50+ Women



  • Happy February Ladies!!!:happy:

    ...well, yesterday was the day I was going to weigh and measure myself, but I got sidetracked, then was going to do it today and again got sidetracked...and, quite frankly, I'm not looking forward to doing either as I'm certain that my closet is shrinking my clothes :noway: ...I'm not ready to give up, but feel that if I see a gain in either pounds or inches, I will....

    ....it has to be the age thing, I walked 85 miles last month....plus doing weights and abs a minimum of 3 days/week....do I need to change things up a bit???? any suggestions would be most welcome....

    ...hang in there Kathy & Zaza....:flowerforyou:
    ...Betty, you can count your "closet find" as a non-scale victory...:drinker:

    ...maybe I just need to spend more time on this thread so I can learn y'alls secrets....:drinker:

    ...will check back in tomorrow....:flowerforyou:
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you "doglvr_75" for inviting me to join your thread of 50+Women. I am 58, live in Sunny Florida and love it! Orginally from Indiana.

    I, too, get so frustrated at times. I'm going to keep pushing play though because the older I get, the more I gain around the middle! It's the hips and thighs I have the most trouble with.

    Looking forward to meeting some very intereting people and I do enjoy all the message threads.....
  • You're most welcome Floridagranny...:flowerforyou:

    ...hope you don't mind me asking, but is that you in the picture with the little cutie???? If it is, you look amazing....actually, we're all a pretty good looking bunch of mature ladies...:drinker:

  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    Yep, that's me! But what you can't see are those thighs!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    That's my grand daughter........ I have secretly become very attached to her!
  • hello out there. i'm new to this sight hope to make many friends on my jounery to get rid of the extra pounds i've gained. i'm from the state of iowa i know it's so cold. but hasn't been to bad the last few days. i walk with leslie sansone dvd's ,plus i love to walk out side. i 'm working on 4 miles 5 days a week and 3 days of totalbody toning. so far so 'so.i was sick with the flu 17-19 of jan. i'm on my way again.i need to lose about 20 pounds.by april i would like to drop 10 of those pounds. my oldest son is getting married on the 4th.hope to hear from you all.cappie
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    hello out there. i'm new to this sight hope to make many friends on my jounery to get rid of the extra pounds i've gained. i'm from the state of iowa i know it's so cold. but hasn't been to bad the last few days. i walk with leslie sansone dvd's ,plus i love to walk out side. i 'm working on 4 miles 5 days a week and 3 days of totalbody toning. so far so 'so.i was sick with the flu 17-19 of jan. i'm on my way again.i need to lose about 20 pounds.by april i would like to drop 10 of those pounds. my oldest son is getting married on the 4th.hope to hear from you all.cappie

    Welcome cappie:flowerforyou:

    This truly is a wonderful site and has been so incredibly helpful to me. There is lots of information, . motivation and inspiration. Everyone is so helpful and friendly. You, I am sure will be successful. Remember you are worth it:heart: I hope you enjoy it to the fullest:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I also have a son getting married in April...also good motivation to look our best right?

    Cheers to you:drinker:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Congratulations to the new mothers-in-law to be! Hope you reach your goals before the big day.

    I'm feeling and looking my age. Still can't get myself turned around. I lost my pre-Thanksgiving momentum and haven't gotten it back.

    Great work ladies on all your exercise and eating discipline. Obviously it can be done.
    Have a great day all.
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    ZAZA, yesterday I was like that....... needed to pick myself back up! Went to the closest and tried on a few clothes plus a bathing suit I want to wear on vacation the end of this month. Got me right back on track! Plus, I received a few encouraging emails from new friends here on this site!

    You can do it! Keep pushing play............. :glasses:
  • A bathing suit - wow you are brave! But there's a great motivator: VACATION!! (oh, and the bathing suit)

    Also the weddings are certainly motivators - congrats everyone!

    I am also getting married this October... both S2B and myself are trying to get healthy for the big day. At the rate we're going - it will take 10 months to lose these 13 lbs!! But the thought of looking like a sausage stuffed into a satin and pearl casing gives me the horrors :laugh:

    He bought me an MP3 player and (once I figure out how to use it) will make it my 'exercise buddy' for those days where nothing helps. We'll see how it goes... this board has also been such a great source of inspiration and motivation. Thanks everyone!

    Have a great day!
  • Good morning ladies!!!

    ...well, I did it...got the scale & tape measure out, and....scale says I gained 3 pounds, :grumble: but, on the bright side :smile: , I lost 5.5 inches....haven't quite figured out what the deal is yet, but I'll keep plugging along:smile: ..... think I'll be checking with my friend, google, today :glasses: to try and figure out the mystery of muscle vs fat....I also think I'll up my reps with the weights & crunches....chug some water :drinker: , and hit the dreadmill.....

    ....have a great day everyone!!!!
  • ...I'm back....did some research :glasses: and found out the following....while a pound is a pound whether fat or muscle, fat takes up 4 times more space than muscle...and ideal body fat % for females is 15 - 25%....

    ...anyway, just an fyi for y'all....

  • ...good evening...just making myself accountable today...not being a "thread hog" :noway:

    ...anyway walked 5.37 miles...(80 minutes)...and did 30 minutes of strength training...weights & crunches....took 110 minutes to burn 502 cals.....:grumble:

    ...tomorrow I'll just walk for 90 minutes and will probably burn more than 500....

    ..there...I put it in "writing" and hopefully I'll stick to it.....

    Hope everyone had a good day....

  • you go girl!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    i'm so NOT competitive but i'm thinking if you are burning all those calories, i can at least wheedle away 350... and actually went to the gym again today!! 3 days in a row - woo hoo!!

    there's a new thread with a fantastic picture that shows the difference in size between 5 lbs. of fat and 5 lbs. of muscle. a well-known fact, but SEEING it was a revelation for me....and since the scale has NOT budged this week... it helped me find a new perspective on this whole endeavor: Inches are the New Pounds. Let's see how this works!

    not sure how to put a link here but if anyone cares to view the post:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    you go girl!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    i'm so NOT competitive but i'm thinking if you are burning all those calories, i can at least wheedle away 350... and actually went to the gym again today!! 3 days in a row - woo hoo!!

    there's a new thread with a fantastic picture that shows the difference in size between 5 lbs. of fat and 5 lbs. of muscle. a well-known fact, but SEEING it was a revelation for me....and since the scale has NOT budged this week... it helped me find a new perspective on this whole endeavor: Inches are the New Pounds. Let's see how this works!

    not sure how to put a link here but if anyone cares to view the post:


    Thanks for reposting this info...otherwise I would have missed it....very, very interesting and sure puts things into prospective.

    Also thanks christpchef1 on the congratulations about my son's wedding. Something to look forward to after the winter:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good for you getting to the gym 3 days in a row---you are on a roll girl....keep up the good work:flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I FINALLY got to the gym today. It felt really good. I burned 525 calories. I hope to go again tomorrow.

    I can't believe how hard it was for me to get going again. Boy, thank God for this site. I don't think I would ever have started again with out it.

    Hope you all have a great week-end.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good job Kathy! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work and have a great weekend.

  • IHi everybody! I'm so glad to find other people my age on this site. This was my second day and i did alot better today that yesterday! Yesterday at work I was starving, even after eating snacks it was awful! Someone on here said it was because of the sugar I was eating, it was making me hungry. So I didn't eat the canned pineapple chunks with cottage cheese today , I ate an apple and it seemed to work! I never really noticed how long it takes to burn just a few calories! I never thought about it before, but when I recorded my walk and found out how little calories i burned I was amazed! Time to step up the activity!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    IHi everybody! I'm so glad to find other people my age on this site. This was my second day and i did alot better today that yesterday! Yesterday at work I was starving, even after eating snacks it was awful! Someone on here said it was because of the sugar I was eating, it was making me hungry. So I didn't eat the canned pineapple chunks with cottage cheese today , I ate an apple and it seemed to work! I never really noticed how long it takes to burn just a few calories! I never thought about it before, but when I recorded my walk and found out how little calories i burned I was amazed! Time to step up the activity!!

    I looked at your profile and it says you're an 18 year old female. :huh: I'm easily confused. Anyway welcome. I know what you mean about the calories. I'll be doing some type of exercise and look at my hrm watch and think "that's all I've burned so far!". :laugh: Good luck to you.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thanks Betty,

    I glad I'm back. It was a long hard road. I just knew if I wanted to eat I would have to step up my exercise.

    love this site.

    Kathy:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    I would like to join, could someone help me get a ticker? For the life of me I can not fiigure it out..
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