars and restaurants these days are 250 mls and 3 units!!! I often have a 125 ml wine with a lot of soda water. Lasts longer that way. 100 calories.

    I have put extra support on my arm. I normally wear my lymphodema sleeve anyway, but I got out an old, very thick lymphodema sleeve from my drawer and I'm wearing it doubled up on top, with it folded back round the wrist. It is helping a lot. :D

    Going to make Hairy Bikers' Lamb Tagine for tonight. DH is at one day cricket today. At least it is a bit warmer and sunnier than last time. I've had a lovely bath and done my nails. B) Going to finish reading paper and maybe watch a film. Or read. :D

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2017
    Kate UK: White Jeans! How will you manage to stay away from dirt? I'm in awe. :bigsmile:

    Lisa: I'm happy to hear your son is at home. I hope it will be a happy place for him and will allow him to have a big helping of peace and comfort. :star:

    Chris in MA: I don't offer advice about weight loss unless someone asks. Then I tell people I count calories and found this great website, MFP. Most of my old friends are used to the new me, and new people assume I've always been like this, so it doesn't come up often anymore. It was talked about a lot and I had lots of questions a couple of years ago when I was just getting close to goal. The worst was, "Will you talk to my wife?" The answer was, "Only if she asks me." :flowerforyou:

    Jagbug: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :smiley:

    Lillian: So good to see you! :bigsmile:

    We have a sunshiney morning! Yay! I was thinking about going for a drive but DH said he'd like to go down to the sailboat and get the winter heaters off of it. He hasn't been on the docks at all in months, let alone a boat, and I'm crossing my fingers and toes that he won't get seasick when we go down the ramp and are actually floating. Wish us luck. Sailing has been a joy to us for years until DH started getting motion sick a couple of years ago. I've been hoping and wishing that the cataract surgery would solve the problem. Now we will find out whether there is any improvement. I'm praying for an end to seasickness for DH and have been for two or three years. Wish us luck.

    Katla the hopeful in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • janeholland2008
    janeholland2008 Posts: 22 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Jane, I hope the pain is better and you were able to resist the food crutch.

    Jane, her hair did come out great. She is a beautiful girl with beautiful hair. The main thing is that she liked it.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Thank you, DJ. I did resist the munchies and that is a major NSV for me. I kept thinking about the 30 odd lbs that I have lost and how the pain would be so much worse with that added weight! Then had the pleasure of jumping on Wii fit last night to be a further 6lbs down - I am so chuffed! I was hoping that after the heparin injections, my knee would start to feel better, but it's not yet and the tramadol makes me so sleepy. I have been getting a little more exercise with the help of a crutch and fingers crossed it won't be too long before I am walking normally!!

    Thank you again for your kind words about little miss's hair. She is currently putting it through a coconut oil heat therapy. I remember a time when I would spend hours treating my curly hair, now it gets washed and combed maybe Coloured occasionally. Although it does make me smile when I see her finally enjoying her luscious locks!

    Have a good Sunday

    Kent, UK

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Sunday! :)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member