

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    hip a bit better:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.34min. 15.3amph, 135mhr, 2.9mi = 107c
    apple watch- 106c
    Ski Machine- 30min, 3-5incl, 15-20resist, 1.52mi = 53c, no....
    apple watch- 169c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.04min, 14amph, 124mhr, 1.4mi = 55c
    apple watch- 40c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 14.10min, 12.7amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi = 140c
    apple watch- 113c
    jog station 2 wk, bad hip- 5.29min, 10.43min mi., .5mi = 70c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.35min, 9.57min mi, 161mhr, .4mi = 59c
    apple watch- 53c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 16.58min, 9.2amph, 154mhr, 2.6mi = 180c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 780
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Lenora ... Pip fusses about the WIND on a regular basis ... I was teasing her when I saw she had typed it in her stats ...

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Just click on the bridge pic and see the video going across!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Lenora ... Pip fusses about the WIND on a regular basis ... I was teasing her when I saw she had typed it in her stats ...


    I knew u were teasing. no harm of offense taken
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Became, enjoyed my trip to Washington! That is quite the bridge, and quite long. The construction reminds me of the Twin Bridges that go from Indiana to Kentucky, or back, whichever way you are going on US 41. It seems like they are always doing something.

    I also enjoy the technology that brings my grand kids to me. They are taking a vacation in the Florida Keys right now and I have gotten videos and lots of pictures. That bridge is some thing else to!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- thanks for the information! I'll have to give it a try. I'm mostly trying to ignore it.

    Kelly - keep those precious baby pictures coming!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Became, enjoyed my trip to Washington! That is quite the bridge, and quite long. The construction reminds me of the Twin Bridges that go from Indiana to Kentucky, or back, whichever way you are going on US 41. It seems like they are always doing something.

    I also enjoy the technology that brings my grand kids to me. They are taking a vacation in the Florida Keys right now and I have gotten videos and lots of pictures. That bridge is some thing else to!

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce, they are always painting it, and checking it from one side to the other! I have YET to drive across it!
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Having spent a lot of time in hospitals when I was young because of a congenital kidney problem, I have avoided doctors like the plague. It is ironic that I now find myself seeing a naturopathe and an osteopathe for my chronic tendonitis and an opthalmologist for the eye pressure. I talked with my naturopathe about the eye pressure yesterday and he gave me several suggestions for supplements in additions to the ones I found through my own research. I now rattle as I walk! He also suggested that we try bioresonance treatment (electromagnetic waves), so I am going to do that between now and my next opthalmologue appointment to see if the numbers won't start down without me having to do the lifetime drops.

    Welcome alexxstarne and J9LynnHelton! This is a great place to find motivation and support!

    Joaquin is still cute as a button!

    Cheri: Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Becca: Hope the move to your son's place will work out!

    Sharon: Love the Halloween photos!

    Dana from Iowa: Congratulations on dropping the 29 pounds!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

    Leigh in France!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited June 2017
    Sharon - Great outfits. :D Your grandchildren are so terrific! I'm sure you know you are blessed in that department. <3 The recycling is pretty good too! :laugh:
    I LOVE those cushions, but I'm talking myself out of buying them. They really are ridiculously expensive. I wouldn't dare tell DH, so I'd have to buy them with my own money. He can't see the point of cushions. :| Our walls are grey, paintwork white, rug grey, sofa cream, two other sofas blue. Oak flooring. I wanted a spike of pink to counter all the blue. I often buy pink flowers for the room. I have looked everywhere for that colourway, but have had no luck. I don't really like flowers or pictures on the cushions - I'm more abstract. Those are perfect. :'(

    DH just gone off to cricket again. I love that he meets his friend there as they get on so well, despite the fact that they are different politically. His friend is a nice man. DH does have some lovely old friends, but none of them leave anywhere near. One lives in Colombia! When I met him his best friend was a young woman colleague. They worried that I might be jealous, but I thought it was fabulous! His Colombian friend is also much younger. We only get to see him and his family maybe once a year, when they come to visit his parents, but it's as if they have never been away we get on so well. Many times we have talked of going to Bogota to visit, but we haven't actually managed it yet. I would go tomorrow!
    I feel for those of you with husbands who are getting more withdrawn from the world. I can even see that trait in my DH. We all get set in our ways as we get older, but some of us are fighting it. :bigsmile: I have inherited my mother's restless temperament.

    Going to do my memoir today. o:) Making rabbit stew. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    morning ladies~ up and dressed , and waiting for Tom to get up so I can make tea.. and open the window to feed the birds as the window makes alot of noise opening it up.. as soon as I get home I will be helping mow the lawn and do some cleaning.. my room is a mess and I have to really go to town and straighten it up..Hope everyone enjoys there weekend..
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies!

    I intended to sleep late this morning instead of my usual 4:30 rising but my body clock would not cooperate. What a wonderful I’m having catching up on your posts.

    Penny: Thank you for explaining float therapy. That sounds wonderful. I’m not too sure about the covered lid though. I think I would enjoy a nice blue sky. The pictures are wonderful and made me ready for a hike today.

    Barbie: I decided just a little while ago that I would start off eliminating creamer and half my sugar from my morning cups of coffee. I want to get my daily calorie intake down. Last night I decided that I really really needed to cut my martini consumption way down too. I was amazed at the number of alcohol calories could pile up on a Friday night.

    Lanette: I love HALT! I may not remember exactly what each letter stands for but it will make me stop and consider the reason I am eating when I shouldn’t be and take alternative courses of action. THANKS!

    Heather: I bought pears just yesterday to bake for desserts. We are moving more towards our version of clean eating – reducing flour, sugar, processed foods – and loving it. I love the cushion.

    Allie: I’ve been gone for a while and don’t know what’s going on but do want you to know I’m still sending you hugs and comforting prayers. <3

    My goals for June 2017:
    1) Be conscious of what I am putting in my mouth and use HALT.
    2) Increase dog walking time to at least three walks per week at least a mile long.
    3) Maintain water consumption at a minimum of 8 glasses per day.

    Tere in RVA

  • brusciamanda
    brusciamanda Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! My goal for june 2017 is starting keto diet again. I want also keep going with
    - 30 min work out
    - center myself several times per day.
    I wish good luck to all of us <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    tere I will say that I feel better 2 weeks after eliminating processed foods, white flour, sugar etc from my daily food intake. I chose this path because of a rash that seemed to indicate a gluten intolerance. Well the inflammation in my joints, especially my wrists, seems to be cleared up! Bonus for me. The rash isnt getting worse, not much better though, gonna try that hairdryer!! :p

    Well the busiest 5 weeks behind me, one difficult work week ahead, hooray. I am facing 4 "little concerts" with young beginners-really adorable concerts and one biggie-my colleague is retiring and we are sending her off with a big goodbye concert Friday nite-I'm a little stressed about it. There will be at least 3 social gatherings coming up and I have to deliver retirement speeches at 2 of them-you will hear me whining about them later on-I'll save my complaints for later!!!

    As for today, I'm checking in for motivating talk as well as doling some out--sticking with this self care, not punishing myself with poor eating behaviors is key to staying the course-bumpy though it may be-so HALT before you go overboard and just get up and move when you feel like plunking yourself down with a big bowl of something!!

    Rori hope your trip to my neck of the woods is a good one. Will catch up on the next trip!

    Happy Saturday. NYKAREN